The Life of a sub boy, : A New Year's Weekend in Palm Springs


Published on Jan 31, 2020



My Sir DomTopMW tasked me to pen a recap of my weekend with Him, and as a result, i've written the following piece of smutty non-fiction. Enjoy!

On the first weekend of the new year, i found myself once again sitting in traffic, my boydick twitching in my skinny jeans. It was Friday, i had just finished work, and now i was driving out from Los Angeles to Palm Springs for the weekend. i'd become accustomed to taking this sort of weekend trip every few weeks or so -- the promise of an idyllic weekend with Sir awaiting me at my destination -- yet that is not at all to say it had become routine. On the contrary, a weekend with Sir had consistently proven to be a blissful respite to the mundanity of weekdays spent at a passionless job, an invigorating indulgence of my submissive desires, and a rapturous re-experience of being under the control of the skilled, sexy dominant man that is Sir.

Aside from a rest stop to use an enema to ensure my ass was clean for Sir, it was a straight shot to Palm Springs, arriving at the hotel at around 7:45 pm. i got out my car, grabbed my backpack and water bottle from the backseat, then grabbed the ticket from the valet. As i entered the hotel, i texted Sir to let Him know that i'd arrived. A moment later, He replied with the room number. As i took the elevator to the second floor and walked down a long stretch of hallway to the room, i could feel my hard boydick leaking all over my jockstrap.

Finally arriving at the door, i knocked. A moment later, the door opened, and there was Sir standing on the other side, greeting me with a warm smile. Just seeing Sir in the flesh after weeks without Him always fills me with such pleasure. Everything about Sir exudes this dominance and virility -- a stocky man with a clean-shaven head, salt-and-pepper beard, piercing gaze, and disarming grin -- that instantly makes me feel at home. He welcomes me inside and i enter.

As i set my things down, He closes the door behind me. He tells me to take off my clothes, and i promptly do so. As i remove my clothes, i show off my hairless ass, chest, and boydick (having waxed and shaved those areas of my body in the days prior since i know that is what Sir prefers). When i'm down to my jockstrap, He tells me to keep them on, and so i do. i then kneel, clasp my hands behind my back, and bow my head. i hear the sound of clinking metal behind me and my boydick instantly pulsates in anticipation. i feel Sir approach behind then feel the familiar cold of a metal chain on the back of my neck. He reaches around my neck and clicks a tiny lock shut around the ends of the chain. As soon as i hear that lock click, i exhale, all the tension and stress of everyday life fading away, as i once again resume my place as Sir's collared sub boy. Knowing His effect on me, Sir presses His nude form against my kneeling presence from behind, running His hands over my shoulders and through my hair. i breathe deeply, lost in His touch, until suddenly He has me stand. He turns me around and pulls me into a kiss. I open my mouth and receive His tongue, His beard rubbing against my clean-shaven face, His lips enveloping my lips. His tongue skillfully probes my throat, coating my tongue with His saliva as i revel in the taste of His kiss.

Finally pulling back, Sir walks over to the bed, lies on his back, then motions me to His cock. i promptly climb the bed and place my lips on His belly, peppering Him with kisses as my lips move down to His cock. As i wrap my lips around His semi-hard cock and inhale His manly scent, i let out the most satisfied muffled moan a sub boy could make. Sir groans in approval, placing His hands behind His head to relax, signaling His cocksucker to get to work. Eager to please, i wrap my lips around His cock with just the right tightness and begin to felate Him, careful to cover my teeth and mindful of running my tongue all over His cock as i suck Him, tasting His delicious precum. After some enraptured cocksucking, Sir tells me to focus my attention on His balls. With a wet slurping sound, my mouth pulls off His cock, and i start to run my tongue all over His balls. As i inhale His musky ball scent, it heightens my fervor, and i begin to more vigorously lick and suck on His balls. He groans in pleasure. i notice His cock grow harder. The harder it grows, the more irresistible it becomes, until i just have to take His perfect fat cock in my cocksucker mouth. i slip His cock back into my mouth and go to town. In and out, in and out, i drive my mouth all the way down, high off the taste and scent, lost in a cocksucker haze.

Finally, Sir stands from the bed. He has me kneel on the bed -- on my elbows, ass up -- and walks up behind me and kneads my ass with His hands. i then feel His beard rub against my ass, and moments later, His lips begin to kiss it all over as i groan in pleasure.

At a certain point, His teeth press into my ass, biting it. Now, although i'm no stranger to Sir's sadistic tendencies, when they manifest in play, it does admittedly sometimes put me in a bit of a panic and momentarily take me out of my subspace. You see, i personally find no pleasure in pain and don't have the highest tolerance for it, so when pain is inflicted on me by Sir, even though i always try my best to grit and bear it, it can illicit a strong reaction from me. However, i am always willing to endure it, no matter how much pain i feel, in order to earn His pleasure. So I grit and bear it, whimpering as Sir sinks His teeth in my ass.

After what's most likely just a moment, He stops and moves His mouth over to my boyhole. As soon as i feel His tongue run up and down my hole, i let out a loud moan. Sir really knows how to tongue fuck a boy's hole, and i knew i was in for a taste of nirvana. His tongue vigorously laps at my hole, up and down, before slipping inside and darting in and out of my boyhole. i'm absolutely loving it and vocally make it known. In between His tonguing, He inserts a big finger or two into my hole, eliciting louder moans from me. Sir gradually picks up the pace, tongue fucking my hole as i get more and more heated, reaching a point where i didn't even need to beg for His cock; rather, my moaning and ass in the air were doing all the talking.
Sir's mouth pulls away from my hole. He tells me to lie on my back. i promptly flip over, resting my head against the pillows. Sir then lifts my legs, presses His cockhead against my hole, and slowly pushes inside. Even though i use my fingers in the days prior to my weekend visits with Sir to make sure i'm ready to take Sir's girth (i avoid using dildo so that my hole can be as tight as it can be for Sir's pleasure), i always still find myself wriggling with discomfort as i adjust to His thick size. My brow furrows and face twists as i get re-accustomed to His cock. After a moment, he slowly starts to drive His cock in and out me. And after a few thrusts, my discomfort starts to melts away, gradually replaced by the euphoria of getting fucked by Sir. The feeling of His cock hitting my prostate just right every time, the sound of His balls rhythmically slapping against my ass, His piercing eyes boring into me lustfully as He reestablishes His ownership of my ass, it's all incredible. Moaning with pleasure, Sir remarks how good my tight hole feels as He starts fucking me harder. In and out, his thick cock fucks me, pounding me as i just lay there, gazing up at Him, mouth agape. He starts to grin as He keeps fucking me hard. i smile back at Him as i continue moaning. He fucks me harder and harder and harder until He yells "Fuck!" and His cum erupts inside me. As I feel His cock pulse inside, i tighten my hole around it, reveling in the sensation, this connection between His primary sex organ and what has now become my primary sex organ -- my ass -- with His tutelage. He leans in and kisses me as His cum keeps pumping inside me. This moment is admittedly my favorite part, feeling Sir inside me in two different ways: His cock in my ass filling me with His cum, and His tongue in my mouth probing me. It is in those moments that i feel so utterly His.

After a few minutes, Sir finally pulls out of me. He goes to the bathroom, grabs a towel, and graciously wipes my hole. As He does this, He remarks that i seemed to be pretty sensitive to His biting during our play, given that i've withstood some painful electro play during previous weekends with Him. i remark that i suppose i'm just more sensitive to biting. "Oh really?" Sir says, as he leans down to where He bit my ass and sinks His teeth into that same exact spot. i wince and squirm, my face twisting in pain, muffled cries emanating from my mouth, as He bites that same area of my ass over and over again. When He's finally done, He lifts His lips away, satisfied with the mark He made that would certainly remain on my ass for the next few days. i recall not particularly caring for this in the moment, but i do admittedly find some pleasure in retrospect at the thought of Sir marking His property.

We then get dressed. Neither of us having eaten dinner yet, we go out to grab a bite to eat. There, we have a chance to chat, catching each other up on our lives. It is a welcome opportunity to dabble in some pleasant and intelligent conversation. It is also these moments with Sir in public that helps further reaffirm to me that Sir is indeed a perfectly stable guy -- one who can be friendly and witty and good, in addition to very sexy -- and that i'm lucky to have met Him. After dinner, we start heading over to the gay bars, when Sir asks me if i'd want to stop in the room to take some of the edibles i brought before going out. i tell Him that i'd like that, so we return to the room, i take some of an edible, and then we head out.

Our first stop is Quadz: a bar whose appeal is their loop of classic gay-favorite musical numbers playing on screens all over the bar. Sir gets us drinks at the bar. We then find some seats and sip at our drinks as we watch a few numbers on a nearby TV: from Hello Dolly to Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. Once we finish those drinks, we move on to the Eagle: a leather bar with Tom of Finland art adorning the walls and a go-go boy putting on a show in the corner. Sir orders another round of drinks. We sit at the bar and chat some more, taking in the scene and sipping at our drinks. Once we finished those drinks, we walk back to the hotel. By now, i was starting to really feel the edible kicking in. However, we both seemed to be pretty tired by the time we got back in the room, so it's no surprise that we drifted off to sleep quite soon after getting undressed (still collared though, of course) and climbing into bed.

i remember awaking at some point in the night, still high. And when i'm high, i am quite the cocklusting sub boy. i turn my head and notice that Sir too was awake and that He was holding a hardening cock in His hand. i stare into His eyes, and He smiles back at me. As if He willed it in me through hypnosis, i crawl over, wrap my lips around His cock, and take His cock all the way down my throat. my mouth must've been salivating profusely since i distinctly remember how quickly His cock was slickening as i eagerly took it deep down my throat. After a minute of sucking Him, Sir had me rearrange myself in a 69 position so that he could have access to my ass while i continued sucking His fat cock. i was moaning as i rhythmically bobbed my mouth up and down, His cock getting slicker and slicker with my spit, all the while His tongue fucks my boyhole, coating it with His spit.

Finally, He tells me to stop sucking and sit on it. i immediately pull my lips off His cock, strands of spit connecting my lips to the head of His cock as i position myself into a squatting position facing him. i direct His slick erect cock to the entrance of my hole, then slowly squat down, moaning as the head of His cock opens my ass and His cock slides in, filling my boyhole up so perfectly once again. i squat up and sit back down, impaling myself on Sir's cock deeper and deeper with each squat, my boydick rock hard as i ride Sir's dick in ecstasy.

Sir suddenly sits up, His cock still balls deep inside me as He repositions us so that i'm lying on my back now. He starts thrusting into me. As much i love riding His cock, there is no question that taking Sir's cock in my ass is at its best when He's in control of the fucking. i'm sure i'm moaning louder than ever now. As He starts fucking harder, He grabs my boydick and starts stroking it with a smirk. For the past 6 months, Sir has consistently only given me permission to cum when His cock is fucking my mouth or ass, training me to only find pleasure in serving His cock, and i've loved every second of it. So as Sir starts fucking me harder and faster and starts stroking my boydick faster, i yearn for the release. The fact that it had been weeks since i last came (when i last served Him) combined with the thought of cumming as a means of furthering my submission to Him was bringing me very close to cumming very fast. i immediately ask for His permission to cum and He grants it. As He gets closer, He becomes more animal, pounding my boyhole harder and harder, His cock putting me in such a lustful state after just a few more strokes, i moan and my boydick shoots a huge rope of cum across my chest, shooting over and over again as a pile of cum pools on my hairless chest. Simultaneously, Sir cums deep inside my ass, grinning as He fucks another load of His cum into my ass, making me His, gratified by how much i clearly get off on getting fucked by Him. He remains inside me as His cum keeps on pumping into me until finally He pulls out. He gets a towel from the bathroom and kindly wipes me up.

Upon realizing to our amusement that we did all this at 5:30 in the morning, we got back into bed and fell back to sleep.

A few hours later, Sir and i had a delicious breakfast at a quaint French cafe across the street from the hotel. The weekend we chose to visit Palm Springs also happened to be the same weekend as the Palm Springs International Film Festival, so amidst our chat of various topics at breakfast, we discussed the possibility of seeing a movie at the festival. Upon returning to the hotel, i did some research and we settled on a film that seemed to pique both our interests. After getting tickets, we decide to kill some time relaxing, cuddling in bed while watching part of a silly movie on Netflix. After a certain point, to ensure we have enough time to grab dinner before the film, we turn off the TV, get dressed, and leave the room.

Before heading to dinner though, Sir had something else in mind. We drove to a store -- fittingly named GayMartUSA -- and Sir told me that He would like to buy me two pieces of underwear as a gift for me for the holidays, which once again reaffirmed how grateful i am to serve a caring dominant man like Him. We browsed through a few different styles, but i ultimately settled on a red-and-blue jockstrap and a light blue g-string. We then grabbed some dinner, after which we headed to the movie. The movie was called Dogs Don't Wear Pants, and it ended up being about a man seeking the services of a dominatrix to deal with the grief of his wife's death. While it was a film about BDSM, it had very little overlap with the style of kink that Sir and i partook in so it didn't really serve to give us any ideas, but it at least made for some interesting conversation at a nearby gay bar as we nursed our go-to drinks and tried to dissect what the film meant.

Upon returning to the hotel, i take an edible, and then we decide to mindlessly watch something on Netflix. By the time we were done with Netflix, i'm in quite the high, frisky state, so as soon as i see Sir's cock hardening, i look to Sir's eyes for approval then have my lips engulfed around it in an instant. And just like that, i'm back in cocksucker heaven, taking Sir's beautiful, tasty cock down my throat. At a certain point, i get bolder and start trying to go as deep as i can go, deep throating Him. Sir groans in approval, placing His hand on the back of my head, ensuring that my cockslut mouth goes as deep as He wants it to go every time i go down.

After a few minutes of this, He sits up and positions me so that i'm on my back with my head hanging on the edge of the bed. He climbs off the bed, angles my head down, and slips His cock into my eager mouth, pushing all the way deep down my throat, staying like that for a few seconds, then pulling back out. He begins to do this over and over again, each time keeping His cock down my throat for longer and longer periods of time. i struggled to handle His deep throat training as best as i could but at a certain point, i find myself unable to breathe, slightly panicking as i squirm my way off His cock to gasp for air.

Moments later, Sir decides to pull out, His cock coated in my spit. He repositions me on the bed so that i'm lying on my back with my head on the pillows, then lifts my legs up and slides His cock all the way in. Once again, my boyhole was full of His perfect cock. He starts fucking me hard and i'm loving it. His manly grunts complementing my boyish moans. His thick man cock fucking my boyhole while my boydick just wiggles with each thrust, a large wet spot of precum pooling near my navel. The thought of my rock hard boydick just there, it's only function being an indicator to Sir of just how much i love my place as His cockslut sub boy, all the while Sir's superior, thicker cock fucks my boyhole -- cementing in my mind that my primary pleasure unquestionably now comes from Sir's cock fucking me as opposed to my own boydick -- it's only so much a cocklusting sub boy can handle. i ask Sir if i can have His permission to cum, and He graciously allows it. Within a few strokes of my boydick and some hard pounding of my boyhole, cum starts spurting out my piss slit, once again streaking across my hairless, boyish chest. Sir growls as He cums inside me once again. As always, He stays inside me to make sure my ass gets all the cum He can give and leans in, passionately kissing me. His cock remains hard in my ass for quite some time as i take His tongue before it gradually starts to soften and He finally pulls out. Sir then cleans me up with a towel. Since he was particularly aggressive with the throat fucking, He asks if i'm okay. i recall wryly replying that i'm sure i'd be fine in the morning, since my throat was admittedly a bit sore after His deep dicking. Did i regret it though? Absolutely not. We then took a quick shower and went to sleep.

The next morning, we awoke at around 9 am. We had some hotel room coffee and made some conversation. Knowing we had to check out by 11 am, i think we both tacitly come to the same conclusion as Sir's cock and my boydick start to harden once again. We quickly pack our things and then get back into bed. i immediately place my lips at His cockhead and proceed to slurp my way down, eliciting a gratifying "Fuck" from Sir. For the next ten minutes, i give Sir a nice long wet blowjob as He gazes down at me with a smile. Even just His stare makes me feel so utterly owned by Him. Even with just a stare, He can make me feel so much pleasure.

Eventually, He pulls out and has me place my head on the edge of the bed. He climbs off the bed and positions Himself such that i have a perfect view of His erect cock, big hanging balls, and hairy ass and taint right above me. His balls being closest to my mouth, i immediately bring my lips to them and start lapping at them with fervor, deeply inhaling His intoxicating scent, tasting His cum-filled balls. After getting a good taste of His balls, i bring my tongue over to His delicious taint and start lapping at it and inhaling it like the good hungry slut boy i am. After a minute or two of my tongue worship, Sir eventually pulls back and thrusts His cock down my throat, fucking it as He reaches over and starts stroking my boydick. Muffled moans of pleasure escape my lips. i know Sir wants me to cum once more while taking His cock, further rewiring my brain to associate my pleasure with His scent, His cock, His cum. i slip His cock out of my mouth for a moment to ask for His permission to cum, He grants it, and i immediately slip His cock back inside and go to town, sucking with incredible vigor. We get closer and closer and closer until i finally moan, spurting the last of the cum left in my boy balls, ensuring that all the cum drained from them was done while taking Sir's cock, and it feels so good. Moments later, Sir pulls out of my mouth, gives His cock a few strokes, then groans in pleasure as His cock shoots cum all over my lips, chin, neck, and chest. i ravenously slurp up all the cum my tongue can get to, savoring its delicious salty taste as i slurp and swallow like a good little cumslut. After a minute, Sir pulls out of my cocksucker mouth, walks over to the bathroom, and throws me a towel. He allows me to shower, He takes off my metal chain collar, and then we grab our things and leave the hotel.

Before heading off to our respective cities though, we make sure to grab breakfast at that delicious French cafe once again. Once we finish there, Sir decides to check out a few stores, wanting to get an idea of a collar He could get for me to wear in my day-to-day as a constant reminder of His ownership of me while also being discrete (particularly, we were thinking a thinner metal chain necklace would work). We browse a few shops and get a pretty good idea of some good collar options. We then return back to the hotel, get our cars from the valet, then embrace goodbye before getting into our vehicles and driving off.

All in all, i think it's safe to say that i experienced yet another incredible weekend with Sir and that i very much look forward to the next one.

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