The Life Coach

By Mat W

Published on Apr 2, 2015


At the age of 35 I felt like I had hit a bit of a wall. A long term relationship had ended a couple of years ago, and I hadn't really dated since. I had risen very quickly through the ranks at work until I hit 30, and then had got stuck. I was lucky enough to have my own flat that didn't have a mortgage as a great-aunt had left it to me when I was 25, but it need decorating and some work doing on it and I just couldn't stir myself to get it done. Similarly, whilst I wasn't a fat slob by any means, too many beers after work with my mates and curries and only a cursory acquaintance with the gym meant that I was carrying a few extra pounds and a bit of a tum!

I simply felt like I was on a bit of a hamster wheel and couldn't get off. Work had paid for me to have some coaching, which had been quite good, but I felt that I had only really been getting into the swing of it when the 6 sessions came to an end.

Anyway, I felt unfulfilled and a bit gloomy.

As so often seems to happen, I was sitting at home one Sunday evening, watching crap on the telly and lazily flicking through Gaydar. And then my eye was caught by a profile title - it was `'.

It had no pic, and I rarely bother with the anonymous, but this pricked my interest, so I clicked it and read:

"My name is Paul, and I am a qualified and successful life coach, with a number of satisfied and on-going clients. I have decided I want to combine my passion for helping people develop with my desire to discipline other guys. Hence this profile.

What I am looking for are guys who are stuck in a rut. Do you need to lose weight and tone up, but lack motivation? Do you want to get on at work, but can't seem to get any further up the ladder? Does your life need a bit of order and clarity? If so, I can help.

This would be just like my regular clients with a twist. Yes, we would discuss your issues, your goals and set and follow up objectives. Yes, this is about helping you work out what you want and how to get it. The difference is that, unlike my regular clients, you will be subjected to discipline and punishment. You will be spanked over my knee, you will be kept naked in my clothed presence. You will be subjected to discipline to encourage you to improve and to punish you for your failings.

Ideally, you won't be turned on by punishment and humiliation, as the process will work better if it really is punishment and discipline. I am looking for longish term commitment - we would meet monthly and you would be expected to file reports on progress between meetings and I think this would work best if, like therapy, you commit for at least 6 months.

Drop me a line if you think this could help you. I should say, I earn enough from my regular clients to fund my lifestyle, so there would be no financial expectations."

I read the ad at least four times before I clicked the message button:

"Hello Paul, I read your profile with interest. I have no real sexual interest in punishment or humiliation, but what you describe is basically me - I am stuck in a rut and can't see a way out of it right now. It's not that life is crap, it isn't, it just isn't as good as it could be.

If you think that you might be interested in helping me, I'd be really keen to hear from you.


I guess it must have been about half an hour later when the message box popped up:

"Hello Mark

Thank you for your message. I certainly think we might be compatible and I could help you. Why don't we meet for a coffee one evening next week and see whether it might work out?

I live in Hammersmith - where do you work? Would after work be good?

So you know I am real, here's the link to my `regular' website"

I followed the link, and found myself on a very swish website advertising Paul's business. The thing that hit me quickest was how young he was, and how handsome! I looked again at his profile - he was 28. He had a nice smile, brown eyes and light brown hair. What I think people call the `preppy' look.

I took a deep breath and messaged him back:

"Thanks, Paul. I am really interested. I work near Regent's Park and live in Tooting. Where and when do you suggest?"

Again, half an hour later Paul pinged back:

"That's great. I have a client (a regular one!) in Marylebone on Thursday afternoon, I should be done around 5:30 - how about we meet at 6 somewhere near Paddington?"

I let Paul know that would be fine for me. He suggested an independent coffee shop behind Paddington, we swapped mobile numbers and I logged off!

I was antsy all day on Thursday. Even though it was only coffee, I couldn't properly concentrate and was just a bit jumpy. By 5:30, I was really beginning to think I had done the wrong thing, but I texted Paul as we had agreed as I left the office to say I was on my way.

It wasn't far to walk from the office to the coffee shop where we'd agreed to meet. I was there early, so got myself a latte and found a quiet corner in which to sit. I got out a book and tried to read, although I found myself reading the same paragraph several times as my nervousness grew. Eventually, though, I calmed down a bit, such that when I heard a voice say,

"Hi there, you must be Mark,"

I had got so engrossed in the book that I jumped slightly! I looked up from my book, and saw Paul standing by the table. I know it is a cliche to say it, but he was taller than I had expected - I guessed he must have been 6' 3". I was about to say he was smartly dressed, but it was more that he was expensively dressed - his jeans, blue button down collar shirt and burgundy jumper exuded class and money. I stood up as he held out his hand and his firm handshake reassured me in some odd way.

"Do you need another drink?" He asked.

"Um, I wouldn't mind a bottle of water," I stammered slightly.

"OK," Paul said, "Be right back".

Whilst Paul was gone, I looked round the coffee shop. Thankfully, it was pretty quiet, and the corner I'd picked to sit in was secluded and no-one else was within earshot.

A few moments later, Paul came back carrying a large black coffee and a bottle of water, which he handed to me as he sat down in the seat opposite me. He smiled and told me not to nervous, there was nothing to be nervous about.

I have to say, he seemed bloody good at his job. He put me at my ease very quickly. I told him a bit about the issues that I was having and the things which I wanted to improve, and he asked a few questions and nodded and smiled. After chatting for about half an hour, I plucked up the courage to raise the elephant in the room.

"So, how would this work, then?"

"Well," he said, "the basics are these: If we both agree this is a good thing for us, we will arrange a first, formal meeting. That will take place at my house, and will last between 2 and 3 hours. In that session we will go into your issues and needs more thoroughly. During it, you will be kept naked at all times, whilst I will remain clothed. I will administer some discipline, in part as correction for failings up to now, in part so that I can judge the levels of discipline you will need. After that session, we will meet monthly to go over your targets and objectives, to measure progress and to administer any discipline necessary either as a corrective, or as an encouragement for future progress. These sessions will typically last 90 minutes, and will all take place at my house. For all these you will, again, be kept naked, and at the bare minimum - no pun intended! - you will receive a hand spanking on each visit. You will also be required to email me at least weekly to keep my up to date on your progress. So, what do you think?"

I swallowed and looked into Paul's eyes and nodded,

"Yes, I think this could work for me, Paul," I said, quietly, "Do you think you could work with me?"

"I honestly think that I could do you a very great deal of good, Mark. You seem like a guy who just needs a bit of order and responsibility in his life, is that right?"

"Yes, Paul, I think that is just it," I said, "So, what happens now?"

"I'll drop you an email later today. It will include the list of punishments I use - you will be able to opt out of up to six from the list, the others will be up to me to use as and when I see fit. Have a look at the list, and if you still want to go ahead email me back with the punishments you wish to opt out of, if any. We'll arrange a date then for the first session."

I nodded and swallowed. We chatted a little more about other things, then Paul got up to leave. We shook hands once again, and went our separate ways.

Paul's promised email arrived about 10pm.

"Hi Mark,

It was good to meet you today, and I think we could get on very well. I do insist on commitment to these sessions, so please be sure that you want a long-term commitment to your development and discipline before you `sign up', as it were.

Below are the discipline methods I use and from which you can choose to opt out of six. Nudity, hand spanking over my knee on your bare bottom, naked cornertime and naked physical exercise are not on the list and are compulsory. Read the list carefully, decide if you want to proceed, and then email me back with the ones you would like to opt out of. Do remember, though, the less you want to have to do something, the better discipline the threat of it is... I'll then send you some dates for your first session.


Hairbrush on bare bottom Slipper on bare bottom Belt on bare bottom Leather paddle on bare bottom Wooden paddle on bare bottom Cane on bare bottom Mouthsoaping Sucking Paul's cock Sucking another man's cock at Paul's discretion Rimming Paul Rimming another man at Paul's discretion Being fucked (safe) by Paul Being fucked (safe) by another man at Paul's discretion Drinking Paul's piss Drinking another man's piss at Paul's discretion Deep Heat on genitals Figging Worshipping Paul's feet Worshipping another man's feet at Paul's discretion Polishing Paul's shoes Hand-washing Paul's underwear and socks Cleaning Paul's house Being milked and fed own cum by Paul Being milked and fed own cum by another man at Paul's discretion Session being witnessed by another man at Paul's discretion Serve as a naked waiter at a gathering for Paul Wearing Paul's cum in hair to go home Wearing another man's cum in hair to go home at Paul's discretion Pubic hair shaved All body hair removed Head buzzcut Locked in chastity for a period determined by Paul"

I was slightly gob-smacked at the list of stuff. Paul really was serious about this. I realised pretty quickly that there was no way I could completely opt out of being used by another man - there were 9 methods which involved someone other than Paul, and I could only opt out of 6. I had to look up `figging' to find out what it meant! I decided to sleep on it.

The following day I awoke early and it was as if I had been thinking about Paul's offer all night, despite having been asleep. In for a penny, in for a pound, I had decided. I was going to go through with it, and I wasn't going to opt out of any of Paul's methods. Despite only having met him once for a brief time, I felt I could trust him. So I emailed him straight away before heading to work:

"Hi Paul

Thanks for your email. I am very serious about making this work. So I have decided not to opt out of any of your disciplinary methods. If you think I deserve any of them, then I guess I will deserve them!

Please let me know when I can report for my first session - I look forward (I think) to seeing you again,


Next: Chapter 2

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