The Lexx: Transformation

By Zana International

Published on May 14, 2002



I have written a story actually an episode from my favourite Science Fiction series :The Lex ,but I made a real floozy episode and its sweet, sexual, and beautiful, I love it and I wish I had someone as a friend like the two transsexual characters i made up...:-) I hope you enjoy it.(P.S. I wrote the story in pass tense because to compress the story.)

INTRODUCTION:( If you never seen the Lex before) The Lex an organic space craft that is actually a big flying bug which looks like a dragon fly without wings ,which was made by the baddy, His Devine Shadow to take control of the Universe, fortunately the Universe was saved from by darkness by 3 characters, the first one is Zeph a woman who was largely over weight and had a criminal record for some reason stupid, and her punishment was that she was changed into a sex slave, but somehow when there was a riot on the planet she was on and a bunch of cluster lizards escaped from the coliseum arena where the gladiators battled the lizards, and one entered the room she was in, during surgery and the machine closed on top of her with the lizard's head got caught inside when the machine activated she became half woman ,half lizard ,with the lizards instincts and physical strength, and was made into an beautiful woman, as the two DNA's mixed, but she was beautiful but had lizard power and instincts inside her. Then the machine lifted up and before hypnoses occurred to make her a sexual slut, she stuffed a robot head in the machine and it activated and now the robot head is always in love with her, and has sexual fantasies with her and is a nuisance, but it helps her to stop being lonely in her voyage in space on the Lex as she does not like Stanley as he is so unattractive, so the robot head is worth having a conversation with., and follows her to the Lex on a trolley, through the corridors. Stanley is an unattractive oldish chap who organised and was a kind of secretary on the computers in the punishment station for His Devine Shadow, and had to work, there and saw the prisoners who were criminals against His Devine Shadow's Law get cut up into little pieces to feed the Lex, but he escaped the planet as well on the Lex and has the key to the Lex, the ship wont listen to anyone else's commands as they don't have a key. Ky is a half dead, half alive person who is actually supposed to be dead, and was an assassin to kill the escapees fleeing to the Lex to leave the planet, and ended up in the fleeing Lex, and when the planet was destroyed by the Lex when it left, Ky no longer was an assassinating zombie but human, and became a gorgeous man who is every dream to a girl and has lovely long hair, but one problem, because he is half dead ,he does not get aroused. So the 3 of them fly in the Lex with the stupid robot head who loves Zeph and search for a new home where its paradise, but all the planets they have gone to so far have been disappointing, as its a sad Universe out there.

Now the story: The Lex: Transformation.

A small badly constructed ,falling to bits metal scrap shuttle craft zoomed at light speed, as it just managed the Hyper Space Jump, and managed to hold in piece in the high magnetic field of the wormhole it had been travelling through, in it where beautiful two characters in search for a new home ,as they were regarded as criminals for being wanting to be girls, as it is against the law to change there sexual Identity on there home planet, and they managed to escape,.... The characters where firstly Xerex who wants to become girl called Xereshnix and has lovely long black hair with natural purple hair streaks from the race of Agaaza and has beautiful smooth feminine skin and has hypnotic green eyes. Xereshnix's friend and lover is Nishenly who disliked being the male Nishen, but comes from a different race as she/he has green extremely hairless smooth shiny skin due to the fact they are an aquatic race and can photosynthesise when they are starved ,but produce a lot of fluid when having sex, and has webbed feet and hands, but her lips were red like roses and her eyes were pink and her hair was black and long with purple hair streaks as well as the black hair and purple hair streaks which is the identity of there species, of Xereshnix and Nishenly The two had lost control of the shuttle craft and were hurled deep in space and the engines were damaged...and they got bashed around inside the spinning little ship, until the ship automatically stabilised it self and just drifted ,in open space... The two pre op Trans girls regained consciousness and found themselves badly bruised... they did not know what to do and were scared that they might die out with there oxygen supplies running out, but they embraced each other, crying, trying to comfort each other and they began to kiss slowly , and stripped off there tight silver space suits ,but there bodies were so feminine and smooth, especially Nishenly ,who's skin was so smooth and shiny it looked like if the skin was made from plastic, the two lay on top of each other kissing and Xereshnix inserted her penis into Nishenly who gave a groan and began to produce a sweat and became wet and slippery, her whole body went like that that she was so wet it began to make a puddle all over Xereshnix and Xereshnix got aroused by this and stuck her penis deeper in her green, wet lover, it was warm ,beautiful as if her whole body was producing cum and she the licked Nishenly and drank the fluid of her , and then ejaculated into Nishenly and it produced an orgasm, then when finished Nishenly sucked the cum of Xereshnix penis as well as her own body fluids .... Then she inserted her Penis in Xereshnix, it fitted in without friction, slipped inside Xereshnix so easily and beautifully ,and began to move in and out, Nishenly pushed her self more so Xereshnix's penis could penetrate deep as is was exited and could not wait for the ejaculation of her green lover as she knows that her lover when ejaculating produces gallons of sperm., and then they were in this position for 12 hours, and then eventually Nishenly ejaculated , Xereshnix felt the sperm squirt hard inside her ,so much it produced pressure and gave her an orgasm, and then sprayed out of her ass, there was sperm all over, they were so wet together, the two giggling as they think its funny and extremely arousing when it happens, they were ,wet, wet ,wet and they licked each other off, and drank all the sperm off each other, and off from the ships floor, while doing so they saw a huge red thing with big eyes staring at them through the shuttle's front window. It was a big huge bug!! it opened up from underneath and a tractor beam came and shone on the little space shuttle and lifted it inside, and took the shuttle inside, the Lex had rescued the two wet lovers. Xereshnix quickly took a shower while all this was happening she was scared it was a top secret space ship which the government on her planet could have sent this thing to capture them, Nishenly did the same and drank lots of water as she get dehydrated a lot during sex and drank 5 litres of water... and ate some sugar/salt spheres to keep her sugar levels up to prevent water loss when she get aroused.

There were two people waiting outside and discussing there discovery ,they looked safe, it was Stanley and Zeph ,the two Trans girls loved Zeph she looked gorgeous !!!and were so exited to get out and meet her, so they both stumbled and rolled out of the shuttled ,like tossed dolls onto the Lex's floor, but the floor was soft like skin as the ship was organic, it was a living thing., The two trans girls looked up at the two owners of the Lex so shyly and embarrassed as there hair was still wet from the sperm, but Stanley welcomed them thinking they were real girls ,but he wandered why there hair was wet and gooey ,the two girls smiled beautifully at him and Immediately Stanley got aroused and began to get nervous and stutter in his speech as the two trans girls eyes were so hypnotic ,Zeph welcomed them and the robot head commented on the girls and asked why one of them is green and there hair smells of sperm, and the robot called them space whores and teased them, the girls just giggled and licked the robot head and the robot head enjoyed it.

The two guests where shown to the bridge where Stanley commands the ship to go where ever he wants ,shame and gives Zeph no freedom of choice, and tells the Lex what planets to blow up. As he enjoys blowing up a bad ,cruel planets. Then they took the girls and showed them, where too eat, the girls laughed at the way the ship produces food and squirts into there bowls and the two girls always held hands and kissed and licked each other in the faces from time to time, which aroused Stanley, Zeph understood as she knew these two girls loved each other, and would be heart broken if they get separated, even when there hands have to be used to carry things they miss each other and feel happy once more there hands are held together. sometimes they were embracing each other kissing all the time, and pressing, rubbing and pretending to have sex with each other in sexual positions. Then they showed them to the crio bay where Ky is he is frozen in suspended animation and cannot stay awake all the time as his protoblood would run out, and Xereshnix and Nishenly got aroused when they saw Ky lying there and became more sexual and horny and began kissing the frozen body and licking him, but funny though because Nishenly produces a lot of body fluid she also produces a lot of saliva and the saliva froze and her tongue got stuck on the frozen Ky ,and screamed for desperate help and giggled at the same time, the robot head and Stanley laughed and her girl friend, so her girl friend , Xereshnix put her tongue on Nishenly's tongue to melt her saliva and she could be set free when she was free the two laughed out loud and Stanley and Zeph also as well as the robot head ,also cracking stupid jokes.

Then Stanley showed them where to sleep, and he knew they would not like it to sleep separate from each other, he invited them to his big bed which is made out of an old moth( a moth is an organic shuttle craft, like its big brother, the Lex ) as he always wanted some girls to sleep with as Zeph never likes him, so he kindly asked Xereshnix and Nishenly to have sex, they did not like the idea because Stanley was so ugly, but felt sorry for him that he would never have sex in his life so they said yes, but for one night only and as long as they are together and Stanley does them both while they are doing each other, Stanley said O.K. ,I will do you both.... so the two girls smiled and then faced there backs towards Stanley so he does not see there penises and slowly take off there silver space suits ,revealing the smooth feminine curves.... ,Stanley got exited, and began to sweat and get itchy ,and he looked at Xereshnix, her beautiful tanned human coloured olive skin, and next to her was Nishenly the green smooth girl ,he was fascinated at the green skin and the way it was so shiny and reflected the light in the room almost like glass. then the two girls paused and kissed each other on the ear and whispered secrets then they held the space suits over the penises and revealed the small breasts and apologised to Stanley that they are so small, Stanley accepted the apology, then they removed the space suits and dropped them onto the floor ashamed of there penises, and revealed them, and the were hard, but small ,smaller than Stanley's who had his open and displaying, he got a shock of horror and he lost his sexual feeling and Yelled "You are not girls!!!! I cant do you!", The two girls got upset and picked up there clothes and started to cry, as they wanted to fulfil Stanley's dream to have sex with beautiful women... and he shouted at them calling them nasty things, and the two asked Zeph for a place to sleep, Zeph stared at there naked bodies and was horrified at them with there hanging small penises , but felt sorry them and gave them a bed to share, the robot head was saying nasty jokes about when they first met and kept on shouting and calling them space sodomites , Zeph took the robot head and put it away where it stopped cracking sad jokes about the two sweet girls.

The girls had a long day, and they snuggled together embracing each other and Nishenly stuck her penis into Xereshnix and kept it there, so deep inside, but did not do sex but just kept it there so the two stayed so close together, in each others arms, naked and kissed for an hour and fell asleep with each others tongues still in there mouths, and the penis still inside ,lying there like two sweet bonded angels. Zeph came in the room and saw them, and could not understand why they loved each other so much that they slept bonded together , but she felt sorry as they had no blanket on them and they might get cold later, she got a blanket, quietly put it on them and kissed them both on the cheeks as if they were two children and tucked them in, and thought to herself she may find easy lovers here, and wondered if they will love her too as they love each other.

When Stanley woke up he muttered, and stumbled to the bridge of the ship, and commanded the Lex to find a planet with real women ,but the Lex said he must look for his own women, and the two started arguing... and then the Lex teased Stanley about him wanting to have sex with the trans girls, and then Stanley got frustrated and muttered and asked for breakfast, the Lex squirted all the food in his face ,not in the bowl...., he heard this giggling being him and he shouted that it was not funny, it was Zeph ,she told Stanley to take it easy on the ship, Lex and the two guests and told him to be careful as they might become the crew of the ship, Stanley said that he wanted real girls not a bunch of horny sodomites. Then they both heard crying down the passage the two naked girls were together holding each other and crying, and were actually talking to the Lex! Stanley got frustrated and ordered the Lex to ignore them, but the ship ignored him , Nishenly was somehow accessing the ship without a key, it was her skin the chloroplasts inside

,it was communicating with the ship and the ship started to give her counselling ,and it understood her gender identity problem, and decided it will scan a planet which may help her and her lover Xereshnix change there sex and become real girls... the Lex automatically found something and said they must be careful, the planet does sex changes on all its inhabitants... but they get sent off as sex slaves, Stanley could not believe what he saw... and the ship was ignoring him.

Well it was his fault wasn't it?

The robot head then said it wished to have a body to have its head on ,and maybe thought the planet is a good Idea as robots automatically pick the pre op transsexuals up and operate on them and transform them into girls, and maybe a robot will pick the stupid head up and attach it to a pair of shoulders.

While everyone waited for the Lex to fly at light speed towards the planet which would help the two girls as surgeons are a rare thing in the Universe for sex changes and some transsexuals have even bled to death by unsuccessful operations and the robots and computers are a master at it. During the journey the two girls now dressed in there mini space dresses which they had kept and had taken them out of the damaged shuttle aboard the Lex, were dying to where them, they did there hair up ,put make up on ,played with each others hair , kissing, long kissing ,and the licking of each others faces ,sometimes Stanley caught them giving each other a blow job in the kitchen , once Zeph walked in and saw the two girls naked getting spayed by the Lex and then licking the food off each other and they said they love to eat there food off each other rather than on a plate ,sometimes they would put the food on there penises, and especially they shared each others sperm to by doing a 69,but Xereshnix, stomach got so full from the food and sperm from Nishenly as Nishenly produces a lot ,as Nishenly had so little sperm from Xereshnix she filled her mouth with Nishenly's sperm and put her lips against hers and transferred the sperm into hers and she drank it giggling , , they even inserted sperm and food in between the cheeks of there bums and lick it up, and even let there tongues penetrate each others asses playing and imagining they were licking each others vagina`s which they are going to get when they land on the planet... these two loved each other so much and when done they never let there hands go, even when they walked around the ship, when they stood they embraced each other and feel each other and start kissing and pretend doing sex, .....

It was a long wait Xereshnix thought to herself, and as well as Nishenly , the two lay in each others arms ,watching the stars fly past through the Lex's window and they started to kiss ,slowly , Zeph caught them striping again and decided she wants to be done before these girls loose there penises ,so she asks the two girls two strip her, they did so slowly and licked her all the way down, she enjoyed it and especially Nishenly's licks as they were so warm and wet... Then she kissed both of the girls all three tongues were feeling each other and the saliva just ran down each others cheeks, because of Nishenly , Zeph was amazed by so much gooey saliva Nishenly produced , she told her she must wait for the sperm... Then the two girls inserted there penises into Zeph ,Nishenly chose to stick her penis in Zeph's ass and was lying on top of Zeph, and began to move back wards and forwards and Nishenly started to sweat her gooey wet, sperm like sweat again and it just oozed sexily down Zeph and covered her Zeph was lying on top of Xereshnix and Xereshnix thanked Nishenly and kissed her that she gave her the vagina to insert her penis in and it slid in easily as it had already being lubricated from Nishenly's gooey sperm like sweat and it had already reached Xereshnix and all three were wet from Nishenly ,Nishenly, the green girl on top, Zeph in the middle and Xereshnix moved in a beautiful motion and increasing speed all three began to groan and produce orgasms and Zeph enjoyed it ,it was so wonderful the one penis in her ass and the other in her vagina she felt like she was in heaven and the breasts of Xereshnix touched hers and made her more aroused., this went on for 8 hours ,Xereshnix had already ejaculated 10 times, and the sperm was already dribbling out of her vagina as well as Zeph's body fluids but not Nishenly she was reaching her point and went deeper and deeper as the feeling got more intense, she enjoys holding the ejaculation back as it produces a better feeling and there is a build up of sperm, after the eight hours Nishenly could no longer hold it back and she jerked heavily into Zeph pushing it deep as she could when she ejaculates Xereshnix ejaculated as well the same time Nishenly did into Zeph ,but when Nishenly did ,Zeph felt the sperm go deep in her and she enjoyed it but there was a pressure build up and it squirted out of her ass and all over Nishenly and Xereshnix like when the two girls were doing each other in the shuttle before the Lex picked them up .All three of them still continued doing each other in the puddle of sperm until they could do more, Nishenly was becoming dehydrated, from all that fluid loss so she stopped and so did the others, and drank the sperm up with Xereshnix ,and played and giggled in it as well ,Zeph was invited to do the same as well ,so the three of them licked each other clean, and went to the shower together to clean each other, the three of them could not stop holding each other that they began to kiss again and did each other again the same way but in the shower ,and Stanley came running in shouting that they have reached the planet's system and must get ready, he was upset as he thought he could have joined in that wet sex and maybe could have got Zeph by using the two trans girls .

They had entered the planets system there were 4 moons and one big blue planet, behind a curtain of stars and super nova clouds, it was real beautiful view of the Universe, the Lex slowly moved toward the blue planet scanning it surface to produce a hologram map so the 4 people can look for what they want, the Lex also scanned for places to eat as this space ship is a living organism. The moons were to beautiful for words as they all had an atmosphere not like most moons, one was orange with white clouds ,as it was a dessert moon ,and has oxygen atmosphere but very dry, the next moon was green and with patches of blue which just looked like the earth but more luscious with green vegetation and had swirling white clouds, the next moon was red and orange and had glowing orange markings in its black shadow which proved to be a highly volcanic planet, and some of the larvae left the planet shooting right into space and cooling and the cooled rocks formed an asteroid ring around the moon, juts like Saturn's rings. The other moon was white and was covered totally in clouds ,and Stanley asked the Lex to scan that moon also because he wanted to know what the surface was like under the clouds, the Lex told Stanley it was full of snow and the temperature at its warmest is 0 degrees centigrade and minus 100 at its coldest points. Then everyone concentrated on the big blue cloudless planet, you could see the ocean, and it shimmered as it reflected the star's (sun's) light. and the Lex scanned further and presumed that there is a planet within this planet, but the data came out it was 40% and not to sure as the Lex cannot search clearer. because of the water rarefaction the Lex's penetrating scan, it tried to use visual images but they were all distorted from the water. Stanley ordered the Lex to fly and look for land, the Lex sped and zoomed down and sped 5 meters above the water surface in the sunlight, it was beautiful, the two trans girls got exited and were amazed by the beauty and Nishenly sat in-between Xereshnix's legs who was embracing her ,still wet from the shower and naked still as they forgot to change into clothes. The Lex slowed down as an Island came into view (which they did not know was a mountain peak from the planet with in).. it looked like Hawaii and the Lex slowed down and hovered and then landed splashing into a harbour which looked like Pearl harbour but with glass domes , small flying shuttle cars ,and in the distance was a big gold dome , this place looked like paradise and they were exited and wanted to get out., Stanley reminded the trans girls to put on there clothes as the sight of there small penises scared him, and then went to awake Ky from his crier stasis sleep... the girls wanted to see Ky awake and kept one laughing at the time Nishenly's tongue got stuck on the frozen face of Ky , the two girls standing ,holding each others hands in excitement were sexily dressed in the silver mini dresses ,were bubbles of laughter and happiness, Zeph loved them and would feel upset also if the two got separated, which she is afraid might happen on this new planet, but tried to ignore the fear and turned away from looking at the green skinned ,black and purple haired and pink eyed Nishenly and the olive tanned skinned ,black and purple haired, green eyed Xereshnix and focused on Ky and helped Stanley warm Ky's body with the lasers and wake him up with the electrical pulse. He woke up and smiled at Nishenly and Xereshnix and asked if he had seen them before, well they said to him no and told him that they met while he was in crier stasis and told him Nishenly's tongue got stuck to his face when she licked Ky's face... Ky told them he cant get aroused , but the two girls started licking and kissing him, and Nishenly got exited and started to sweat.... and her clothes stuck to her body Ky just stood there trying to kiss him and felt awkward with these two girls on top of him and kept on reminding them that he is dead and cannot get aroused ,but they said he was so gorgeous and want him to do them deep ,but he told them he cant ,and began to cry ,but no tears ran down his face because he was dead and had no fluid only protoblood which kept him half alive ,as he remembered the time when he was alive how his lover kissed and he did her when he was still alive before His Devine Shadow turned him into a zombie , but he is no longer a real zombie assassin like before as he is a half alive human with feelings and emotion like he was before he was changed into as walking corpse, but the girls comforted him and stroked his long black hair, they were two angels who felt for Ky and cried with him and then Stanley told them to hurry up with all this emotional stuff as he wants to explore the planet for some REAL girls.........

All five of them climbed into a moth and flew out the Lex and the Lex swam away under the water in search for food, it was big and huge!! like a dragon fly and produced a large splash as it flew up and the dived with its mouth open ...and disappeared under the water, the two girls were amazed that this thing was a space ship, that it can repair its self , fly itself ,feed itself and look after and feed the crew inside. The moth flew over the beaches ,there were sun bathers, surfers ,swimmers and the waves were bowling and almost every wave had a surfer riding them, everyone were amazed that a bug, moth was flying over the beach as they would expect a mechanical, machine like shuttle or helicopter ,and were amazed that organic ,living transport vessels can be made. They landed on the beach and climbed out of the moth and spent the day in the sun and swimming, surfing and talking with the locals, Stanley could not keep his eyes of the beach babes lying naked on the sand and walked up to one by one asking for sex , poor sex deprived Stanley walked a whole 5 kilometres on the beach, looking for a real woman, all these were pre op transsexuals, but there were a group of twenty real girls and they took interest in him as they were tired of seeing transsexuals ,but they had been waiting for 5 months already for there transsexual friends to come back, they said that this was the only planet with successful operations ,what they do is they walk into the big gold dome and get there sex change, some transsexuals come out and they are changed ,but some somehow get lost and disappear , Stanley remembered the Lex told him about that some become sex slaves and get sold, and he told the women, they were horrified and they cried and did not know what to do, but Stanley said ,that he is sending these two trans girls

there to have there op and has an assassin with him if anything happens and he said maybe if the machine sends and sells these girls away we can use them to rescue your friends, the real girls thanked him and walked with him holding his hands as they head towards Ky who was still well dressed in his black assassin clothes ,Zeph who was naked and he breasts exposed catching the warm sun and Nishenly and Xereshnix were surfing naked in the water and flirting with the surfer guys. They all called Nishenly and Xereshnix in to discuss , the two did not mind as long as they both were together, and afterwards they asked if the surfers could do them, and Zeph said sure ......

These surfers were gorgeous and not shy of transsexuals as they see them everyday from all over the Universe , they walked to the sex beach which had high walls separating the naked tanning surfing beach to the sex beach , the wall was beautifully painted with transsexual stars of the 20th and 21st century and Nishenly and Xereshnix recognised Dana International and many more ,but Dana became the queen of the Universe with dance and ballads as she does not even know it when she was on Earth her music on the radio waves and television waves and the brain waves of fans drifted out to space and were captured by alien satellites and became fans of Dana and visited earth to watch her concerts, some even tried and tempted to go great distances to travel back into time to see her fist success at the Eurovision...

On the other side of the wall was sex art of transsexuals, men ,women in all positions, the girls giggled at them and especially some aliens were odd and funny in the painting.. This beach was a paradise ,people were having sex on the beach, and in the water., there was even a rock pool which many couples enjoyed ,and some did it on the rocks ,the two surfers were getting exited as well as the two girls, there were 5 surfers with them they all had long hair and were hot and hard and had beautiful feminine like faces and they began to feel the girls all over, and the girls licked them crazily , two of the surfer men dropped onto the sand and there penises got hard , the two girls gently crawled onto the send and slowly licked the men from the feet up there legs and to there erect penises Nishenly had one man and Xereshnix had the other, and they began to suck on there penises hard ,Nishenly was starting to sweat ,the men ejaculated into the two girls mouths and they swallowed some and kisses the men with there mouths half full with semen, and the other surfers watching pulled the two lying surfers each with a girl on top near the water as Nishenly asked because she was producing a lot of ooze in the sun and they were in foot deep layer of water, the salt water from the waves slashed on them and made Nishenly so wet and slimy. Then Xereshnix sat on her surfers penis and pushed herself down ,they surfer began to play with her small breast and the surfer also pushed his penis deep inside Xereshnix's ass and began to do her .Nishenly did the same with her surfer guy as she was so wet and slimy it was an ease and felt so good and managed to get this surfers penis deep ,very deep inside her ,she could feel it and it felt good there, wanted to keep it there forever, and then she began to move and the surfer began doing her, while this was happening the other 2 surfers watching, holding hands came and slipped there asses on the two girls penises , one on Xereshnix's and the other on Nishenly's these were the two gay surfers ,the other two were not gay but did the transsexuals , the 5th surfer loved Nishenly because she had an unusual skin colour because she looked so beautiful ,like a human but her skin was different he stuck her penis into her mouth deep and she sucked it until it ejaculated and she swallowed ,,then he went over to Xereshnix and did the same but was slower ,Xereshnix had one guy doing her up the ass and one guy was riding her penis up his ass and the other had his penis in her mouth ,it was heaven and gave a big orgasm and was shouting yes all the time, the surfer below her ejaculated in her ass and then at the same time she ejaculated in the surfer on top of her ,in his ass and also the same time the surfer with his penis in her mouth ejaculated and she drank the sperm, but she tasted her lover Nishenly's saliva with it. At the same time The surfer under Nishenly was all gooey from Nishenly and the sea water dissolving into Nishenly's semen like sweat, at the same time her unusual skin was absorbing the sea water ,so she began to foam, looked like she was having sex in a bath of soap water, this surfer was loving it and was the first time ever in his life having sex with an unusual being .The surfer ejaculated into Nishenly and Nishenly at the same time ejaculated into the surfer where her penis was in, and produced a large jerk when she released the sperm , the surfer felt it squirt and was amazed and it went deep up into the surfer and then with the pressure it squirted all over the place so the two surfers and her were so gooey as if someone poured a bucket of sperm all over them ,then it was finished ,the two girls licked themselves up and the surfers and washed in the sea and thanked them very much and they cant wait to have sex with them again but this time after the op, the two non gay surfers got exited. The two gay surfers got disappointed especially they loved the amount of sperm Nishenly produced.

Time past and was midday ,the sun was slow because the planet was so big ,it turned slowly, it was hot ,hot ,hot ,all the people went into the glass homes which now have darkened like sunglasses glass to take cover from the sun and was well refrigerated in them... Stanley left with the bunch of real girls to do them in private in one of the glass now sun blocked domes ,they had turned from transparent to black, Inside was a garden and a house in the centre in the shape of a pyramid with a swimming pool on the side and a warm bubble bath on top in the glass top of the pyramid ,it was so wired in this dome it felt like noon as if the sun was setting as a lot the sun was blocked out ,and felt so romantic and sexy... and he did the only one girl who battled with him but closed her eyes and imagined he was someone else as the others did not like his unattractive body.

Zeph , Ky ,Nishenly and Xereshnix went in the moth and flew to the big gold dome as it was to unbearably hot outside to walk as the sun was almost in the centre and its not noon yet , they landed in front of the dome ,the robot head which was stuffed in the back of the moth behind the seats was set free and jabbered crazily and moaned and swore using the "f" word for being shoved away. They all climbed out , Zeph walked out first with the robot head ,Then Ky then Xereshnix and the Nishenly ,the two sexy looking girls, Zeph was jealous at how beautiful the two were. The two girls walked towards which looked like a door , there was a black box with a hand shape on ,Nishenly put her webbed hand on it.... and the door opened.... cool air from inside came out , the door spoke and welcomed them in , the two walked in holding each others hands, nervous. Behind them Ky stayed behind to watch if anyone comes in to take the girls away and use them for sex slaves , Zeph walked in behind them holding the robot head, the doors closed and slammed loud.... all three could hear whirring noises, as they realised this was one big sex change machine all run by robots and computers, it was dark, holograms were displayed to guide them through the passages ,the two girls held each others hands tighter in fear they might get separated, the robot head got scared and hoped it would not be used as spare parts for the machines robots and computers but hoped they will find a body for it. Then suddenly the two girls were partitioned away from Zeph and the robot head by an energy force field which glowed red and then two doors came from above and slammed down and there was silence they were separated from Zeph and they cried then the cell which was a part of the corridor lit up bright and a robot eye popped out of the wall and spoke to the two girls, but the girls heard another slam outside there cell.... they knew Zeph was captured. and they asked the eye to give them the sex change and not to separate the two girls... the floor opened underneath them, and the both fell into cold water, it was freezing so they huddled to keep warm and Nishenly kicked to keep afloat ....

Xereshnix woke up, she was in a small cell, it was dirty and cold , she checked if she was sex changed ,no she still saw her penis, she looked around the dark cell and was shouting out for Nishenly and was screaming and crying , she touched something on the wall it was a light switch and the room lit up, it was filthy, the cell was rusted and the walls were full of algae and slime and it was cold and wet, she cried loud ....

Nishenly heard screaming and crying and woke up and found herself in a cold wet cell also and recognised it was Xereshnix ,she banged the wall , and the crying and screaming stopped and Xereshnix heard it and banged back and were beginning to talk to each other by screaming, Xereshnix told Nishenly where to find the switch for the light ,but the light bulb was damaged in this cell, but Nishenly saw a small hole where light was coming through from the corner of the cell and she lay down in the cold damp corner and put

her hand through . Xereshnix saw a green webbed hand come from the hole in the corner of her cell, she was so happy it was Nishenly!! ,she to lay down in the gooey algae and ignored it and lay on damp floor to hold Nishenly's hand , and they felt better that they could hold each others hands , but they cried because they could not see each others beautiful faces. and they lay and fell asleep holding each others hands.... then they cells moved as if it were on a railway , but the two did not let go.

Ky outside saw lots of people walk into the building, they were pre op transsexuals to but what he thought was strange there would be a tractor beam coming from top of the dome to the sky where one of the moons were every so often and a few people walked out happily and celebrating there change into women. as there boy friends took them to one of the domed homes and did each other there and flew back to there home planet the next day.

The cells still felt as if they were moving and they heard splashes and screams , then Xereshnix's cell floor opened and she lost the grasp of Nishenly's slippery hand and fell into cold water screaming and felt robotic arms holding her down under and an oxygen mask placed by one of the robots on her nose and mouth ,she heard another splash and knew it was Nishenly , Xereshnix felt the currents of water come from her right which she knew she was moving in some conveyor belt sequence ,and Nishenly was behind her. Nishenly did not need the mask but can breath underwater because she was aquatic ,she was like an amphibian ,but related to Xereshnix as they both are of the same species but she also could see clearly under the water and saw she was in a row of people in an operating line in a factory ,but it was dark but could visual things out and there were robot arms holding them, next to her was Xereshnix ,her hair was swirling in the water .the robot tied it back and Nishenly tried to wave but could not as she was held down, and Xereshnix could not see Nishenly ,but felt she was there next to her as her eyes are blurry under water, they all moved towards light ,it was a blue light lit place it looked as if they were in an under water tiled room to Nishenly, but black painted robots were moving around her . Xereshnix to her was juts a blue lit world and black odd shaped things moved around and she knew they were robots. The place got colder and colder until they both fell unconscious from the cold and got num and could not feel a thing, its was a better way they thought than using morphine and anaesthetics , they felt slight feeling as they were operated on , Nishenly woke up and felt nothing and saw lasers moving about and knew they were cutting flesh and mending it the same time, it was painless, and fell back asleep and dreamed of being a girl ,loving Xereshnix and other sexual partners, also Xereshnix was dreaming the same thing, so time went on .........................

Zeph woke up in a small cubicle and felt tremendous amount of g-force and saw through a small window she was heading towards one of the moons!!!!!, the robot head was with her moaning and cursing to the other robots still.

Ky felt he needed to get back on the Lex when the last tractor beam occurred and felt it could have been Zeph and Xereshnix as Ky is sometimes over psychic and senses his friends in danger , it was the instincts when he was an assassin , A door opened , Nishenly fell onto the floor unconscious ,which was an unusual sight as all the other girls he saw were conscious and leapt away with joy, she was naked, she still had a penis but when he moved it aside he say a new vagina , something must have went wrong and the machine made her a pure hermaphrodite ,he examined the vagina, she checked if it did not make her ass into a vagina, no, her ass is still the same, then he examined the vagina ,it was real and had reproductive capabilities ,he was amazed and her penis was the same to ,she could actually reproduce her self if she wanted, she also had breast implants and her system altered to produce its own feminine hormones, but they might battle each other from the male hormones from the penis.... gee the computer really must have gone wrong, but that vagina was real.... then the door opened another girl fell and unfortunately it was not Xereshnix ,but at the same time a tractor beam sot up, must be Xereshnix being sent to the moon ,same thing she had as Nishenly real vagina and a real penis.... looks like the computer has changed its mind and instead of sex changing males into females it made them into fully pure natural hermaphrodites. Nishenly woke up and in horror saw her penis still but automatically felt if she had a vagina to and she did find it and was happy, and was stunned and happy as she can do Xereshnix forever !!! and guys do her !!! in a real vagina also and still produce tons of semen still fro her penis... she was exited and looked around for Xereshnix , and asked Ky , Ky said she is taken away to the moon, Nishenly cried and tons of tears fell down. Ky held her tight and comforted her, and was surprised she now had beautiful breasts too but could not get aroused by them. Ky and the green Nishenly walked to get Stanley to get the Lex and save Zeph and Xereshnix.

Xereshnix woke up she found herself in a cubical and woke up from the tremendous g-forces and looked out of the small window and saw she was heading towards the moon and knew she will become a sex slave and cried for Nishenly as she just wanted to hold her hand ,she felt she was far from her still on the blue planet but happy she is a girl. Xereshnix looked to see if she had the sex change ,she did ! she had beautiful tits and no more penis and felt a vagina there now and was pleased but cried for Nishenly as she wished she was still with her, and felt agree at the robots as they promised to keep them together.

Ky and Nishenly saw Stanley run out the dome screaming ,as the girls told him they are post op transsexuals after he did them ,they cam out behind laughing and joking at him, it was already afternoon and the sun began to set and the domes became transparent again, Ku told Stanley to hurry up and shut up as Zeph and Xereshnix are in danger and the 3 hurried into the moth and flew to the harbour where the Lex should be but it was not there, Stanley used the moth's intercom to call the Lex ,the Lex obeyed and it jumped out the water and hovered above the golden water ,the water was this colour because the sun was setting on the planet and the 4 moons were in various stages in the sky, the white moon was having a new moon, but just vaguely see a dull circle in the sky near the setting sun the yellow moon looked like a banana the green moon was full and the red moon was almost full. The moth flew towards the Lex and the Lex opened up and flew in to the docking bay where the moths dock ,it was strangely unusual sight where inside the Lex was half machine and half living insect stuffs ,some of the insect stuff looked gross, especially where the main computer of Lex was which was near the docking bay it was like blobs of jelly all over computer mother boards and chips and blue sparks shot through them, this was the Lex's brain... Nishenly was fascinated by it as she climbed out of the moth onto the docking bay which had a metal floor, she never took note of such detail before, maybe more alert of her environment after her op, they could have added more brain cells in her head ,she was so clever she worked out pi in her head to equal 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 and could not work more decimal figures she got tired and dropped to the floor, and passed out. Ky and Stanley took her to her bed to rest ,but could not sleep as she cried for Xereshnix and screamed and almost committed suicide 3 times in one day her tears poured down her face like small water falls and began to dehydrate quickly so Ky sat down and comforted her and stroked her hair giving glasses of water which the Lex poured in for her. Stanley started the Lex and it had started to leave the planets atmosphere and the sky grew darker, he worried for Zeph and was muttering to himself he wont go back to that blue planet of fake women again... The moon which they were heading for was the volcanic moon that's where the tractor beams went .

Zeph woke up from a deep sleep ,she was in a cell all alone ,dirty and cold ,cement brick walled cell. It had a window ,she climbed up and looked through the bars, the landscape looked like as if she were in hell the ground was black with little rivers of larvae running down and bursts of flames shot in the air ,but the warm hot air from the window kept her warm as it was cold inside the cell, the metal bars were to hot to hold from the heat of the larvae ,above was red sky clouds which glowed day and night ,it felt like being in hell.

Xereshnix woke up also in the cold and began to cry for Nishenly and the guards outside through the door told her to shut up, they sounded like monsters.... she continued because she was so heart sore and wanted her friend's hand to hold and be with her.

Zeph was in the cell next to Xereshnix as she heard the screaming of pain that she is crying to have Nishenly with her and she heard the guards ,they scared her, as they sounded like monsters, then her cell door opened a man walked in, he was balled ,ugly and had scars all over his face from finger nails of girls he probably raped , beside him were the guards they were monsters they looked like pigs in huge bodies drool dripped down the mouths onto the floor from there tusks and on to the floor and the squealed when they got aroused when they saw her ,the little ugly man cam in and told her that she will be his finest slave and the pig like aliens took her and put handcuffs on her and threw her out the cell ,she fell on the floor and the little man laughed in an evil voice and the aliens squealed in delight. she was taken to a round room with a chair with wires and electronic gadgets in the middle of the room ,and was placed into a glass cubical which all of these cubicles made the wall of the room most of them had girls already in them.

Xereshnix passed out as she could not handle her friend Nishenly not to be around ,and was awakened by the guards and she too was taken into a cubical near Zeph's .The little man asked the guards to take one girl which was the first cubical ,and they strapped her onto this chair ,she was in agony ,they shaved her hair off and put a helmet which was attached by wires to the roof ........ and the little man went to the computer and began to download stuff in this girls head and delete certain memories and things ,Zeph and Xereshnix could not bear to watch what was done to this girl ,as Zeph knew it almost happened to her before she escaped on the Lex, and feel now its finally caught up with her. When the girl was done ,she was like a sex zombie and kissed the little man all over ..... it was horrifying how he took control of her mind.

The Lex entered the moon's atmosphere , Ky was getting worried and ordered Stanley to go fast and look for the place, Nishenly was still crying and drinking water at the same time the land looked like they were flying over hell ,larvae rivers and black scorched land ,In the distance was a skull shaped black huge city with red eyes with a tractor beam coming out of the so called third eye in the scull every so often and they let the Lex hover just inside the left eye socket of the skull city, every so often there would be a shuttle fetching balled girls locked up in cubicles ..... Ky ,Stanley and Nishenly jumped into a moth and flew out the Lex and landed the moth on the landing inside the red glowing eye of the skull, thy all jumped out of the moth and ran in through a door, Ky killing every guard he saw like a real assassin would ,they eventually reached the chamber and there were 3 cubicles left and the last two had Xereshnix and Zeph , Ky killed the little man instantly with his scorpion arrow and rescued the girl from the chair who was now ,but was too late she died because the computer crashed when the little man died as downloading and uploading was not complete .... it was sad but Nishenly and Xereshnix were so happy to be together again and they gave each other a hug and then a kiss ,but they had to get out! !!!!!!!! as the people in charge of this organisation were bringing in back up, they also rescued the other girl and ran out, Zeph began generating her lizard powers and actually could pick up the guards and throw them against the wall, she put one guard in the machine and strapped him down and clicked on download and the computer downloaded immense amounts of information in the monster's head and he squealed and the machine blew up with it on it, now they were running in the corridor to get to the moth ,Ky was just pot shooting the guards with his scorpion spear like a real assassin would and they left a trail of blood behind them from all the dead guards ,they all managed to get in the moth and flew to the Lex which was starting to get hit by lasers ,the Lex was fighting back by shooting its laser guns embedded in its flesh ,it was like a war , the moth got hit and began to fall lower towards the boiling larvae ,fortunately the Lex realised and tractor beamed the damaged moth into it and the Lex began to rise from the planets surface firing its lasers still and repairing it's holes which the lasers burned .,It left the atmosphere far away where it cannot be hit and orbited the planet.... the 5 people stumbled and ran towards the Lex's bridge and Stanley so frustrated ordered the Lex to blow the moon up, as already star ships from all over began to appear as its going to be a war, as they have found the headquarters of the slave trade, the Lex told Stanley no problem and began generating a field of atomic energy around its eyes and built up and it formed a line and it head for the moon ,and in impact the moon blew up into bits and it was gone ,there was asteroids everywhere from the blown up moon. Stanley ordered the Lex to blow up all those unfriendly space ships which began shooting their lasers at them the Lex did it joyfully ,and blew up all the space ships, and repaired its holes and damages at the same time.

It was over the Lex and its inhabitants one the war ,the slave trade was over and so they decided to have a rest at the blue planet and live there for good as it was a paradise ,but Stanley did not like it as there were no real girls there. Nishenly and Xereshnix were holding each other crying and kissed and had missed each other so much and never want to have it happen again, So the Lex Landed in the Harbour like before , Ky went back to crio stasis as he does not want his proto blood to run out and feels safe now and gave Zeph a small remote like device to reactivate Ky if there is any danger again but he doubts it. The two girls kissed him and wished him sweet dreams ,he smiled and thanked them and Xereshnix thanked him and gave him a deep kiss and stroked his hair and began to cry and thanked Ky for saving her and looking after Nishenly ,he cried too but no tears came and thanked them for there love even if he did not get aroused, they closed the capsule and Ky fell into crio sleep and body began to freeze instantly. He was so cute and gorgeous and must get frustrated from the memories of being alive and having sex, and now he cant.

So Stanley ,Zeph, Nishenly and Xereshnix flew out into the night in the moth for a place to eat and rest and make there decision if they want to stay on this paradise planet or move on searching for a better planet. The sky was beautiful ,full of stars and there were 3 moons now, the yellow, the green and the white, it must have been a spectacular sight when the Lex blew red moon up. Stanley wanted to explore the green moon as it reminded him of Earth when he was a little boy. behind the moons was the sky full of stars and the supernova cloud was to beautiful for words, thy flew the moth and landed outside a hotel which was in a big transparent dome ,which goes dark in midday from the hot sun , they walled into the dome ,holograms displayed welcoming images ,about what they can do in the hotel like gamble, watch shows and movies in a holovision cinema, watch live musicians , drink ,sleep and etc.... first they decided to have a nice meal ,a luxurious meal .

The hotel was in a shape of the typical British old fashioned building from Earth ,to give it that luxurious royal feeling ,They arrived at the door there were two men dressed in suits and black ties like they way they used to dress long ago on Earth, they welcomed them and opened the doors, it was beautiful ,all the chandeliers made of crystal hanged down in the corridor and the place was well lit and then there was a "Surprise" and various people came out of no where ,beautiful women in short skirts and gorgeous men in tight space suits and normal old fashioned suits ,they congratulated Zeph, Stanley , Nishenly and Xereshnix for saving the Universe from slave trade and they had every thing on the house. Then this sexily dresses woman wearing a metallic purple dress came into the picture and congratulated them and gave them a kiss and a hug, the two girls loved it, this girl had dark tanned skin and was Chinese or Japanese by the looks of her physical appearance but died her hair green with purple streaks in aid to celebrate Nishenly ,who thanked her ,she introduced them onto a table right near the stage where various artists will perform later, the table was a half circle and small. and they sat down, Nishenly and Xereshnix opposite each other as the lady said for a romantic cause ,and Zeph, Stanley next to each other and next to Stanley was the girl he did ,he felt uneasy a bit and tried to ignore the fact she is a post op transsexual, they were left alone to discuss things and the girl in the purple dress was with them, she thanked them for destroying the red moon as they had control on the sex change machine ,and now the machine is the planet's and no one will go missing again and she thanked Zeph for going into the machine ,and brought the robot head that got lost and the robot head was so please d to see Zeph, she thanked Zeph to go in the machine because the machine made a clone and is using the clone to produce 100% pure vaginas which would give hope to new pre op transsexuals, the machine experimented on Nishenly and the person after her but could not on Xereshnix as the computer was controlled by the red moon, but then Xereshnix butted in and asked if she will be give a real one ,the lady said ,when the machine becomes more advanced because it has to remove the reshaped one and place the real on in which is difficult, then Nishenly asked why she was made a hermaphrodite woman ,the lady then said, the computer knows your thoughts and makes you the person you want to be and you had sexual desires of being a woman and doing Xereshnix and wanted to be super intelligent and there we have it completed your desire, it could not on Xereshnix because it was still controlled by the red moon, but the machine is of line now and getting repaired because it is in a disgusting state especially in the waiting cells, which felt like being in a prison cell ,seats and refreshments and a holovision will be added in ,but there will still be those cold splashes into the water as it is better than anaesthetics and cheaper to run the machine ,its for free ,no one has to pay to have the gender reassigned anymore ,but the operating process by the robots is still in good condition wit the lasers cutting the flesh and mending the flesh so when the op is finished it did not feel like an op ,but instead we will add music in to relax the patients. It will be offline for a year .

Then everyone thanked her and she went on to the next group of guests and so on talking while the wines were brought in, and then food ,it was divine ,real indigenous fish from this planet, and Hawaiian like dancers danced on the stage. once the meal was finished and snacks were on the table the lights went out and music started and various artists came on the stage and dressed up as various transsexual music artists, the last was and woman who dressed up as Dana in her Eurovision dress and sand various Dana songs. Then they went off and then it was the holovision cinema ,the silver screens on all walls came down ,and then they were in a cyberspace watching movies in virtual reality ,it was a Star Wars from Earth but was converted into hologram 3D virtual form by computers ,and they played it because they were in a star wars to destroy the red moon, they played all the episodes and the girls got tired and bored as they seen them before, but what happened they began to rub each others legs under the table and giggled ,then Xereshnix slowly slid her foot up Nishenly's dress against her smooth legs and touched her parts ,and slid Nishenly's soft penis up Nishenly's vagina ,she was surprised and loved her own penis up her own vagina and once it was in ,the penis became hard and Xereshnix pushed the penis in some sort of pulses, no body saw them as they were to busy watching the 3D Star Wars, Nishenly started to sweat and she realised Xereshnix was helping her do herself it felt good ,and was saying "yes" in a whisper and became all horny and it went on ,the girl next to Stanley crawled under the table with out catching his notice, and went to Xereshnix and began to lick her vagina and Nishenly fingered the girl under the table with her foot., then Nishenly began to ejaculate into her self and for the first time felt her own sperm squirt up in her own vagina and the sperm sprayed everywhere under the table ,and the girl under the tabled licked it up and off Nishenly and pulled the penis out of Nishenly's vagina and sucked on it until it ejaculated the second time but in her mouth and drank the gallons of sperm and then licked her vagina clean as she stuck her tongue deep in it. Then the party was over the Nishenly loved it and so did Xereshnix , the were given a room separate from Zeph and Stanley...who went to bed to sleep, Stanley and Zeph slept in separate beds and Nishenly and Xereshnix took a bath in there Jacuzzi ,as Nishenly needed her body to be in water after the time she did herself, with the help of Xereshnix

While the two were in the Jacuzzi kissing and fingering each other ,4 of the surfers came in and shouted surprise!!! the two girls jumped out of the Jacuzzi and still wet and soapy started to lick and kiss the guys and strip there clothes ,the guys got aroused by there wet bodies ,there began to kiss and fell into the Jacuzzi splashing water all over the place and played games ,like kissing catchers like children would do ,and the guys had to catch the slithering soapy girls and give them a kiss , but the surfer with the black hair caught Nishenly tightly down on the floor and asked her if she wanted to be set free, so he would catch her and kiss her again. She had slid and fell to the floor with her legs closed and giggled ,and opened her smooth legs revealing her vagina clearly and hard pointy penis and slid on the soapy floor and made the surfer fall hard and she had her green legs wide open and lifted sat up straight and kneeled with her legs still wide open but made an opening between her and the floor so the surfer can slide in , the other guys were still trying to catch Xereshnix who was wither ling like giggling happy bubbly eel, on the soapy floor . Nishenly felt her wet tits and her body all over and while doing so the surfer slid under her and she sat on him and started to kiss him ,she rubbed her hard penis on his and then pulled his down and he groaned and then shoved it in her vagina and then bounced pushing it deep inside and then he was doing her, after kissing and letting her do her ,she was becoming real slimy and wet and there was gooey all over the surfer where she had her breasts lying on his chest, Xereshnix still free ran and did not want to miss this out ,she crawled over the surfer which was doing Nishenly, slowly Xereshnix moved her bum first and slowly felt the surfer lick her vagina ,but then rubbed it in his chest and then pushed it onto Nishenly's penis and pushed herself on it so Nishenly's penis was deep in her vagina , the surfer on the ground with the two girls on top of him as facing Xereshnix tits and he sucked them. Then one surfer did not miss out he stuck his penis up Nishenly's ass and had his chest on Nishenly's back, then the other surfer stood with his legs open and kneeled so his penis could fit into Nishenly's mouth , who was sitting on Xereshnix, Xereshnix felt the warm ass of the surfer sitting on her and then she saw the last surfer insert his penis in her mouth and she sucked delightfully. Nishenly was the centre of the sexual fun ,as she has had her penis in Xereshnix's vagina ,a surfer doing her up the vagina, a surfer guy doing her up the ass and a guy with his big penis in her mouth ,it felt like she was in heaven and this went for a long time and they all planed to ejaculate at once and hold it so when it is released it would produce one big orgy ,Every one felt good especially Nishenly , she felt like electricity had gone through her as she sucked on the guys penis and felt Xereshnix move back and forth on her penis and when she moved her vagina close she pushed her penis deep, as the same time the two surfers were keeping rhythm with her and Xereshnix when she moved her ass and vagina close the pushed there penises deep in her vagina and ass, it was heaven for her and wished this happened every night ,then the ejaculation started the surfer underneath ejaculated in Nishenly's vagina, and there was lots of sperm and some o it spilled onto his body ,at the same time the other surfer ejaculated into her ass and she felt the spray and some of it spilled on the floor then the other surfer ejaculated into her mouth and she drank the semen in delight and sucked tightly, then , the one guy who's penis was in Xereshnix's mouth ejaculated also and she drank delightfully ,then Nishenly ejaculated in Xereshnix's vagina and sperm just began to pour out and all over everyone ,but they swapped ,still covered in semen ,kissed and licked each other even the guys were licking each other and kissing and took turns to be the centre of the fun and this went on for 6 hours and then they were tired and finished and the tired exhausted guys thanked the girls and left the room and the room cleaned itself and drained the soapy water and semen of the floor the two girls still rolled and kissed and played with each other on the floor and did a 69.

The two tired girls dried them selves and hopped in bed naked and Nishenly bonded to Xereshnix and they fell asleep and did each other in there sleep slowly .

The golden morning sun shone through the window onto the two girls and woke them up, Nishenly was still in Xereshnix and giggled and pulled her penis out and was full of semen and they did a 69 on the bed, showered together kissing and feeling each other ,and washing each others hair and Nishenly shaved Xereshnix's legs and when finished gave he kiss on the vagina and ran her tongue up, between her boobs and then kissed her and the two walked out of the shower smiling and holding hands and began to do each others hair and dressed each other in the same clothes, and got ready for break fast, it was a nice meal as the sun shone through the windows on the tables, so warm, so divine, the two girls joked and opened there boobs to the sunlight ,and Xereshnix said she is letting them tan, and Nishenly said she is photosynthesising so she does not have to eat much, and they giggled, and then the put them on the window and pointed to walker bys to look at there boobs some people took pictures ,and it was instantly processed into the news paper that the girls who saved the transsexuals and the weaker sex from slave trade are so floozy . The paper was delivered with there meals ,the girls laughed ,as the headlines said "Floozy Tit Showing Green Girl And Lover, Save The Universe" and under it was that picture of them with there boobs pressed against the window ,a pair of tanned skinned boobs and a pair green boobs with rose red nipples... Stanely came in and Zeph and laughed when they saw the headlines and the picture ,he said he is keeping it as a souvenir, the robot head started calling them Star Whores and playing the Star wars tune and teased Nishenly and her green boobs and said it would not mind growing them in the flower garden as the nipples look like roses, the Nishenly said don't my lips look like roses ?,and my tongue? ,the robot said yes, and my pink eyes? ,yes .... well then you can have a kiss from the rosy sexy green girl, and she licked the robot head and kissed it ,the robot head enjoyed it, and also complimented she also smelled like roses .... Then Stanely and Zeph said that they were going away and travel in space still on the Lex ,as they want to find a better planet and Stanely wants real girls so then Nishenly said that there are going to be real girls when the machine is upgraded ,and teased Stanley and licked him in the ear ,he got agitated....

After breakfast the two girls stood there holding hands and Zeph and Stanley kissed them goodbye and Xereshnix told them they must comeback if all the other planets are bad, they said O.K. we will do that.

Then the two watched them leave and fly to the Lex in the moth in the morning blue sky, then the Chinese girl now dressed in a metallic red dress told then to follow her ,she went into a silver elevator and it went down and down, the two impatient girls kissed each other while waiting, and then opened , they were on the planet under the planet of water!!!! it was beautiful the sky was deep blue and magnified the stars and galaxies ,it was like a telescope, the sky!!! ,they saw the big Lex had already left the atmosphere and increasing speed ,the water above amplified the vision like a telescope and saw the Lex and waved it good bye , they knew it would come back and Zeph and Stanley would come back and maybe the machine one day will make Ky alive again ,they asked her ,maybe said the Chinese woman and then she asked them to follow her again and she took them to a huge transparent dome where there were many people, it was a party ,people dancing and with music ,the Chinese girl took of her dress and had tight mini skirt under and she kissed Xereshnix deeply ,Nishenly joined in and all three fingered each other and made Nishenly do herself again by pushing her penis in her vagina until her penis ejaculated into her vagina ,then the Chinese girl and Xereshnix stuck there heads up and licked Nishenly clean under her mini, then later all three holding each other walked in and were finally free in paradise. Nishenly and Xereshnix were invited to sing and entertain the party and they did it well and near the end Nishenly revealed all her parts with her open legs to the spectators and did her self while singing her sexiest dance track to make her voice moans and later gave Xereshnix a deep kiss ,then paused and then began to sing a slow beautiful ballad that everyone stopped what they did and listened ,many people cried ,Xereshnix joined in after a while, the two sang like angels, this song was broadcasted throughout the Universe including the Lex and touched everyone hearts, space ships which were preparing for war dissembled and stopped ,space ships which were in battle stopped and the generals beamed each other aboard and shook hands and broke down crying ,realised all the people they killed ,people who were fighting in the streets of cities on many planets who heard the two girls sand ,stopped and listened and hugged each other and were grate full for each other, unfortunately those who did not hear the beautiful song did still continue there shameful stuff ,the two sang the song for hours ,and tears just poured down there eyes, Nishenly produced the most tears and the two ended there song holding each other smilling but crying in each others arms and the show ended and everyone went home congratulating the two and were them selves to were deep in emotion from the song.

While on the Lex already 7 light years away Stanley was depressed ,silent almost crying and was staring out into space on the Lex and Zeph was also listening to Nishenly and Xereshnix on the Lex`s radio,the both did not say a thing to each other and the robot head lying on the floor looked at them one at a time as if it were watching a tennis match ,Zeph said we can always go back .... Stanley said maybe ,there were nice guys there said Zeph who was crying from the song they heard, and girls, FAKE girls shouted Stanley and said to the Lex ,Could you please ,please ,please find a planet with real girls who are floozy like these transsexuals..... Yes there is one in ten galaxies away, said the Lex, good ,lets go there..... so the Lex picked up speed and said I love those transsexuals ,I am going back if 10 planets go wrong and I am ignoring you Stan ,the food is good there with the transsexuals....

The Lex headed for the planet and passed many solar systems ,what they did not know is that they were heading for a planet that was a paradise is now depleted ................all I can say is shame ,poor Stanley......................................



the Lex is a science fiction series ,about Ky, Zeph and Stanley who travel in search for a planet as a home and is a TV (television series) but the Transformation episode was totally made up by ZANA International where the characters of Nishenly and Xereshnix are completely made up by me, Zana ,and the blue planet ,and its moons ....and this is a start for Zana's own new story series called the Adventures of Nishenly and Xereshnix.........

Love you from Zana International (Danielle)


===== Website: (Zana TS Zone & Dana International) My emails(SAVE THESE PLEEZE):,,,, Transsexual rights are human rights!

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