The Legends of Blood

By Myke D

Published on Apr 2, 2020


The Legends of Blood Volume 1

"Blood Lust"

By: Myke D

Part 3: Secrets

17: The Hostess - Ethan

The house was silent when I awoke, and my head was spinning. I tried to sit up, but I was quick to discover that somebody had tied me down to a bed. The room was dark, but I could feel like I was being watched.

"Hello?" I asked nervously.

"I'm glad to see that my bodyguard didn't do any lasting damage, Ethan." A feminine voice said from near my feet. I fear that he hit you harder than he planned."

I tried to see where the voice was coming from, but it hurt to move my head even the slightest bit. My stomach turned and I slammed my eyes shut to keep from vomiting on myself.

"Try not to move, Ethan." The woman said calmly. "You'll feel better once my doctor is able to take another look at you. He was certain that you had a concussion when he saw you earlier."

"Where am I?" I asked as I struggled not to cry. The last thing I remembered was being at the party when the man in black attacked me. And Jenna... I gasped out her name. "Jenna..."

The woman was suddenly standing beside me with a sad smile on her face. She reached down and removed the restraints from my arms and legs and pulled me into her arms. Her hair was blonde in color and her eyes were dark, but I was unable to make out their color in the dim light. The woman had a strange earthy scent to her that seemed to draw me in and relax me as she softly stroked my back.

"I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, Ethan." The woman said. "Adam told me that there was an accident at the school when he came to get you. I wish it could have happened differently..."

I pushed away from the woman and fought against the nausea as I stared at her.

"You still haven't answered my question," I told her. "Where am I?"

The woman grinned smugly before she reached over and flipped on the bedside lamp. I gasped as she turned her attention to me. Her eyes were as red as blood. Just like Evan's had been in my nightmares. The woman chuckled at my reaction.

"My name is Sonya, Ethan." She told me. "You are in my penthouse in Philadelphia at the moment, being held as my privileged guest."

"You mean, your prisoner, don't you?" I asked defiantly.

"Only if you refuse to do what I say, Ethan." She said pointedly. "As long as you behave, you will be treated with the upmost respect during your time here. If you try to run, you will be locked away in one of the dog kennels. Do we have an understanding, Ethan?"

"Yes, ma'am." I replied quietly.

"Good," she smiled again. I couldn't help but feel like she was contemplating whether or not she was going to drain me dry. "Now, let's get you situated in your own room so you can be comfortable."

"How long are you planning on keeping me here?" I asked nervously. "My family will be looking for me."

"They'll never find you, Ethan." Sonya said grimly. "Nobody even knows that I have you. At least, not until your brother comes to find you."

"Evan's dead," I said with a snort. "Hasn't everybody learned that by now?"

The woman didn't say anything. She only grinned at me smugly for a few minutes.

"Are you hungry, Ethan?" Sonya finally asked. "It's been so long since I've been a human that I tend to forget about your needs."

"Not right now, ma'am." I replied nervously. My head was still throbbing, and I wasn't certain I could keep anything down. "Could I have some water, though?"

Sonya smiled politely before she turned and called out for someone else in her bell-like voice.


The door to the room opened a moment later, and a young-looking woman with long brown hair and blood red eyes entered the room. She bowed her head respectfully to Sonya before her eyes turned and focused on me. I felt chills go down my spine as I saw the look of hunger in their depths before she smiled.

"Yes, my Lady?" Isabella's voice was lighter than Sonya's but it still had the chime to it.

"Isabella, this is Ethan." Sonya introduced me but I could tell that she already knew who I was. "He will be staying with us for some time, and I would like you to be his personal caretaker since Adam isn't in the right state of mind to do it."

Isabella's gaze never left me as Sonya spoke. It made me nervous to think of what she was capable of doing to me if she wanted. She was a monster just like Sonya and Adam. Just like Mr. Hunter had said...

"I will care for the boy, Sonya." Isabella said softly before she came over to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Thank you, Isabella." Sonya said with a smug grin. "Remember, Ethan. If you try anything, I will have you locked in a dog kennel for the remainder of your time as our guest."

"Yes, ma'am." I replied meekly.

"Good, boy." Sonya stated as if she was talking to her pet. "Keep him safe from the others, Isabella, but you may do with him as you wish."

"As you wish, my Lady." Isabella replied before Sonya left the room. I blushed as Isabella smiled at me. "Relax, Ethan. I would never let anybody harm you. I promised your father I would keep you safe."

I gasped at Isabella's words, but she just giggled lightly.

"There's a lot for you to learn, young one."

"Obviously," I stated sadly. Something told me that I was going to be learning more than I ever wanted to know...

****Thank you for choosing to read this installment of "The Legends of Blood". Stay tuned for the next chapter...

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Next: Chapter 18

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