The Legends of Blood

By Myke D

Published on Feb 8, 2020


The Legends of Blood Volume 1

"Blood Lust"

By: Myke D

Part 2: The Hideaway

14: The Sleepover - Ethan

"Are you sure about this, Ethan?" My grandmother asked me with a worried tone in her voice.

"I'm sure, nana." I tried to force myself to smile, but I'm certain it appeared more like a grimace. "I need this."

My grandmother chuckled lightly to herself before she reached over and ruffled my hair. "What time do you have to be there?"

"It starts at seven-thirty," I stated with a shrug. "Jenna said that she would pick me up at seven so we could get something to eat beforehand."

"Smart girl," my grandmother agreed. I couldn't help but giggle at her response. Grandma placed a plate of cookies on the kitchen island and I was quick to snatch one up and stuff it into my mouth. My grandmother laughed pleasantly. "Some things never change."

"What?" I asked with my best `innocent' look that I could muster. "I'm an angel and you know it!"

She smiled at me before she gave me glass of milk to drink with my snack.

"Thank you, grandma." I told her appreciatively. "I love you."

"I love you too, Ethan." My grandmother told me as she came around the island to hug me. "I'm so proud of you, grandson."

"For what?"

"I'm proud of you for being as strong as you have you been, lately." She told me, and I felt myself frown as the tidal wave of emotions began to crawl under my skin again. I forced myself not to cry as my grandmother squeezed me tightly. "Remember, if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, all you have to do is say my name and I'll be there."

"Do you promise?" I asked unable to keep my own worry out of my voice. I couldn't bare losing another member of my family.

Grandma smiled at me and kissed the top of my head.

"With all of my heart, Ethan."

Jenna and Justin were busy making fun of each other as I climbed into the backseat of Jenna's Jeep with my backpack and sleeping bag. Jenna turned in her seat and smiled at me.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah," I replied with a grin. "I need this."

"I bet you do, Ethan!" Jenna agreed before she turned back around and backed out of the driveway.

Justin turned towards me and smiled.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Hey," I answered sheepishly as I felt myself blush. HE reached back and squeezed my knee and I jumped from the electrical shock that traveled through my leg. Justin looked confused for a moment before he grinned again. "Did your old school ever do anything like this?"

"Not really," Justin replied. "I mean, they had all of the school dances, but our school was too big for them to pretty much have an all-night party. What does a DJ for this type of event cost anyways?"

I giggled at his expression before Justin reached back and squeezed my leg again. I couldn't help but gasp as the electrical tingle crawled through my body. We swung by McDonald's to fill ourselves up on cheeseburgers and fries before we decided that we needed to get to the school before they closed the doors at eight-thirty. We chatted about different things as Jenna drove the three of us to the high school. I learned that Justin's favorite color was blue, but he also loved the deep red colors. His favorite music was classical just like me and Evan, and his favorite type of food was pasta. I couldn't help but swoon as he continued to tell me more and more about himself. I didn't even notice that Jenna had parked the Jeep until she shut off the engine.

"Let's go, lover boys!" She teased us both and I couldn't help but blush again as I grabbed my backpack and sleeping bag.

I could hear the music thumping through the walls of the school as we waited in line outside of the door. The secretary of the school was seated at a table and was collecting money from everyone before she handed them passes to go inside the school. I was about to reach in my back pocket and grab my wallet when Justin grabbed my hand and held it in his own.


"Yeah, Justin?"

"Would you care if I bought all of our tickets since you paid for dinner?" Justin asked with a grin.

"You have my full permission, Justin!" Jenna giggled.

I rolled my eyes dramatically as they laughed with each other.

"Next!" Miss Coster called out and my group approached the table.

"Three please, Miss Coster." Justin stated with a smoothness in his voice that almost left me breathless. He handed her thirty dollars before he put his wallet back in his pocket.

"Thank you, Mr. Hunter." Miss Coster said with a slight smile as she handed each of us our tickets to get into the building. "Enjoy your evening, kids."

We all thanked the woman before we moved on to the next teacher that was checking the tickets before letting us walk through the doors. The main hallway of the school had been set up like a casino lounge area with sofas and small tables between them on either side. A red carpet had been rolled out that lead towards the other end of the hall before it abruptly turned right into the gymnasium. Another teacher was directing students where to place their belongings to be held until the party was over the evening. I set my backpack down next to Justin's belongings before I followed him like a lost puppy back out into the hallway. He reached back and grabbed my hand – making sure that I kept up with him as he pulled me along to the gymnasium. Jenna smiled as she met us at the door.

"I'm glad to see that the two of you are getting along so well," she teased me playfully before she stepped into the gymnasium. I blushed again. "Come on, guys."

The inside of the gymnasium was set like a casino gaming floor with a cashier's table just to the left of the door. The far side of the gym had a dance floor with lights flashing to the beat of the song that the DJ was playing. There were multiple gaming tables with students surrounding them as they took their chances to win more tickets. The cashier gave each of us fifty tickets to start with and we were told that if we needed more it would cost us another ten dollars. Waiters were moving throughout the gymnasium with trays of drinks and appetizers. I barely caught what the cashier was telling us as I took in the different decorations around the gym.

"They have a pizza buffet set in the cafeteria that will open at nine," the cashier instructed us with a smile. "There will be a prize drawing every half-hour in the hallway outside of the cafeteria that you were entered in as soon as you registered at the front door."

"That's pretty cool," Justin said to Jenna.

"Enjoy your evening, everyone." The cashier finally stated with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"Come on," Jenna said. "Let's go find Kevin. He's supposed to have a table for us."

We followed Jenna through the crowd of students until we found Kevin sitting by himself at a small table in the corner of the gym. He smiled and waved us ever.

"Hey, guys!" Kevin said happily. "I was wondering when you were going to get here!"

"Jenna couldn't decide what she wanted to wear," Justin said with a roll of his eyes. "You know how girls are."

"Hey," Jenna exclaimed before she shoved Justin. "You jerk."

I giggled as Kevin ruffled my hair.

"I'm glad you're here, Ethan!" Kevin stated with a broad smile. His blue eyes seemed to sparkle under the lights. "You've had me worried sick this week, man."

"You know I couldn't miss hanging out with you," I teased the Senior.

He chuckled and pulled me into a tight hug.

"If you ever need anybody to talk to, Ethan, I'm here for you." He whispered into my ear before he pushed me towards the gaming tables. "Come on! Let's go see if we can win some tickets!"

We spent several hours cruising between the different game tables as we tried to win more tickets. I discovered that my game was Blackjack, and I wound up spending more time at that table than any of the others. Jenna, Justin, and Kevin each went off in different directions as time passed. It wasn't until it was almost eleven when Justin came to find me.

"Holy shit, Ethan!" Justin said in amazement as he saw the pile of tickets in front of me. "Are you counting cards?"

I giggled.

"No," I replied. "I'm just better than you."

"Hey!" Justin tickled me and I laughed even harder. "Come on. Jenna and Kevin want to go eat before all of the food is gone."

"Help me grab up my tickets really quick."

Justin rolled his eyes in mock exasperation before he smiled and kissed my cheek. We grabbed my tickets and took them to the cashier whom exchanged them for vouchers. Then, Justin and I headed for the cafeteria.

"It's about time!" Jenna chided us when we finally set our plates down at the table she had managed to hold for all of us.

"Sorry, Jenna!" Justin replied with a shrug of his shoulders. He motioned his thumb towards me. "I had to help Mr. Moneybags here take his winnings to the cashier's stand."

Jenna's eyes went wide for a moment before she giggled.

"At least one of us is getting lucky, tonight."

I couldn't help but laugh with her. Justin and I made multiple trips to the buffet along with Kevin who had finally decided to grace us with his presence. There was music playing softly in the back of the cafeteria while people enjoyed the free meal. Kevin and Jenna kept making googly eyes at each other which made me tease the both of them. Then, it was well past two in the morning and the party was beginning to wind down for the night. I slipped away to the bathroom only to find Jenna waiting for me outside in the hallway.

"Do you think Kevin likes me?" She asked me nervously.

"Definitely," I replied with a giggle. "He's been undressing you with his eyes for a few hours now."

Jenna blushed and I laughed even harder.

"You're such a nerd," she teased me as she poked me in my side.

We were on our way towards the gymnasium when Jenna pointed out that one of the gates was partially open.

"Do you think we should report it?" She asked my opinion nervously.

I was just about to answer her when a muscular man wearing a tight black shirt and dark jeans stepped out from the open gate. He had a smug grin on his face as his hazel eyes focused on me.

"Hello, Ethan." He said in a dark voice.

I felt a chill go up my spine as Jenna grabbed my arm.

"What do you want?" I demanded. "How do you know who I am?"

The man's grin broadened.

"It's not what I want, Ethan." The strange man stated. "The person I serve has a very dear interest in your family. Especially, you and your brother."

"You're a little late, fella'." I said with a snort. "Evan's dead."

"Is he now?" The man asked as if he knew a different answer. I felt my heart skip a beat as I considered the possibility that Evan was still alive somewhere.

"Come on, Ethan." Jenna whispered from beside me. "Let's get back to the gymnasium."

The man took a step forward and was suddenly standing directly in front of me. Jenna and I both jumped in surprise as the man continued to just grin with his arms crossed against his thick chest.

"I need you to come with me, Ethan." The man asked almost as if he dared me to run. "Or, do I get to have a little fun?"

Jenna went to pull me backwards with her when the man swung his arm at Jenna and backhanded her. She cried out in pain as her body slammed into the wall of lockers and she slumped to the floor leaving a bloody streak behind her. Her eyes were open but there was no spark in her stare. I turned back towards the man as he grabbed me in his strong grip and slung me over his shoulder.

"Justin!" I screamed out as loud as I could. "Help me, Justin!"

The next thing I knew the man had carried me outside of the school and into the student parking lot. I saw Jenna's Jeep and the image of her body sliding down the wall came back to me full force. As far as I knew, Jenna was dead. I was certain that the man was going to end my life as well and I decided that I would at least go out with a fight. The air was chilly, and I shivered as I beat against the man's back with my fist.

"Put me down!" I demanded bitterly as I tried to struggle against his strong grip. "Justin, help!"

"Stop struggling, you little piss ant!" The man growled at me.

I refused to give up that easily. I continued to fight against the man. The man dropped me to the ground on my ass and I cried out in pain. I grimaced as I glanced up in time to see him swing his fist at the side of my head.

***Things are beginning to pick up again for our protagonists! Stay tuned for the next chapter of "The Legends of Blood". Chapter 15 – Sunlight... If you would like to be added to my mailing list for this story or any others that I am working on, please feel free to contact me and let me know...

***Remember to check out one of my other stories while you wait... "Be the One" - Gay Science Fiction "The Touch" - Gay Science Fiction

Plus, many more coming soon...

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Next: Chapter 15

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