The Legends of Blood

By Myke D

Published on Jan 31, 2020


The Legends of Blood Volume 1

"Blood Lust"

By: Myke D

Part 2: The Hideaway

13: Bad News - Evan

It was four days before the members of the Alliance had all gathered at Lulu's Hideaway. My grandmother had left to attend my mother's funeral, and she was due to return to my family's house the next morning after the Council meeting. Jon had taken my family hunting the night before the remainder of the Alliance had arrived to help us take the edge off. Tatum and Dylan were told to go play video games in one of the vacant rooms downstairs, while all of the Elders sat around a long rectangular table in a conference room that was two stories beneath the ground.

Along with my new family, I got to know the different members of the Council as they arrived over the next few days. Lusindra, Dominick, and Emily arrived the first night and were all infatuated with me. Lusindra would stay up as long as possible just to continuously ask me different questions about what my ability could be. She was cheerful in all of our conversations, and I never saw her talk down to anyone. Dominick was more reserved and seemed to hold all of his questions back – knowing that Lusindra would ask them eventually. He was curious, and he never let his eyes stray too far from my person whenever he was awake. He wore a long dark robe that clasped on his right shoulder leaving his right arm exposed. His left arm was hidden away in the robes and his head was shaved. The red eyes looked odd on the Asian man, and I couldn't help but wonder where he had come from.

"I'm a Buddhist Monk, Evan." He told me one night after I had finally let the curiosity build up enough to force me to satisfy it. "Arella found me when I was lost in a blizzard as I tried to return to my temple." HE smiled fondly at the memory for a moment before we began to discuss different topics.

Emily spent more of her time with Tatum. She had only been seventeen when she had been turned by Orthis during one of his feeding rampages. She had managed to hide herself away in her family's barn while she underwent the change and was found by Arella as the girl struggled to find her way in the world. Arella had taken Emily under her protection and guided her into the future.

Arella had been the last to arrive along with Jackson – The Father of the Werewolves. He was wearing old jeans and a flannel shirt with hiking boots on his feet when he had greeted me. He was rough in his manner, but I could understand where he was coming from. The man was the creator of an entire species, he had more weight upon his shoulders than anyone. Vampires were lone creatures. Nomads by nature. We rarely stayed in one area for too long before we moved on again. Many of the Elders had multiple houses that they moved around between just to give them some new scenery. Werewolves were pack oriented. Jackson was connected to every single werewolf in existence whether he had been around at the time of their making or not. He shared in their thoughts and their fears. I shuddered at the thought of having so many voices inside my head.

Samuel was one of Arella's children and he was very standoffish during all of our encounters during the two nights that he had been at the safe house. He kept to himself and I rarely saw him interact with anybody besides Lulu. I knew from the moment that I had met him that he was going to be trouble. My grandmother and another witch named Cordillia arrived the morning before the Council was to meet. Cordillia was pleasant, but I sensed a darkness about her. My grandmother explained to me that Cordillia was a Dark Witch whom practiced in Black Magic. It had sent chills down my spine when she shook my hand. Something that Cordillia had noticed as well. Leslie had arrived along with an old man named Felix. Arella introduced him to me as the Seer before she finally took her seat at the head of the table. Jackson sat in the first chair to her right while I took the chair to her left. Lusindra sat to my left while Jon sat across from her to the right of Jackson. Lusindra was quietly talking to Dominick who was to her left, and Emily whom was across from Dominick.

I could hear other conversations being held further down the table, but I didn't try to listen in on any single voice. My attention was more focused on the fact that Dante had appeared in the doorway of the room with Lulu beside him.

"My Lords?" Lulu interrupted the conversations briefly. She waited for the room to quiet before she continued. "I have a friend here who brings dire news from the east."

"What is it, my dear Dante?" Arella asked curiously.

Dante glanced around the room nervously before he replied.

"You have to swear me protection from the other Elders if I tell you, my Lords." The nomad demanded without breaking his gaze away from Arella.

"So be it," Arella replied with a nod.

Dante sighed with relief before he spoke again.

"I believe that Lady Sonya has been creating an army in Philadelphia," he stated with a quick glance around the room as several people gasped.

"That's forbidden," I heard someone exclaim.

"She needs to be punished!" Someone else demanded fiercely.

"Quiet, please?" Arella requested which brought the mutters of surprise to an end. Arella turned her attention back to Dante. "Are you certain of this, Dante?"

"Absolutely, Mother Arella."

Everyone felt the surge of confidence in his words. I glanced at Lusindra with a questioning expression on my face. She smiled when she saw my confusion.

"It means that my dear sister is preparing for war, Evan." Lusindra explained. "In the old days, vampires vied for property and would create armies of newborn vampires to help the keep their new ground safe from other covens. It led to many great wars being fought between our kind. The Hunters were requested to step in and put an end to the violence before our kind was rendered extinct. Newborn armies have been illegal amongst our species ever since, Evan. We're not the only species that has passed this rule, either."

I nodded as I took in the information that she had told me.

"It can't be a very large army if the humans haven't taken notice of it, yet." Jackson commented.

"On the contrary, Lord Jackson." Dante stated grimly. "I counted thirty-two newborn vampires in a warehouse near the waterfront. It seems as though Sonya has a few werewolves keeping watch over the building during the daytime."

I swallowed nervously as I heard Jackson growl. He closed his eyes for a moment as he seemed to search for a memory or a thought. HE growled again and slammed his fist on the table when he opened his eyes.

"I knew Vincent was up to something," the werewolf stated angrily. "I didn't know that he had gotten Grant and Kyle involved."

"Would you like me to take them out, Father?" Jon asked almost greedily.

"How are we going to deal with this situation?" Arella asked everyone.

"We need more information, first." MY grandmother suggested and I saw Arella nod in agreement.

"So, we send a small squad to Philly to get eyes on the situation, and we'll make our final plan based off of that." Arella stated with a frown.

"Who are we going to send though?" Leslie asked.

"I think we have the perfect team for this type of mission," the Mother of Vampires said smugly.

"Aww, shit." Jon muttered under his breath.

"I'm not ready for this," I told Jon as we prepared to leave the motel. "Neither is Tatum."

"We all have to grow up at some point, Evan." Jon told me without even taking his eyes off the television where some news report was playing about the murders in Philadelphia.

"Police are trying to find the gangs responsible for the recent up rise in murders and crime," the News Anchor stated in a dry voice. I tuned the man out and focused on Jon.

"Do you think that we're ready for this, Jon?" I asked him apprehensively. Somehow, I didn't think that he would tell me what I wanted to hear.

"It doesn't matter what I think, Evan." He stated – quite obviously avoiding the question. I narrowed my eyes at him. He just shrugged his shoulders. "There's a Prophecy for a reason, Evan. Besides, if you're so worried about it, why don't you just ask Tatum to tell you what's going to happen in Philadelphia?"

I turned to see Tatum sitting at the table like he was ready to leave. Dylan sat beside him – the young blonde man bounced his leg nervously on the floor until Lulu snapped at him to stop. I considered using Tatum's ability, but I decided against it. Something in the back of my mind told me that it wasn't necessary just yet.

"Are you about ready to go?" I asked the werewolf.

Jon shook his head and chuckled.

"You never cease to amaze me, Evan." He stated with a grin. "Let's go, guys."

The car sped down the highway with Jon behind the wheel as we raced for Philadelphia. The tires on the mustang squealed as they barely clung to the asphalt of the mountain roads. I tried not to think about the cliff just on the other side of the guardrail, but it kept bringing back memories from my own accident. I kept seeing Leslie step in front of the one remaining headlight over and over again. I remembered the sound of Dylan's thirsty voice as he begged to kill me. I remembered lying in that car and thinking about how hard my death was going to affect my little brother. I was surprised that he had been hanging on as well as he did after the accident. I was almost positive that my mother's suicide was going to destroy him.

"Jon," Dylan called out over the music from the backseat. "I think you should slow down a little."

"Why?" Jon grunted.

"Umm, in case you haven't noticed," Dylan continued. "One of us was recently involved with a horrible car accident..."

Dylan left the sentence hang and Jon surprised me with how quick he picked up on the message. I felt the car begin to slow down as Jon chuckled.

"Sorry, Evan."

The motel room had two queen sized beds with a small table between them. The table had a telephone, lamp, and a Bible sitting on it. There was a window next to the main door, but Jon had pulled the curtains closed as soon as we entered the room. There was a sink with a lamp above it in a tiny alcove at the back of the room, with a door that led to the bathroom on the left. A dresser took the space against the wall across from the beds with a television mounted on the wall behind it. Dylan jumped onto the bed closest to the bathroom with Tatum close behind him. Tatum grabbed the remote and turned on the TV as the two vampires cuddled up with each other on the bed. I glanced at Jon as he chuckled and shook his head.

A small table with wo chairs sat in front of the window, and I took that spot as Jon stretched out on the remaining bed. He yawned as he shuffled to find a comfortable position before, and moments later, the werewolf was snoring quietly. I glanced over to see that Dylan had his eyes closed while Tatum had his head on Dylan's chest and was watching the television. I sat there for about an hour watching some talk show with Tatum when I decided that I was in desperate need of a shower.

I was only in the bathroom a few minutes when I heard the door open quietly and latch shut a second later.


The curtain pulled aside, and I saw my cousin staring at me with a dreamy look in his eyes. Something told me that the moment was meant to happen in order to secure our bond, and I reached my hand out to Tatum. He smiled shyly as he took my hand and stepped into the shower with me.

"Are you sure?" I asked him hesitantly as the vampire smiled up at me and nodded.

"I've been sure for quite some time now, cousin." Tatum said before he reached his hand forward and stroked the shaft of my cock gently.

I gasped out loud as a tremble of pleasure ran through my body. My cousin was actually playing with my cock. Then, he got down on his knees in front of me and slid my seven inches into his mouth. I groaned as Tatum used his other hand to cup my balls as he sucked me. Jenna and I had messed around one time when we were younger, but it didn't feel anywhere near as good as it did to have Tatum wrapping his lips around my cock. The warm water cascading over my shoulders only helped to intensify the sensations, and it wasn't long before I yanked Tatum to his feet and pushed him against the wall. He only looked surprised for a moment before I pressed my lips against his and kissed him deeply.

***This is the end of another chapter of "The Legends of Blood." Chapter 14 – The Sleepover... will be the next one to be released. As always, if you wish to get in contact with me, my email is

***Remember to check out one of my other stories while you wait... "Be the One" - Gay Science Fiction "The Touch" - Gay Science Fiction

Plus, many more coming soon...

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Next: Chapter 14

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