The Legends of Blood

By Myke D

Published on Jan 30, 2020


The Legends of Blood Volume 1

"Blood Lust"

By: Myke D

Part 2: The Hideaway

12: Without Hope - Ethan

It only seemed fitting that it rained as my mother's body was being lowered into the ground. My father and grandmother stood on either side of me as I struggled not to cry. My entire world had started to fall apart around me, and it had all started with the death of my brother. I glanced over my shoulder to see that Jenna and Justin were standing behind me with Mr. Hunter beside them. I smiled weakly at them before I turned my attention back to the silver casket being lowered into the dirt. I tried to think of anything that would make me feel better, but not even thinking about when Justin smiled at me was working. All I felt was misery and loathing...

I spent the entirety of the reception hidden away in Evan's bedroom with the door closed. I wanted to be alone. Nobody in my inner circle of friends and family could tell me how to deal with the grief that I felt over the loss of my brother followed by my mother. Who was going to be next in the never-ending parade of funerals that seemed to constantly be invading my life? The answer was an obvious one...


I wept again as I thought about the fact that I was going to have to attend my cousin's funeral when he finally died from the cancer. It was all beginning to become too much for me, and I wasn't certain if I was up for any more challenges.

I remained at home for the remainder of the week as I dealt with my mother's death. My father and grandmother stayed with me the entire time – refusing to leave me alone. I guess I looked like the next one to go over the deep end, and they wanted to keep it from happening. I withdrew into myself. I refused to talk to any of my friends or family. My grandmother grew worried when she realized that I had stopped eating. I had even closed myself off to Doctor Howards during our sessions. I was done with the world.

I was sitting in the bay window of our living room when my perspective changed completely. It was quiet in the house, and the sun had long set for the day. I heard a door creak open upstairs followed by another door shortly after.

"Mom?" I heard the sound of my dad's voice. "Are you awake?"

"Yes, dear. Come in," my grandma replied softly.

I heard the door push open further before either of them spoke.

"What am I going to do, mom?" My father's voice broke as I heard him begin to cry. I felt a lump form in my own throat at the sound.

"There... there..." My grandmother tried to calm her son. "It'll be okay, Eugene."

"He's all I have left, mom." My father cried sadly. "I can't lose him too. It's not like I can force him to eat. The only choice I have to keep Ethan alive is to take him to the hospital and put him on an IV. I can't watch my baby boy waste away like this. Everyday his cheeks look more sunken in. His eyes look so empty, mom. Even after Evan was taken away from him, there was still a spark there. Now, there's just... nothing. Please, mom, what do I do?"

I leaned my head against the window and began to cry. I had been so absorbed in my own misery that I hadn't even realized the stress I was causing to my own father. I quickly ran up the stairs and went into the guest room where my grandmother and father were both sitting on the edge of the bed. MY grandmother had her arm across my dad's shoulders as he wept. They both looked up at me when I entered the room, but I didn't stop. I threw myself into my startled father's arms as I cried.

"I'm so sorry, dad." I whimpered as I buried my face in his chest. "I promise I'll do better..."

"Shh, baby boy." He whispered as he held me tightly. "I love you no matter what happens, and I'll never leave you. I promise, Ethan."

"I love you too, dad." I whispered as I tried to get my emotions under control again.

My father rubbed my back gently as I cried myself to sleep in his arms.

***A nice little bonding moment for Ethan and Eugene as the father and son deal with how they're going to move forwards with their lives. Next time on "The Legends of Blood". Chapter 13 – Bad News... If you wish to be put on the mailing list for this story or any of my other stories that are in the works, please feel free to send me an email...

***Remember to check out one of my other stories while you wait... "Be the One" - Gay Science Fiction "The Touch" - Gay Science Fiction

Plus, many more coming soon...

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Next: Chapter 13

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