The Legendaries

By moc.oohay@09kcinsuoiroton

Published on Feb 27, 2011


Disclaimer: This story will contain intimate relationships and sex between two males. This will also include strong language and graphic scenes. If this offends you, or you are not allowed to read this due to age restrictions, please leave.

"The Legendaries: Part Two"

The next morning found Coop awakening in an unfamiliar room.

Duh,' he thought sitting up, Tori's house.'

How could he forget? The epic conversation that involved demons, powers, and other dimensions had eternally scarred his memory.

And even though he should totally be freaked out right now, he was actually okay. The thought of having reality-altering powers was kinda sketchy, but for some reason it was alright. He just felt...calm about the whole thing.

He had dreamed again that night. But this dream was different than all the others. He saw the Raven and the Phoenix. They were flying, high in a deep red sky. It was beautiful to watch them glide on the open air. In his mind he could sense there were others; the other three Legendaries, he assumed, but he could never see them. Then, suddenly, the majestic birds dove, and landed on the firm dirt. When they arose, standing in their place were Tori and Coop.

This should have surprised Coop, but it didn't.

They stood on a hill, overlooking a horrendous battle taking place. Both Legendaries dressed in battle armor, swords on their flanks.

They remained standing on the hillside, watching the blood bath continue. It was at that point, Tori, The Darkening, placed a hand on The Phoenix's shoulder. He nodded, a grim expression clouding his face.

And then the world was consumed in fire.

Tori sat at the dining room table with her father, showered and ready for the day despite it being eight `o'clock on a Saturday morning. She smiled at Guiliano as he placed a pristine plate of bacon, eggs, and toast in front of her.

"Thank you, Guiliano." She said as he nodded and walked back to the kitchen. Her father, seated beside her, spoke when he disappeared into the kitchen.

"So how was last night?" He asked, putting a slice of green apple into his mouth.

"It was...well, alright. Surprisingly. He took everything really well, and I think he's starting to regain some of his memory."

"Good. I was a little worried."

"I think with a little more time and a whole lot of training, he'll be okay."

"Very good. Well, I've got to get some things down in the Millennium Hall fixed. Some of the holoscreens went out and I'll have to see if they can be repaired. "He said, standing from the table. Tori nodded and smiled up to her father.

"I think I'll take him to Stonehenge today. Show him more."

"Just be careful. And don't forget to call and tell me when you'll be home for dinner." He said, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead.

"Yes, father..."

Coop threw his legs over the side of the bed and stood up and stretched. He looked at himself in the adjacent mirror and chuckled. His hair was going all different directions, the shirt he had worn the previous day was wrinkled, and his morning hard-on was poking out of his boxers.

`Well I can't walk out like this...' He thought, looking around the room for his jeans. Finding them at the end of the bed, he slipped into them and put on his flip-flops.

`I need to talk to Tori," he thought,' But it's only eight-thirty. Is she even up?'

Remembering what Tori had told him the previous day before, he thought of all the rooms he had seen during the tour of the house. Surprisingly, he remembered every aspect of the house as he thought about the rooms. Every painting, every piece of furniture. He thought of the dining room, which, instead of the empty dining room he remembered, he found Tori sitting there, reading a book. Then, as though he were in the room, she looked right at him, as if he were actually there.

Having fun?" She inquired, smiling. Coop just stood in the guest room, dumbfounded. Perhaps you would like to join me, Coop?"

Coop opened the door and walked down the staircase to the dining room, where Tori sat, looking exactly as she was when they had telepathically communicated.

"Good morning," Tori said, not looking up from her book.

"Good morning," Coop muttered, giving her a strange look.

"Would you care for some breakfast? Guiliano would be happy to make you something."

"Umm...sure. I'd just like some eggs. And some toast. And maybe some bacon." He said, pausing slightly in between each of these statements. Tori gazed at him, her eyebrow raised. "What? I'm hungry." Tori just smiled and looked down at her book again.

They sat there in a few moments of silence, before Coop broke it.

"Sooo... you wanna tell me what just happened?" He asked.

"You ordered breakfast." Tori answered, seeming as involved in her book as she ever was. Coop rolled his eyes.

"Not that, the whole mind thing."

"Ah. It's called remote viewing. It's a telepathic skill." Tori began excitedly, saving her place in her book.

`Someone is a little too perky for eight-thirty...' Coop thought.

"You see, using your mind, you can view any venue as though you were there. Places you've already been to are easier to view, because your subconscious is already familiar with it. Most telepaths cannot view places they haven't been. Only the most powerful, one of them being you, can. You can use minds that are already there to triangulate the surroundings. I know of one particularly powerful telepath who's used only the psychic imprints of a place to see it. And the place had been abandoned for forty years. So, very powerful indeed."

Coop just looked at her.


"That was probably the nerdiest thing I have ever heard..."

"Well, you asked, I answered. Pretty simple if you ask me..."

"So who's this powerful psychic you know?" He asked, chewing on a piece of crispy bacon Guiliano had just delivered.


"Me? But I've never done this remote thing `til today."

"It was your last life. In the 1940's. My grandfather was part of the organization that my father now runs, and was able to have direct communication with the Phoenix. He's given this corporation more intel than most of the books we have."

"Gosh, I still can't get past that whole past live thing. Shockingly enough I can get used to being able to drill someone with my mind, but not that I've been reincarnated about twelve times..."

"Well, we've made a little progress, at least." Tori said. "Well I've got quite the day planned for us, so why don't we get a move on?"

"Great. Another migraine day ahead. At least I've had my orange juice." He said, chuckling. Tori gave him a questioning glance and tilted her head. "It's a commercial. Have you never seen it?"

"I don't watch television."

`Of course. Freak.' He thought. "Alright, well I gotta go home and grab a couple of things first."

"Very well. Just be careful. Now that you are aware of your Legendary status, extra-dimensional forces will be more sensitive and drawn to you."

"Lovely. What happens if a mad-axe-murderer comes along?"

"Just call my name. I'll try and do something." She said walking away.

"Totally reassuring."

Pulling into his driveway in his Jeep Gran Cherokee, Coop unbuckled and got out of the car. He looked over to his neighbor, Mrs. Connelly working in her yard, raking leaves in the autumn weather. He waved and smiled as she did the same.

He turned to walk up the stairs of the house when he heard his name being called. He looked around to find his neighbor to the left, Mrs. Davenport, calling to him.

He walked across the yard and up to their porch.

"Hi, Mrs. Davenport. How're you today?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm fine. I just wanted to talk to you about something. See, my nephew is moving in with us this week. We're actually expecting him later. His name is Nik. His parents, my sister, died last week and we've agreed to adopt him. He's never really been social and he's kind of been the quiet, nerdy type."

"And you want me to kind of introduce him to things here in town." Coop guessed. She smiled.

"If you would. I just don't want him to spend his high school career boxed up. I know you're a social person and could get him involved in some things at school."

"I'll try my best. And I'm sorry about your sister."

She smiled a sad smile and hugged him. He walked away, feeling a little better than when he had pulled into the driveway.

About forty-five minutes later, Coop arrived back at the Heart Estate, freshly showered and clothes changed. He wore a blue and white striped button-up and khaki cargo shorts, with his favorite flip-flops.

His hand was about a quarter-inch away from knocking on the oak door, when it opened, Guiliano appearing behind it.

"Nice to have you back, sir" Guiliano said, ushering Coop inside.

"Umm, thanks. I guess."

"Miss Victoria will be down momentarily." He said, before whisking away into what Coop remembered as the kitchen.

He walked from the foyer into one of the beautifully furnished living rooms. This room had bookshelves that lined the walls (even thought it wasn't the library) and several leather couches. He examined some of the paintings, and looked at some of the expensive books before hearing Tori descending the stairs. He walked back to the foyer to greet her.

"Hello, Cooper." She said, reaching the last step. She was dressed in khaki capris and a vest that went over a green quarter-sleeved blouse that fit her bodice well.

"Umm...hey." He said intelligently.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked, walking into the room he had just left.

"Yeah, I guess. Where are we going?"

"England." She said, non-chalantly. She went to a book case and retrieved a book from the wall.

"What!? Why are we going there? How are we going there?" He asked.

"Oh, we'll get to that in a moment." She said, opening the book to reveal a hollow square within the book. It held a small remote control. Coop laughed. "What?" she asked.

"Really? A remote control to a secret passageway in a mansion that's hidden a book? That's hilarious. And cliché. And awesome!"

"Well...thank you... I think." Tori said, pressing the sole button on the remote control. A parallel bookshelf on the other side of the room slid sideways to reveal a door and panel. She turned to find Coop rolling on the floor in laughter.

"That is just too funny!"

"Well, would you like to see where it goes?" She asked, rolling her eyes and walking to the panel, although he stayed on the floor, still laughing.

She placed her hand on the panel, light flowing down, scanning her hand. She then typed in a number code and opened her eye for a retinal scan. Finally, the door hissed open.

"Welcome, Tori Heart." A feminine robotic voice rang.

Tori looked back to Coop, who was sitting, with his mouth wide-open.

"That is sooo cool!" He said, running to the door. "Do I get one?" It was Tori's turn to laugh.

"We'll register you in a moment. I just need to grab a few things from the supplies room." She said.

Coop looked into the door where Tori was about to step. The space was completely dark, though the room was filled with sunshine from the sun's rays. It was like a dark hole of nothingness.

Tori stepped into the doorway and vanished. Coop stood back and looked.

`Are you coming?' He heard Tori's voice ring in his mind. He took a breath and stepped in.

It was as though he had walked through a barrier. He stepped into a hallway with crystal walls. It was slightly transparent, though he couldn't see anything but darkness past it. All he could see was the crystal, and himself, as it was also slightly reflective. There were doors all down the hallway, their frames adorned with different precious stones.

Tori was standing in between two doors, facing him.

"Welcome to Millennium Hall." She said. She smiled as she saw him with open eyes and an awed expression. "This is where we do most of our business concerning the Legendaries. We store intel, stock weapons, train, do research. Almost everything happens down here."

"This is so cool." He said, walking to catch up with Tori, as she had already started walking down the hallway.

"The different stones around the door are symbolic of what the rooms hold. Right now, we're looking for the Sapphire Room. It stores most of our weapons."

"Why not all?" Coop asked, struggling to match Tori's strides. She smiled and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Because some of them are too powerful to keep there."

They walked a few more steps and stopped in front of a door. Coop looked at it. It had the beautiful crystal foundation and was intricately adorned with different sapphire stones, most of which were set in gold.

Tori stepped up to the door, and placed one of the rings on her fingers against a sapphire. It fit perfectly. The door opened and Tori walked in.

"Fancy ring." Coop said, following her in.

"You'll be getting one too. Mine has an amethyst stone in it, but you'll be getting garnet. They have lots of different functions. Obviously, as you saw, they can open the door. Everyone who works here gets a ring, but most people's rings have a crystal stone. That's basic clearance. My father has an onyx stone, giving him the highest clearance. No one else has an onyx. But, we, as Legendaries, also get clearance to everything. We just get different rings. Ours stand for our power. Mine, magic, is amethyst. Yours, fire, will be garnet. Which brings us to the second function. They store energy. They're like an emergency help. If we're ever running low on energy during a battle, we can drain some from the ring."

While saying all this, Tori was bustling about the room, taking small knives and daggers from shelves. She finally stopped and looked back to Coop.

"I am so confused." He said. Tori laughed, walking back to the door.

"You'll get it eventually, don't worry."

He followed her down the crystal hallway again, this time to a door adorned with emeralds. "This is the war room, I suppose you could say."

Contrary to the isolation he had seen so far, this room bustled with people. There were holographic images coming from crystals in the floor, people typing on keyboards. A tall man in a suit came walking towards them. He had red hair, just like Tori.

"Cooper Storm, this is my father, Charles Heart." Tori said, as he shook Coop's hand.

"Pleasure, Mr. Heart." Coop said.

"Please, call my Charles. After all, we'll be working together for quite a while." He said, smiling. He reached into his pocket and pulled a beautiful silver ring, with a garnet stone. He handed it to Coop, who put it on the index finger of his left hand. It fit perfectly.

"I'm sure Tori has told you about them by now. You now have access to everything in Millennium Hall. Although, if I were you, I wouldn't go wandering without a tour." He said.

"Thank you." Coop said, looking at the ring. "This. Is. So. Cool." Coop said, looking at Tori. He just smirked and turned on her heal, walking away. Coop turned to make a snarky comment to Charles, but he was walking in another direction as well. He rolled his eyes and followed Tori.

"Where are we going now?" He asked, walking back into the crystal hallway.

"The Communications Room. It's the only place we can teleport here."

"Where exactly is here?" Coop asked, once again looking past the crystal into the void.

"It's an extension of this dimension. The Legendaries made it when they were all on this earth last. It obviously didn't have all the technology, but it was just as modern back then. Really, we're nowhere. If someone were to place a tracking device on you and you walked into Millennium Hall, you would disappear off the map. You can't be found by a tracking spell down here. There are all sorts of patches like this all around the world, but this is the best, obviously. The others are just storage places, hide-outs. This one had to be created by all five Legendaries, because of all they wanted it to do."

They had arrived at the Communications Room, this room decorated with garnet stones, like his ring. She stopped and turned to Coop.

"Do you want to try?" She asked. She took Coop's hand and made it into a fist, brandishing the ring. She placed it into one of the garnet stones and the door opened.

"That's it?" He asked, looking at the ring. She smiled and nodded, walking in. He followed her, looking around. In the center of the room was a large rectangle of containment energy. Basically a room with the room. There was a massive holoscreen above it, with different images flashing across it.

Tori walked to a man sitting one of the desks and gave him a piece of paper. She then turned and grabbed Coop's hand and walked into the translucent blue containment field.

"I'm going to count to three. Take a deep breath on "two" and close your eyes, alright?"

He nodded, not sure of what was going to happen next.

"One. Two. Three."

And then there was only darkness.

The next the Coop felt was the hot sun on his face. Then came the wondrous sensation of fatigue and nausea. He opened his eyes, his head whirring around in dizziness. He doubled over, vomiting.

"How do you feel?" Tori's voice came. She looked at him concerned.

"Like I just went on the Tea Cups ride at Disney about a million miles an hour. What the hell happened?"

"We teleported. I'm sorry, but that might happen until you're used to it." She said, conjuring a bottle of water and handing it to Coop.

"Thanks. So..we're in..."

"England, yes." She said, cupping her eyes to look at the sky.

"And why, may I ask, did you feel the need to teleport me to the other side of the world on a perfectly good Saturday?"

"This is a historical fieldtrip, Coop. This is the last place where the Legendaries were all assembled together. We're not quite sure when it was, but we think it was around the 1200's, A.D."

"But, why here?" He asked, sitting on the ground.

"Do you remember last night, I was telling you about the different dimensions?" She asked. Coop nodded.

"Yeah, you said there were nineteen that had been found so far."

"Very good. I'm impressed." She said, looking at him. He shrugged. "Well, yes, there are nineteen dimensions. This is dimension seven. The demon's is dimension twelve. The very spot we're standing on is one of the inter-dimensional gateways."

"Wait, like Stargate?" Coop asked.

"While the writers got some aspects of it correct, they were nowhere close. You see, you can cross the dimensional walls from anywhere on Earth. It's just going to take more energy. Stonehenge is the only gateway on Earth."

"So does that mean the demons can only come to Earth from here?" Coop asked, trying to piece it all together.

"Not exactly, but good try. Demons can get in wherever the veil is thinnest. That could be several places. Although this is one of the easiest places for them. As a result, we've had to station an outpost here, due to all the attacks."

"Okay, I think I get it." Coop said.

"Good. So, ready to start training?" She asked.

"Training now? What about the tourists?"

"What about the tourists? There aren't any." She said.

Now that she pointed it out, there was no one else here on this hill with them. A place that probably should've been filled with people was empty and quiet.

"I cast a repellant spell. Anytime someone comes within a half-mile of this place, they forget why they were coming and go do something else."

"Cool." Coop said, standing up. "So, how exactly do we start?" He asked. Tori just smiled.

"Palnae!" She said, thrusting an open hand that yielded fire towards him. A jet of flame singed the air and blazed towards him.

Coop's first instinct was fear, but that was suddenly overcome by something far more dominant. As the flame came toward him, he drew his hand up and waved at it.

"Flame rebound!"

The flame did as he commanded and made an arc, before barreling towards its maker. Tori's eyes became wide with surprise before she clenched her fist, muttering a spell under her breath and extinguishing the flame.

"Very good. That was great, Coop. See, your instincts are already taking over."

"Yeah. It was like I didn't even know what was going on. I'm like freaking Luke Skywalker using the force over here!"

"Alright, let's try something else..."

About four hours later, Coop and Tori returned back to the Heart Estate. Coop was sore, tired, and he was pretty sure he lost about five pounds.

They sat down to eat dinner with Charles, who was interested to see how their day had gone.

"I totally rocked." Coop said, folding his arms across his chest. Charles chuckled, looking to Tori.

"He really did do very well. His instincts took over almost immediately. He obviously did the best when faced with fire, because he was able to manipulate it. He struggled a little bit with water, but I'm sure he'll get the hang of it. He was able to control a few of my attacks with telekinesis, and he's started to exhibit strong telepathic traits. All in all, I think today was a job well done." She said, looking to Coop.

"Why do you have to sound so smart all the time?" He asked, rubbing his temples.

"It's natural, I don't do it on purpose."

"Actually, she's one of the smartest people in the world. She has an IQ of 191. She's already graduated high school and has about four different college degrees." Charles interjected. Coop just looked at her.

"Freak." He muttered. Charles and Tori laughed. "So what's on the agenda for the rest of the day?"

"Well, as far as I'm concerned, we're done. You did really well. You can go home if you want."

"Really? You're not going to throw any more balls of molten lava at me? Sounds good." He said, getting up from the table.

"Coop?" Tori's voice rang out as he reached the foyer. He turned to look at her.

"Remember, you cannot expose your powers to anyone. You have to be very careful. Even saying the wrong thing because you read someone's mind can be dangerous. And remember, there are people who may know you have powers. Don't give them reason to think you know how to use them until it benefits you the most."

"I gotcha, Tori. I'll be careful. See ya later." He said, before walking out the door.

He had barely walked into his house before his ten-year-old brother, Evan, had swooped in on him.

"Where have youuuu been?" He asked, hanging upside down from the couch.

"At a friend's house."

"Your girlfriend's house?" He asked, giggling.

"" He said, smirking.

"You boyfriend's house?"

"Definitely not." He said, sighing.

He walked to his room and threw his singed shirt into the laundry. He'd have to get Tori to mend it. He grabbed a clean pair of boxers before stepping into the bathroom.

He started the water to get it hot and continued undressing. He ran his hands over his smooth body, still slightly wet from the training session with Tori. He unbuttoned his shorts and slid them down his slightly muscular legs, along with his boxers.

He stepped into the steaming shower, letting the water flow down his body, relaxing his muscles. He didn't realize how sore he was until now. He shampooed his hair and grabbed the body wash. He started lathering his body with the wash, his hands covering every inch of his teenage physique.

He reached his dick, and was surprised to find it already hard, in its seven inch glory, protruding from smooth blond pubes.

`Well, this just won't do...' Coop thought.

After finishing in the shower, Coop put on some gym shorts and a comfortable t-shirt just to lounge in. It was already seven and since his mom had told him he wasn't going to be going anywhere for a while, why dress up again? The only reason that she had let him stay with Tori, was that, one: she was a girl, and two: he told her that they were working on a biology project. Funny how all that works isn't it?

He walked back into his room after grabbing a cup of Code Red and picked up his 360 controller.

Turns out, even when you have superpowers, Call of Duty is still satisfying.

After about an hour of playing it though, Coop started to get bored. He turned the console off and looked around his room. For a scary minute he actually considered cleaning it.

That would take way too long.' Coop thought, seeing all the clutter. Unless...'

Coop reached into his mind, going to the same place he had gone when telekinetically controlling Tori's attacks.

And all of a sudden, clothes were flying around, going into hampers, trash was arranging itself into piles of recyclable materials and papers and books were organizing themselves.

`Awesome.' He thought as he viewed the power of his mind.

Within five minutes, his room had gone from Ground Zero to the Heart Estate. Well, in cleanliness anyway.

He released everything once it looked okay. He looked around, feeling proud of himself. He turned a full circle in the middle of his room, when his eyes came to the window. He looked at it for a moment, then through it.

Woah,' He thought. He looked through the window into the Davenport's house. There, in the room across from his window, was a gorgeous teenage guy. He was moving boxes and bustling around the room. This must be Nik. Well, no better time to introduce myself..."

He put on some tennis shoes and walked out the door. He stood on the porch for a moment, considering what he would say. Just as he was about to knock, the door opened and a body tangled with his own, until they were both on the ground.

`Just like earlier at Tori's, just not as smooth.' Coop thought as his surroundings came back to him.

"I am so sorry. I just wasn't expecting anyone to be there." Coop heard the voice speak. It was a small voice, the speaker of it seeming to feel feeble. Coop looked to find Nik on the ground next to him, uttering apologies.

"Hey dude, it's okay. I was just getting ready to knock." Coop said, laughing and getting up. He extended his hand to Nik, who took it and straightened himself. Coop got a chance to look at him while he was brushing off his clothes.

He stood about 5'8" with muscular legs. He had a nice body, probably a swimmer's build. He had dark brown hair, and tanned skin. But what enticed Coop the most was when Nik finally lifted his face to look at him. He was dazzled by shocking gray eyes. On someone else they may have been considered inhuman, but on Nik, they seemed beautiful.

Coop held this contact for a long time, definitely longer than necessary. But neither broke it. They stayed like that for what could've been years before they heard someone walking to the door.

"Hey boys, everything alright, we heard something loud." Came the voice of Mr. Davenport. Coop finally broke the contact to look at him, startled.

"Uhh...yeah, Mr. Davenport. We kind of ran into each other. But it's all good." Coop said, chuckling.

"Oh, well alright then." The older man said, walking back into the house. Coop turned back to Nik.

"Hi, I'm Coop. I live next door." He said, pointing to his own house.

"I'm Nik. I just moved in." He said, his voice soft, his cheeks blushing red.

"Yeah, I know. I talked to your aunt and uncle today. We should hang sometime."

"Yeah, that'd be cool."

Coop then noticed the box that had been knocked out of Nik's hands when they collided. He rushed to sweep its contents back into it. As he did, he saw a few comic books, mixed in with movies and pictures from what seemed to be sets of movies.

"Are these yours?" Coop asked. Nik blushed again.


"Dude, that's awesome. I love comics. Especially the X-Men." Coop said, showing his true inner-geek. Nik's eyes grew as he listened.

"No way! I love comics. I've got a ton of X-Men that I could let you read sometime." He said, his voice showing his excitement.

"That'd be cool." Coop said, handing the box back to Nik.

"Nik, come eat dinner." They heard Mrs. Davenport's voice come from inside. Nik almost looked sad when he turned back to Coop.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later. Maybe tomorrow?" He asked. Coop smiled and nodded.


Because of the day's events, Coop felt like going to bed early was in order. So, at nine `o'clock he climbed in, enjoying his plush blankets.

Sleep quickly took him. And though there were usually dreams, there were none tonight.

Six hours later, something awoke him. Even though his first instinct was to look, he stayed still, as though still asleep. With wisdom beyond his training, he reached out with his mind to find what had awoken him. It was a slow reach, having just woken up, but finally, just inside his window, he felt a presence. And a powerful one at that.

With swiftness of the wind, he rolled out of bed and sent a telekinetic blast toward the intruder.

The refracted air of the blast only dissipated as Tori walked forward into the moonlight.

"What in the name of all that's holy are you doing here?" Coop asked, surprised.

"There's an emergency. I came to get you." She said, conjuring a small orb of light that illuminated the room.

"You couldn't just teleport in?" He asked, still dazed.

"I had the company put an anti-teleportation spell on your house last night, so as to prevent malevolent intruders." She said, pulling her hair into ponytail. Now that Coop was more aware of his surroundings, he looked at what she was wearing.

She wore something that resembled spandex, dazzling him with their dark silver color. It clung to her like a second skin.

"What are you wearing?" He asked, still on the floor.

"It's battle armor. When we go into battle, you will automatically transform into it." She replied, taking a small circular mirror out of one of the pockets in the armor and looking into it.

"We've got to hurry. It's on the move. If we don't go quickly he'll reach the city."


"A dragon's gotten through the veil." She said, looking into the mirror.

"Tori, there's a mirror over there." Coop said, sitting up on the bed now, pointing to the mirror in his room.

"I'm using it to magically monitor the location of the dragon."


"I'm surprised you're not freaking out about the dragon." She said, slipping the mirror back into a pocket on her sleeve.

"I'm freaking out. But I'm kind of excited too. A real dragon." He said, leaning back against the wall.

"Well, it's not going to be a walk in the park. Dragons are vicious. And they don't all breath fire."

"Alright, well I guess we better go." Coop said, getting out of bed.

"Not like that, you're not." Tori said, looking at him and smirking. Coop looked down to find himself completely naked.

"Well, that's embarrassing...". He telekinetically grabbed a pair of boxers and covered himself. "Sorry." He said, blushing. Tori rolled her eyes.

"Just, think about transforming into your armor."

Coop looked into himself and found what Tori must've been talking about. Immediately his naked body was clothed in the same looking armor that was on Tori. It wasn't heavy, but he felt like it would be completely safe wearing it.

"It's magical armor. It changes to the need. But right now, it's mostly fireproof and layered with thick plates."

"And it's much better than going against a dragon nude."

One teleportation spell later, Coop and Tori appeared in one of the nearby parks.

"We're lucky it hasn't moved much further." Tori said, looking around.

There were large bushes that had been uprooted and small ground fires all around. A few trees seemed to have been clawed. They were in the right place.

"So where is it?" Coop whispered. "It could like fly in on us any second."

"Most dragons don't fly, Coop. I don't think this one does either."

"Then where is it?" Coop said, freaking out more by the minute.

A jet of white light shot out from across the park towards them. Tori flattened herself to the ground, but Coop wasn't fast enough. It hit him square in the chest, throwing him twenty feet. He landed on his back, his chest steaming.

"You okay?" He heard Tori yell from her position as another jet flew. He raised his hand to a thumbs-up.

Once Tori saw this, she erected herself, holding her hands apart.

"Infete Vorestres Aprrea; Hands of Janus!"

A stream of striking red flame and crystal blue ice shot from her hands toward the dragon. They both hit the dragon, a cloud of smoke rising from where the dragon stood.

Tori ran to Coop, helping him get up.

"What the hell?" He said, rubbing his chest.

"It breathes lightning. I was kind of hoping for fire, because that would kind of help us out, but no such luck."

"Well that sucked." He said, getting to his feet.

"It could've been worse. Just remember, be quick on your feet. Your psychic powers aren't going to do us much good in this fight, so think fire, okay?"

Coop nodded as the dragon stepped forward again. He just now had a chance to really look at it. It was walking on all fours, standing about eight feet tall. It pretty much looked like a freaking giant komodo dragon.

"Here we go." Tori said.

`Levitate yourself behind it. I'll distract its front.' Tori told him telepathically.

`I've never lifted myself before. And I'm not exactly light.' He thought.

`You'll be fine, just concentrate. Now go!' She exclaimed as another stream of lightning came.

Tori closed her eyes and waited until the lightning was about to hit her chest.

"Tenoe Fulmine!" She said, reaching forward and grasping the lightning in her own hand and throwing it like a javelin back towards the dragon.

Coop levitated himself up into the trees. He was only like one hundred and fifty pounds, but he had to lift himself high enough to where the dragon wouldn't see him. After narrowly avoiding an energy blast that was deflected, he landed himself behind the dragon.

Tori was still fending it off from the front, wielding the elements like a true warrior. She was expanding a lot of energy, and when he caught her eye, they were solid black.

"Tori?" He asked, startled. She turned to him for a brief second, but the dragon swiped at her with its tail as it did a swift turn and faced Coop. Tori flew into a tree, her head hitting its trunk and her body going limp.

Lightning whizzed past him, narrowly avoiding him head. He ducked and rolled away from the dragon. He steadied himself next to a tree that had fallen down during the battle. He looked around, searching for resources.

He telekinetically lifted a large portion of the fallen tree, using it as a battering ram. It hit the dragon in the side, knocking into another tree. Coop brought the tree around to hit it again when lightning erupted from its mouth, setting it aflame.

Coop ducked as another wisp of lightning flew towards him. He was running out of options.

When he lifted his head, the dragon was charging straight towards him.

Fear gripped him. The dragon was closing in quickly. When the dragon was five feet away, something else came over him and he rolled out of the way, landing next to the tree that was on fire.

He held his hand towards the tree. The flame wrapped itself around his arms, encasing him in light.

"Flame Whip!"

The fires crafted into a long strip. Coop swung it around his head and threw all of its momentum toward the dragon. A loud thunderclap rang through the park as the whip slung into the dragon. It cried out into an awful screech of pain as it was thrown off its feet.


The flame reshaped itself as the dragon got to its feet, ready to attack again. Coop sent the orb flying. It exploded on impact, bringing another shriek from the dragon.

The dragon heaved itself to its feet once more, lightning flowing from its mouth.


The lightning split in two before reaching him.

`I've got to end this,' He thought. Looking deep within himself, he balled his fists, clenching all the flames he could. Every small ember and every large flame grew to his body, growing in heat. The fire changed from red, to orange, to white, and finally, to black.

"Fist of Rah!"

Coop punched the air in front of him and sent the maelstrom of black death toward the dragon. The mass engulfed the dragon, a cry too terrible to describe coming from its mouth.

Light filled the park, and then it was over.

When Coop was able to see again, there was nothing, but a crater in the earth where the dragon once stood. Then he remembered Tori.

He searched for her, not seeing her. He closed his eyes.

There. He sensed her telepathically, almost five hundred yards away. Had he really fought the dragon that far?

He ran to her, lifting her head towards his.


She stirred, her eyes flitting open.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Hell no. I got a freaking concussion from a tree. Almost incinerated by that last move of yours, and I didn't get to fight the dragon!" She croaked, attempting to sit up.

"You did a hell of a job fending it off. It was really my fault you got knocked around. Your eyes were doing something funky. It just surprised me."

"Yeah, we'll talk about that later."

" do we get home?" He asked, looking around. Tori reached into the pocket with the mirror and withdrew it. She touched its surface and her father's face came into view.

"Hey, Chuck!" Coop said, surprised to see his face. The name apparently didn't bode well.

"Ah...yes...hello." Charles said, scowling. "Is everything alright? Did you kill it?" Tori answered.

"Well, I got a nasty bump on the head, but Coop killed it. About blinded me in the process. We need transportation home and major damage control."

"We'll be there momentarily." Charles said, his face fading from the mirror.

"Damage control?" Coop asked, looking at Tori.

"Yeah, one of our teams will come in and return everything to normal. Otherwise, the public would kind of notice."

"Oh, yeah..."

"Yeah, you should see some of the things we've had to clean up. Once, we had to go to New York to fight a pack of Harpies. The Empire State Building was completely obliterated when we finished. That was a horrible mess. But we cleaned it up."

"Wow..." Coop said, thinking of the possibilities."

"Well, here they are." Tori said, using Coop's shoulder to get to her feet. A group of people came to greet them, and ushered them to a Rolls-Royce.

Tori leaned back against the leather of the seat, sighing. Her armor melted away, transforming into sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Owww..." She croaked.

"How long will it take you to feel okay?" Coop asked, his armor changing into the same.

"I'll be better by tomorrow. We all have regenerative abilities. You have the best, though. You can sustain more damage than all of us combined and make a quick recovery. You. Suck." She said, rubbing her temples. Coop chuckled.

There was silence between them for a moment, before Coop remembered.

"Hey, why did your eyes go all wonky when you were hardcore fighting the dragon?"

"That happens to all of us. When we expand a lot of energy and fight for a long period of time, we start to draw energy directly from our entities. Mine were black. When you did your fire dance with the dragon, yours were red. It just happens." She said, sitting up. She seemed to feeling better already.

"Oh. That's...weird. But cool, I guess."

Another minute of silence passed before Tori spoke.

"You did really well tonight, Coop. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead." Coop smiled.

"I know. It's okay. It's what we do, right?" Tori smiled this time, nodding.

The car rolled to a stop, right in front of Coop's house.

"Well, good job. We'll debrief tomorrow, okay? Just go get some sleep." Coop nodded and got out.

"See ya tomorrow, Tori."


Coop levitated himself to his window and crawled in. His chest had a large bruise on it and his head hurt from all the energy he had used.

But they had totally kicked ass.

Satisfied, Coop crawled into bed, actually looking forward to tomorrow.

I know it's been forever since I posted, but hopefully, I'm back.

So, let me know what you guys think. More to come!


Next: Chapter 3

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