The Legend of Tzetzu

By John Bromfield

Published on Jan 5, 2019



The Legend of Tzetzu John Bromfield >

Now there was a story told of the Tzetzu in Japanese folklore about a magical creature from the sea. Fishermen would dream of catching one but would never reveal why and even the name itself is a mystery. Some say it's a pot of gold that is never empties.

A large dead whale washed up on a Japanese Island beach found large amounts of live Tzetzu in the stomach. Scientists tried to grow them but they very difficult to breed as there seemed to be no male or females. Using genetics they managed to grow some but they grow very slowly. Then when they had enough were sold to exclusive sushi restaurants but only in Japan.

I met Peter in a Gay cruising area (Now that does date me). It was a picnic area and he would bring a meal just in case there were any problems with the police. The police would patrol but rarely arrested anyone.

He supplied the starter and main course while I supplied the sweet course and had coffee or a glass of wine after.

A bit about Peter, Gay 50, loved dogs more that men but would like to be fucked by a man sometimes. He bought his house when there was a collapse in the property market.

He went to college and studied design house and garden. Joined all the right organisations once into those circles there was always an odd job a lady would like for him to do or advice. Peter could never have a long term boyfriend that not his style and would interfere with his plans. Friends: He liked friends as long as they were useful. I have a military and legal background so I fit in well.

On hot summer evenings when we would be ordered to attend one of Peter's Suppers. He would have read up on a royal recipe to delight his guests. But forgetting that certain royals in the past were very fat due to the meals they eat. He surprised us this year in the fish course. "This is a Tzetzu" he said "This the very latest from Japan. It is a live creature and it eats fat. This means as you eat and it just eats the fat and you loose weight". Peter turn to us with one of those looks that all of us could do with loosing weight (You bitch). He had heard about the Tzetzu and enquired from his fishmonger. There was a company that dealt with the imports of these creatures. As they were long lived they could be resold back to the market so the loss would be minimum in fact he probably could make a profit on the reselling of them, that pleased him greatly. They were to be kept in salted water and fed on a diet of butter and animal fat.

They did not look like a good meal well neither do oysters but people eat them. The creature was 2 inches long by quarter of a inch in cross section. Looking like fresh beef steak. As a precaution I looked for teeth but could see none.

Simon who works for the Local Planning Department asked "How do get rid of this thing once its done its job?"

Peter replied "You stop eating for 48 hours and it will leave the body in search of food. But don't flush down the toilet as these creatures can be used again and again by someone else. Once you have finished with them return them to me in a one litre plastic container half full of salty water."

"Question?" Simon was not going to be side-tracked on this. "Are there any bad side effects?" Peter said "As far as I know no one has suffered any ill effects from swallowing them"

So we all five of us swallowed our hungry creatures except Peter who said he could only afford to five. The meal was the usual megga feast that left us all feeling bloated.

When I got home there were two things I was going to do. Weigh myself and for the next few days monitor it to see if there was a weight loss. Computer search "Tzetzu" it came back with very little only a re-discovered animal found in a female whale washed up on a beach.

Translated poem from a sage: To my love, from my love, Give my love to the Garden of Love, To the love that is Tzetzu.

That's what sages do talk about things in a manner that no one understands. Means I have given you clues now figure it out. But Mr Sage you were living 700 years ago things change.

My routines remain the same each day but I see there are changes to my weight and complements from my friends on how healthy I looked. It was the second week when I noticed little things at first. The man on the till at the supermarket "Man wow I love that aftershave you are wearing Mmmm Mmmm what's it called?" said with a million dollar smile.

I had not put any aftershave on for days.

My nipples became itchy and noticed they were larger and looked a little inflamed. On squeezing them released some milky type substance and yes it was milk. Well I can cope with that as a side effect.

I am not what you call handsome in fact I find it very hard to even get a date let alone a boyfriend. Its Friday night and the one night I let my hair down if I had any. Headed into town to the bright city lights the "Rainbow Inn". Parked down a side street not to bring to unwanted attention. Being Gay is legal but parents still teach their children to hate Gays.

I press the bell button and hole opens in the door "Yes" "No under 18 allowed" the doorman must have been practising that for weeks "You know this is a gay bar, right, come in" I have no idea why the walls of these places are always paint black. I stood under a ceiling fan to cool for a moment. Oh that's better. I notice a tall blond young man approaching me. "Can I get you a drink?" "Yes a vodka Collins please" and the man disappeared into the darkness only to reappear with my drink. "You smell wonderful tonight " with a smile that meant I want. The bulge in his trousers showed me he had a serious want. As I took a sip of my drink and put it down on the bar he grabbed me in a kiss and my leg slipped between his feeling his stiff cock next to me. On breaking the kiss that I didn't want to end. He said "Don't know why but I want you I seriously want you like no other man I have ever met. Please!!" There was the worried look of fear of rejection on his face. "What is your name?" I thought lets get though the basics. "My name David Ericson my father owns the paint factory in town and you? His eye brows were knitted with worry"" I an Andrew ex-military and have done I little Private Investigating on the side. David stop worrying" I kissed him again and that he seemed to relax him. "Sorry do you have a partner? I was assuming you were single" "Relax Dave I spilt up with my EX 8 years ago when he said he no longer loved me. No one has shown the slightest interest in me since". After that that were lots of "Could you" "Would you" I said "Yes depending if we are a match in the bedroom department" at the word of bedroom his eyes lit up. "Andrew when you finish your drink would like to come to my place? It's not far" Downing my drink quicker than I usually do and rapped my body around this hunk of muscle for another kiss but this time there was no hurry. He was trembling "Steady cowboy" "Its OK I am not going to run away" he took my hand and said "Lets go"

He lead me to a little red sports car designed for two and a laptop. The car roared into life as we sped through near empty streets. David the happiest man alive he had found the man of his dreams. The car turned into the road where houses are not houses they are mansions. The automatic gates close behind us. The 5 bedroom mansion came with a double garage but my man was in no mood to put the car away. "This is your house?" I asked. "No its mum and dad's and they are away on holiday and not expected back for 2 weeks. I have an apartment near the centre of town not far from the factory. You like?" "Yes but I have a question: Do your parents know you like men?" looking to his eyes. "Yes but they want me settled in a stable relationship then they will think about a transfer of some power to me for them to prepare for their retirement. Shall we go in?"

On closing the door he kisses me again his strong arms holding me tight on braking the kiss he leads me upstairs holding my hand. He starts to lead me to the Master Bedroom I said No any of the other bedrooms is OK (His mother may not approve as that's their bed). His bedroom was nearly as big and I started to take off my clothes. He said "Stop I want take your clothes off" so I did my impression of a statue. Each item of clothing he would bring to his nose and take a deep intake of breath until I was naked and he was in rapture in smelling my underwear. I asked did he want the real thing? He was startled he had forgot I was there. "Please? Sorry" I scrambled onto the huge bed presenting my ass to him. When his tongue touch my rosebud it was like giving a starving man a feast. He was left panting and had to come up for air. Rested only to return there again "O Babe you taste so good yum" he kisses me and indeed I do taste yummy and my taste bud enjoy that flavour too. I feel the coldness of lube on my rosebud followed but a piston of pleasure that want to claim my ass. "You want this? Yes?" he asked knowing the answer "Give it to me" Oh it had been so long I hadn't felt a stiff cock in my tunnel of love but this time strangely felt even better. His breathing became laboured "I am going to cum babe oh oh yes babe aaaaah fuck yes, yes aaaaaah" yes I rode the storm and enjoyed every minute.

"Now its my turn" as his eye widened. I got him to lay on his back while I remounted and slid down his cock. Oh yes oh yes that feels oh so good mmmmmm

My nipples had little white spots of milk on them and I focus Dave's mouth on them and he sucked and licked them like a baby. "Oh yes Dave suck my milk"

My balls were not going to last long with Dave sucking my nipples and his stiff cock hitting my joy spot. No No No please No Aaaaaah fuck stop Aaaaah No Aaaaaah" Dave continues until he has pumped more of his joy into me until he is spent.

There were tears in his eyes "I never thought sex could be this good" "Would you marry me?" That worried look return to his face "Of course I will" he smiles and kisses me and I taste me on his tongue. Yum don't I taste good?

To my love, from my love, Give my love to the Garden of Love, To the love that is Tzetzu.

The Sage was right because of the Tzetzu I have my love and as long as I have it, I will have

my love

Note: Sorry to say no Tzetzu has ever been found with those side effects. There is a creature called a Tapeworm that can live in the gut that will make you slimmer and is a parasite. Can Men make breast milk? Yes but can be serious as a sign of tumour in the brain. Is there a Peter? He is based on a real person but his name has been changed plus no location. Is there a Dave? Yes but without a Tzetzu and Love is blind he stands at the gate to the Garden of Love and waits for me. I don't know why he loves me but I won't stop him.

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