The Legacy of a Starman

By John Black

Published on Mar 5, 2015


The Legacy of a Starman

Chapter 8

"So, which one of your sons is gay?" I pressed.

"The youngest," my father replied. "He's also the tallest and the one I've always considered to be the smartest and the child who would attain greatness, if any of my children did. I'm not leaving you out though, Michael. I don't know enough about you to know what your potential might be." He paused for a moment. "You asked me earlier if I've ever had sex with a man. I assume that you meant with a male." I nodded that the question was meant that way. "The answer is yes, then."

"Wow! That surprises me for some reason. My mother always said that you were the most sexual being she'd ever been with. Did you stray when you were on Earth?" I asked impertinently.

"No, that wouldn't be right," the image replied. "In our culture, you are expected to be true to your spouse while he or she is on the same planet with you. However, if you aren't on the same planet, it is allowed to have sexual contact with others. That applies to men and women as you understand the sexes."

"Doesn't that lead to problems, such as pregnancies that aren't from the marriage?"

"No. In our species, the female determines when fertilization occurs. And the male has to agree that a pregnancy is wanted by both parties, because the male carries the child for the first weeks of the pregnancy in a special pouch that appears when the male is with the female after fertilization. The pouch grows in a matter of hours and the fetus transfers during another sexual contact," he explained.

This was so far outside of my understanding of how babies are made that I was rendered speechless. When I found my voice, I asked, "How long does it take to bring a baby to term?"

"From fertilization, six months," he replied. "But, the infant is totally dependent on its parents for everything, except breathing. After birth, the infant attaches to a nourishment nipple until it is a year old. At that point, the child is able to take food by mouth, but still requires supplemental nourishment from the mother for two more years. After that, with the right nutrition and education, the child grows very fast and reaches their adult size by the age of 12. Sexual maturity happens sometime in the next two years after that."

"What happens if the mother dies before the child can take food by mouth?"

"Sadly, the infant dies. There is no surrogacy that will work as the child's DNA is only able to assimilate nourishment from its real mother."

"Damn. That's harsh."

"It is what it is."

"Back to what you were saying about sex with other males," I said, "is this something that occurs on ship board?"

"It does. But, it can be with male or female. However, it is generally frowned upon for males and females to have sexual contact. It isn't exactly illegal, but can be cause for disciplinary action. There are always a few gay men and women on the ship who will service anyone in need. That takes care of the sexual pressures that men and women face when they are away from their spouses for long periods of time."

"Did you ever form a bond with any of them?"

"Yes, several times. They were all wonderful men who were incredibly good sex partners and had a sympathetic ear when I needed one. But, it never was an exclusive arrangement. Remember, they had to service several men, so it would have been impossible to keep him for myself."

"There were no benefits of high rank?"

"None that I've ever seen. That's not to say that some ranking officers didn't have exclusive gay relationships. That was always permitted, because the other man was their husband. The same applied to females who had a wife."

"Just how old is your civilization?" I wondered.

"We have been a united planet for over 15,000 years."

"When did you know that you weren't alone in the cosmos?"

"At about the time our world became as one, we were contacted by the Alliance. Our planet is located as yours is far from any galactic borders. So, we never had any hint of contact from other groups. We agreed to the terms of the treaty about our entry into the Alliance. Our species is a very curious one, much like yours. And we have a knack for scientific and mathematical advances. We are at heart, explorers. You are much like us in that way. That is the reason we continue to monitor your advances closely."

"Is there more than one intelligent species on your planet? The reason I ask is that we had a race of beings that we've called Neanderthals. If they had survived, they could have been a second intelligent species on this planet."

"Yes, we know of them through your literature. And to answer your question, no. We have no other species from our original home with intelligence. That's not to say that some of our lower forms of animals aren't intelligent in their own right, but they have made no advances that would put them in the potential spacefaring category."

"Is that the usual case?"

"Unfortunately, yes. In most instances, the intelligent beings warred on each other until one was victorious over all others. However, there are many cases where the two groups of beings were greatly distanced by vast oceans and evolved separately. When contact was finally made, they had matured enough to know that the other beings could bring greatness to all beings on the planet. But, that is far too rare."

"Are most of the intelligent beings bipedal like us?"

"Yes, most are. But, there are many who are not. And some have horns, or feathers, or leather-like skin. Some are even poisonous, but most are benign. Some are ruled by their emotions, some by sex, some by money and rare objects to acquire. Sadly, there are many who are driven by the desire to have slaves and enslave entire worlds. They extract the wealth of that world on the backs of the enslaved population. That seldom lasts, because most species yearn to be free from parameters set by others, especially slavery."

"I really wish you'd come visit me, Dad," I sighed. "I know I'm talking to an image, but that has only demonstrated how much I'd love to see you in person."

"If it were up to me, I'd have been there long ago. And I didn't want to interrupt your youth and growing up with a family. My appearance before you knew the truth of the matter would have been a very bad idea. Now that you are beyond your eighteenth birthday, I may be able to ask for a few days with you. But, that's not in my control."

"Hopefully, there are many years ahead of us where that could happen," I observed.

"How is the cure for AIDS coming along?" the image asked, changing the subject.

"I've tried to spread the cure as far and wide as I can." The image smiled knowingly. "I appreciate being given the ability to spray out more cum when I shoot a load, and especially the ability to recover so quickly. But, at this point, I have only anecdotal tales that the medical community is becoming aware of the `spontaneous' cures. I haven't seen any literature, newspaper, or internet articles about it, though," I replied.

"Those will be coming soon," the image smiled. "News of this nature will be told by the men cured. The media will pounce on it before the medical community has said anything."

"I hope it doesn't happen too quickly," I said. "They might be able to trace it back to me if there aren't enough cured people."

"Is the venue you use to spread the cure one that is frequented by many men from all over the state?"

"Most of the men are local, but there is a fair number from out of town as well as out of state. Most of the men don't know they are cured and won't know until they see their physician for a periodic review of their condition," I revealed. "But, there is a chance that they will hear of the cure from other men and will wonder if they could get lucky as well. That could cause them to make an appointment with their doctor earlier than usual. And a very good friend of mine has already asked if I were the cure."

"How did he deduce that?"

"I have no idea," I replied. "But, I did remind him that the cure could have happened anytime in the last six months between his regular doctor visits. And I reminded him that the cure could have come from food or water as well as sexual contact."

"What did he think of your argument?"

"He bought it, I think. Certainly, he hasn't brought it up again." I couldn't think of other questions to ask at the time, so I moved to terminate the conversation.

Before I could do that, he wished me well on my valedictory speech and my graduation. "And best wishes on your college career, if I don't talk to you before then."

I assured the image that we'd talk again several times before that event. As the hour was late, I went to bed and slept deeply. When I arose the next morning, my dick was hard as steel. That wasn't unusual, but I couldn't get rid of it in the shower. So, I worked off a big batch of sperm by hand, spraying a huge curtain of sperm all over the shower wall. My discharge looked like the biggest load I'd ever shot. Were my loads getting even bigger or was this an anomaly?"

My passport application went in as soon as Ford had asked me to get a passport. I paid extra to expedite the timeframe to get it in my hands. It arrived the day before graduation. I decided that I'd surprise Ford with it in my hand after the graduation ceremony.

The next time Ford came to pick me up, he said he wanted to meet my parents. He wanted them to know that Ford wasn't some kind of pervert preying on the young, gay men of the city, but wanted to give me more options for my summer. He promised them that it wouldn't in any way create a problem for entering college this fall. My mother was especially captivated by Ford's charm. She thought he was extremely good looking and a charming young man. Even my step-father was enchanted by Ford.

Ford urged them to join us for a graduation dinner celebration as his home right after the graduation ceremony. During that time, he would tell all of us what he'd like me to do with him for the summer. I knew he planned endless fucking and sucking, but I was sure that wasn't what he had in mind to share with my parents. As they hadn't made any definite plans, they agreed to Ford's dinner invitation. I hoped that my eagerness to get them to agree made a difference in a positive way.

Graduation day came and I was ready, but nervous. I'd spoken before groups before, but not one that was nearly 1,000 people. My directions from the school principal were to be brief, direct, and inspirational. And don't exceed 10 minutes! In previous years, the ceremonies always took too long. After his speech of only two minutes, the address from the Salutatorian was next. She was charming and pretty. And her speech was under 10 minutes. I was the final speaker before diplomas were handed out. I tried not to rush my speech, but I'm afraid that I did in some places. I had some notes to keep me on track and a watch that I had laid on the podium to remind me of my promise to be brief.

My speech was eight minutes, and I was pleased that it was over. The applause was respectful, polite, and spontaneous. I could hear my parents and especially Ford cheering. I was embarrassed, and sat down quickly. The signal worked and the applause died. The principal arose and started handing out diplomas at a break-neck speed. Students raced across the stage to keep from getting trampled from behind. Applause was continuous, but muted, so the students and parents could hear the names called. Our class of 400 trooped across, shook the hand of the principal, and grabbed the diploma from a school secretary before scurrying off the stage. It was over in 40 minutes.

"These proceedings are closed," the principal pronounced. We all cheered and galloped for the exits. In the melee that followed, I didn't find my parents or Ford. However, we'd prearranged to meet at my step-father's Lexus and go back to Ford's place for a celebration and dinner.

Ford fixed drinks for everyone and checked on dinner. "It'll be ready in about 30 minutes," he said. "I'm waiting for another guest to arrive before I reveal what I'd like to do for Mike for his graduation." As if on cue, his doorbell sounded. He brought a gentleman who was about 40 years old into the living room and introduced us. "This is my agent, Thomas Weeks. I wanted him to meet Michael, so that he could be considered for modeling work. It would only be in the summer, so as not to interfere with Michael's education."

The guy was sizing me up with a practiced eye. My casual pants and dress shirt didn't hide much. He smiled as he asked me to turn around slowly. "As I expected, Ford has an excellent eye for what the camera will love in a male model. If you are at all interested, Michael, I'd like you to come to my office tomorrow morning for an interview and photo tests. Right now, I'd say you are perfect for what we need." He turned to Ford and smiled. "Ford is so tall that he isn't right for some of our clients. However, you, Michael, are the right height and build to capture the eye of our best clients."

"And it pays very well, Michael," Ford added. "I'm sure you could use some extra `playing around' money for school, despite your scholarship."

"Yes," Thomas Weeks agreed. "That will be an added incentive for our clients. They love to see men who aren't just a pretty face or a great body, but someone with some brains. That sells!" I'm sure I looked overwhelmed. "We'll discuss more details tomorrow at the office," he added. "I'm sure this is coming at you almost too quickly to wrap your head around. Ford can give you preliminary information before you see me again," he nodded in Ford's direction. Ford readily agreed.

Mr. Weeks didn't stay for dinner. I was surprised that he didn't, but he said he had other obligation this evening. However, he promised that I'd be seeing a lot more of him later.

"So, what do you think?" Ford asked me. He winked at my parents. "This is just for the summer. If you don't like it, you can split after the first week. But, I think you'll love it. The international travel is worth more than you can imagine right now. That's why I wanted you to get a passport. I smiled and pulled my new passport from my pocket and waved it at him. "Excellent!" he exulted. "That was the only stumbling block I could see. You'll be a shoo-in!"

"If it were my decision, and it isn't," my step-father said, "I'd pounce on a chance like this with both feet!" My mother nodded enthusiastically. "Unless the terms of the contract aren't to your liking, go for it. But, I suggest that you not sign anything until I have our lawyer look at it."

"A wise precaution," Ford agreed. "We'll be sure to ask if they have anything lined up for you, so we know how quickly this contract has to be signed."

I was feeling like I was being railroaded. However, it was a very comfortable ride. I had no idea about the money and thought it crass to ask now. I'd ask Ford later what I should expect. I knew I couldn't command the kind of fees that he got. And I knew that I wanted Ford with me when I had the interview. I had no idea what kind of rates I could expect. Simply knowing what fees Ford commanded when he started would be a good beginning point.

Dinner was boeuf bourguignon over lightly cheesed mashed potatoes. Ford offered sorbet for dessert. The wine was an excellent accompaniment for the main dish as well as a dessert wine to go with the sorbet. By 9 p.m., my parents stood to leave. I told them I wouldn't be home until morning. Ford and I were going to celebrate on the town tonight. After we were admonished to be careful and not drink and drive, they departed.

"Where are we going to celebrate?" I wondered.

"Right here," Ford smiled as he stepped in and kissed me softly. "Tonight, I want to fuck and get fucked as much as I can tolerate it. I know you'll be up to the challenge. You don't have any kind of an off switch when it comes to sex." I couldn't and wouldn't argue with his conclusions.

I bred him six times that evening. He sprayed two loads up my ass and I loved every squirt of it. We slept well together and resumed our mating in the morning. Finally, we got out of bed and showered. Ford made another amazing breakfast. He called the agent and set an appointment for us for my interview. I left his place about 10 a.m., but not before breeding him again.

Ford picked me up at 2:30 p.m. for our 3:00 p.m. appointment. The interview was pro forma. The only thing he asked me to do that surprised me was to disrobe completely. He admired my body from all angles. I put on some clothes he had for me and had a photographer take many pictures of me. Some were very close, others far away. Many were from the waist down. He explained that he wanted his clients to see how I looked in pants or shirts or summer wear, including tight Speedos. "Some clients specialize in pants, some shirts and other tops. Others are for summer wear only. Those that feature outerwear for winter will know how you look in these clothes, so they'll know you'll look smashing in their heavy winter clothes."

He left us with a contract to sign. I told him that my lawyer would review it, but I needed a deadline to get it back to the agent. He thought for a moment and said that if he had in back on Monday, he'd send my pictures to several clients then. He knew he'd get a quick, positive response from most of them. Ford negotiated my fee with the agent. I thought it was incredibly high, but I kept my mouth shut. Ford also insisted that the agency or the client pay for all incidental expenses, including airfares, hotels, food, and other incidentals. "In other words, the standard package of costs that are not to be borne by the model," Ford concluded. Reluctantly, Mr. Weeks agreed. Ford knew how desperately he wanted to sign me as a model.

As we left the agency, I asked Ford, "My gaydar says that he wanted me to fuck him."

"Your gaydar is infallible."

"Have you ever had sex with him?"

"No. I considered it unprofessional, and so does he. However, like most men, he does love a good roll in the hay with a hot man," Ford smirked. "And I'd love to take another load up my ass from you," he added.

"After being fussed over for the photos, my dick wants to pump out a load. I embarrassed myself with the Speedo photos."

Ford laughed. "Yeah, you were showing them the merchandise," he allowed. "But, that does peak their interest. Most of the clients who select the models are gay and they're all size queens."

"All honest guy men are," I asserted. "Although not all of them could handle a really big one."

"Very true."

"Let me get this contract to my step-father, so he can take it to his attorney. Then, we can play `hide the wiener' at your place," I suggested.

"That sure works for me. Which night are you planning on going to the sex club this weekend?"

"Sunday," I answered. "I'll go in the late afternoon and stay until I'm ready to head home. Will you come with me?"

"You know I will," Ford smiled. "I'm as much of sex freak as you are. I just can't do it as often as you can."

I handed the contract to my step-dad and told him that I had to have an answer by Monday. As today was only Wednesday, his lawyer had adequate time to perform the review. If he couldn't do it, he'd find a new lawyer who could, he insisted. There was no need for worry. The contract review was finished by Friday evening. A couple of changes were suggested, but my dad said that was only because the lawyer wanted him to think that the lawyer did a great, thorough job. In his opinion, the changes didn't mean much, but I should go ahead and ask for them. If the agent wanted me bad enough, he'd agree. If he didn't, there was no loss to me.

Ford and I were becoming great fuck buddies. We had sex with each other nearly every day. I hadn't abandoned my high school friends. I was fucking them a couple of times a week as well. There was never a problem scheduling them into my days and they always left satisfied. I swallowed their loads and they greedily took every load as deeply as I could spray it. Both of them did wonder why I was nutting so much more than I usually did, but I shrugged and gave them no answer.

Sunday, Ford and I bred as many men as we could at the sex club. Only three of the men that I flooded with sperm were men that I'd fucked before. Anyway, I thought I had. Maybe, I'd just seen them before and not fucked them. They didn't say anything to indicate which it was. All three of them did love the fuck and the load, though. Only two men swallowed my loads orally. All others were hungry bottoms that I fed copiously.

I spoke with the bartender twice that evening. On my second chat with him, he asked me if I'd heard the rumor that there was a cure for the bug out there. No one seemed to know how you could get it or how effective it was. I feigned ignorance as I drank another sixteen ounces of fluids to replace what I'd been spraying up men's ass tunnels. This bartender was one of the first ones I'd fucked. He didn't even know how you could find out if you had been blessed with the cure. I suggested he go see his doctor and get tested. He looked at me in surprise like that was the smartest thing he'd ever heard. Sometimes the obvious is too much to grasp, I concluded.

Monday morning, I presented the contract to my new agent with the suggested changes. He waved them aside, agreeing readily. "And I have two clients lined up for you. One is in New York City for Wednesday and the other is in Berlin next week. Ford will be going with you to Berlin," he added with a knowing smile.

We gave each other a farewell fuck before I boarded the plane for New York. A limousine driver met me at baggage claim and drove me into the city. He was at my disposal for the entire stay in New York. When I wasn't needed by the client for clothes modeling, he suggested that he could be my tour guide. I readily agreed.

On my first day, I was in make-up before I was even told what I'd be wearing. She applied lip gloss, some eye shadow, and a little powder to take the shine off my forehead, cheek bones, and nose. My short hair didn't need any fussing. After 15 minutes, I was ready to bolt. But, the photographer rescued me and brought me into a large studio that was already set up with lights and white umbrellas to reflect light. I thought it was over the top, but I was so new, I wasn't sure what was right and what was odd. The first item of clothing was swimwear. That was a succession of Speedo type shorts, beach wear, and board shorts. They were all very colorful and fit me very nicely. As the photographer manipulated the Speedos, I started to pop a bone. He ignored it and asked me to turn around and took pictures of my ass, giving me a chance to lose my hard-on. It worked moderately well. I still showed a pretty big bulge in the shorts, but that would probably help sell the shorts.

We took a short break during which I met several of the people in the clothing design department. They thought I made their clothes look very good. I'm sure I blushed at the compliments. One of the men hung around and watched the rest of the photo shoot all the way through to the tuxedos. He offered to take me to lunch, which I accepted. Over lunch, he asked me if I were seeing anyone exclusively. I told him that I wasn't. He then wondered if I'd share his bed for the evening. I warned him that I didn't wear condoms and that I shot a monster load. He loved the idea, revealing that he didn't care if I bred his ass as he was already positive. I thought that was pretty cavalier of him, but he was a good looking man and decided that my career could always use a friend on the inside.

I bred him three times that night and again in the morning. Back at the studio, he hung around again, helping me with my clothes changes. He always made sure that his hand strayed to my dick and ass. I brazenly asked him if there was a hot sex club in town that he could recommend. He said he'd take me tonight. I had to smile. Another whole town to conquer!

It wasn't a sex club, but a bar with a large "backroom" that was set up for sex. The bar area was small, probably a quarter the size of the backroom. The sex area had six foot square cubicles without doors or curtains. A skinny bench was the only furniture in each space. A narrow hallway ran between rows of the cubes. The cover charge was waived as I was from out of town and with a "member". And the guy at the door to the back room thought I was hot. I rewarded him later with a hard fuck.

The place was already busy when we arrived at 10 p.m. Most of the cubicles were occupied with two or three men enjoying sexual contact. Very few of the men were engaged in oral sex. The way the place was set up, fucking was the activity of choice. A few men were eating ass, but that was preliminary to fucking. I saw no condoms.

If you wanted to get fucked, you knelt on your hands and knees on the narrow bench or reclined on your back with your legs pulled into your chest. If you were looking to fuck someone, you stood at the entrance to your cubicle and stroked your hard dick. I immediately noticed that several of the men who were fucking another guy had cum leaking from their buttholes. Evidently, they enjoyed top and bottom.

And one man in particular had caught my eye on my first circuit of the hallway. He was a tall, heavily muscled black man. When I first saw him, he was plowing a white guy. The bottom loved every inch of the black dick that was about to breed him. The top glanced up at me and smiled when he saw my big dick hanging out of my pants. His ass was muscled and big, just the way I liked them. Hopefully, he wanted to play with me later.

But right now, I was being pulled into a cubicle by a hot Latino who needed some black dick in his ass. I was happy to oblige. He'd already been fucked at least once, so I slipped in pretty easily. Cum is the best lube! As usual, I filled him up and moved on. As the evening progressed, the place got busier and busier. Men were fucking in the hallways now because there were no available cubicles. I was fine with that and bred three men that way.

The huge muscular black guy caught up with me an hour later and we connected delightfully. He loved to get fucked, but most men wanted him to fuck them. He had a big, beautiful body and a dick that was as thick as mine, but two inches shorter. He said about 20 percent of the time, he got fucked. That wasn't what he really wanted, but it was better than no sex at all. His ass gobbled up my dick easily and thirstily drank my load of sperm. I sucked him off which took less than 30 seconds. By the end of the evening, I thought I'd bred about 20 men. I'd lost count after about 15.

Only one guy suggested that he wanted to fuck my ass, but I declined and fucked him instead. By 1 a.m., I was becoming dehydrated, even though I'd tried to keep drinking water all evening. I met up with the hot, muscled black guy again as I was thinking about leaving. I invited him back to my hotel. He said he'd love to connect with me again, but he had to get home soon because he had to be at work by 9 a.m. My next photo session was at 10 a.m., so that worked out for both of us.

In the hotel room, I ate his ass out for several minutes before he convinced me to breed him. I rode him as long as I could before my heavy balls unloaded in his ass again. After a dash to the bathroom, he returned to the bed. Before he could put his clothes on, I told him that I wanted to suck him off. He agreed, but stipulated that I needed to sit on his face while I did that. Of course, I agreed.

I drank his load three minutes later. Before he left, I asked him if he wanted me to fuck him again. I showed him my hard dick. He only smiled and said that his ass was well fucked already and still had a good deal of my last load still in him. With a goodbye kiss, we parted. I showered quickly and went to bed.

The modeling session today included three women and two more men. We changed frequently to showcase all of the clothing line. The women were pleasant and very pretty. The other guy had some attitude at first, but when he checked out my body and crotch during a beachwear scene, he warmed to me quickly. I don't know what his initial issues were, but they faded quickly.

By the end of the day, he had made it abundantly clear that he wanted me to fuck him. I told him that I was negative, but I only fucked bareback. He thought about that for a moment as I licked his nipples and played with his ass in the changing room. Finally, he agreed. He had lube with him for such "emergencies" and bent over quickly when I pulled out my hard dick. The guy moaned with pleasure as I slowly fucked his hole. He added more lube and I plowed him harder. Moments later, I was filling his love tunnel with cum.

"Fuck! You nutt a lot!" he exclaimed as he ran out of the changing room to a nearby bathroom. I smiled and put my clothes back on.

The clothes designer that I'd fucked Wednesday night and had taken me to the backroom place on Thursday night, suggested another place that he said was even more fun than Thursday was. "The weekends are always fun and more heavily attended. We get a lot of guys from out of town who are here for some hot sex from multiple hookups," he revealed. That sounded like my kinda place!

He took me to a place across town. The building we went into had no sign on the door, but it did have a decal of two men kissing. Inside, we were asked to show ID and to pay $25. My friend showed his membership card. The attendant waved him through. The guy glanced at me and smiled. "This your first time here?" he asked. I nodded. "You'll be very popular," he grinned. "Uh, for first time guys, it is a fee of $35, but I can waive that if you'd like to fuck this," he said as he turned around and bent over. It was a nice ass with a well-used hole. Cum leaked from it.

"Nice ass," I said with a big smile. He opened the door to his little space and bent over. I plugged in and fucked him hard and deep. Other men came in and he just waved them through. A few minutes later, I was flooding his hungry hole. "Hot fuck," I said as I pulled out.

"You nutt a lot!" he noted with a obvious panic in his voice. He pushed me out of the space we were in and locked the door behind him. He raced down the hallway and into the big bathroom. I smiled and followed him. In the bathroom, two men were in a urinal trough getting pissed on by three men. I drank the contents of my water bottle as I watched them. After refilling it, I went back into the hallway. There was a small room where men checked their clothes. I was given a towel and a small fanny pack to wear that I could put my valuable in. There was no fee as that was part of the entry cost.

I toured the place once before settling on one man that I knew wanted to get fucked. He was a very hot Blatino man who was fucking someone else. When he saw me, he pulled out of the guy's ass and followed me. "I've never seen you in here before," he smiled at my hard dick.

"Just here through the weekend," I replied as I stepped in closer and rubbed my hand over his high bubble butt. "I didn't mean to drag you away from your hot fuck."

"No problem. I've fucked him before," he said. "But, what I need is a big dick up my ass," he clarified, grabbing my dick and stroking it lightly. "You seem to be up for it."

"A fine ass like yours needs what I got," I smiled at him. He turned around and bent over. I knelt behind him and tasted his ass. Creamy cum coated my tongue. "Seems like you're pre-lubed for me." He smiled over his back and nodded. "I like a load of nutt to fuck in." I pressed my dick into him and sank to the bottom without much effort.

"Fuck, yeah! That's a big dick. Man, you gotta breed my ass!" he purred. I asked him how long he wanted me to ride him and how hard. "Make it a fast, hard fuck. If I get fucked too long, I nutt and my evening is over." That suited me just fine. I was short on time and long on men who needed my loads.

In less than another minute, I was giving him what he wanted and a special gift besides. He'd enjoy that gift more than the fuck, I was sure. This was going to be a very good evening.

This story is fantasy. Your life isn't. Always play safe.

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Next: Chapter 9

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