The Legacy of a Starman

By John Black

Published on Jan 5, 2016


The Legacy of a Starman

Chapter 19

"The Alliance has sent a great deal of information and videos concerning the many intelligent life forms in the galaxy," the interviewer began. "Yet, all of the Ambassadors and staff that have been assigned to the 50 most populous nations on Earth all look like they were born here. Is our human form that prevalent in the Alliance?"

Ford smiled. "Well, no it isn't. But, we thought it would be easier for you to relate to us if we looked more like you. That way, we hoped it would be easier to show you that we have only the best intentions and truly want you to become part of the Alliance."

"Yet, they all look like us."

"Yes," Ford smiled again. "It is possible to temporarily or permanently change the DNA of a being to resemble anyone that we want to. It helps us when we send members of the Alliance to observe and interact with evolving intelligent life."

"Some would say that is the perfect way to infiltrate and take over a world," she suggested.

"It would be possible, yes. But, again, why would we? Take overs of any kind never work. Your history as well as ours demonstrates that time and time again," Ford reminded her and the viewers. "In the case of this planet, we have chosen beings that have the basic structure and needed only some minor modifications to decorative plates, fur, scales, or other bodily ornamentation. It's an easy process. Of course, it can be reversed."

"We have seen some wonderful medical advances," the interviewer noted, changing the subject. "Are there other's that you haven't felt we were ready for or have otherwise withheld?"

Ford thought for a moment and then replied, "We don't intend to give you or any other race the key to changing your basic nature or evolutionary trends. However, as with all races, you have a unique DNA code. Because of that, we are still working on some genetic cures that will help your people who suffer damage to their physical beings due to disease or accident."

"How soon can we expect those miracles?" she pressed.

Ford laughed. "You can't rush science. The fixes will be made available once they are perfected." He paused for a moment and then continued. "These remedies will come with controls, though. If anyone should be stupid enough to tinker with them with the intent of manipulating them for their own nefarious purposes, there will be remedial actions taken that will not be pleasant for the perpetrators of that manipulation, including those who authorized or funded it. The consequences will be more carefully spelled out when the remedies are made available."

The interview continued for another 30 minutes. None of the rest of the questions was difficult, nor did I think were the answers controversial. The woman thanked us for our time and candor. She collected up her technicians, thanked us again, and left.

"That went about as well as I could have expected," Ford said with a smile.

"I was surprised that there were no questions about your previous careers as models," one of our staff wondered.

"Because this was being aired in real time, I think the network decided that a discussion of our male model careers wasn't appropriate for prime-time viewing. But, those questions will come," I promised.

We finally got to bed late in the evening, with our calendar set for the rest of the week. Ford got another congratulatory fuck for his sterling performance in the interview. You know that included me taking a ride on his dick a couple of times as well. We do love sex!

Wednesday evening was the gala State dinner with the President and most of the diplomatic corps. Without sounding immodest, we were the most handsome and best dressed couple at the gathering. As the "new kids in town," we were swamped with people wanting time to talk with us and pressed us to make commitments to attend diplomatic functions at their embassies. We cordially suggested that they call our embassy and see if our schedule would be open at the time of their diplomatic functions.

As this soiree was in our honor, we were seated next to the President and her husband. He was a gregarious gentleman of profound wisdom and full of funny anecdotes. I was delighted that I was seated next to him. The woman sitting on my other side interjected comments infrequently, fascinated by my conversation with the First Gentleman. At the end of the dinner, guests were invited to dance. The President took the arm of her husband and strolled to the floor first. As honored guests, we were expected to follow immediately. For Ford & me, it wasn't an awkward moment. We knew this was coming and had practiced. It was exceptionally hard for me to keep my hands off his butt as we danced about the floor. Others had the good graces to not cut in. However, the President did take a twirl about the floor with both of us. I was astonished and couldn't wipe the huge smile from my face when the President's husband tagged in to dance with both of us.

"I have no idea what I'm doing," he said, "but these are modern times and I'm not embarrassed to be seen with a good-looking man in my arms as we waltz across the floor." He said the same thing to Ford, but called him a good-looking ambassador, instead. When we were finished, we were given sustained applause for our grace and elegance. I think it was mostly because the President's husband had the nerve to make us feel comfortable. "To Hell with the bigots," he whispered.

I couldn't help but laugh. Of course, everyone wanted to know what was so funny, but as it was the President's husband's personal quip, I declined to enlighten them. And he was close-lipped as well. "Diplomatic privilege," he finally allowed.

We exited the dance floor and were immediately surrounded by more men and women seeking our attention. I was as popular as Ford was. However, I had to excuse myself as nature was calling, or rather shouting that I needed to drain my bladder. I looked around and spotted a handsome Marine standing by one of the entrances to the room. I approached him and asked for the nearest men's room.

"Across the ball room, through the archway, third door on the right, Sir," he responded without changing his stare across the room. I thanked him and made my way to the other side, stopping for a moment to let Ford know why I was disappearing. He nodded and followed me, after shedding his many admirers.

A Secret Service officer stood by the bathroom door and nodded to us as we strode by him. Inside, we whipped out our dicks and let loose a hard stream of piss into the two urinals that graced one wall. Two stalls stood open behind us. As we shook off the last drips, the bathroom door opened and a handsome young man strode in. I immediately recognized him as the President's second son, the gay one.

"Good evening, Gentlemen," he smiled. "I hope I'm interrupting something!" he laughed. "I've heard from very reliable sources that you have two of the biggest dicks in Los Angeles and you nutt about a cup of sweet ball gravy every time you climax. And those climaxes are often very closely spaced. Do I have any of that wrong?" he asked.

While he was extolling our virtues, he had whipped out his dick and was stroking it to full erection. It was a nice dick with a slight upward curve to it. I'd seen pictures of him at the beach with some of his friends, so I knew he had a good body, too. If the gossip columns were accurate, he currently was playing the field. But, he was not allowed to go out and cruise for sex without his Secret Service entourage. And that always put off most men who might have wanted to play with him.

"Uh, at the risk of sounding like a diplomat, I believe `no comment' is the appropriate response," Ford replied.

The son stared at our hardening dicks for a few moments, smiling hungrily. "I have a really hot hole that loves big dicks," he offered. He turned around and dropped his pants. His big hands spread his ass cheeks, showing us his winking hole. Virginal was not an apt description that that young man's back door.

By now, my dick was rock hard and beginning to drip pre-cum. I was about to take a step forward when Ford put a restraining hand on my shoulder. "Perhaps, when you are no longer in the White House and we are no longer in the Diplomatic Corps, we might be interested. But, the diplomatic response remains the same. We can't have sex with you now."

The young man waddled backwards and nearly impaled himself on my stiff dick. Ford pulled me back at the last instant. My dick jerked hard. My dick and I were very disappointed, but Ford was right. This wasn't the time or place for such an assignation. "Surely," I suggested as I got myself back under control, "you must have other outlets to satisfy your needs."

"My Secret Service minders are willing to fuck me when I ask for it, but I'd rather not have to ask for it all the time," he sighed. "I believe they're doing their duty, rather than enjoying a roll in bed with me."

"It would be hard to believe that they wouldn't enjoy that sweet ass," Ford smiled. But, he dropped the lecherous smile and added, "You want companionship and sex?"

"I want a man who is grossly over-sexed and really enjoys my company as much as I enjoy his. And I wouldn't be against pounding out a load up his ass a few times, too," he volunteered, pulling up his pants. "But, if Mom runs again for a second term, I don't see that happening soon."

"Aren't you almost 21?" I asked.

"Yeah, next month," he replied. "And I've already talked to my parents about getting my own place after I finish with my degree this summer. She's already had a discussion about my Secret Service protection and has promised that they won't be in my place, but at the entrance or in attendance when I'm out. I'll have reached my majority, so they can't really deny me my own life, even though it will be a protected one."

"And job opportunities?" Ford asked.

"A couple of really good offers. One is in New York City and the other is in Los Angeles."

"And which one do you favor?" I wondered.

"The one is New York offers a bigger salary, but it is so expensive there. The one in Los Angeles is more to my liking, but it doesn't pay as much as New York does." He quoted a figure and asked if it would be enough to live in LA.

"Yes, you can get a very nice apartment or rent a condo for that kind of salary," Ford nodded. "It does depend on which part of the LA area you want to live in though."

"I'd prefer to be near my job in Pasadena."

"You'd do fine in that area," Ford smiled.

"And we do have a lot of friends there who can introduce you to the joys of Los Angeles," I ventured. "Some of them are sex addicts, so you'll probably want to get to know them first," I laughed.

"Looks like the decision has been made for me," he smirked as we left the bathroom. The young man returned to the ballroom as did we. We danced a little more, answered as many questions as we could, and left the White House before midnight.

On the way home, Ford said, "Do you think it's a good idea to set him up with some of our friends in Los Angeles?"

"Given his admitted need for hot sex, I thought it would be a good idea. It isn't like any of them are axe murderers!" I responded. "And he'll still have the Secret Service protection, although I don't know how that'll work out if he goes to the sex clubs."

"They may forbid it," Ford said.

"And he'll have reached his majority, so I don't know that they can do anything about it," I countered.

"Point taken," Ford agreed.

Back at our embassy, Ford pulled me into the bathroom to share a late night shower. "You were certainly randy for that young man's asshole," he reminded me. "Will this do as a substitute?" he asked, bending over and spreading his superb muscle ass cakes for me. I was on my knees immediately, eating out his ass. No matter how often I push my face between those magnificent globes, I always love how hot and delicious this man is. Moments later, I had sunk my hard dick as far up his manhole as it would reach. "You have all night to stop that," Ford moaned.

"The way your ass is working my dick, this session will end well before that happens." I pushed harder and deeper, gaining maximum pleasure for myself. Ford had the skills to tighten his ass tunnel anytime he wanted to. And when it was this tight, there was no hope for my climax to hold back. I was at his mercy. "I want so much nutt inside me that it'll feel like you fucked and loaded my ass twice," he smiled over his shoulder. He relaxed his ass so I wouldn't squirt my load yet, knowing that the longer he delayed my climax, the bigger the load would be for his ass to drink.

Just when I thought I'd hit the point of no return, he pulled away from my jerking, spasming dick. Precum oozed from the tip, but I didn't nutt. "Why did you pull away?" I whined.

"I want more of your man juices for my ass," he smiled as he turned off the shower. "And I'll get more, if I delay you. Grab your towel and let's get to bed."

We dried off quickly and scurried into the bedroom. Once more, he was on his back with his knees pulled into his chest. His winking asshole beckoned to me. "Come closer and taste me," it said. Knowing that I was about to blast out a load into the sheets, I delayed eating out that perfect hole and kissed him on the lips instead. My hard dick rubbed up and down his deep ass trench, leaving a slug trail of pre-cum against his asshole. I had to pull away before I shot my load all over his ass instead of in his ass.

"At this point, I don't know whether to fuck you or let you get back to fucking me," Ford moaned.

"If you fuck me, I'll unload between us the moment your big dick enters me."

"You're that close?" he queried. I nodded. "In that case, eat my ass out. That might slow you down a little." I doubted that would be the case. Eating out his amazing ass only made my dick harder and my nuts boil over. But, I thought I'd give it a try. If I did hit the wall, I'd shove my spraying dick up his hole immediately. Ford can take me with one big shove and not be hurt. On the other hand, if he pushed his massive horse dick up my ass in one fast shove, I'd be hurting for weeks.

I grabbed his big legs and pushed them harder into his chest. His big, muscle ass rose off the bed and his asshole winked at me again. I dove in and devoured his pretty, pink hole. After I'd eaten and fucked it in the shower, it still tasted so good. Making sure that my dick didn't touch the sheets or any other surface, I was able to eat his hole out for nearly a minute before I felt the unmistakable sign. My climax was about to start and I was not going to be able to slow it down.

Centering my dripping dick at his back entrance, I pressed gently, hoping that would delay at least for a few seconds the inevitable eruption. But, Ford was having none of that. He grabbed my ass and pulled me hard into him. His love tunnel clamped down on me when he felt my pubes grind against his tender ass lips.

"Fill me up, Mike! I need a BIG load from you," he begged. With his hands still on my ass, he held me hard against his ass, not allowing more than half an inch of thrusting from me. He wanted my load as deeply as I could squirt and bury it.

I roared out my climax. My dick fired and sprayed, spasmed and jerked as my balls unloaded. I was nearly without control over my muscles as my dick and balls took over. Without Ford's hands on my ass, I'd probably flopped and spasmed so hard that I'd accidently withdraw from his butt. But, he knew how much I lost it when I nutted in him, so he was well prepared for me.

It was nearly a minute later that my dick stopped jerking and conscious control returned to me. "Hottest fuck ever!" I exulted. I didn't pull out. I knew my dick would be leaking cum for at least another minute. Slowly, I resumed fucking him, my hard dick not wanting to exit. He loved me being inside him as much I loved my dick to his ass connection. I leaned in and kissed him, told him again how much I loved his alien ass and his perfect alien body and mind. "Even though you're my brother, I still am so glad I married you."

"While that is unusual, it isn't without precedent," he smiled up at me. "And please, don't take your beautiful dick out of me. Let it slowly shrink and fall out."

"And when that happens, you are going to get the felching of your young life," I promised.

"I love that idea," Ford laughed. "That'll allow for more opportunities for me to get fucked and bred again. And it does feel like you gave me a particularly large load this time. I can feel the massive amount of liquid protein coursing around my love tunnel."

"That's my dick giving you that full feeling," I smirked.

"That, too."

When my dick slithered out, mostly shriveled up, Ford helped me turn around and sit on his face. I obliged him by sucking his dick and intermittently felching as much of my load from his well-fucked hole as I could reach with my tongue. But, it wasn't long before his precum leaking dick decided that it wanted to breed me. I turned again and sat slowly on his massive dick. "You have the best dick I've ever sat on," I praised.

"We've had a few men share out bed, Mike. Are you sure that I'm the best?"

"Very sure," I countered. "Only you know how to pleasure me with that monster up my ass. Only you can fill me up like no other man can. And only you are the man I love."

"Flattery will get you anything!" Ford giggled. "Right now, you're gonna get bred!" His strangled cry of pleasure preceded an amazingly powerful series of sperm jets into my hungry ass. He power-fucked me just the way I love it. I couldn't get enough and begged for more as his hips pounded my eager ass.

He doesn't usually nutt so quickly after I sit on his breeding stick, but getting his ass eaten, fucked, and felched must have pushed him very close to his climax. Sucking his precum-leaking dick and then sitting on it must have been the last straw. With incredible gusto, he filled me up with his special sauce in wave after wave of thrusts into me. I felt his dick expand and jerk as more jets of sperm raced into me. A slurping sound punctuated each of his crazed pumping motions. His pleasure escalated until he was spent. I think he took about as long as I did to fill him up. I couldn't have been more pleasurably bred. And I knew he loved the release of all the accumulated sperm that he'd been saving since this afternoon.

When Ford pulled out, he flipped around and we enjoyed a mutual felching for several minutes. But, I couldn't hold out. I told him that I was about to nutt again, so he needed to tell me where he wanted it. Without a word, he straddled my torso and sat on my dick. With practiced motions, he fucked himself on my upright organ. Using his internal ass muscles, he had me filling him again with my warm baby batter.

And when he knew I was finished, he pulled off and sat on my face. He knew what I loved after a good fucking session. He cleaned sperm from my dick which caused me to get hard again. This time, he didn't suggest his ass as the receptacle. I moaned at the pleasure he was giving me and at the taste of my cream in his ass. The combination pushed me into another climax before I could warn Ford of what was about to happen. I'm sure he didn't care.

After he'd sucked me off, he raised my legs to his shoulders and pushed his monster up my ass again. "Fuck me nice and slow," I urged. "I want this to last, so that the load you fill me with is another huge one. I'm not the only one who makes more nutt the longer I'm hard and fucking ass." He did take nearly 30 minutes before his tight balls couldn't take any more teasing. Whenever I thought he might be getting close, I held him tightly against my ass, so he couldn't get any friction from fucking me.

However, his need to breed overwhelmed my ability to keep him from plundering my ass and breeding my hole again. He knew what he wanted and he took it. I freely gave it up and reveled in the pleasure that only he can bring to my butt.

The following morning over breakfast, we were reading the national papers about the State Dinner and the dancing that followed. A few negative comments were overwhelmed by the popular positive ones. And the negative ones were from the usual sources. They were already marginalized by their crackpot theories about what the Alliance really wanted or their denial of our existence.

The embassy secretary brought us news articles from the gay press about our modelling careers. There was nothing new or startling in any of it. One Los Angeles rag made mention of our sexual reputations in the local sex clubs. But, the reporting was so poorly done that it wasn't a certainty that anything would come of it. However, we had our stories ready in case it did flower into something more.

We had only to wait until the afternoon to find television coverage that was beamed from Los Angeles to the networks. It wasn't as salacious as it could have been, but they did have two men who stated that our sexual prowess was legendary. Details were withheld due to the nature of the mainstream media's aversion to reporting the minutia about sexual acts between men. "They were very popular for all the right reasons," one of the men stated with a leer. I recognized him and so did Ford. He'd been a good fuck in the showers as I recalled. Ford said that he didn't fuck him, but was fucking another guy while this witness watched and got dicked by me. So, he was not spreading falsehoods.

"It'll be interesting to see how the news programs in the evening treat this story," I said.

"I think they'll have at least one expert on male sexuality and one gay man on to talk about sex with men," Ford replied. "But, I don't see any way that they'll get into the actual acts." As if on cue, the phone in the breakfast room rang. One of the serving staff picked it up. A minute later, he hung up.

"One of the evening programs is asking for comment from you about the reports out of Los Angeles. I assume no comment is our response?" he wondered.

"Yes," Ford responded. "But, would they be kind enough to let us know who will be guests to discuss the topic? And if the guests would like to visit with us before the telecast, we'd be happy to answer any questions they'd like to pose."

"Does that include the host of the program?" the staffer asked.

Ford thought about that for a moment. "I don't want to show favoritism to any program or network," he opined. "However, if the host would like to go on deep background, I think we might be able to fit him or her into our schedule."

The staffer promised to let us know what the network's response was as soon as it had been received. Obviously, the host was keen on getting a scoop, so they had agreed within the next 20 minutes to any time we were available. Rather than go to all the bother of a face to face interview, they agreed to a telephone interview. Ford stipulated that the conversation could not be recorded in any manner. And that included someone listening in who could write everything down because of their skill with shorthand or court reporting. With that issue resolved, we agreed to a 30 minute interview at 2:30 that afternoon. They also agreed to notify the guests on the program that we were available to speak with them as well, if they so desired. The guests immediately jumped at the chance and were given an early afternoon, personal appointment.

The guests were very personable, gay men. Both had been involved in the fight for gay rights and gay marriage. They had very deep roots in the community and wanted to present us in the best possible light. Ford indicated that we weren't going to speak to our sexual activities in Los Angeles or our praised equipment dimensions. They laughed at that and said that we had nothing to worry about. Those topics were strictly off limits.

"However, there will be a discussion in generalities about the nature of gay sex, without wading into the specifics," one of them volunteered. "I think the point that I'll be making will center on the fact that you are not from here and your sexual mores are not for us to judge. It would be inappropriate for us to discuss the sexual proclivities of any public figure, too. You are NOT public figures. You are representatives of another, uh, nation. Yes, the public is understandably curious about you, but your sexual practices are none of their business."

The other guest agreed with what had been said by his colleague. "I think you bring a fresh look at sexuality in general. With your easy manner and the clear knowledge that sexuality as practiced in the wider galaxy is different from Earth, there is no reason to try to attach our parochial values to what the rest of the universe experiences. Frankly, it's none of our damned business. Live and let live!"

We thanked them for their time and escorted them to the gate of the embassy. Back in the conference room, we called the network at 2:30 and were immediately connected to the host of the news hour. She thanked us for making time to give her our views on deep background. With repeated assurances that this conversation was not recorded in any manner, the questioning began.

Ford repeated part of his conversation with the President about sexuality across the galaxy and how Earth's views on monogamy, heterosexuality, and homosexuality were definitely minority options within the Alliance. She asked us about dancing with the President's husband. I volunteered that I was at first surprised, but then immensely gratified that they were welcoming us so warmly and were attempting to make us as comfortable as possible. I didn't bother to mention that Ford had been on the planet for more than a decade and that I'd been born here, so that dancing with the President's husband was still a shocker, given this country's jaded past when dealing with gay men and women.

She asked us for more details about forthcoming cures, but we could offer nothing more than what had already been said. However, Ford did say that he had great hopes for these cures as they would touch so many lives in a positive way.

The host asked us about how long we'd been married, how we had met, how long we'd been together before the marriage, and were the reports accurate that we were models for a few years and I'd established a medical practice before disappearing for more than a decade to be with Ford. I assured her of the accuracy of that information. Ford related how we'd met at the modeling agency, but didn't go into details.

"Mr. Ambassador, you were observing us as well as working as a model?" she asked.

"Yes, it was my assignment to get to know the culture well enough to assess your eligibility for membership in the Alliance. Unfortunately, they weren't very positive for all the reasons we've already discussed. However," he smiled, turning to me, "it was Mike who persuaded the Alliance to take a chance on Earth before you were completely ready for Alliance contact. He thought we were being elitist by keeping knowledge of a galactic civilization away from well-developed planets. With the knowledge that other intelligent beings existed on millions of other planets, those civilizations had a chance to come into the Alliance sooner, bringing their unique culture to enrich ours."

"How did you manage to persuade them?" she asked.

"I used my knowledge of Earth and the progress I thought we were making. I also thought that contact from the Alliance would silence the Luddites of the world and allow humanity to move forward as it was intended to move. That's not to say that there weren't members of the High Council who thought it was a bad idea to contact planets that weren't ready for full membership. But, Ford's father, Ford, and I pressed our case as best we could. Obviously, it worked. But, we are a test case. If Earth screws this up, we will be holding back other mature civilizations from knowing about the Alliance for many years to come. I thought that view was unfair and short-sighted."

"So, we'd better get this right," the host smiled.

"Yes, you do," Ford agreed. "But, there is no timetable. You will progress at your pace. It is not our way to set up arbitrary deadlines for emerging civilizations. Goals, yes. Deadlines, no."

"And what are your goals while you represent the Alliance in America?" she asked.

"We have only one goal," Ford replied. "We want Earth to become a full member of the Alliance as soon as possible. We will counsel you, urge you, even beg you, but we will never direct you. This is your planet. Your future is in your hands."

She offered us every sympathy and hope in our quest to reach our only goal. At the end of the interview, she stated that she'd love to have a sit down interview with us some day. Ford assured her that it would happen, but we couldn't be seen as favoring one news outlet over another, not for a while anyway. "And I'm sure you don't want to appear to be our puppets or propagandists," Ford added. "Both of us have to be very careful about our public relationship."

After the interview ended, Ford asked our appointment secretary to schedule interviews for the major video media for each of the next six weeks. He also asked that appointments get scheduled for the major print media as well as news networks that were primarily from the internet. "Each interview will be 30 minutes, no more," he stated. "Schedule them in alphabetical order. If they don't have someone available during that week, put them at the bottom of the list. And find out which gay publications or websites are read by most gay men and women. Schedule the top five for after the major media interviews."

Over dinner, I asked Ford what he knew about the new cure that he'd obliquely talked about with the media earlier. He pulled his electronic device from his pocket, tapped it a few times, and handed it to me. "This is what's in the pipeline. I haven't received anything more recently to update where research and trials now stand," he stated as I quickly skimmed the health remedies that were being looked at for humans.

"Humans are very inventive and curious," I said after a quick look. "Are you confident that they won't try to co-opt the mechanisms for the cures and use them for other, less benign purposes?"

Ford smiled. "You don't know how sneaky and persistent the Alliance can be with technology that could be usurped for nefarious goals, not sanctioned by us."

"I've lived here most of my life, Ford. Humans can be very sneaky, too."

"And you will be involved in the counter-measures to make sure that doesn't happen without major, unpleasant consequences," he smiled back. "This isn't the first time we've done this."

I was assured, but still nervous about the Alliance benevolence being put to evil ends. At least, I'd be involved in setting up the safeguards.

This story is fiction. Your life isn't. Always play safe.

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Next: Chapter 20

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