The Legacy of a Starman

By John Black

Published on Mar 15, 2015


The Legacy of a Starman

Chapter 11

I stayed up long enough to regale my parents with a travelogue about New York City and Berlin, leaving out the naughty parts, and ate dinner with them. Pleading jet lag, I staggered off to bed. I thought about another short conversation with the holo-image of my real father, but I was so tired I thought it would be pointless. The sun was up too early for me the next morning, so I rolled over and caught another hour of sleep before I finally arose. After breakfast with my parents, I checked in with my agent (whom I called my boss because he was the person who told me where and when to go) to see if there was anything on my work horizon.

Knowing that I needed to wait a while before I went to the gym, I did some laundry and chatted with my mom for a while. She wanted to know all about the handsome Ford. I sanitized it as best I could. She did wonder if I were enjoying the modelling and would it interfere with college. I assured her that it was just a job and I knew I needed a college education. Modelling careers only last as long as the next pretty face doesn't come along to replace you.

At the gym, I got a blowjob before I started my routine and ended it with two sweet fucks. One guy took my load in the sauna, the other one got fucked in the steam room. As I left the gym, I spotted one of the local gay newspapers in a nearby newspaper box. I'd been wondering for the last several weeks if word was spreading about the cure as fast as I was trying to spread the cure. A lot of patient zeros had been created, so it should be raging through the gay population by now.

The medical community would want to study it thoroughly before they drew any conclusions or published findings in any of their prestigious journals. If something like had happened, the media would be all over it. So far, nothing.

But, there was a short letter-to-the-editor written by three people who didn't sign the letter with their names. I wouldn't have known their names anyway, but I might know them by sight. They stated that they spontaneously flipped from positive to negative. They had no idea how it had happened, but they knew of two more of their friends who had the same spontaneous cure. These three had several tests to confirm that they were now negative. And all three had dropped their medication regimen, despite cautions pronounced by their doctors. They added as a footnote that they'd never felt better in their lives.

Something like that would create quite a stir in the regular press. I knew that some of the newsies had to be gay and read this gay rag. Would any of them think there might be a story there? Without names, they wouldn't be able to confirm what they'd read. Perhaps, some enterprising young staffer would discuss it with his or her doctor to see if there was any truth to it. At that point, I didn't know if that would cross the patient confidentiality boundary or not.

Meanwhile, I had other things on my mind. Mr. Weeks had answered my text with one of his own. "Store chain interested in you for Wednesday. Call." I called the agent's office and was put through to him. "It's only one day, but they pay well," he said. "I'm working on some other possibilities later this week or next week. Are you available for more international travel?" I assured him that I was. He gave me the address and time to appear for Wednesday's shoot. That gave me two days to recover from jet lag. I hoped it would be enough.

The shoot was the easiest I'd had so far. The photographer was efficient and quick. Four of us changed clothes quickly to be ready for the next series. Evidently, the store was overstocked with men's summer wear, because that's all we wore. By mid-afternoon, we were finished. And I'd managed not to get a massive boner, despite how hot the Latino guy was that kept checking me out. His ass was sweet, so brown and round. I wanted to stick my tongue and dick in it every time we changed.

Delightfully, we left together. He invited me out for a drink, which I agreed to. We stopped at a gay bar in WeHo and discussed modelling. I stayed away from the booze and had had a glass of wine. One thing led to another and we finished our drinks and went to the men's room. He followed me into the handicapped stall and dropped his pants. "I want that big, black dick deep in my ass," he whispered. "But, I don't have a condom."

"I'm negative," I assured him and produced my latest test. He grinned broadly and bent over. Out of nowhere, he produced a tube of lube, the contents of which I applied generously to his asshole and my dick. It took us a couple of minutes to get him relaxed enough to take me. But, once he did, there was no holding either of us back from what we wanted. As it was only mid-afternoon, we had the place to ourselves. Nonetheless, we tried to be quiet. That didn't work out so well when I pounded his ass so hard that he shot his load all over the wall. Seconds later, I pumped my usual massive load of baby gravy deep inside him.

"It's a good thing we have the facilities close by," I whispered into his ear. "I shoot a BIG load."

"I could feel your cream jetting up my ass. That's the biggest load I've ever taken," he beamed. "I do love getting fucked, but most men I'm with think that I'm the top, so I fuck them most of the time. I'm glad I didn't make that mistake this time."

"So am I." I pulled out slowly and went to a nearby sink. While I washed off my deflating dick, he sat on the commode and aborted the majority of my dick gravy.

"Man! You really do shoot a lot. You didn't piss in me, did you?" I shook my head to the negative. "That's one monster load," he admitted. "I love getting bareback loads, but I so seldom find a big dick that's negative."

"I'm happy to help out."

The rest of the summer, I had several photo sessions around the area and two near San Francisco. Three times I went to Europe again. France, Italy, and The Netherlands were the stops this time. It would have been better if they'd been back to back, but were instead several weeks apart. By the end of summer, I was $30,000 ahead. That's a lot of "mad money" I thought. Perhaps, I should buy a car.

I mentioned that idea to my step-father, but he convinced me that he had a better idea. "You don't want to buy a used car. You don't know what kind of care it got. What you need is a new one. So, let's talk about what kind of car you want and what you realistically should get."

Of course, I knew what he was talking about. A young man of my tender years would probably want a hot car that was a chick magnet (or man magnet in my case). What I really needed was a very reliable car that got decent gas mileage and wasn't a beast to insure or park. Nor could it be one that got stolen a lot. That did narrow down the prospects quite a bit. I was partial to a BMW or Mustang or Camaro. He was looking more at a Honda, a Prius, a Volt or a Toyota sedan. There had to be some way to get what I wanted without making myself look like an idiot in his eyes.

I couldn't believe it when we both settled on a Ford F-150 pickup. It was inexpensive compared to cars; and it had a lot of room to get my stuff back and forth from college from year to year. The gas mileage wasn't all that special, though. I got the color and most of the optional equipment that I wanted on it. He asked me if I wanted to go for the more expensive and hot chrome wheels that I'd been drooling over at a tire store not far from the house. Of course, I did!

That's when he told me that he was buying the truck for me as a graduation present. I was floored and very happy. I couldn't believe how good he has been to me. My eyes teared up and I couldn't help myself. With tears rolling down my cheeks, I hugged him hard. "Thanks, Dad. You're the best!"

I offered to pay for the wheels and special tires, but he declined my offer. "However," he said, "you should have some investment in your new vehicle, so I think you should pay for the insurance. It will be an amendment to my policy, so it'll be cheaper than if you got it on your own. Just pay me back when the premium comes due." You know I agreed on the spot!

By the time I moved to Berkeley for my first year of college, the cure story had broken and was the talk of the media. No one knew how it had happened and they still couldn't figure out how or if the cure was transmissible. All they knew for sure was that the men who were cured were sexually active and participated occasionally in unprotected sex. It appeared that the cure was a permanent one, no matter how many times they were exposed to the bug afterwards.

And the doctors were exceedingly worried that men who were positive would begin ignoring their counsel about wearing condoms, hoping that they'd get the cure by fucking bareback. They also warned the men to not stop taking their meds, but that advice was routinely ignored. Because the cure rate was expanding so rapidly, they didn't know if it originated in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York City. Their data seemed to indicate it sprung up simultaneously in all three locations. International reports were coming in that showed the same cure rates were building there, although the beginning seemed to emanate from the U.S.

My first year at Berkeley was not as easy as I thought it would be. The competition for good grades was much tougher than in high school. I had to work for those grades instead of skating like I had before. But, at the end of the year, I was on the Dean's List, so I was doing well.

Weekends were always spent cruising the bookstores and t-rooms. I needed to be sure that the cure was spread far and wide. I had a private room at the dorm at my request, because I wanted to have some time with my holo-dad which I couldn't have if I'd had a roommate. That's not to say that I didn't have some sexual liaisons with other residents of my dorm. In fact, I fucked all of the gay men and most of the bi-men there during the year. Some of them, I fucked several times. They were excellent bed partners.

Ford came to see me frequently and we always fucked, and rimmed, and blew each other. He also partook of the banquet of sexually starved men in my dorm. Armand spent time with me during the Thanksgiving holiday in Los Angeles. We spent many hours fucking and breeding him as well as getting fucked by him. Ford loved sex with Armand as much as I did.

We had nearly a week off at Thanksgiving, so I decided to drive home in my new pickup. I knew that the long drive would be boring, boring, boring. A couple of other men that I knew were talking about finding someone to share the ride. One of them mentioned that I should check out the "community board" in each dorm. Besides the usual notices about groups and clubs meeting, that's where requests were posted from people who were looking for tutors, study partners, and roommates. Weekend rides to nearby destinations were frequent postings, too. As Thanksgiving approached, several notes appeared requesting or offering rides to Southern California, Reno, Las Vegas, and points in Oregon and Washington.

I checked out the requests for rides to the LA area and found one to my liking. I called the guy and we met for coffee at the student cafeteria. He lived in a nearby dorm and was a 3rd year student in pre-law. He offered to pay for the gas, but I told him that I had that covered and was really just looking for companionship to keep me awake for the long and very boring drive on I-5. We compared our schedules and found that we could leave early on Saturday morning.

We met at my dorm in the common room Saturday morning, and walked to my pickup about 100 feet away. He said, "Nice ride. New, isn't it?" I nodded. "With all the hot options, too?" he grinned as he sat in the passenger seat.

"Graduation gift from my parents," I replied. We settled in for the long drive to LA. But, I noticed that he kept glancing at my crotch. I was wearing a tight tank top that showed off my chest and arms and cotton gym shorts that were too small for me. I wore those shorts because they showed off my round, hard, bubble butt, as well as my big dick. When I met him in the cafeteria, I thought he showed more than casual interest in me.

My crotch bulged as I returned his glance and saw that he had a growing bulge, too. He adjusted himself to get more comfortable. I did, too. My dick had been painfully bent, so I fixed that and nearly exposed the big head. As it was, the thick, pronounced head tightly encased in the cotton shorts didn't leave anything to the imagination.

I adjusted myself again, trying to get more comfortable. My hard dick popped out of the leg hole nearest him. I tried to shove it back under the cloth, but with the heavy traffic, I couldn't give it enough attention. He reached over and helped me. That only made me harder, and I started to leak precum. "Seems kinda pointless, doesn't it," I smiled.

"I could take care of that for you," he said, staring at the dick in his hand. "After all, you're paying for the transportation and gas. I should service you some way in return." I leaned back and gave him better access to my long dick. He went down on me easily.

Less than two minutes later, my nuts were boiling. "I'm gonna nutt soon!" I warned. He continued to blow me. "I cum a lot!" I blurted out a last warning. He sucked ever harder. My dick jerked and sprayed my creamy load. Gratefully, I'd engaged cruise control or my foot would have been planted deep in the accelerator pedal. Once more, I lost count of the number of squirts I pumped into his mouth.

"Fuckin' huge load," he praised when he finally pulled off. "And I've blown you before."

"Really? When and where was that?" I asked, allowing my semi-stiff, leaking dick to rest against the inside of my right leg.

He bent over again and licked up the errant dribbles of cum. When he came up for air, he replied, "I'm not sure. It could have been at home or at school. Do you get into the city very often?" I nodded, understanding that he meant San Francisco. "Do you hit the bookstores or sex clubs in either city?" Again, I nodded. "That has to be it, then. I go to them, too. And no one sprays as much as you do," he concluded.

"I guess I am distinctive in that way," I allowed.

"I do remember that you had a sensational body and a big dick, as well as a huge load," he continued. "I was so overwhelmed by your monster load that I couldn't think straight," he laughed. "A few minutes later, I came to my senses and knew that I needed to get fucked by you and feel that big dick and sweet load in my ass. But, I never located you again."

"You still need a good fuck?" I smiled over at him. "There's a rest stop coming up in about half an hour. But, I didn't bring any condoms with me."

"Not necessary," he grinned over at me. "I'm immune."

I shot him a startled look. "How can you be immune?"

"Beats the fuck outta me, but I am. I got the cure somehow or from someone. I don't know who or how," he shrugged.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep," he confirmed. "No matter who I fuck with, I remain negative."

"That must be a lot of fun, then."

"Oh, yeah. I've really become a major slut. If I'm not careful, I'm gonna have a problem with my grades," he sighed. "But, I love sex so much that I can't get it out of my brain."

He played with my dick and licked his fingers off as I continued to leak cum. Soon, it turned to precum and my dick got hard again. "You need to drink another load?" I asked.

"You can nutt again so soon?" I assured him that I could. So, he sucked me off a second time. Once more, I shot my cream within two minutes of getting sucked. "Are you gonna be able to fuck me after I pulled two loads out of your big dick?" he wondered when he stopped sucking me. I smiled down at him and nodded. "You are amazing," he praised.

A few minutes later, I pulled off the freeway and stopped at the back of the t-rooms. There were two sections here. One was used heavily by nearly everyone. The one in the back had trucks parked there, where truck drivers slept. Of course, a few of them prowled the t-rooms for dick and ass. Because today was Saturday, this part of the rest area wasn't busy. Most truckers worked during the week and took the weekends off.

Inside, we found that the place was almost deserted. One man nodded to us, but finished his business and left. I pulled my passenger into the last stall and whipped out my dick. He sucked on it long enough to get me hard. Then, he turned around and dropped his pants. He handed me a small tube of lube. After using it appropriately, I pushed against his back door. He relaxed and I entered him to the hilt. He had a nice, tight, hungry ass that was begging for a load.

We spoke in whispers, but it wasn't necessary. We were alone. I knew what he wanted and gave it to him. He got the slow fuck that he was begging for and I got to breed another hot man. He was already a patient zero, but I didn't mind giving him a "booster shot": in his ass this time.

I did the best I could to delay my climax, but his ass insisted on a big load as soon as he could pull it out of my dick. He was successful far sooner than I thought he would. I loaded his ass and kept fucking him after my climax ended. He couldn't get enough dick and fucking action. But, my dick couldn't stay hard, so I slipped out.

I moved over to the sinks to wash my dick while he aborted my active baby batter. "Damn! I wanted to keep that juice inside me," he sighed. "A hot stud like you should have a lot of men knocked up."

"Even though you lose a lot of my cream because I spray so much, you still retain enough that you'll get pregnant," I laughed.

"If only," he sighed. "I'll bet we'd make some beautiful babies."

He blew me five more times and took another load up his ass before we arrived in the LA basin. He lived about 10 miles away from my parents, so it was no problem dropping him off. I told him that I'd call next Saturday when I was ready to head back to Berkeley, but thought it would be around 8 a.m. or so. I'd try to call on Friday to firm it up.

During that holiday week, I spent time with my parents and with Ford and Armand. They regaled me with tales of their sexual exploits abroad and at home. I responded with my own litany of manhole seeding, including my Thanksgiving week passenger. Ford asked on behalf of Mr. Weeks if I were interested in doing some modelling during the week, but I declined. I needed to decompress and do some studying for the rapidly approaching final exams for my classes before Christmas break.

Evidently, the studying and reading that I did was not wasted. I aced my finals three weeks later. Armand was in town for a couple of days in mid-December, so we celebrated at one of the sex clubs before I left town for home. With finals over, I once more enjoyed the company, mouth, and ass of my Thanksgiving passenger. Both of us had been too busy with our studies to hook up between Thanksgiving and Christmas at school. We made up for it on our way down and back from LA.

During the Christmas break, Mr. Weeks asked me if I were available for a couple of sessions, if it didn't get in the way of studying that I had to do for college classes. I told him that Berkeley was on the semester system, so I was through with classes and tests until I returned for spring semester in January. He had lined up four clients who were clamoring for me. They had seen the spreads in the New York and Berlin clothing catalogues and wanted me for their lines of clothing. That was another $10,000 in my bank account.

I had told my step-father that I should be paying rent now that I was over 18 and still living at home during holidays and summers. He told me he wouldn't take my money because his taxes were already too high and he didn't want me to waste my money that would end up in the tax collector's pocket instead of where I wanted it to go. So, I did my best to take them out to dinner and on outings that I paid for. They were okay with that.

All through the academic year, I learned more and more from my real father's image about my true genetic background and the proud history of his planet and civilization. It was most enlightening.

My agent sent me several texts as the end of the academic year approached. He confirmed my final test days and asked if I were ready for a full calendar of modeling jobs. I assured him that I was ready and eager to travel and earn more cash. With a firm date understood when I'd be returning to school for the next academic year, he sent me a list of jobs I'd been set up for and how long each one would be. There were some holes in the schedule, but he said they would probably be filled in soon. I was now a very hot property in great demand. He suggested that I may wish to put holds on some of those gaps so I could do some fun things, rather than work the entire three months.

I selected three holes in the schedule that were three or four days each that he'd reserve for me for some "me time" as he put it. Most of my summer "working" schedule was in Europe. A few days had been slipped in that included New York City, Chicago, Key West, Denver, Dallas, and Seattle. Mr. Weeks said that he told interested companies in Los Angeles and San Francisco that I would be available at other times, but not during the summer. However, during those days when I was available, those days were not sequential. He was clear that I was a student and had my academic career as my first priority. No one seemed to have heartburn over that.

In mid-May, final exams were over. Once more, I shared my ride with my holidays passenger. The bed of the pickup was full, but with a well-secured tarp over it, nothing bounced out or blew away. He was sufficiently grateful to give me multiple blowjobs and take two deep fucks. As before, I blew him twice before we arrived in LA.

I spent my first day home with my parents, but the first night belonged to Ford. We fucked and felched each other like we'd just met and couldn't get enough sex from each other. Even though he had a monster dick, I was getting pretty good at taking his donkey dick up my butt. And he could never get enough of my sweet, creamy, huge loads. As quickly as I recovered, he was on my dick again. The first two hours together, I got fucked three times, but he got eight loads from me. None of them were oral.

We left Sunday afternoon for Europe. He had a photo shoot in Italy, I had one in France. We would be together again the following week in Berlin with the same company that had used us last year. We were delighted that Armand had joined us once more. There was a three day window between our Italy and France shoots and the one with Armand in Berlin. We spent those three days fucking with each other or going to one of many sex clubs in the city. I did my best to breed as many men as I could on each one of those evening. As the three days were on the weekend, I had a lot of different men to choose from. I bred, white boys, Arabs, Africans, Italians, Spanish, and Germans. A few were probably from Eastern Europe, but they could have been from Russia. I didn't really care as long as they wanted to get fucked.

At the end of our third week in Europe, I was ready to go home and so was Ford. I considered staying in Europe for another 10 days before our next assignment. We could do some touring of places I'd always wanted to see, but as this was the tourist season, we decided that those popular sights would be overwhelmed and we'd not enjoy ourselves. The downside was that we'd be getting over jet lag just about the time that we'd have to go back. Besides, I wanted to get back to my favorite sex club in Los Angeles and spread around more cure.

During my school year, I'd been wondering which additional cures I should ask the crystals to create for me. I'd settled on fixing Alzheimer's disease. But, I wasn't coming up with a good way to get it into the people who had Alzheimer's or would develop it. I had to be extraordinarily careful now. Drug companies were having major hissy fits over these cures that suddenly popping up. That put big holes in their revenues. They were especially not willing to put money into research to cure diseases and conditions that I hadn't gotten to. When would a new cure strike that would impact on their bottom line again, they wondered.

The drug companies had tried to isolate the components of the cure for retroviruses; but when the substance was removed from living tissue, it broke down into unstable, and therefore, unstudyable particles. They had more success with the cures for cancer, but the progress was so slow that they had nearly abandoned the idea. What they were fearful of was that if they could synthesize the particles, it appeared that it became so easily transmissible that they'd never make any money off of it.

There wasn't a thing I could do about that. The National Institutes of Health continued to fund research, but they couldn't do it all. Private investors were just as spooked by the downside of health cures research that they stayed away in droves.

The Fourth of July weekend was one of the few consecutive days that I'd blocked off my calendar for no work. The neighbors of my parents were planning a block party and the invitation included the suggestion that anyone could bring a guest as long as they brought along enough food for that guest, too. My parents insisted that we attend and that I should invite Ford by all means. If I had other friends, I should ask them to join us as well. All we had to do was give my mom a count, so she'd have enough for all of us. The day before the party, Ford called to say that he was bringing someone that we'd love to meet. Mom always over-prepares for these events, so I didn't bother to let her know of the addition. My step-father had put out some steaks to thaw, so I had to let him know that he should prepare for one more. He nodded, but was busy with something else, so he forgot to say anything to my mom, too.

On the Fourth, the street was closed, and tables and chairs were set up. Portable barbeques were rolled out on to the street with charcoal set ablaze an hour before the scheduled time for dinner. We sat with the neighbors and chatted about everything and nothing. Ford said that he'd get there well before dinner. I spotted his car and grinned as he parked at the end of the street and got out of his car with a man that I couldn't discern clearly. He looked familiar from that great distance, but I didn't know who he could be.

As the distance between us shrunk, I could see the enormous grin on Ford's face. My mom looked where I was looking and started. "It can't be!" she whispered. That's when I knew.

My real father had made it back to Earth!

Mom and I rose slowly, not believing our eyes. She took tentative steps toward him. I was rooted to the ground. How did Ford find him? And what was my real father doing here? I was delighted to see him, but I wondered why today.

Finally, I moved toward him. Mom was nearly there. She threw her arms around my real dad, nearly knocking him over. She kissed him all over his face. I couldn't hear what she said, but she was obviously pleased to see him. I glanced over my shoulder to check out the reaction of my step-father. His back was turned to us, fussing with the grill, unaware of the drama unfolding behind him.

Mom turned and smiled. She beckoned me to her. "This is your father, Mike. Your real father," she said. I nodded dumbly. "Isn't he wonderful?"

"But, what will Dad, I mean, my step-father say?"

"He knows what happened with your real father and he's been very understanding."

"Still, you don't need to rub his face in it," I bristled. Even though my step-father wasn't my real father, he was the only father I knew. He should be afforded some courtesies.

"You're absolutely right," she said. "I forgot myself." But, she didn't release my real father's hand, either. "Come meet him, Mike."

Before I could say anything, my real father said, "You're everything that I could have hoped for," he beamed. "Your brother has told me how much of a man you've become. And a scholar, too!"

I was stunned. "My brother? Ford?"

"Yeah, I'm your brother," Ford admitted. "I've wanted to tell you so many times, but the time never seemed right."

"But, how did you know?"

"Uh, I'll have to tell you later," he blushed, glancing at my mom. Evidently, it had some kind of sexual reason.

"But, you don't have the blue patches, and you don't, uh, well you don't have other characteristics," I babbled, also looking at my mom and changing the subject. He didn't nutt like I did and my real father's image had told me that spraying out monster loads was a trait of his people.

"Let's join the street party," my mother said. She was trying to move us out of our uncomfortable conversation and on to something more mundane. We walked with her back to the party, and introduced my real dad as her first husband. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who noticed that I looked a lot like him, and not my step-father. But, they had the good manners not to mention it.

After a great dinner with too many desserts, we walked back to the house. My mom, dad, and step-dad had a conversation going in the living room, so Ford and I moved away for a moment. I wanted desperately to get this "family" thing straightened out.

"Why didn't you tell me and when did you know and what is your real name?" I asked point-blank.

"My true name is probably unpronounceable, but Telford is close enough. And I didn't know for sure that you were my half-brother until I'd had sex with you several times," Ford began. "I've been with other men who pumped out big loads, but no one sprayed as much as you do. That was my first clue. Our father already told me that you were on this planet and, if your mom hadn't moved, you'd probably still be in this area. He also told me that he made sure that your genome would set you up as gay. So, I just started hitting the sex clubs for the last year or so. I thought I'd meet up with you at some point. But, I never thought you'd be so amazingly awesome!"

"When did you know?" I asked again.

"I never really knew," he answered. "But, I suspected after you were capable of multiple loads in quick succession and you shot such big loads. After that cure for retroviruses started appearing, I was close to convinced that you were the cause. But, there was still a chance that you weren't the one."

"So, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't know for sure. If you weren't my half-brother, I'd be exposing myself as the alien I truly am," he concluded.

"So, I've been fucking with my brother for the last year," I sighed. "That's pretty incestuous," I said, unable to contain my smile.

"Is that some kind of problem now that you know?"

"Well, in `polite' circles and under the law, it isn't legal," I observed.

"Like, we're going to make three headed babies? That's crazy. We can't make babies. We're both men," he objected.

"I don't make the rules, Ford," I countered. I paused to think for a minute. "Now that I know and you know who we are and I've met my real dad, what's the future hold? I mean, what about us? Do you have to rejoin your unit or ship or whatever? How long can Dad stay? How much longer can you stay? And why don't you have blue patches like dad does in the hologram and why don't you cum as much as I do? Dad said that big loads are a trait of your people, uh, our people."

This story is fantasy. Your life isn't. Always play safe.

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Next: Chapter 12

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