The Legacy of a Starman

By John Black

Published on Jan 20, 2015


The Legacy of a Starman

Chapter 1

My father was always a mystery to me. Whenever I asked my mom about him, I always got a vague answer. She would say that they loved each other, but, he had to leave before I was born. However, she found someone else soon after my father left and married him. My step-father always treated me well, even though I wasn't his son. And my mother and her new husband never had any children together. It wasn't from lack of trying, though. I could hear them through the thin walls of our home when they were playing "hide the sausage" in the late evening or early morning. My mother's noises indicated that she enjoyed the sex and my step-father's bellows when he climaxed could probably be heard in the next county.

And before you ask, yes, he has a big dick. I've never seen it hard, but I have seen it in his tight pants when it was hard and it is a big one. When I hit puberty and my dick grew and I put on 6" of height in one year, I was beginning to wonder if my step-father was really my father. Our bodies were similar as was coloring and general facial features. Maybe they were trying to keep the fact that they hadn't married until after I was born. That would make me illegitimate, I guess. I'm not sure that I care either way.

Anyway, when puberty hit, I couldn't believe how much muscle and height I put on. And my dick swelled and lengthened until I had a hard dick that was 10" long and 6" around. It also had a big head on it and was straight as a steel rod. At the age of 16, I was 6'4" tall, weighted about 220, and had packed on some sculpted muscle. I didn't work out very often, but my step-father urged me to use the weights in the basement when he did, so I got good instruction and encouragement. My mother and step-father are blessed with good genes and light-chocolate skin. I have the same traits. That's another reason I thought my step-father could be my real father.

I'm very athletic, but not very skilled. I play on the high school teams for football, basketball, and baseball. I'm passable as a soccer player and okay on some events in track and field. I do well enough, but I'm sure not going to turn the heads of the athletic scholarship scouts with my skills. Besides, my heart isn't in sports anyway. I'm more of a science geek.

And, I'm not straight. I've had fantasies of being with other boys since I was about 8 years old. I thought about playing with my step-father's big dick a lot during my teen years. But, I found boys my own age who enjoyed playing around with me, so I lost my sexual interest in my step-dad. Shower time after our practices and games were a feast for the eyes. There is a great deal of hot teens on our high school teams. I'd love to fuck most of them. But, I've been very discreet and have only played with a few.

But, what has surprised me is the amount of jizz that I shoot when I hit my climax. Each jerk of my dick sprayed out a fire-hose of sperm. By the time I finish jetting out cum, I've soaked or filled whatever I'm near. And I shoot hard, usually spraying over my head. When I was 16, I measured the volume. It was a full cup of dick gravy! And like nearly all teenage boys, I'm always horny. I can nutt several times a day with the right stimulation and each climax produces another brimming cup of baby batter. Most of the time, it's a solo session. Once in a while, I'm able to talk a friend or two into a circle jerk or a one-on-one blow.

I was a senior in high school before I tried fucking another guy. It was the most intense climax I'd ever had. The guy I was with was from a nearby college and was three years older than me. The ease with which he took me showed me that I wasn't his first fuck. The intense pleasure it generated in my balls and dick drove me into a fast ejaculation within a minute of slipping my dick inside him. He was delighted with the amount of sperm I pounded into the condom and wanted me to fuck him again. Within 10 minutes, I was up and eager to repeat my earlier performance. He loved the second loaded condom as much as the first one.

So, every week after that for the rest of my senior year, we found time to fuck in his apartment. Sometimes, he'd suck me off, but we always ended our time together with a hot, deep fuck up his ass. We had both been tested, so he made sure that we fucked bareback after the first time.

On the days I hadn't scheduled time with him, I had a couple of friends at school that enjoyed sucking me off. I sucked them off, too, but I never got the quantities from them that I gave them. Even with that additional fun, I never got enough sex.

For my 18th birthday, my mom and step-dad had a quiet party for me with a few of my friends and our neighbors. After all the good food and presents, everyone else left, leaving just the family. My mom gave my step-dad a signal and he left the room. She pulled a small box out of drawer. It was metal with elegant engravings all over the cover. "Your real father left this for you with instructions that you should receive it on your 18th birthday. I don't know anything about the contents. He said that you'd know how to open it and wanted you to demonstrate your good judgment and humanity with the contents. I don't know what he meant by that, either," she shrugged. She stood, handed me the box, and turned to leave the room. "He also said that no one else can be nearby when you open it."

That left me even more mystified. What could possibly be inside this box? Why did he tell Mom that she had to wait until today to give it to me? Maybe, there will be a message inside telling me more about him and why he had to leave. I wasn't going to find out anything sitting on my ass in the kitchen. I picked up the box and walked into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

"Okay," said sighed aloud. "How do I open you?" I picked up the metal box again and ran my right hand over the top surface. It was warm to the touch. Using both hands, I felt along the sides, front, and back. There were no obvious releases. I turned it over. The surface was engraved, but was different from the top. "Hmm?" I mused. I flipped it over again and stared at the top once more. With my index finger, I traced the pattern in the upper left corner. It began to glow. I pulled back and the glow faded.

I sat back on my heels and considered my next move. "Well, there was no damage to me or the box, so maybe I'm supposed to keep rubbing it there?" I wondered. Once again, I traced the pattern in the upper left corner. Again, the area glowed. I pressed a little harder and worked my finger a little faster. A patch in the middle of the lid glowed. With my other hand, I traced the central pattern with a finger. Once more, the glow increased as I applied more pressure and speed. Two other areas began to glow. I spread both hands, so that more fingers could trace the new patterns.

It was a bit of a struggle to reach all four places and work the patterns. I got into a rhythm that seemed to be working. More of the top glowed. I smiled at my success. Suddenly, the glow faded and I heard a metallic click. Did the lid just pop open? I examined the front edge and saw a thin line. I pushed up on the top part of the line and the lid lifted.

I quickly scanned the contents. What are all those crystal triangles? This is what my real father left me? What the fuck? Each triangle was a pyramid shape about 1" on each side. I picked one up at random. Just like the box, it was warm to the touch. I placed it in the palm of my hand and gazed at it.

Suddenly, it flashed and projected a 3-D movie into mid-air. I stumbled backwards at the surprise vision and dropped the crystal. The movie disappeared. "Well, that was stupid," I remonstrated against myself. I bent over and picked it up, placing it again in the palm of my hand. The image reappeared. It was obviously a man with similar features to mine, but he looked different in some way that I couldn't immediately figure out.

Then, it struck me. "Is there a problem with the color being projected?" I wondered aloud.

The image replied, "No, there is no anomaly in the color. I am brown with light blue patches over my chest and stomach." He turned around completely. "And my ass and the back of my legs," he finished, having shed his clothes. When he turned back to the front, I saw that he had a big, flaccid dick like mine. I tried not to stare at his dick. Looking again at his face, I saw that his ears were smaller than normal and seemed to have a dish shape rather than the shape of human ears. His forehead was high, his hair cut short and receding slightly on both sides. There looked to be a bony crest along the top of his head. I felt the top of my head and was reminded of the bumps that were there. My bumps were well hidden by my hair, his weren't. They were much more pronounced. Further, I noticed that he had big hands and big feet. I couldn't help but glance at his big dick again. I licked my lips, wondering what it would be like to suck that big thing. At the same time, I wondered how big it got.

"Are you my father?" I asked.

"Yes, I am."

"You're not from around here," I smiled, enjoying my own joke.

"That depends on what you consider to be `around here'," he smiled back. He did have a beautiful smile. No wonder my mom fell for him. "My species is in the galactic neighborhood, though."

"What does that mean?"

"As you measure it, I'm about 156 light years away," the image replied. "No doubt, I arrived at my home planet about the time you were born."

"So, how is it that you're answering my questions like you're speaking to me from the next town? Can you answer all questions I pose to you?"

"Most likely, yes," he replied.

"May I get really personal?"

"Of course."

"I've, uh, noticed that when I climax, I shoot out a lot more jizz than all other men. Is that a characteristic from you? Not that I'm complaining, you understand."

The image smiled. "I suppose it is. How much do you produce?"

"About a cup each time, and I'm always horny. The other guys shoot a couple of tablespoons. And I'm constantly thinking about getting off."

"That's normal for a man your age."

I liked that he called me a man. That felt good. "By the way, I should have already asked this. What's your name? What should I call you?"

"What did your mother say?"

"She called you Austin. Is that your real name?"

"No, but Austin will do."

"I'm your son and you won't tell me your real name?" I blustered. He said something that I couldn't comprehend. "Were you swearing at me or is that your name?" he smirked.

He laughed. "No, that's how my real name is pronounced. I could teach it to you."

"Perhaps later. Right now, I think we'll stick with Austin. Did you have the blue spots when you knew Mom?"

"Yes, but I could camouflage them easily. I thought it might disturb her to know my true look."

"So, she's never seen you like this?" I gestured toward the image. He shook his head to the negative. "How come I don't have blue spots?"

"I selected that trait out of the DNA that I shared with your mom. I didn't think that her son should have any of my stigmas attached to you. You don't have my crest or spots," he smiled. "Are you happy? Is your name Michael?"

"Yes, how'd you know?"

"It was the name we discussed before I had to leave."

"Why did you have to leave? I would have loved to have my real father here, instead of a step-father."

"Is he that bad?" Austin bristled.

"No, no. He's been a very good father to me. He just isn't my real father."

"I had to leave, Michael. I couldn't stay on your planet. It wasn't safe for me. I couldn't hide my ship well enough that it wouldn't eventually be spotted. My ability to hide my blue spots was only temporary. Leaving was not a decision that I liked. Not at all!"

"So, did you marry my mother?"

"Yes, we had a simple ceremony with only a few of her friends. Michael, I want you to believe me when I say that I truly loved your mother. I still do. If your planet and society were more advanced, it wouldn't be a problem. She could live here with me and you could live with us. But, that's too much to ask. It would be too much of a shock to you. And I couldn't live there for the reasons I've already stated."

"So, why did you come here in the first place?"

"I was on a survey mission to see how your planet is progressing. We have great hopes for your race."

"So, what happened?"

"I had to make an emergency landing. One of my shielding systems failed and allowed a micro-meteor to penetrate the hull of my ship. I needed air and a quiet place to repair the ship. Your wonderful mother took me in and helped me. She's a wonderful woman, Michael. I hope you appreciate her," he smiled wistfully. I smiled back and nodded. "It took several months for me to make the repairs and get the ship space-worthy again. Meanwhile, your mom and I got very close. After only a month, she told me that she wanted to marry me and have my child."

"You're a different species from another planet. How is it possible to make a baby?"

"Your mom wanted a child with me so badly that I gave her one. My ship's medical lab was capable to joining the DNA of both of us. I told it what characteristics the child should have and shouldn't have, like my blue spots," he grinned. I smiled back at him. "You may be surprised to hear this, but your mom is a very sexual being."

I laughed. "Well, she and my step-dad make a lot of noise when they're doing the deed, so I know she loves it."

"I'm very pleased that she's found a man to make her happy," Austin said, "and that he's been a good father to you."

"So, when you selected my characteristics, did you make me gay?" I asked.

"Is that a problem?"

"Not really. We've made a lot of progress in the last 10 years. Gay and lesbian people can get married in most states now."

"I'm relieved to hear that," Austin remarked. "Michael, please understand why you're gay. Yes, I made you that way, but for a very special reason. If you mate with a woman, you will have no children, because your hybrid DNA is still not compatible with human DNA. I didn't think it would be fair to the woman that you wanted to marry or to you. Consequently, you're gay, but with very special gifts."

"Such as the ability to pump out monster loads," I suggested.

He laughed. "Well, yes. That's one of the special gifts. But, with the other crystals in the box, you can have anything your heart or head desires that doesn't cause harm to anyone, including yourself."

"Just how broadly do you mean `anything'?"

"I would hope that you'd select humanitarian goals and not personal enrichment," Austin suggested. "You should think very hard about what it is that you desire and what the consequences would be of getting that desire fulfilled."

"I'd like to have you back here with me, but I know that would be selfish and counter-productive," I sighed. I thought for a moment. "Might I wish for a cure for a nasty disease?"

"You might," he smiled. "That's a very good start. But, be sure you ask for your desired wish broadly enough that it will do the most good."

"So, if I were to ask for a cure for cancer, for instance, how would I do that?"

"Place one of the crystals on your computer and state your desire. The crystal will access the internet for all data relating to cancer, including the latest research. A specific genetic fix will be created that causes cancers to wither and die and never be seen again in humans. And Michael, I just said something that limited the request. I said `in humans'. You might want to eradicate all cancer in all species on the planet. Do you see what I mean?"

I nodded slowly. "If I were looking for a cure for AIDS, I'd just ask for a cure for retroviruses."

"Perhaps, you should phrase it differently so that instead of asking for a cure, you ask that retroviruses be obliterated. Now, having wished for that, you should be sure that there are no retroviruses that are good for people or animals. There is a danger in wishing for something too broadly, too."

"Gotcha. So, how would this cure or fix be disseminated? I'm not a drug company, nor do I have any contacts with one."

"An excellent question," Austin smiled. "That's the reason you have a big dick and a huge load of juice when you climax."

"I'm gonna fuck the world into a cure?"

"Something like that," Austin laughed. "When the crystal has found the solution to your request, all you have to do is hold the crystal in your hand and it will be encoded into your body. If anyone enjoys unprotected sex with you or they swallow a load of your sperm, they will become reservoirs for the solution, too. But, if they don't do either, by contacting a surface that you have touched or they touch your skin or tears, they will be given enough of the solution to fix their problem. However, they may not have enough to pass the cure on to others."

"So, I'm patient zero, spreading this cure or solution to the planet and I'll be creating more transmitters of the cure, too. Will these secondary transmitters be able to create more `patient zeros'?"

"If they have unprotected sex, anal or oral, then the answer is yes," Austin beamed.

"Wonderful!" I exulted. "This will be a terrific, albeit mysterious, savior for humanity."

"That's the spirit!" Austin praised. "What other questions can I answer for you?"

"I can't think of any right now, but I can access you again through this crystal, right?"

"Yes, but it isn't eternal. The charge and the information contained will not last more than 50 years," Austin cautioned.

"I can do a lot of good and ask a lot of questions in that time. But, why do I have so many crystals?" I wondered.

"Ah, another good question," Austin said. "Each crystal is good for only one problem. Use them judiciously and infrequently."

"Good advice," I replied. I took a moment to count the crystals. There were 42. "Any particular reason I have 42 crystals?"

"That was all I could spare and still get home," Austin replied. "I wish there were a way I could give you more. You have the right attitude about doing the right things with the crystals."

"Can't you come back for just a day and give me more? I'd love to see you."

"I'm not at liberty to fly all over the galaxy," Austin sighed. "I wish I were. However, I can put in a request to re-survey the quadrant that your planet is in and hope that I can get close enough to make a quick stop. It could be many years before that happens, though. You have no communication devices that will reach my home world, so I can't even warn you that I'll be dropping in on you. And it may never happen, too. I'm at the mercy of the Exoplanet Directorate."

"Is there trade to this part of the galaxy, so you could send more crystals with someone else?"

"There is, but those crystals are banned from commercial export. I took an awful chance leaving the ones you have," he allowed.

I smiled at the visage before me. "I promise to make you proud, Dad!" I whispered with tears in my eyes. "Thank you for doing this for me."

"I know you will, Son. I'm proud of you already."

"Can I tell Mom about our conversation?"

"No. I'm afraid not. It is too risky for her to have this kind of information. And you can't tell your closest and best friends, either. Keep the box safe, always keep is closed and stored away. If someone were to break into it or steal it, the crystals would do them no good. They are keyed to your specific DNA," Austin added. "Be safe and careful, Michael."

The hologram winked out. I put the box into my closet behind some books and then sat on the bed. I needed time to think about what I was going to do. There was research to be done, so I could be reasonably sure that my requests weren't overly broad or too narrowly stated. I wanted no unintended negative consequences to my desires.

For the next hour, I spent time working through the internet to find out what other retroviruses were out there and their impact on life. Later, I'd look up the nature of cancer and see if I could get a cure for that. I thought about Alzheimer's disease, too. What about autism, I wondered? One step at a time, I reminded myself.

Retroviruses were going to be a problem. Some of them are used for gene therapy to fix underlying problems in humans. I had to be careful not to eliminate the ones that were safe to use, yet didn't cause problems in humans or other animals. It would be a tricky request. The most famous retrovirus caused the HIV infection. Another group of the retroviruses could cause cancer in people and animals. The world could do without both of those. I wondered if I could ask the crystal to be discriminating in what it attacked and what it let pass. Pulling out the crystal that had my dad on it, I activated it.

"I have a follow up question," I said to the image. He nodded. "Can I ask the crystal to be selective as it reviews the literature and lab findings to find a cure for all retroviruses that cause harm to people and animals, but ignore the retroviruses that are used in research for gene therapy?"

"You can, but those two criteria may be mutually exclusive. The labs may be using a type of retrovirus that causes cancer in some animals to create beneficial gene therapy in humans," Austin cautioned. "However, you could tell the crystal that you want it to go after those retroviruses only if there is another retrovirus available for gene therapy and that other retrovirus must be less virulent and cause less impact on humans and animals."

"Good point. I'll be sure to include that," I agreed.

"Your request must be specific, inclusive and exclusive," Austin warned again. "The first few times you ask for something, you might wish to consult with my crystal to be sure both of us have considered the consequences of your proposed actions. After we feel comfortable with the process, you should be able to handle this on your own."

"I'll be extra careful with the first few requests," I promised. Replacing the crystal in the box, I thought about what my request should be. Cancer was the bigger issue and impacted a lot more people. But, my heart was pulled toward a cure for HIV. I should have asked my father if I could have two cures being put into the world at the same time. Would I be overwhelmed or would my new patient zeros be overwhelmed, too?

I decided to write down my requests, so I'd be sure to include everything we'd discussed. But, my first question would be about the impact of two cures going out at the same time. And, I thought, how long were these cures good for? Would I continue to squirt out cures from my dick for the rest of my life for cancer and HIV and other diseases?

"You seem distracted tonight," my step-father observed at dinner. "Is there something you need help with?"

I shook my head to the negative. "No, nothing that I can't handle, but thanks for the offer," I smiled. I glanced at Mom, but she didn't indicate that she knew I was thinking about what was in the box. She could read me as easily as I could read her. "Just a touch of spring fever, probably," I shrugged. Mom smiled at me and nodded. She knew the contents of that box were on my mind, even though she didn't know what those contents were.

"This, too, shall pass," my step-father repeated. It was his favorite phrase. And he was generally right. My mind was on how I was going to phrase my requests to the first crystal. I'd made up my mind that cancer would be the first request. HIV would be the second one.

After dinner, I went back to my bedroom. "How often can I ask for cures for me to transmit to the world?" I asked the image of my father.

"You can request several times a day, but you can't transmit them more frequently than once a month. Therefore, after the crystal has created your solution, you must put it aside if it hasn't been a month since the last one was added to your body," he warned. "Each new solution takes a full day to become transmissible. You will feel tired as your body makes the appropriate proteins and other antibodies to share. But, that will only take a few hours. I suggest that you place the completed solution in your hand and then go to bed. By the time you wake up in the morning, the side effects of the cure will have passed. You can then go out and fuck your brains out," he laughed. "So, what have you decided that you want to do first?"

"Cancer," I responded. "I've written down my request. Let me read it to you and see what you think." I droned on for a full minute, stating the problem and the parameters that I wanted the crystal to consider. In my research, I found out that cancer can be caused by environmental factors as well as viruses.

"Very well thought out," my dad replied. "I have no suggestions for word changes. There must be a great deal of literature and drug trials that the crystal will have to consider before it creates a solution. That could take as much as a day. It will tell you when it is ready. Just remember to place it in the palm of your hand when you are ready to go to bed. Address the crystal by saying, Crystal, please access all available data for the following problem. Please create a solution and let me know when you have completed your task.' Then, read out your request and say, Begin'. After the crystal has transferred the solution to you, it will turn opaque. Place the crystal on your computer again. It will create a file on your computer that will tell you how the solution will spread, how effective it will be, how long it will take to eradicate the problem, and any side effects. When the file has been transferred, the crystal will go dark, almost completely black. That's how you'll know you can't use it again. I'll be interested to know how the first solution works out on you personally. Access this crystal again in another couple of days. Oh, and before I forget, you will find that your loads may increase in volume in order for the solution to completely transfer to the new patient zeros."

"Even more than the cup of juice I spray out now?" I wondered. He nodded and smiled. "Wow! My friends are gonna love this! They can't get enough of my nutt already." I terminated the image of my father, took another crystal from the box, and placed it on the computer next to the keyboard. Repeating the phrase my father told me to say, I appended my request for a cure for cancer. "Begin," I intoned. The crystal glowed and the computer raced multiple requests for information through the internet. I left it and checked my homework to make sure it was current. There was another chapter in my European history text to read before tomorrow, so I began on that. I frequently glanced over at the computer and the crystal, but there was no change. Considering the subject matter, my request could take all night and most of tomorrow.

My mind drifted repeatedly. I reread the same paragraph several times before I gave up and turned out the light. The history chapter would have to wait until tomorrow morning.

When I awakened at six the next morning, the computer and crystal were still working on the solution to my request. My father had said it could take all day. With a sigh, I rolled out of bed, took a shower and got dressed. I thought about pounding out a load, but decided that I'd save it for my college friend and his very friendly asshole.

School dragged on forever, or so it seemed. Afterwards, I walked to the apartment of my college friend and pumped two big loads up his ass. When I left, I still wanted to cum again. But, I needed to get home before my mom worried about where I was.

I quickly dumped my books in my room and checked the computer and crystal. The crystal was on longer glowing. I picked it up. "Ready," I heard an electronic voice say. I put the crystal back down, remembering my father's words. This can wait for a few more hours, I told myself.

After dinner, I watched a couple of television programs with my parents and then went into my bedroom to read another chapter in my English literature text. I was about as successful doing that as I had been the night before with my European history text. With a sigh, I glanced at the clock. I decided that nine o'clock wasn't too early to go to bed. I'd probably need extra rest after being loaded up with the cure for cancer.

Cautiously, I picked up the crystal and placed it in the palm of my right hand. The crystal glowed green instead of blue. I felt a slight tingle in my hand and a little warmth. Seconds later, the light in the crystal winked out. The bright, clear crystal that once was is now a creamy opaque. That seems to be how you know that you can't use that crystal again. I placed the crystal on the computer and watched a file scroll by on the screen.

I started to read it, but was overwhelmed with fatigue. With barely enough energy to take off my clothes and crawl into bed, I was asleep within the next minutes.

This story is fantasy. Your life isn't. Always play safe.

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Next: Chapter 2

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