The Last Sleepover

By D One

Published on Mar 20, 2005



The guys had had sleepover ever since they were twelve. Each time they would do things not normally allowed, like staying up late, watching late late tv movies, cursing, talking about their siblings, parents, teachers and other adults.

Pajamas graduated to underwear as they grew older. Wrestling matches, personal dares, playing strip poker and sipping ill gotten beer or other alcohol was introduced each time.

Pot smoking eventually was experienced as were masturbation games. Erection comparisons and practical jokes too became part of the evenings.

"You guys are a little old for sleepovers by now aren't you?" asked Marc's parents one weekend. But they didnt' refuse regardless of the fact they would be out of town. Marc heard his father say "I'd rather they were here getting into trouble then somewhere else".

Larry's parents too thought it was well past the time that the teenage boys would participate in such a night. But after a phone call to Marc's parents they didn't object further as Larry left the house to go over to Marc's house.

And so the guys once again gathered. With no parental intervention threatened, the pot and beer appeared more openly then before. Strip poker soon had the boys wearing jockey shorts and jockstraps.

Adult movies had their pouches full of teenage erections and leaking cock heads. As the lights dimmed more then one was openly rubbing themselves. Marc assumed that group masturbation would once again occur, but sleep seemed to take over the activities.

Anthony pulled his sleeping bag out and unzipped it. Removing his shorts he got into the bag naked saying it was the best way to keep warm. Sammy stood and shucked his jock strap moving to the sleeping bag.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Anthony cursed him.

"Shut the fuck up and move over" Sammy said moving his naked body into the sleeping bag next to Anthony's.

The other guys laughed expecting the two to end up wrestling and causing commotion, but instead Anthony didn't fight back or leave the sleeping bag at all.

Marc was dozing in the large laziboy chair and on the couch was Larry sleeping the best he could regardless of the fact his long legs didn't quite fit.

There would be stories of the antics, jokes and other things after that weekend. And as usual few would have nothing to do with reality more then the imaginations of the boys and the desires to excite their friends.

Instead of late night antics, the room filled with the light snoring of the six males falling into their independant worlds of fantasies, dreams and nocturnal emission created desires.

What about dipping a hand of a sleeping boy in water so he would piss in his pants? They did that many time before.

What about tying one of their cocks to a brick? Did that two years ago.

And how about putting bengay in one of their jockstraps? That too was done before.

Perhaps there wasn't anything left to do...and so the group dozed off.

Larry however, couldn't sleep. He had outgrown the couch and thought about moving to the floor but he didnt' want to sleep on the hard carpeted surface.

He stood and stretched and feelign the freedom of the darkness and the privacy of the shourd of snoring ignorants around him pulled off his boxers. There was something pleasing about standing naked in the midst of the group and scratching himself.

As he decided what to do next, he began to hear the sounds he hadn't heard before. IT was more then the normal sleep movements or moaning. He looked towards the source and peering into the darkness, Larry could see nothing.

But he heard the movements now, the groaning and the rhythm involved. It was unmistakably from the direction of Anthony's sleeping bag. And Larry knew the sounds. He had heard them in the tent during last years boy scout jamboree. And he felt the hard cock that stabbed into his ass by the Swedish scout next to him at the same time a German scout was introducing another American scout to the same activity.

Sammy was fucking Anthony in the sleeping bag. Larry was tempted to call attention to it waking the others, but instead he found more pleasure listening to the muffled moans of pleasure that eminated from their direction. And as the sounds simulated him more and more Larry had to move away.

He stood over the toilet and let the urine flow out his half hard cock. "shit" he said and started to pump his cock to relieve himself of sperm as well.

The bathroom door opened.

"Opps sorry" Marc said. "s' ok, I was just leaving" Larry said moving away from where he stood.

"Hey wait for me" Marc whispered.

Larry stood outside the bathroom door hearing the flow of Marc's urine splashing into the toilet. Beyond that he still heard the sounds from the sleeping bag.

"Come on, follow me" Marc said leaving the bathroom. Despite the darkness, Larry could detect enough of Marc's body in front of hime that he could follow him through the living room to the stairs.

He paused at the bottom of the stair well to hear not only the continued sleeping bag moaning but some other sounds.

A whispered "suck harder" told him that the other two guys were also involved in satisfaction that created unmistakable slurping sounds. Turning back toward the sounds Larry tried to see what Clyde and Mike were doing. But he could only hear them moving about and imagined their naked bodies turned towards each other so they could each suck each other's erections.

"Come on" Marc touched his arm. Larry followed Marc up the stairs and into his bedroom.

"This will be much more comfortable" Marc said as he got into the bed, his own bed. He held the covers back. "come on" he urged.

Larry slipped next to Marc knowing that he couldn't see the fact that he was naked and hard. But Marc apparently knew since his hand rested gently on Larry's erection as he moved into the bed.

There were no words spoken as Marc's hands pulled Larry closer. Larry's hands found that Marc too had shucked his jockeys sometime before and was naked.

There was no pretense, no excuses, nothing requested nor expected. They kissed letting whatever primal urges and long pent up fantasies be released. Larry felt Marc's hands move over his back buttocks and thighs. It felt good to have the strong hands titilate, massage and hold him.

He explored as he was explored remembering the sight of Marc naked in school or nearly naked during the years of sleepovers and now he felt as he experienced fleeting thoughts of doing before.

Larry didnt' know if he was going to mutuall masturbate, suck and be sucked or be fucked as he was the summer before. There were no instructions, expectations, just impuleses and needs. Larry would wish that Marc would touch him and then as if magically he felt Marc's hands or fingers explore in him.

He pinched Marc's nipples and felt the boy squirm pressing his hard on against Larry's. Larry felt Marc's finger sliding into his butthole and he pushed back against it wanting it deeper inside him.

There were not limits, time, approval or otherwise. Every possibility as possible. Every need was wanting and any thing Marc wanted was acceptable.

They writhed all over each other letting their naked bodies feel each other, licking, kissing, nibbling, stroking, pulling, inserting. Their bodies seemed to keep up with their timeless activities. Sperm puddled bodies and dampened sheets didnt' stop them.

Precum soaked tongues and sperm filled intestines didn't end their needs to move, slid, explore and more.

"Come on you two, it's breakfast" Anthony stood over them shaking them. Larry stretched open his eyes to see the boy standing there in his gym shorts.

"Come on, Sammy's making pancakes"

Moving out of the bed, Larry didn't worry that Anthony would see both him and Marc naked especially after what he and Sammy had done the night before.

"Glad you two had some fun too" he smiled as he left the room. Larry watched the round firm buttocks move away from him as his cock hardened.

"Yummy" Marc said as he devoured it making Larry object but lay back as his body was once again drained.

"Nice way to start the morning" Marc said. They moved still naked to the shower. Marc tossed him a pair of shorts so the two could return downstairs dressed as their friends were.

Sammy was indeed making pancakes. The apron he wore didnt' reveal he was naked until he turned around.

Clyde was standing nearby helping pouring batter onto the skillet dressed in a jockstrap.

"Well I see we're having buns for breakfast as well as pancakes" Marc remarked "find everything you need?"

"No I think we all had buns last night" Mike laughed as he drank his orange juice. But the day isn't over yet.

The boys ate stacks and stacks of pancakes, ignoring their knowledge that the night before each had been involved in sexual satisfaction that they knew they would never talk about to anyone else.

For a brief time, they were protected by their mutual knowledge, by the lack of others around them judging and by their desire to experience pleasure.

They openly touched each other, poured syrup on each other and licked it off and kissed without limiting themselves to their previous night's partners. Only the desire to taste each other and experience each other.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Larry asked.

"Come over here" Anthony said. Larry stood by him and let the boy take his shorts down. Anthony poured maple syrup on his penis then kneel to devour it.

The morning became afternoon as each boy napped, wrestled, showered, tried their pleasures with each other.

The rain poured down as they lay in a naked group in the living room watching movies on tv, sharing popcorn, petting and jokes.

"The folks get home early tomorrow" Marc reminded them as they dressed to go bowling. It would be an early night each knew because there would only be a few more hours left when they could once again experience the freedom they had enjoyed the night before.

The beer and pot helped them relax. Marc and Anthony, Sammy and Clyde and Larry and Mike learned what each other enjoyed. They played poker with the loosers servicing the winners of each hand. They massaged. They decired to treat their host Marc to multiple plesures as all five of them found a way to make Marc writhe in limitless pleasure.

Then two by two they moved together for the night of romance, oral and anal satisfaction.

"Well what did you boys do all weekend?" Marc's parents asked as they entered the kitchen the next day. The boys all shirtless and in shorts were making breakfast.

Larry was making omeletts with Marc helping. The others were sitting around the table calm, satisfied and trying not to realize their weekend was over.

"Join us for breakfast" Marc suggested. And as Marc's parents joined the boys, they heard imagined jokes and tales of antics and practical jokes. They laughed along with the boys, perhaps remembering their own youthful days.

And slowly each boy pulled their sleeping bags, clothing or other times and left saying they'd see each other soon that summer.

"So don't you think you guys are a little old for sleepovers?" Marc's mother asked Marc.

"I guess you're right" he said and reached to squeeze Larry's buttock as he was leaving.

His mother noticed but didn't say anything since she knew it was the last sleepover.

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