The Last Place I Thought

By Alex Caballero

Published on Jan 8, 2006


So a warning for those who may have come here without realizing what you are about to look at. This is a story involving an intimate relationship between two consenting adult men. If you are offended with the idea of homosexuality or are an individual that is not allowed by your state of residency to read such explicit material due to your age please exit before continuing on. The characters portrayed in this work are based on actual people in my life although the names have been changed for confidentiality purposes. Also the majority of the content in this short story is purely fictional and has no actual reference to real events.

With all that out of the way I now turn to this story. I have had many relationships in the past. Being hurt by someone you think you love isn't an easy thing to overcome. Perhaps this is why I have been single for so long I have decided to close myself off. Well I had a chance to let someone in. But I ruined it. I blocked him out and went my own way. I think this is how my story would have gone if I would have been willing to let someone in .Had I given him the power to either make me incredibly happy or destroy me forever this is how it would have happened. This is my first shot at story writing so please send me positive and negative constructive feedback at I Hope you enjoy.

P.S. Don't expect a good wank story. This is about love and the first chapter has no sexual activity between the characters whatsoever.

The Last Place I Thought

Chapter 1

the meeting

"I don't care what he thinks. I knew from that first moment I would love you for the rest of my life. You mean so much to me. I can handle him not being accepting."

It was the summer before my junior year of college. I was asked by my brother to be one of his groomsman in his wedding. Hoo-freaking-rah. Not that I didn't love My brother and his soon to be wife. I just had to give up the opportunity of traveling around with a performing dance group. Yup I am a gay man who chose dance as his profession. Well I only have one brother and I am hoping he only gets married once. So I thought lets not be selfish for once and think of someone else's happiness. My brother was getting married in Austin where he lived. I go to school in Dallas, but I work during the summer at a Waterpark While working I lived with my parents just south of Austin. I took off work for a few days, but just enough for the rehearsal, the wedding, and a day after for recuperation. I am a workaholic and have been known to work near a hundred hours a week. How I found time to party and get trashed so much that summer was beyond me. It was my 21st year and I wasn't about to let it go to waste.

Well there I was standing alone like an idiot. I hate to be late, so after primping and packing I went straight to the rehearsal without stopping at the hotel. Damn me and my promptness, or should I say tendency to arrive anywhere at least fifteen minutes early. I waited and finally was joined by the rest of the wedding. Party. "Yo" "hey" "Hi!!!!!" the normal greetings of the all too familiar faces I came to know. Of course I knew all my brothers friends, and fellow groomsman. I met them all at my brothers bachelor party. That is I met most of them. I still had to meet the guy whom my brother had lived with his first few years out of college.

"Damn, can't Nate ever be on time?" My brother like me was big on punctuality. I hadn't even met him and he managed to get a strike against him. "Finally!!!!" My brother said. I think he should go to a therapist for his anxiety. Well off he ran to get the rest of the party assembled.

"Hi you must be D.C.'s little brother Jason, I am Nathan." Ugh I hate to be referred as the "little brother" being the youngest sucks enough without having to be reminded and make it sound like you are eternally five years old. With a bitchy attitude I whipped around and...

I know it sounds like I don't really care about my family and I am really selfish to get pissed off about giving up a summer of traveling around the U.S. but it was a once in a lifetime experience. However, it was my decision not to do it. I was not ever forced to attend my bro's wedding. I will always put my family first, especially my brother and his happiness. Growing up I felt the closest to him of all my family. During the summers, in grade school, he would look after me while my parents went to work. We would do everything from playing cards, to building forts, to even doing mini-workouts, and having basketball training sessions. I think he was my first hero and role model. I wanted to be just like him. He had everything looks, brains and talent that I thought would make him rich and famous. He was even the first one I told that I was gay. He is my rock. he is still my hero. Nothing in this world could tear me away from being up at the altar with him on this his most happiest day. I never knew that it would be such a happy time for me as well.

I swear my heart stopped and I didn't breath for an eternity. At least it felt like forever. I must have looked incredibly stupid staring at this beautiful specimen of a man.

"Um...hey... yea... um Jason.. That is me.... but you figured that out... um... hi...said that...haha." Oh great first I am incomprehensible then I end with a nervous laugh. Lucky for me I wasn't the only stunned one. He stopped in his tracks and had his mouth a little open. Not to toot my own horn but I am a pretty attractive guy. There aren't too many high class looking Hispanics in the Dallas/Fort worth area so I was a highly valued commodity.

"Well it is nice to meet you Nathan, please call me Jay." Rock on! I got my bearings back. I guess all it took was to see his surprised face to snap out of it.

"Oh call me Nate." he smiled back coming out of his reverie as well. Wow! I thought I knew gorgeous from seeing all those ads for Abercrombie and clothing stores alike. This guy definitely put them all to shame. Maybe it was just me. Some say I have an interesting taste in men. I thought he looked incredible.

"WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!!" I seriously need to have my brother committed.

"Shall we?" Nate said with a raised eyebrow and a head tilt towards the crowd. <- insert sigh there and swoon! I was totally taken with Nate at that moment. It was my moment and no amount of screaming from the groom to be would ruin it.

Well like all good things it had to come to an end. Joining the queue of groomsmen I went through all the movements and formalities. "You go here" "take one step that way" "why don't the two of you switch places" I just love ordeals like this. Finally a couple of hours later it was time to go to the park for the rehearsal dinner. Thanks a lot mom and dad. We just spent about 2 hours in the blistering 100 degree plus Texas summer heat and now we are going to remain outside. Ok so I can be a little ungrateful at times but you would be moody too admit it. I maintained my distance from Nathan. I know he wanted me to call him Nate but the name Nathan just sounds so sexy. I had already found out from my brother that he was in fact playing for the pink ladies. (He likes guys for those who can't put two and two together) If he was interested in me he could initiate the conversation. No I am not a tease I am just really shy. Besides I didn't want to come on too strong. I had just met the guy I didn't want to scare him off. So I just went ahead and mingled with the in-laws to be. Had a couple of drinks and visited with my own family I hadn't seen in a few months. Gotta love being about 300 miles away from the judgmental hypocritical right wing roman catholic relatives.

It was nightfall and still nothing. I glanced over to where him and the rest of my brother's friends were chatting. We made eye contact a couple of times, but quickly turned away. Well at least I knew there was a smidgen of interest from his side. I was also hoping that these short comings would signify my interest in him as well. All right the dinner/party was just about wrapped up. I guess we were both using the same strategy. Looks like I am going to have to take the initiative. " hey guys what's up?"

"Oh hey! Not a lot we were just thinking about going out after this and having a few drinks. You wanna come?" Ah Gisella always the party girl and social butterfly. I loved her the most of my brothers friends.

"Yea you should come" Nathan suggested which shocked the hell out of me and I assumed the others.

"What?" seemed to be the consensus response of the group. I guess he couldn't understand why all his friends were staring at him with the look of astonishment. What do they know that nathan doesn't? I was a little phased by this sudden request from my new obsession, but for my own reasons.

"OOOOK where did ya want to go?" Trying my best to continue in a different direction.

"We were thinking Juanito's they have the best margarita's. Talk about strong. You shouldn't have more than three." As I said Gisella is awesome in my book. Another reason is her ability to diverge a possible chaotic event.

" I am game" I love margarita's and wouldn't have cared if we were going to a beer joint where all they have is cheap nasty beer. All that I wanted was to spend as much time with Nathan as possible. It was a good thing too. I would later find out how my feelings for Nathan would be stressed and tested at such an early point in the relationship.

"Hey... you know how to get there?"it was Nathan catching me before I got to my car

"What? Oh, actually now that you mention it I have no idea where it is." That wasn't my only concern. I don't frequent Austin too much. Even if I did know where it was I wouldn't know how to get there.

"Well ok. you wanna follow me? Or we could just ride together." Score! Not only was I going to spend time with this handsome hunk I was going to be alone with him for a short period of time. "Is that a yes or no or what?"

oops I must have been thinking for a while without giving him an answer. "Ok we can ride together and take my car. Do you mind if we stop at the hotel I still have yet to drop my things off."

"That is fine I can leave my car there as well" he said with a little bit of joy in his tone. I couldn't help but also notice his smile. I will admit it made me a little uneasy. Who smiles this much? Does he know something I don't. Here comes my insecurity rearing its ugly head. No no everything is in the ordinary. Nothing to worry about.

We got to the hotel unloaded everything, and sped off to the caf‚. "So I know your brother but he doesn't really talk much about his family. I can only guess from what I have seen so far that you two are complete opposites." Already I could tell Nathan was one of those persons that could tell everything about a person after just a few minutes. He could read people like a children's story book. It was easy as pie for him and I found that quite attractive while suppressing my feelings of unease with his sensitive ability to read people.

"Well him and I are brothers so we do have some similarities, but when it comes to personalities we have some distinct differences. I was always the spoiled younger child that had the potential to do anything and everything. I have that natural talent that people could only dream of having. He was always the middle child who had to work at everything. Whatever he has he has because he worked ten million times harder than the other person or persons." I was actually giving my brother a little compliment for his accomplishments and hard work.

"Well just because you have it easier doesn't mean you are better." and there was a new smile. Not the same warm happy gorgeous smile that I have seen many times before. This was pure evil and sinister in every way possible. He was trying to rouse an argument. Trying to be mean and funny at the same time. If it is a fight he wants than it is a fight he shall have. Unfortunately for him I am a cunning linguist and a professional when it comes to arguments and defending myself.

"I never said I was better than anyone else. You simply misunderstood. I was only stating the differences between myself and my brother. I believe you are the one who is bringing a judgmental side to this discussions. That being the case you are biased to believe that one of us is better than the other. Since you know my brother a lot better than me I can only guess what your position is in this case. Is it my imagination or do you have a thing for my brother?" Ha I got him. Maybe this was all an attempt to get his way. My brother is straight so just have the gay brother who could possibly be like him but favor guys instead of girls.

"Well to be honest I used to think your brother was attractive. I knew that one day he would make one woman very happy. It was a sad day for the gays when I met the greatest guy in the world but realized he was a straight." I wondered whether he was being serious or not. Well no more time to find out we had already arrived at Juanito's.

I didn't feel like having too much to drink. I had just turned 21 a couple weeks earlier. I enjoyed to drink a lot but I felt tonight I shouldn't have too much. If Nathan had too many I would have to drive back to the hotel so I just sipped a margarita for a long time and followed up with a water. Also I was glad to see that Nathan didn't make a fool of himself and get slobbering drunk. I don't mind a guy that drinks but it is nice to see that they have self control. I like a mature man who knows when to quit. Well it was a nice night. Full of laughter and reminiscence. I heard some great stories that really surprised me. I never knew my brother was that crazy. Maybe we do have more in common than I thought. Well I was ready and everyone else seemed to be thinking along the same lines as I was. It was going to be a busy day tomorrow full of tears and emotions. After my mother was done we could get on with the wedding. I admit I had a good cry too but at least I didn't cause there to be a delay in the ceremony.

Back in the little Honda, with me at the wheel a little less shy around one another thanks in some part to the tequila. It was a play fight back and forth between me and the object of my obsession through out the ride.

"You make a funny face when you drink. It is like you are swallowing medication." he said with a devilish grin that egged me on to a rebuttal.

"Well at least I don't go 'ahhh' after every drink of my glass. Geez you would think it was your first drink after being lost in the Gobi desert for a day." Not till we were in the hall leading to our rooms did the banter die down. His room was just before mine. "Well have a good night Nathan. See you tomorrow." I turned to head to my room. Then I felt his hand on my shoulder. I could have sworn my knees went weak and were replaced with jell-o. This was our first physical encounter and now permanently etched in my mind.. Gently turning me back in the other direction with his incredibly strong arms.

"I am not really tired. You want to hang out for a little while? It is way too early for me to sleep. I will go crazy if I try and sleep now. Even worse will be if I am all alone in the room." What was I to say? This amazing looking man invited me into his room. No pressure of course. There was no promise of more physical contact. It was a harmless invitation to keep him company. Besides I had just realized a fact about this guy I was attracted to. He is probably the same age if not older than my brother. Oh that was just great. I made a promise to myself before I started dating. I would never date anyone older than my brother. It would be too weird. I know age is just a number and shouldn't matter. I just thought it was like a sign of respect. I remember when came out of the closet I asked my brother to introduce me to his gay friends. He absolutely refused commenting that they were too old for me. Yet here I was. Having feelings with one of his good friends and being invited into his hotel room alone with him. Do I stay and accept, or do I decline in a kind manner and retire to my own room? Well like I said before it would only be us two probably spending the time talking and making fun of each other. There wouldn't be physical contact between us if I did go in. We just met earlier that day. Still if someone saw me enter and or exit Nathan's room and it got back to my brother I would be in big trouble. What do I do? Well I had thought long enough. Nathan was staring at me awaiting an answer. "So you coming in or am I going to have to pull out the straitjacket?" I had to give a little giggle.

Then I said the first thing that popped into my mind throwing out all that thinking I had just done. "I think..."

Well there you have it chapter 1 is out. I know it is a little short and cliffhangers suck but I promise Chapter 2 is already in the works and will be even better and longer. I hope to have it out shortly. Classes don't start for about another week (I am working on my undergrad) so I will have plenty of time to write. I would love to hear from anyone who reads this. Even if it is a "you are a crappy write please stop now" at least I would know someone is reading my stuff. Send whatever comments you like to

Thanks ~Alex

Next: Chapter 2

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