The Last Out

By Hunter

Published on May 10, 2023


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome.

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I woke up later that night to the sound of my doorbell. Shit, I thought, I completely forgot that someone was going to drop off my work. I wasn't sure where dad was at this point in time, and I also should have checked to see what time it was. Obviously it was after school if someone was ringing the bell looking for me. I grabbed some shorts and went to answer the door, not even bothering to cover myself up with a shirt. I tried to imagine who it would be to drop off my stuff. No sense worrying about it, I'll find out once I open the door. When I opened the door, I was relieved to see that it was Alex. Well, relieved that it wasn't Parker or someone else, and at least now I could talk to Alex and fix all the shit that just happened today.

Alex's eyes widened when he first aw me. I guess he's never seen me shirtless before, which I thought was odd considering how often we hang out. Then again, that's ot really something I used to think about, so who knows. Alex's eyes kept scanning up and down my body, and he flushed ever so slightly before he started to speak.

"H-hi Devin... I have your stuff for you. Ummm, is now not a good time? I can come back later if you want."

"It's fine" I replied. "Come in, let me just get dressed, or were you just going to drop the stuff off and go?"

"I can't stay too long, it's already pretty late and it's a school night. I'll just wait for you out here."

I checked the clock and realized that it was already eight at night. I guess that meant dad was taking on a double shift at work. Looking back at Alex, I quickly replied to him

"Sure, that's fine. I'll be back in a minute, make yourself at home."

I strolled back to my room and changed back into the jeans and shirt I had been wearing to school. I knew both were crumpled and wrinkled from having been thrown on the floor, but there was nothing to be done about that, and they were still enough that they'd make Alex act normally around me again. I also tried to tame my hair a bit, running my hands through my hair a few times. I didn't think it really helped all that much, but at least I looked somewhat presentable now.

When I went back into the living room, I fond Alex sitting down at my couch, sifting through my CDs. He was completely absorbed in the disks and didn't notice me showing up and sitting beside him until I grasped his shoulder in my hand. Alex jumped with a start and looked in my direction, then relaxed when he realized it was just me. Alex started babbling a mile a minute once he got himself back onto the couch.

"Oh! Hey Devin, I didn't hear you come in. I didn't know you liked Theory of a Deadman, me too!"

"Yeah," I replied. "I love them , I almost got a chance to see them live a few years ago." I trailed off, not really wanting to think about when mom passed away.

"So," I began. "What brings you here tonight? Coming to make sure that I'm not a total wreck of a person yet?"

"Mostly. But I was also told to bring you your work for the day, and I wanted to apologize for what happened at lunch today."

I was feeling a bit agitated that Alex brought up lunch time so early in his visit, but if he wants to got here then I guess I can just barrel through and deal with it.

"Look, Alex. I know I was a bit of a prick today, but I'm really stressed and I don't even know what I want right now. My life has gone completely to hell over the last week, and I feel like I'm losing my mind here. Then you came and kissed me and just made everything worse because I'm supposed to be straight and not like tat sort of thing, so if you don't mind, I don't really want to deal with it right now, and hopefully not ever."

At the end of the rant I was red-faced and screaming, which I thought would have scared Alex away and left me in peace for the night. Instead, all that happened was that Alex readjusted himself on my couch and looked at me with lust in his eyes. I was confused, and that confusion must have shown on my face because Alex started giggling at me.

"You liked it? You really liked it when I kissed you?" He asked between giggles.

I blushed and stammered out a reply "What!? No! I mean yes! I mean... I don't know if I did or even if I'm supposed to like it. This is so damn confusing!"

When Alex spoke next, I could tell that he was completely serious, and that I should listen to what he had to say. I didn't know for sure what he was going to say, and I think that was the weirdest part.

"All you ever had was one person abusing you. You've never even see what it could be really like. Let me show you."

With that, Alex took his shirt off and looked expectantly back at me. I looked down at his naked chest. He was very skinny, with almost no definition in his chest. His skin was pale and untanned, with a faint dusting of brownish hair on his pecs and leading down to what lay beneath his pants. Alex was looking at me with this glazed look in his eyes. He gazed at me with an obvious sense of longing, as though nothing would please him more than to make me feel as good as Sean forced me to make him feel.

This was all so new to me; not just sex in general, but especially this whole idea of being the top and the one who gets to have the fun instead of just servicing the other person. That was the important thing for me, that Alex actually wanted it to be more equal and to be a fair partner instead of just taking what he wanted from me. I looked down at him and reached out to touch his bare chest. My fingers reached out and grazed the skin of his chest. The skin was incredibly smooth, almost like touching silk or satin sheets.

Alex moaned when my fingers slid over his nipples. I let my hand trickle over his chest, occasionally going back to squeeze and play with the tender nubs of his chest. Alex moaned again and grabbed my by the wrist, pulling my hand more insistently over his nipples and pressing my gingers into them. I guess he wanted me to squeeze and pinch them, which wasn't even something I thought a dude would like. I gave it a try and gently clasped the fingers of my right hand over his left nub and squeezed gently. He responded right away like he'd been shocked.

I leaned over him to help unbuckle his jeans. As I leaned over him, he leaned his head up and nuzzed against my crotch. I moaned in surprised and pleasure as he brushed his lips against the outline of my dick in my jeans. I closed my eyes and palmed Alex's crotch with one hand, while my other hand went back towards his nipples. I pinched and squeezed his nipples tightly and twisted them in my fingers, just like how Sean had twisted and tortured my own body just a few days ago.

I didn't want to admit it right now, but it was really hot to be taking Sean's place in the sexual activity. Not just the fact that something other than my hand was going to be making me feel good, but also the fact that I could probably get Alex to do anything, and he'd probably do it just because I was the one that told him to do it. I wonder if this is what Sean felt when he used me, this overwhelming sense of power over another person.

I pulled Alex up by the loops of his jeans, and then I pulled down on his jeans, revealing the tight, white briefs he was wearing, and the unmistakable bulge of a hard cock straining against a cotton prison. Now that I was starting to take a bit more control of the situation, I wanted to enjoy the look in his eyes. He actually looked a bit surprised at what I had done, like he wasn't expecting me to be so direct with him. I liked that I was still able to surprise him, and so I went ahead and started doing a few more things that might have shocked him.

Standing up in front of him, I pushed down on his shoulders and pushed him to his knees. His face was now level with my cock, which was still fully clothed and hidden behind my jeans and boxers. I stared down at him, and he looked up at me with his eyes wide and uncertain as to what I was going to do, which was exactly what I had in mind for right now. I decided to be just like Sean to see what it's like, and I said just one thing to Alex.

"Open up and suck."

A look of realization and happiness graced Alex's features as he reached up to the belt of my jeans. He undid the belt and pulled my jeans down, leaving just my boxers to try and hide my dick from him. I thought that Alex would take my boxers down too, but instead he stuck my dick through the hole in my boxers and started licking along the shaft of my cock through the hole. It felt amazing to have something other than my hand touching my cock. His tongue was really wet and surprisingly firm, so it didn't feel like anything I had ever felt before. I closed my eyes for just a moment to enjoy the sensation of him licking me when I felt him stop. I was about to ask what happened when he plunged his mouth on my cock and sucked down more than half my cock at once.

I cried out, not knowing what else to do in the face of so many different sensations hitting me at once. I instinctively bucked my hips forward and tried to shove the rest of my cock down his throat, and I could hear him choking and gagging on my cock as I tried to push it past his mouth and down his throat. The warm, wet feeling of the inside of his mouth felt beyond amazing, I couldn't even begin to describe how it felt to have someone sucking my cock and I knew that I would never, ever want it to end.

First though, I needed to get control of myself before I shot my load too quickly and couldn't enjoy this anymore. I grabbed some of Alex's hair and pulled out of his mouth until only the head remained inside. I then let go of him and let him suck me off, but only as long as he didn't try to deepthroat me again.

I got a sudden urge to look down at him while he sucked me off, and the view was amazing. He had this big smile on his face as he was sucking me off, and it was so hot to watch my cock slide in and out of his mouth without even having to do anything. What was really cool was that he had grabbed onto his own cock with his left hand, and he was jacking off while he sucked my dick. He must really like doing this sort of thing if he's jacking off while he does it. His cock was pretty normal for a fourteen year old, he looked like he was smaller than me, which was a relief since I didn't know what would happen after this, but I figured it would probably involve me playing with him too and I didn't want it to be too big for me.

Alex pulled off my cock and dove down into my balls, quickly sucking one, then the other cock into his mouth and sucking on them in turn. I didn't like this as much, so I pulled back and covered my balls with my hand until he got the message and went back to sucking my cock. This time I took a bit more control and held the back of his head as he sucked me off, encouraging him to take a little bit more and to go a little bit faster each time he pulled back on my cock with his tongue.

I was getting really close now, and I could feel the cum bubbling up in my balls, getting ready to fire all over the place.

"Alex, I'm close to cumming!"

He didn't respond. He just pulled off my cock and started wildly jerking my cock off in front of him. I started panting heavily, and when I came I moaned really loudly and felt my knees. Alex opened his mouth and closed his eyes, and simply let me shoot my cum all over his face. I shot five good spurts of cum onto his face and hair. Some of it got in his mouth, on his nose and all over both his cheeks.

Alex swallowed what he had in his mouth, then went back to jerking himself off. I left for the bathroom to grab him some tissues to clean up with, and when I returned he was laying on the floor of my living room, jerking his cock and moaning like I hadn't ever heard him or anyone else moan before.

"Wow Alex, you're really moaning a lot, you liked that eh?" I said cheekily, remembering that he said the same thing a few minutes ago that got this whole thing started. "You better cum, it's getting late and you're already covered in a load, may as well finish the job."

Alex's cock spasmed in his hand and he shot three big drops of cum onto his chest. I gave him a few seconds to recover, and then threw the towel onto him so he could get cleaned up. Once he was almost presentable we both looked at each other awkwardly and got dressed again. It was only now that I noticed that Alex didn't actually bring anything with him.

"Alex, where's my stuff? I thought you said you brought me my work?"

"There wasn't any work today Devin, you just had PE left before you came home, remember? I just wanted to come over."

I wasn't sure what to say to that, and before I could do anything to stop him, Alex waved goodbye and walked out the door. I knew I'd see him tomorrow and that we would be talking about this, and to hell with what I said about not wanting to talk about how I feel about things right now.

Next: Chapter 10

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