The Last Out

By Hunter

Published on May 2, 2023


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome.

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After lunch today I have science, and when I got there I knew I was a complete mess. I could feel myself breathing heavily and the drip of sweat coming down my back and forehead was obvious to everyone who even glanced at me. Not that I had to explain myself to anyone or anything like that, but it probably looked really weird that I was sweating so much and sprinting through the school. I don't think anyone thought anything of it.

I wasn't really focused on science today anyway. I just had a complete meltdown with Alex and realized that I was actually sort of interested in having sex with him like a real gay guy would. Worse than that, I had PE with Parker and the rest of the idiots right after this. I caught Annabelle out of the corner of my eye and I decided to have a look at what she looked like; I realized I never really gave her any thought, except as Sean's girlfriend and pain in my ass, but I needed something to try and prove that I still had some interest in girls, something that would prove I'm not gay. So I started to really have a look at her and see if I got hard looking at what she's got going on.

Annabelle is short. I hadn't noticed before because Sean was so tall and made everyone look short around him, but Annabelle is really, really short. I didn't realize that she was only around five foot five inches tall. She was also really slender, which worked for her but made her look really young. I guess Sean liked that sorta thing, since all his other girls were like that too. I mean, she's pretty, and I could totally see myself bangin her if I had an opportunity. So how come I wasn't getting hard when I thought about her naked?

I was getting a headache, and I didn't want to deal with anything anymore. After science I went to the office to go home. Lucky for me, the principal was right outside the office doors and saved me the trouble of going inside.

"Principal Barrett, I'm really not feeling well from everything that's happened today. Can I please go home?"

The principal looked at me with her eyes showing concern, even though I could tell she was suspicious about the timing of when I wanted to go home, and that she would definitely not be letting this go. I figured I should just turn around and head to class when she gave me her response.

"Yes, perhaps you should go home Devin, you don't look well, you're all flushed and sweating. I'll have someone take your work back to you later tonight so that you don't get too far behind."

I couldn't believe my good luck. Before principal Barrett could change her mind, I thanked her and left the building and headed for home.

Normally it was only a fifteen minute bus trip to the school, but obviously I had to walk home since I didn't wait for the end of class. Still, it wasn't even two yet, so there wasn't going to be much traffic that I'd have to worry about, so I could jaywalk a bit and cut down on my walking time. Not that there was ever any traffic around here, no one lived here if they could avoid it. When I got home no one was home, which also wasn't all that surprising considering it was still work time for dad. I headed up to my room and laid back on my bed just staring at the ceiling and wondering what the hell had happened to my life over the last couple of days.

One week ago my life was normal. I had friends and a good social life at school, and I got to play sports, even if I was terrified most of the time. I had occasional dates with girls and didn't think my life would be any different from millions of other guys my age. Now I'm sitting in my room faking an illness to stay away from people who think I killed their friend and my teammate, and I'm more attracted to guys than I am to girls. Hell, I started sucking cock.

Thinking about the first time I sucked cock, I instinctively started to re-adjust myself as I got harder in my pants. I remembered the way Sean smelled and tasted. There was a hint of sweat on his body and his deodorant was strong that day. Thinking about what we did and all the images racing through my mind got me completely hard, so I stood up to strip off my clothes and get naked. I always jerked off after school; I didn't see any reason to stop that just because everything else went completely to hell over the last few days.

I walked over to the bathroom and to the only mirror we had in the house. I still didn't have much muscle on me, and I felt really skinny compared to the rest of the team, but you could definitely see that there were signs of life on my frame. Nothing too muscular, but some tone that I was hoping to turn into something more substantial soon. Nothing like what Sean had.

When I got back to my room my cock was still standing straight ahead, waiting for me to get back to what I was doing. I grabbed the jar of Vaseline from under my bed and coated my hard cock with a layer of grease, and grabbed onto my cock with both hands. I started to stroke myself again, but this time I tried really hard to think of a girl that could turn me on. I even thought about some of the hot chicks on tv all the time and thinking about what I would do with them, if I ever had the chance.

The effect was instant; the moment I started to think of naked girls and having sex with girls, I started losing my hard on. I let out a long, frustrated groan. This was not the way things were supposed to be, and I was getting really pissed off by the fact that I couldn't even get myself hard thinking about fucking a hot chick with big tits and a nice ass.

Sean had a nice ass, nice and muscled and really firm when I squeezed it. Thinking about Sean seemed to get my dick's attention at any rate; I was starting to bone up again and was able to go back to stroking myself off. I thought about how it felt to have Sean's cock in my mouth, and remembering how much I thought I would hate the taste of his dick in my mouth, but also remembering that I actually seemed to like it and that I was sucking him without him forcing it down my throat. I unconsciously licked the roof of my mouth, pretending that it was the same as sucking his cock, even though the two different kinds of skin didn't feel the same at all.

I was really stroking myself hard and fast now, just the way Sean was thrusting into my mouth when he fucked my face at his house. I wanted to keep pace with the memory I had and the senses I had of the incident. I could feel my balls start to draw up, and I knew I was close. When I came, I moaned out Sean's name and I realized that I really, truly was gay and that I had a lot of things to figure out.

I shot a spurt of cum onto my shoulder, and a few smaller splashes of cum hit my chest and belly button. I was completely exhausted from jerking off, but I quickly grabbed a paper towel from the kitchen and wiped myself down.

I really was starting to feel a bit sick now, so I swallowed some Tylenol and curled up under my covers. I knew it was too early to go to sleep, but I thought a quick nap would be good for me to have before whoever it was came over and dropped off my homework for the day.

Next: Chapter 9

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