The Last Out

By Hunter

Published on Apr 18, 2023


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome.

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I didn't know it at the time, but while I slept, Sean was wide awake. I had not idea what was happening until I got to school the next day...

Waking up today was hard, and it didn't help that I overslept after last night's insanity. I was sore and I realized that I never bothered showering from last night, so I had dried cum covering me everywhere. The combination of cum and sweat from the ride back home created a truly awful smell, and I was really grateful dad wasn't home to smell or see it on me. I gingerly stepped into the shower, making sure not to let too much touch my sore butt. Once I got into the shower, I turned on the water and tried to make sure it wouldn't be too hot, the last thing I wanted to do was scald myself after being fucked and roughly treated last night.

Of course that would be the first thing I did then. I wasn't paying attention to the temperature knobs and roasted myself. I screamed out, both from the pain of the hot water cascading over my sore body and hole, and also from the shock of the water being so hot and hitting me all at once. I staggered back and blindly tried to change the temperature while keeping myself as far away from the steady stream of liquid death I sent hurtling towards myself. This was also not a good idea, since I turned it too far the other way and changed my hot shower into an ice bath. Another scream, and this time I decided I should actually to see what I'm doing before I make this day even more miserable than yesterday was.

Now that I turned the temperature of the water into something my body could tolerate and deal with today, I got into figuring out how to wash myself down. I had dried cum all over my face, which I realized I didn't even wipe off my face before leaving Sean's place last night. It had long since dried, but I was in a hurry to get to class on time now. I washed my face with the facecloth I brought with me, and I could feel my skin tearing a bit as the abrasive towel started to rinse away most of the dried cum away. Washing most of my body wasn't too much of a problem, I was sore but that's normal from sports so I knew how to make sure I didn't aggravate the muscles any more than I needed to, but when I started to clean below the waist, everything I did to clean near my butt really hurt.

I did what I could and then dried myself off as delicately as I could. I didn't have any time for breakfast today so I started running for the bus stop. I sprinted there with my backpack and just barely arrived before the school bus would have left me behind, and when I got to my seat Alex was already there waiting for me. Great, just a fantastic way of starting my day.

"Hi Alex" I said, trying to be polite and hoping that he doesn't hold yesterday against me.


Crap. Sure sounds like he's still pissed off about it. Who knew teenagers could hold grudges for this long?

"Look, Alex, about yesterday..." He cut me off.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

He wouldn't look at me while he said it, and just continued staring out the window for the next few minutes. I'm not sure why, it wasn't like there was anything new outside to look at, and the weather wasn't all that exciting either, so I couldn't figure out what he saw out there that was so interesting. I didn't know what else to say to him, and I wasn't really in the mood to talk anyways so I just lowered my head and tried not to think too much about what was going to happen at school today.

When the bus arrived at campus I raced out of the bus and headed towards the main doors so I could get to my locker and my stuff. What I didn't expect was for Annabelle to come flying out the doors, looking utterly unhinged and start pounding her fists into my chest, screaming profanities and curses at me like I'd done something wrong. Something other than having her boyfriend blackmail me into sucking his dick and getting fucked, I mean.

I thought that was what she was upset about actually, that Sean had lied and told people and now everything was going to shit, so I got pissed off and started screaming back at her.

"What the hell is going on you fucking psycho!? Get a goddamn grip and chill the hell out, you're a total whack job Annabelle, how the hell can anyone put up with someone this insane."

"SHUT UP DEVIN! Everyone knows you did it now, you fucking piece of shit!"

Oh hell, he did tell everyone. That bastard lied to me and told everyone even after he swore he wouldn't.

"Listen here you crazy bitch. I didn't do a damn thing with Sean, and I don't know what he told you but he's as full of shit as ever, so back right~"


I recoiled. Sean was dead? That was news to me, he was fine yesterday wasn't he..?

Annabelle was still screaming her head off and was attracting quite a crowd of people to the front of the school, including most of Sean's friends, and even some of the teachers who didn't feel like they needed to do anything since school hadn't started yet.

"You killed him! Parker told me you were there last night and you were the last one to see him, he's dead and it's all your fault and I'll kill you for this Devin! You killed him you killed him and I'LL KILL YOU!"

Parker and the rest of Sean's gang started getting closer to where we were all standing, and I was pretty sure they weren't here just to tell me how great I was at baseball. I was starting to back away when Principal Barrett came by and broke through the crowd.

"That is enough! Lee, Williams, come with me. The rest of you should get to class unless you want to spend the next decade in detention."

Principal Barrett grabbed Annabelle and I by the arms and dragged us through the crowd and into the school. As I passed by, I heard Parker yell something at me that made me sure that this was going to be the worst day of my life.

"We are going to get you for what you did, you little faggot."

I didn't know if they were mad about Sean dying or that they knew my secret or both, but I had a feeling that things were going to get a lot worse. The last thing I saw before I got dragged into the school was Alex, looking at me with worry and fear in his eyes.

When we got into Principal Barrett's office, she sat us down in chairs opposite her and stared at us both. Annabelle and I just ignored each other and waited for someone to say something.

"Devin" Principal Barrett began, "your friend Sean Cobb was found dead late last night. A number of people claim you were the last person to see him last night, and that you were upset when you left. I don't believe you've done anything, but if there's anything at all you want to say, you should tell me now and I will do what I can to ensure things are done in a fair manner."

I was confused, she said that she didn't think I did anything wrong, so why was she asking me to confess to something?

"I don't understand Ms. Barrett. Why would I have anything to tell you. Do you think that was the one that killed Sean in that accident?"

"I'm not accusing you of anything Devin, but Annabelle is convinced that it was you, and there are people who claim that you were there last night, were you?"

"Yes, I was there."

"Can you tell me what you were doing?" Principal Barrett asked?

"Oh yes, you really should explain why your queer ass was at my boyfriend's place last night, instead of having him spend the night with ME." Annabelle jeered at me.

I knew I was blushing and I very quietly responded "I'm his teammate, I went to his place to talk about baseball stuff."

Annabelle laughed and turned away from me, obviously not believing a word of it. Principal Barrett, however, just stared at me with her big, searching eyes. After a few seconds, she turned away and said we were both free to go back to our classes, and that there would be counselors on hand for people who needed support.

As I was walking back, Annabelle punched me in the stomach and left me outside the office. It was then that Alex came by and asked what happened.

"I don't want to talk about it right now, okay? It's bad enough that everyone thinks what they do about me now, it's only going to get worse from here."

"Devin," Alex began, "you need to tell someone, otherwise you're going to get overwhelmed by everything. If you can't talk to me about it here, let's find a place at lunch where you don't have to worry about people overhearing you. Just come find me in the library at lunch, you know where I'll be."

I could have sworn his eyes were twinkling when he said that last part, but I agreed and we parted ways. I took a deep breath and headed on my way to math, waiting until lunch time and hopefully a resolution out of this mess.

Next: Chapter 7

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