The Last Out

By Hunter

Published on Apr 4, 2023


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome.

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I was glad to get home after school. Being around people was really starting to get under my skin, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go crazy if I don't stop thinking that everyone's gonna find out about what's already happened. Already happened... going to happen again... way too much involved in this situation now, and I don't like how easily I could get outed or hurt because I sucked off the school stud.

As usual, dad wasn't home so I took the opportunity to head to my room. I normally like to jack off when I get home, just to relieve the tension from the school day. Today was certainly tense, and I would love to get my cock going again before I deal with the rest of the night. I walked up to my room at the back of the house and peeled off my shirt. The room had a draft going because the windows weren't the best anymore, but at least they kept most of the cold out.

My mind flashed back to staying in the locker room with him and to everything we did while we were in there. Well, everything I did, I guess he didn't really do anything except insult me and treat me like a mouth to fuck. I was just taking the belt out of my jeans when I stopped and really thought about this whole situation. I was getting hard again and thinking about jacking off to when I sucked a guy off. That was not normal, not something a straight guy did. I did like chicks, and even though I hadn't gotten successful hooking up or dating any, I did like them. I just didn't find the right one for me, the one that I'd actually want to really try and impress. So then why was I only thinking about Sean lately, and why especially was I thinking about sucking Sean's cock in an abandoned locker room that anyone could have found us in?

Now that I was thinking about this, I wasn't even sure I wanted to jack off now. I was hard, harder than I'd been in a long time, but I also didn't really want to acknowledge that I was getting hard because of a dude again. I also remembered that Sean was expecting me later in the evening, and I wasn't sure if I should jack off before that or what I should do to make sure I don't embarrass myself or give him more material to potentially blackmail me with.

I disappointedly grabbed all my clothes and dressed myself again. There'll be time for having some fun later tonight, and I should start getting myself ready to go if I want to make sure I don't catch hell or make things worse for myself. I went to our kitchen to see what was left in the fridge that I could have before I got going. Not much as usual, but at least there was something. I settled for the final slice of pizza from the other day and microwaved it. While waiting for the microwave, I poured myself some water and got to thinking about how to get to Sean's place since dad took the car with him to go to work today. That meant I'd probably have to walk, so I had to leave a lot sooner than I thought I would just to get there on time.

Sean's place was a bit of a trip from where I lived. Normally it wasn't a problem, I'd just drive over but of course today was the one day where that wasn't available to me, so I grabbed my bike from out of the back yard and started making tracks out to his place. Riding up on these empty streets used to be really calming for me, but this isn't a calming stroll for me, this is becoming a mad dash to Sean's place to protect my reputation. That's the only reason I'm going back, not because of Sean being hot but because I don't want the school knowing what I'd done with him. A small voice in the back of my head said that I wouldn't go unless I wanted it on some level, but I ignored it as best I could because that was just uncool to think I'd be gay.

Half an hour later I was reaching his house again. I was sweating and exhausted, and I was really starting to regret doing this and thinking that coming over was going to do anything other than get me in deeper than I already was. As I was just getting off the bike, the front door opened. I assumed that it was Sean trying to bring me in before anyone could notice I had shown up. Instead it was Parker leaving the place. Just what I needed, another run-in with this jackass right when I'm already stressed out as it is.

Parker glowered at me "Hey fag, what the fuck are you doing here? I thought I told you that you had to stay the fuck away from the rest of us real men."

"It's too damn bad for you that you don't get to run my life for me Parker, otherwise I might considering listening to what a deadbeat piece of shit like you had to say. Why don't you just continue on your way and stop trying to pick a fight with people just because you're unable to deal with everyone around you."

"I should fuck you up Devin, you and your mouth are gonna get you in more shit than you can get out of, but I got better things to do than to get myself all filthy with your faggot germs. God knows I don't want to end up the way you are, I'd have to kill myself and you should too. Not gonna warn you again, stay the fuck away from my homie."

With one final look of disgust, Sean got into his car and drove off. I turned around to see Sean in the doorway, looking at me with a pitying look in his eyes. Once he realized I was looking at him, his expression changed to one of boredom, as though I wasn't really worth noticing or paying attention to.

"Well, come on in now that you've gotten everyone's attention. You came here for a reason and I'm damn ready to start collecting what's mine. I need this after the day you've put me through Devin. Half my friends think that I'm a queer because I don't just punch your lights out every time we meet. Now get the hell inside and start sucking my cock, just like you agreed to."

I agreed to. In those three words I realized that I was never going to escape this situation until I moved or he moved or something else happened. I was never going to be anything other than his blowjob boy, and even though we're teammates he's never going to respect me as anything other than the guy he goes to for head when his girlfriend won't give it to him.

"Get in the bedroom and don't move once you're there" Sean ordered. "I want you to be comfortable while I get what I want from you Devin. We're still friends after all... even if you are nothing more than a dick loving queer. I kept up my end of the bargain, and I'm still willing to do that as long as you don't screw things up."

Every word he said was demeaning and was meant to show how much he dominated and controlled me now. I hated myself for getting into this situation, and I hated that part of me didn't hate it because at least I was fulfilling that fantasy of hooking up with Sean. Everything about the whole situation was confusing and driving me completely crazy, and I hated that most of all, that feeling of not knowing how to act or what to do.

So I did what he wanted. "Sounds good Sean" I heard myself say. No idea why I said it, but I suppose I wanted to make sure I was still capable of speaking whenever I was around him and he was treating me like this. Maybe one day it'd mean I could stand up for myself.

I walked on up to his room and just sat around, not really sure what I was waiting for or why he wasn't following me up right away. His room looked pretty normal, I guess. A few trophies and awards for his athletics. A Linkin Park poster from years ago that I couldn't imagine was there for any other reason than because Sean was too lazy to get rid of it. The rest of the white walls were left bare, as though Sean didn't like spending time here, or he wasn't around often enough to really decorate. Not that it mattered to me, it was his room and hopefully I wasn't going to see it too often.

I didn't hear Sean coming upstairs, but all of a sudden I felt his hands turning me around and pushing down hard on my shoulders. I winced from the pain and fell to my knees.

Sean smirked at me, mischief in his eyes. "Good, you're learning quick Williams. You're already on your knees so quickly when I come in. I like that in my cocksuckers. Now get to work."

I reluctantly opened my mouth and let his semi-hard cock slide in. I still wasn't used to sucking a guy off and I gagged hard when Sean fucked my face, but he didn't seem to notice or care that I wasn't having an easy time of it. I did my best to try and take his thick cock in my mouth, but his cock was pressing up against the roof of my mouth and down on my tongue, so it was hard for me to breathe and do anything other that splutter and gag while he sawed his cock in and out of my mouth.

I tried to reach up and push him away, but I couldn't get a good grasp of his front in order to push him away. I choked once more and Sean finally pulled away; my throat was sore from what he was doing just to get himself hard that I couldn't do anything but cough for a few seconds after he pulled out. I could feel some of his pre-cum and my drool coating my face and I realized that I must have looked like a mess, and that was before we really did anything other than get started with what I knew was going to be a rough night for me.

"Hurry up man, you're choking all over the place and being a pussy about things. You know what happens if you don't suck me off good Williams, so back to work you go. But because I'm a nice guy, I'm gonna let you do it yourself instead of just forcing my cock down your throat again, even though I know you love it."

Sean said all of this while looking directly at the growing bulge in my crotch, and I knew I was busted again. Still, if he was going to let me take over then I may as well make myself really comfortable. I started stripping off my clothes for the second time that day and grabbed hold of my hard cock. This time when I was kneeling down Sean didn't do anything except nod approvingly at me. I wasn't sure what that meant, but if he was smiling then it could only mean that he was going to keep up his end of the bargain, or at least that's what I hoped it meant.

This time I let my hands roam a little bit. With my right hand I moved to cup and fondle his balls. They were big and hung down the front of him. I was fascinated at the rough texture of his ball skin and how hairy he was; I knew he didn't shave his pubes but his balls were incredibly hairy as well, much more than I am and it made me wonder why I was so hairless by comparison. My left hand started snaking up his body and grabbing around his torso, while I started to reach out to his cock with my tongue and slowly lick along the side of his cock. I peeled back his foreskin and had a look at the head of his cock. He was leaking pre-cum already and I gave his cockhead a lick with my tongue.

Above me, Sean moaned his pleasure and approval. "Ohhh yeah, that's good man. You're learning really quick what to do, make me happy man, make it good and we can do this more often, I won't tell a soul."

At this, I started to relax a bit more and get into it. I went back to stroking my hard, circumsized cock with my right hand, while I was slowly sliding my mouth over this thick uncut cock. I was bobbing my head on his cock and realizing that I was actually turned on by this, and that I was even starting to take more cock down my throat than I had been before now, and even more than when Sean was face fucking me a few minutes ago.

I could hear Sean moaning and his cock started to thicken a bit, so I knew he was getting close. At this point I didn't care anymore, I was lost to the sensations of sucking this thick cock in front of me and I stopped thinking about what it meant or what could happen, I just knew that I wanted to do this because I wanted Sean's cock in my mouth. I didn't even really think about what would happen when he came. Last time he shot down my throat and I wasn't eager to try that again, but who knows what he would want to do this time.

"Fuck man, I'm cumming! I'm cumming again you queer! Here's that load I know you've wanted"

Sean pulled out of my mouth and started shooting his load all over my face. His cock looked angry and started pulsing, I could see some of the cum shooting towards me. With the little warning I had I quickly shut my eyes, but I still felt the first bursts of cum on my face before I could shut my eyes. The first shot of cum landed on my left cheek, and then Sean completely lost control; his cum landed in my hair and on my eyes, ears and forehead. I counted at least five shots before he rested his cock on my lips and shot the last two little bits of load onto my lips. I felt really gross having that much cum on my face, and I was reaching for something to clean myself up with when Sean grabbed my hands and put them behind me.

"Oh no. You're not done yet Williams. Don't bother getting cleaned up because I've got a lot more cum for you to taste. You just sit tight and wait for me to get ready for you again, there's no way you're going home so quickly, not if you want things to stay between us."

I was right. This was going to be a long night...

Next: Chapter 5

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