The Last Out

By Hunter

Published on Jul 7, 2023


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions ofmale on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes haveunsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy thestory and any feedback is welcome.

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Oh my god, it was prom night. Thinking back now, I really shouldn’t have left things so late to get ready with Alex, or to even ask/be asked if I wanted to go with him. No one ever really talks about the fact that there’s a shit ton of things to do in order to get ready for prom. You just sort of assume that it’s all prepared for you and that you just have to show up, dance, and then see how things go afterwards. I didn’t realize you had to go get things fitted and figure out all these other plans about how to get there and what to wear or anything else.

Of course, the clothes I had before weren’t even close to good enough, most of them were pretty worn and faded, and the really nice stuff I had didn’t fit me, naturally. Alex was kind enough to go with me and help pick something out that was nice on me. I hated that he paid for it though… I wished I had enough that I could afford things like that instead of having him cover it, but with things the way they were at home dad and I had to focus on the essentials right now, and dress clothes for prom weren’t very high on our list of priorities right now.

Alex didn’t seem to mind, and when I said I’d make it up to him he gave me a weird wink and said that he knew I would. I guess he had something in mind and that he would be telling me about it later, or I guess he just knew that I’d do what I can to start paying it back someday, like when I’m in college or whenever. He was pretty trusting to wait that long though, if that was his plan.

Thankfully because of prom, practice was shortened so that all of the team could get home in time to prepare themselves. I normally wouldn’t complain, except that practice today was especially miserable from the weather and the fact that I was pretty distracted about going to prom with Alex, and hoping that people were going to be okay with things and not create more drama for me to deal with.

I had just gotten home from practice and since it was another really hot, muggy day out, I decided to have a shower before I needed to start getting ready for prom. I went to the bathroom and like usual, I stripped out of everything so that I could take a look at myself in the mirror. I was starting to develop a serious farmer’s tan from all of the sunlight and my time playing baseball. I knew in the summer it was going to be even worse, but right now it was already getting too hot to play in our uniforms, they really need to consider making baseball pants out of a material that won’t instantly stick to you the minute it gets above freezing.

Just for fun, I thought I would see what I looked like when I’m playing with Alex. Looking straight at the mirror, I put my index finger in my mouth and swirled it around with my tongue. I started to bob my head on my finger like it was a smaller version of Alex’s cock. I didn’t realize it, but when I looked in the mirror my lips were pursed around my finger with my cheeks hollowed out. I thought I looked ridiculous and burst out laughing at how silly I looked, especially compared to how Alex looks when he’s sucking me.

Dad must have heard me laughing because I was interrupted by a knock on the bathroom door.

“Everything alright in there? What’s so funny you gotta let the whole neighbourhood know about it?” Dad asked through the bathroom door.

I yanked my finger out of my mouth and quickly yelled back “Everything’s fine! I’m just looking at my new tan.”

“Well, hurry it up will you? You gotta start getting ready to go, and you can’t be late this time.”

Dad did have a point there, Alex would absolutely kill me if I was late getting ready and made him wait for me alone with my dad.

“Alright, alright! I’m showering now” I grumbled back at him. Even though he was being a total pain about it, I knew he was right and that I needed to hurry up so that I could be ready for tonight. I hoped that things were going to be really fun at the prom, but I really didn’t know what else was going to happen tonight, I hadn’t made any plans for what we would do once the dance was over.

When I got into the shower I took some extra time to wash my hair and really clean myself off for Alex tonight. I wasn’t sure why I bothered, but I suppose it was a special night and I should try to look and smell my best for it. I normally only washed my hair every couple of days, but it wasn’t everyday that you have your senior prom, and it wasn’t every day that you got to bring your boyfriend with you, especially in rural America as a teenager.

Everyone in the big cities always talk about how much things have changed about gay rights and how much better its getting. Whenever I see the news its always talking about some gay rights thing, and Alex is always talking about some other gay rights thing. He keeps talking about this upcoming vote on marriage in November in the state, but that doesn’t really involve us. We’re too young for that sort of thing, and I doubted it would get approved anyway. Things may have gotten better, but not here, and not so much that people would actually vote to support us.

I especially didn’t think that people would be all that welcoming out here, especially after what happened with Sean and Parker. They had the kind of viewpoints that we all grew up with here, and while dad was pretty supportive of us so far, I could sorta tell that it wasn’t something he was really thrilled about, and that he’d rather not deal with it at all if he could avoid it, just like how I could tell that most people probably wouldn’t want to have to see it in their own neighbourhood if they could get a chance to get rid of it.

There wasn’t really anything I could do about that though, I could live my life and see what happens, and try to go to somewhere that wouldn’t be as backward and hateful towards me as its been around here lately.

Once I got myself ready to go, dad and I sat in the living room and waited for Alex to arrive, since he was supposed to get here before the limo would be arriving to take us both to prom. I know, it’s pretty cliché, not to mention expensive as all hell, but Alex was willing to help pay the costs, and you don’t have to ask me twice if I want to ride in a limo, this could be the only time in my life that I get to be in one of these things.

It was five-thirty when Alex arrived; he looked stunning. While I was dressed in a rental tuxedo, Alex had gone for deep purple corduroys, a light blue vest and a black long sleeve shirt to finish the ensemble that perfectly matched his hazel eyes. Alex topped it with a red bow tie and gelled his hair back, looking like a total prep kid and making me look pretty mediocre by comparison.

“You look amazing” I breathed. He really did, I was amazed at how different he looked when he wasn’t just wearing a sweater and jeans.

He smiled really big at me and replied “You look pretty good too Devin. Are you ready to get going? We don’t want to be late or anything like that.”

Alex was right, so after a few photos for my dad, we walked out and right on schedule at six, the limo arrived to take us to school. It was so weird to not be going to school in the stupid school bus, but there was only one word to describe riding in the back seat of a limousine with Alex… AWESOME! I’d never been in a car with so much room, and it seemed like everything was covered in black leather.

When we got there, it was pretty clear that most of the popular people had the same idea we did and rented limos too. I guess there were a few towns close by that were renting out, since there couldn’t be that many limos in our little town.

I didn't really want to see anyone when I first got there, so when the limo let us out I steered Alex inside the gym and went to go grab a drink for both of us. I grabbed a couple of cups of water and went to go join Alex over where I left him against the side wall of the gym. We were both just starting to settle into our drinks when I saw Parker, Annabelle and a few of their friends heading towards us. I didn't think that we'd be able to get away from them, so I just let Alex know they were coming and turned to face them so that we wouldn't look like they caught us by surprise.

Like most of the guys, Parker was wearing a tuxedo and Annabelle was leading the parade of ladies in a bright pink cocktail dress that looked absolutely out of place among everyone else's more restrained clothing choices. Thankfully, the other girls with them were at least making the attempt to restrain their clothing choices; they were still brightly coloured, but at least it wasn't bright pink. Every single person in their little group looked pissed off just to see us there, trying to enjoy the prom like everyone else.

"Oh look, two little faggots here, I wonder who else they're trying to kill" Annabelle sneered at us, glaring down and trying to look intimidating to the rest of her little group.

I was fed up with her and her antics, along with everyone else who had been giving me a hard time lately, and I knew that eventually it would get out of hand but I didn't care. I lashed out at her "Looks like all that make up has finally started fucking up your brain, otherwise you must have heard that Sean rammed the car into a tree all by himself. How about, just this once you crazy bitch, you go do something nice for someone instead of trying to stir shit up."

"Wow, look at the whiny cunt. Just because the stupid cops don't think you did it doesn't mean we don't know you did fag, we all know what you were doing for Sean, so screw off before we make your lives really miserable." That was Parker getting involved, he always did wait for someone else to get the ball rolling before he added his own garbage to the conversation.

I lost it and shoved Parker backwards into the water cooler. The next thing I knew there was a fight breaking out as the rest of the guys in the group started pushing Alex and I around, and I saw Alex get pushed right over the table. The fighting caught Principal Barrett's attention, and she quickly came over to break everyone up. After looking to see if Alex was okay, Principal Barrett sized up the rest of us.

"All of you, out. Now. You are all going to leave the prom and go home, and so help me if any of you start any more trouble tonight, I will let the police sort it out since none of you seem to be able to leave each other alone. You all have five minutes to grab your things, call your parents and leave."

Parker, Annabelle and the rest of their group shot me glares, but with Principal Barrett there they weren't going to do anything. I started to head to grab my stuff as well, but intentionally took my time so that I wouldn't have to see any of them at the coat check for mine and Alex's stuff. Once I got my stuff, Alex had already called and his mom was going to come to drop us back off at my place, which is where we'd stay until tomorrow. It was sort of amazing that Alex's mom didn't realize what we were doing together, but it worked for us right now.

She picked us up and we drove back to my place in utter silence. When we got back inside, I collapsed on my bed, still in all my clothes and just lay there staring at the ceiling and wondering how I managed to screw up yet another night.

“I’m sorry Alex, this wasn’t what you wanted, I shouldn’t have let those morons bother me” I said.

“Its okay” he said. “I wasn’t doing this for the dancing anyways, this was your day to be celebrated, and at least now that we’re home, we can move on to the second part of the celebrations…”

Alex took me by the hand and laid down on the middle of my bed, pulling me on top of him. I got the message and started to help take his shirt off, laying down on top of him and enjoying the skin contact. Alex helped take my shirt off as well, and started to kiss along my chest and on both sides of my neck. As he was kissing my neck, he bit down slightly and I let out a moan of surprise. I hadn’t had that happen to me before, and it felt really good.

I did the same to him and also lightly pressed down on his chest with my body, flattening him out against my bed and pressing him down into the mattress. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck and began licking and biting his neck in earnest, and really attempting to leave a mark where I could remember it and he could see it. Alex moaned and I bit down hard. I must have bit down too hard because he pushed me away and started rubbing where I had bit down.

“Too hard Devin, that hurt.”


Alex pulled the rest of his clothes off, and pulled my pants and underwear down as well. He pulled me back on top of him and kissed me. I kissed him back and started to feel around his chest and thrust gently into his crotch, just like I had done the last time he came over. This time when I did this, Alex stopped kissing me and waited for me to notice that he wasn’t doing anything.

“Fuck me Devin. I have a condom and lube in my pant pocket, I want to feel you and make this special for you.”

I sat there stunned that Alex was even suggesting something like this. I wasn’t super big by any stretch of the imagination, but I had a hard time believing that my dick was going to fit, and I didn’t want to hurt him, especially since I just hurt his neck by biting down too hard. I also didn’t really know how to do what he was asking, before the stuff with Sean and getting together with Alex, I hadn’t done anything other than jerk off, and now he wanted me to fuck him without so much as a warning that I should start preparing or figuring out what that would even look like.

I shakily reached down into Alex’s pant pockets and found what I was looking for. I was still really hard with anticipation, or maybe excitement, so it wasn’t too hard to roll the condom on and get lubed up, but from there I didn’t really know what to do.

“Ummmm, Alex..?” I asked, not really sure how to phrase what I was thinking.

He seemed to understand what the problem was and directed me on what I should do.

“Put some lube on your finger and start circling my butt hole, then once its all covered and starts to relax, try pushing your finger inside me to lubricate the inside of my ass.”

I did as he asked, and put some lube on my index finger and started to rub around his ass. The skin wasn’t as smooth as the rest of his body, but it didn’t feel too different otherwise, and soon enough it started to relax as I massaged all around it. I took that to be my cue that I should start pushing my finger inside of Alex. Alex winced when I first put it in, but he quickly motioned for me to keep going and to move my finger around in his ass.

I sort of knew what I was doing now, so I grabbed my cock and placed it at the entrance to his butt. I was still feeling a little nervous about this, but I figured there was nothing left to do now except to try it and see how things worked. I pushed forward slowly and slid around, trying to find his opening again without making it look like I was completely unsure of what I was doing.

I finally found his entrance and I slowly pushed forward, sliding my cock into the soft, velvety tunnel that was Alex’s virgin ass. Holy shit. This was what it was like to fuck someone. No wonder Sean didn’t care where he got it from, he just fucked and whatever he fucked was good enough. This felt amazing, and I groaned as I slid my entire length into Alex. Alex moaned as well, and I felt him clench down on me as I was sliding the last inch of my cock inside of him.

I started slowly thrusting into Alex, looking at him to see if there were any signs that he wasn’t okay with what I was doing. Other than a few grunts when I slid in too quickly, he seemed to be okay and was slowly playing with his own cock while I sawed in and out of him. Every once in awhile while I fucked, I would feel something inside his ass and Alex would spasm a bit and moan. I didn’t know what it was, but it seemed to turn him on so I tried to find it more regularly and thrust into it more.

Without warning, Alex stared to cum and his ass clenched down really tight on my cock. He was shooting a really big load and it felt so tight around my dick. I couldn’t begin to describe how it felt to have him pressing all around my cock, and I kept thrusting in while he was clenching to really feel him around me. Alex’s orgasm subsided, but the feeling of his ass around mine made me close, and I pulled out of him so I could start jerking to my orgasm.

Alex’s chest was covered in his cum, and I smeared it around his chest and really worked it into him, coating his whole body with his load. I closed my eyes and jerked myself off really quickly and shot my own load on top of everything that already was covering Alex.

After my orgasm slowed down, we cuddled with each other for a few minutes, then went to go have a shower since we were both really sweaty and Alex was covered in drying cum. I sort of thought about maybe doing something in the shower, but we were both kinda tired so we just cleaned each other off, and then went back to my room.

We were really tired at this point, so we both got changed into some underwear so we weren’t totally naked, curled up in my bed and went to sleep.

Next: Chapter 18

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