The Last Out

By Hunter

Published on Jun 27, 2023


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions ofmale on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes haveunsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy thestory and any feedback is welcome.

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A month went by and it seemed like everything was going back to normal. My dad had been a real big supporter of mine, and I was able to recover pretty quickly from what happened both physically and emotionally. Alex and I were doing pretty well as well. Of course, we weren't able to be alone with each other when either of our parents were around, but at least we were able to spend time together.

Today we were just lounging around in my room. It was getting warmer outside since it was the end of May now, but sadly the May weather simply brought more rain as well as some warmer temperatures. Today was one of those days where the sky simply opened up and rained everywhere, spoiling my chance to get back on the field and play.

Yeah, I'm still on the baseball team. Like I said, things were slowly getting back together, and for the most part I was left alone by the team and the rest of the students at the school, especially once we found out what happened with Sean...

Turns out that he was swerving to avoid some animal that was on the road and that's what caused him to crash his car. There wasn't ever another driver or anything else to link anyone to the crime, This being such a small town, everyone made assumptions and all it was is that he tried to avoid some animal. I guess that's nice too, that his last moments were good for something. It sort of bothered me that he'd be remembered for that instead of for how much he tormented me and cycled through girls in town, but what else can you do? He's dead, no sense making things worse by complaining about him.

Alex was laying on my bed and I was sitting on the floor, looking out the window and hoping that it was going to stop raining sometime soon. I may as well have been wishing that it was going to start raining money instead of raindrops for all the good my wishing was doing.

Suddenly, Alex lowered his head down from my bed and looked at me

"Say, Devin" he asked. "Have you thought about where you're going to go to school next year? I know you applied to a couple different places, but it has to be around that time to decide."

He was right. I did apply to a couple different schools, mostly for their baseball programs, but I hadn't taken the chance to even see what their responses were. I had only gotten the letters a couple of days ago, so there was still time to decide, but I should pick sooner or later, especially if I wanted a chance to go to tryouts next year. Still, there were a lot of different things I had to keep in mind when I decide where I want to be for the next four years... not the least of which is Alex, but also where I'm also going to have a chance to succeed and do the best for my future as well.

Of course, I still needed to be accepted by any of those schools, and there was no telling when that was going to be, I didn't even know when they were supposed to start sending out acceptance or rejection letters to all of the thousands of kids who apply to the schools every year.

I replied to Alex "I haven't really thought about it too much yet, I haven't seen anything that's forcing me to make a decision yet, but I know I definitely want to stay in state, so that's at least one less decision I have to make."

Alex nodded at me, not entirely understanding but probably knowing more than I thought he did.

"That makes sense. Just remember that when the time to make a decision comes, just think about what's best for you and your future, and look at things beyond how long a drive it'll be to come back here. Whatever you decide, I'm sure you'll do what's right for you."

Well, that's not exactly helpful. I was sort of hoping that he'd go through the different schools with me and sort out what the advantages and disadvantages of each one would be, that's the sort of thing that he's good at. He knows that I usually just pick something based on how I feel about it without really thinking about what would actually be the best for me, so why is he ditching me on something this important?

"Oh, I see..." I trailed off, not entirely sure how to explain why I was disappointed that he wasn't going to help me make a decision about where I go to school.

"I kind of thought that you would help me make that kind of decision Alex. I mean, it does impact you doesn't it? Where I go will make a difference in how often I can come back here."

Alex nodded at me and fell off my bed so we could sit on the same level as each other.

"Yeah, sure it affects me and of course where you go changes how often you can come back, especially with your potential baseball schedule. But this is your life Devin, not mine. You can't let yourself decide what to do based on what we do or on any consideration other than what's best for you, not what's best for how you think of us. Things always work out for a reason, you just have to make sure you do what you need to do, and the rest will figure itself out on its own."

I thought about what he was saying, and I hadn't really thought about it the way he was thinking. I mean, I was hurt because it sounded like he was saying it'd be okay if we weren't able to see each other, but at the same time it was sort of cool that he was saying I should do what I need to do, since I don't really want to come back here to live or work or anything like that, I want to move on and see what else is in the world where it's safer to be into guys. That means I need to have a good education or be an amazing ball player, and that means looking at schools that will give me chances to excel, not just to be close to dad and Alex.

Thinking about this was becoming a little depressing though, especially since I hadn't actually heard anything back yet. Instead, I tried to talk to Alex about the next big thing in everyone's life here in town, and something that we definitely had to talk about sooner than later if we were going to get everything done that has to be done. Alex, however, seemed to have the same thoughts as I did.

"So... any ideas about the prom? It's only a couple weeks away you know..." Alex said to me very shyly.

I blushed and looked away quickly. Truthfully, I hadn't been planning to go because of how things had been going with Parker, but things were getting better now. I was just scared that if we went as an obvious couple that we'd just be asking for more trouble, and I didn't want to deal with that when there was so little time left in the school year and then I'd never have to see any of those assholes again.

"Ummm, well actually, I hadn't been planning on going this year. I know it's my grad year and everything, but I don't really want to see anyone there and I don't want to start anything. I'd just as happily spend the night somewhere else instead. It's just prom after all. Unless you wanted to go..." I trailed off again, nervous about the idea of actually going to my senior prom with a boy, but also secretly wondering if I could and have it not be a big deal.

Alex looked horrified, like I grew a second head or started talking about doing something awful to myself. I'm not sure why he cared so much, it wasn't like it was anything important, it's just a dance isn't it?

"Devin, you have to go! Its your last chance to really enjoy being a kid. Once you graduate and head to college you're going to have to start looking at things like an adult, and that probably means you won't have as much time to relax and have fun. So what if Parker and the rest of the idiots are there, it's your day too so don't let them ruin it. Besides, you know what always happens after prom." He looked at me quite suggestively when he said that last part.

I have to admit, that did sound pretty fun, though we'd probably want to find somewhere a bit more private than where everyone else normally goes to make out after prom.

"Alright, alright Alex, I'll go. Will you go with me?" I asked with a dry note of sarcasm in my voice.

"Duh, that was the whole point of this wasn't it?" He teased me right back.

I heard a gentle cough from the doorway to my room and saw dad stick his head in. I wonder how long he had been there and wanted to ask, but he cut me off before I could say anything.

"If you two lovebirds are done, I just wanted to let you know I'll be back in a bit, I have to go pick up some stuff for dinner. Alex, are you staying to eat here tonight?"

"As long as that's not a problem for you sir." He replied.

"Alright, I'll be back." Dad left the room right after, and I could hear the car starting up.

I looked over at Alex, he was laying on his side on my bed, hand on his hip and just looking back at me.

"You know..." I said. "He did say he was leaving and that he wouldn't be back right away.., perhaps we should make the most of this opportunity." I suggested with a sly look at Alex.

Alex didn't respond right away, he just went to my door and shut it before pulling me onto the bed and on top of him. I wasn't used to this kind of Alex where he was taking charge, but it was pretty cool to see that he was as into the idea of playing around as I was, and I happily started necking him and feeling up his upper body with my hands. Alex was keeping himself very busy as well, while he was moaning from my kisses, he was trying to reach under my shirt and start taking it off, as well as feeling my abs and grabbing my nipples.

When he grabbed my nipples and squeezed them, I bit down hard on his neck and suckled it, knowing that I'd be leaving a massive hickey on the left side of his neck, right where anyone could see it. Right now I didn't care, I was all about getting into Alex and showing him that even if I've got everything else floating in my head, I was at least going to try and do things right for him right now.

I stopped kissing him just long enough to sit him up and take his shirt off, then pinned him back down under me with both my hands resting and pressing down on his shoulders. I was now right over him, both of us shirtless. He and I were both panting pretty hard after that frenzied action, and I didn't want to stop so I bent down and started to lightly lick each of his ears. Alex moaned and tried to kiss me, but he couldn't reach and settled for running his hands along my back, pushing me down onto his body.

I thrust my clothed cock into his crotch and we both moaned at the physical contact. I wanted more. I stood up and pulled off my pants and boxers and motioned for Alex to do the same. The door was already closed and we didn't have much time, so I pushed Alex onto his back and propped his head up with my pillows. I saw that he wasn't fully undressed yet, so I straddled his chest and started to jerk my hard cock off in front of his face while he struggled to take his underwear off.

Once I knew his clothes were off, I inched forward so that my cock was resting on his face and my balls were on his chin. I started laughing uncontrollably and fell to one side next to him, the image of his face being perfectly cut in half by my cock was too much for me to handle, and he looked absolutely ridiculous the way I just saw him.

Alex glared at me and I knew I fucked up by ruining the atmosphere, and I really did need to get off now so I climbed back on him and did my best to keep a straight face, it was easier than I thought since I needed to get hard again and Alex was more than happy to help out. Once I was back on him he didn't even wait for me to do anything, he just lifted his head and started sucking the head of my cock into his mouth.

I dared myself to look down at him sucking my cock. Holy shit. His eyes were closed and even though he had to purse his lips to suck me off, I could tell he was smiling and having the time of his life. This was so hot to see that he was sitting there enjoying it and I could just watch him blow me. Alex wasn't going all the way down my shaft yet, he was mostly just licking and sucking the head and trying not to strain his neck too much from his position.

I realized this was going to hurt him so I stepped off of him and started laying back on my bed instead with my legs spread wide open for him. Alex too the cue perfectly and he got between my legs to suck me off again. I think he realized that we didn't have too much time to play around, so he started bobbing up and down my shaft a lot faster, and also went a lot further down on my dick.

"Ohhhh, fuckk. That feels so good Alex. Keep going." I cooed out to him, running my hands through his hair and gently pushing him to try and speed up the pace even more.

Alex responded by focusing back on the head of my cock again, this time by swirling his tongue around while occasionally sliding down my shaft. When he went down and when he came back up, he would make sure to flick the back of my cock head with his tongue as well. It felt amazing and I was getting really close to cumming from what he was doing.

I didn't want to make a mess, and I sort of wanted to see what would happen, so I groaned and started shooting my load in his mouth without warning him. It felt really cool to shoot in him, and I slid my cock back so that I didn't choke him with my cum. It wasn't my biggest load, but I felt myself fire five spurts into his mouth.

I pulled out and Alex made a face at me, but he swallowed my cum and started to jerk himself off. I saw him reach to put one hand towards his ass and the other was used to quickly bring himself to orgasm. I'd have to think about what that could mean that he was starting to play with his ass, maybe that meant something or another, or it was somewhere that he liked to have played with.

When Alex came, he got really kinky and gathered all of his cum into his hand and fed himself his own load, then we both quickly got dressed. Just as we were both pulling our shirts back on, we heard my dad's car pull back into the driveway. We both giggled at our good timing and went back to what we had been doing before dad left.

I straightened out the rest of my clothes and looked at Alex and asked him one last thing with a smirk, before dad could come back in.

"So, are you going to help me pick a college now?"

Next: Chapter 17

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