The Last Out

By Hunter

Published on Jun 14, 2023


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions ofmale on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes haveunsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy thestory and any feedback is welcome.

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Dad was home, shit! Alex and I started scrambling to put on our clothes, and I saw Alex flush and his eyes went really wide. I was about to ask him what was wrong when I heard a voice call out.

"Devin, where are you? And whose shirt is this on the couch? Do you have someone here?"

That's not good, dad just found Alex's shirt, and when he comes to find us both in my room he's probably going to put a few things together, especially since the room smells like sex, we're both covered in cum that was now rapidly soaking into our respective clothes, and of course I wasn't even fully dressed yet either. Not to mention the fact that some of the cum was now staining my sheets. This wasn't really part of my whole game plan for how I was going to tell my dad I was into dudes, and even I didn't know how far along that was.

"Alex, stay here, I'm going to go talk to dad, I'll be back in a bit" I whispered to Alex. I then called out to my dad "I'm in my room, I'll be out in a minute, I'll just come talk to you out there."

As I put the rest of my clothes on and tried to compose myself enough to make it look like I hadn't just had sex, I needed to try and think about what it is I was going to say to dad about all of this. How was I going to explain that yes, I had someone over, and that it was a BOY? How do you ever actually tell people that you like someone of the same sex without worrying about whether you're going to get thrown out or something awful happening to you?

I saw dad sitting at the kitchen table, holding onto Alex's crumpled shirt. He looked like he wanted to say something, but instead he just motioned for me to sit down across from him.

"Whose is this?" He asked, motioning towards the shirt in his hand.

I stayed silent, not sure how to tell him. I looked down at the ground and tried to avoid his gaze. I could feel dad staring at me, getting more frustrated with the fact that I wasn't willing to say anything about who it was and what was going on in his own house.

"Let me ask you again Devin, who does this shirt belong to? I could always just go to your room and find out, but then there'd be a lot more explaining to do, as well as embarrassing the hell out of whoever your little friend is here. Tell me what is going on son."

As dad started to finish his little tirade, I could hear someone coming down from my room, and Alex spoke out instead.

"There's no need for that, it's me Mr. Williams."

As Alex came into view, wearing only the pants he came with and looking absolutely unashamed of the fact that he was caught shirtless in my room, I noticed that he seemed to have cleaned himself up a bit, so that at least he wasn't covered in cum when he had to be around my dad. I wasn't sure what exactly he cleaned himself with, but at least we didn't have to explain that, even though I'm pretty sure dad would have already figured it out anyways.

"I'm the one that was here with Devin, but I'll let him explain now that the hardest part about this conversation was over."

Alex turned on his heel and left the room, I assume to go back into my room and give my father and I some privacy to have this very, very awkward conversation that we now had before us.

"Alex and I... I guess we're dating now dad. I'm sorry, I didn't want you to know, I didn't know how you'd react or what you'd say or even how you'd be around the rest of the town knowing that I'm into guys. I didn't mean for any of this all to happen!"

I looked up and saw dad was just looking at me with this look on his face that I couldn't quite place. He looked a bit sad, but also like he was trying to make sure that I didn't realize that he was disappointed by what he's seen here. I knew it. Of course he would never approve of me being into guys, he wanted me to be his straight son like he thought he had for all these years.

"Get him out of here" Dad said, not looking at me. "I can't deal with this right now, but we are going to talk later tonight. Get Alex home, and then go to your room and just stay out of my way right now. We have a lot to talk about it seems, and you're going to start telling me exactly what the hell is going on. I don't even know my own son anymore."

He got up, frustrated with everything he came home to, leaving Alex's shirt on the table in front of me. Once I felt it was safe, I grabbed Alex's shirt and went back to my room and told Alex he had to leave. I gave him back his shirt and watched him leave, then went into my room to wait for the eventual hard discussion I would have to have with dad once he was ready to deal with it.

I laid down on my bed with my pillow in my face. It shocked me that such a nice afternoon could be ruined so quickly, and the worst part was that we could have avoided it if we had been a bit more careful and just took the time to make sure we didn't do stupid things. I didn't have a clue how dad was actually going to react to all of this, but I knew that it wasn't going to be fun.

I smelled the sheets and of course, they still smelled of everything that Alex and I had done not even an hour ago. The scent of our mixed loads on the bed was intoxicating, and for a moment I even considered jacking off again to add to it and encourage the feelings in my dick. I didn't, because I figured that was the last thing I should be doing right before dad was getting ready to kick my ass all over the house for bringing in all this gay shit.

A short while later, I heard dad cooking something for dinner, so I knew that my wait was coming to and end at least, since he'd want to eat dinner with me and probably wait until we were eating before he started to deal with me.

I went downstairs and got the table ready for dinner, just a couple of plates and our cutlery, and then sat down on the couch and waited for him to call me back in to eat. Just a few minutes later, dad called me and we both sat down to eat. Today was another batch of pasta, which is normal for us... pasta is cheap, and we need to stretch money a bit these days.

Dad didn't say anything to me right away, he just started eating and going about his routine, so I started to hope that maybe he had forgotten or decided that it wasn't worth dealing with. I picked at my food anyways, knowing that I still had to eat it because it was good for me, but not really wanting to let my guard down too much or else I knew dad would take that moment to tell me how much he hated me for being queer.

I was having a bite to eat when dad looked up at me and just sorta watched me, like he was waiting for me to do something or say something that he understood better. Finally, he took control and started talking to me.

"Why didn't you think you could tell me this?"

I didn't really understand what he meant, it almost sounded like he was okay with this. I responded immediately, without really thinking about what he meant.

"I didn't think you'd understand, I thought you'd be like every other person in this stupid town, that you'd hate me and that you'd make my life miserable. Why the hell do you think I got the shit beat out of me and sent to the hospital? It wasn't just some accident falling on my head, I got my ass kicked by Parker for being a cocksucker, and now everyone knows and worse, they think that I'm the one that killed Sean in order to keep him quiet!"

"What are you talking about Devin? I thought you fell, are you telling me that Parker kid attacked you? Just what else have you been hiding from me lately?"

"Jesus dad, no need to get pissed off..." I grumbled

"Apparently there is Devin. You spend all your damn days trying to hide everything from me, so of course now I'm the last to know that my son's being beating by some shithead for being gay, and here I am spending all my time thinking that my straight son simply tripped and fell. Now you're telling me that people at your school think that you killed your other teammate, because you and him were what, fucking each other behind the team's back? Is that what all this is about, you were fucking around with Sean and now everyone thinks you killed him to keep it all quiet?"


"And you didn't think for even a moment that I'd want to know that the whole damn town thinks of you as a murder suspect? You didn't think that I'd want to hear from my own son that you're not straight, instead of hearing it from all the fucking gossip freaks in town? I'm mad as hell Devin, but not because you like guys or are dating Alex or even that you just got caught having sex by your old man. I'm mad because you didn't think you could trust me, that you thought I'd be as bad as the people out there making your life miserable."

He stood up and looked at me, and this time I could see hurt in his eyes when he started talking again.

"Devin, we're all we have ever since your mother died. I can't help you when you don't tell me what's wrong."

He sighed, not sure what else to say or do.

"Finish your dinner. When you're ready to tell me everything, you know where I'll be. Think about that when you're at school tomorrow and everywhere else you have to be.

Dad put his dishes in the sink and went back to his room, and closed the door behind him. I stayed exactly where I had sat the whole time, my dinner long since having gone cold. It was a long time before I got up to put my empty dish away.

When I did get up, I didn't stay in my room for long. I grabbed a sweater and quietly put on my shoes, then left into the night.

Next: Chapter 15

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