The Last Out

By Hunter

Published on May 30, 2023


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome.

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I woke up sometime later with a splitting headache, and I didn't know where I was. The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that I was laying down, facing up at a very harsh, bright light, and that I was in a lot of pain. Dad was there, looking over me from my left side, and a couple of people I didn't know were on my right. When I looked down at myself, I could see that I wasn't wearing any clothes, and that I had been changed into a hospital gown, so I guess that means I was in the hospital. The last thing I remember was going in to change after practice, and then some of the guys came to talk to me, including Parker. He must have really done a number on me if I didn't remember anything and woke up here.

I looked around a bit more, but there wasn't really anything all that interesting about the hospital room. I could see there were a couple other people in beds across and beside me, so I had to guess I was in one of the recovery rooms, and that there wasn't anything too bad going on with me. The adults finally noticed that I had come to, and they started talking to me all at once, so it was hard for me to try and figure out what they were saying.

"Whoa, guys, one at a time. What's going on? Where am I, and what exactly happened to me?"

The main doctor came forward and started to talk to me, explaining the situation.

"Hello Devin, my name's Doctor Warner. I'm the doctor that's been taking care of you for the last couple days."

"Couple days? I've been unconscious for a couple of days? That's crazy, what are you talking about man?" I exclaimed, alarmed at the thought that I've been unconscious all this long and don't' remember any of it.

"Devin, calm down. Let the doctor explain what happened before you get yourself too agitated that's the last thing you need right now" dad said. "Things are a little unclear about what happened, and right now the priority is to make sure that you're feeling better. Everything else can come after that, okay? So just let the doctor explain things, and you can hopefully fill in some of the missing pieces."

If only he knew, I didn't really have anything to share because I didn't really know what had happened either. I mean, I could probably guess that Parker beat me up and left me there, but then that wouldn't explain how I was found, and it wouldn't be something I could prove either. It'd just be my word against his, and the boys would probably back him up since I did remember there was a crowd of them who came to see me at the end of the practice. So I wouldn't even be believed if I said I was attacked, and I didn't even know for sure that I was attacked.

Doctor Warner started to speak again, and this time I settled down long enough to actually hear what was going on and how I was doing. That was probably the best thing for me right now, just to try and relax and get better, since it looked like I was pretty messed up.

"Well Devin, you had a bit of a nasty concussion from your fall, you got hit on the head when you tripped on something while you were at your baseball practice. You were found in the locker room, so there must have been something there you slipped on. Your nose isn't broken, but there's going to be a bit of tenderness for the next few days. You got lucky buddy, it could have been a lot worse if your teammates hadn't gone to get help for you when they did."

He doesn't know how much worse it could have been, but of course it could have been worse. It could have been more than just Parker attacking me, it could have been all of them, and now they were going to be treated like they were really awesome people for telling folks where to find me after attacking me. This was fucking messed up.

"We'll need to keep you here for another day or two for observation, just to make sure everything's okay" the doctor continued on. "We don't think there's going to be any problems, but better safe than sorry, and it's a long way back to Lind from here, and we'd rather you not have to keep coming back and forth, obviously."

"Doctor, just a quick question. Where is here? I don't really remember that much before the fall, and obviously I've missed out on a few things if I've been out for a couple days like you said. Where am I, and has there been anything else reported about what happened to me?" I was concerned about the fact that I still didn't know too much about the situation, and I was hoping that the doctor would fill me in.

Instead, dad took the question and answered for everyone.

"Son, you're in Spokane. We had to take you here because it was the closest place with the facilities needed to take care of you. I know the doctor said it was just a concussion, but you know the clinic in town wasn't going to be able to help you, and we didn't know how bad you were when the coach found you."

"Does anyone know that I'm here? I mean I guess the team knows because I wasn't at the game, but does anyone from school or town know that I'm gone?"

"You know how small town is Devin, of course everyone knows. Before you ask, the team did fine yesterday, but we need to talk since there's rumours flying all over the place and I want you to set them straight. What do you know about Sean's death?"

"I don't know anything about it Dad. I know that he was fine when I saw him earlier that day, but I didn't have any reason to think that there was a problem or anything. I haven't even heard what happened to him yet, just that he was dead. Remember, I've been at home sick for the last couple days, and then I got knocked out as soon as I got back to school? I haven't had a lot of time on my hands to figure out what actually happened to Sean, or to anyone else for that matter."

"Alright son, take it easy. No one's accusing you of anything."

"But that's exactly what's going on, isn't it dad? It seems everyone knows that I saw Sean the day he died, and that I was one of the last people to see him. Parker certainly knows that, and I can't imagine why he wouldn't tell everyone just to make me look bad and make it look like I might have been involved somehow."

"I just want to help you son, you've been acting really weird the last couple of weeks, and I just wanted to see if there was something I could do to help. I'll drop it, there's no point in me trying to help when you're like this."

With that, dad left the room and let me recover. I spent the next couple of days in the hospital, which got old really quick when it was only dad around to visit and keep me company, and even then it was only during the evening visiting hours because he had to stay close to town for work. Finally, Monday night the doctors allowed me to leave with my dad and we ended up at home, completely exhausted from the weekend spent in Spokane and the need to get ready for school and work tomorrow.

The doctors had let me go, but I was still feeling a bit out of it, so dad suggested I take another day off of school just to be sure that I was going to be alright for the rest of the week. That was fine by me, I still wasn't really in any shape to go see the rest of the school and community, and I didn't want to deal with Parker's shit either. I also figured that Alex would be coming by at some point to drop off my stuff, and perhaps a bit more.

I woke up on Tuesday at around noon with a splitting headache, which I guess was part of the aftermath of the concussion. I went to the kitchen and had a couple of aspirin to try and make things better, and went back to my room to turn on my computer. I hadn't had much privacy over the last few days, and I was feeling like I needed to do something to relax myself.

I turned on my laptop and loaded up some of the old porn that I had on my computer. All my old porn was straight stuff, beautiful girls having sex with big dicked straight guys, and I thought watching some would relax me a bit. I put one on that always used to get me going; it was of a blonde college girl having a threesome with her roommate and a football player.

I reached into my underwear and started to idly play around with my soft cock while watching what was on my laptop screen. For whatever reason, watching the two girls play with the guy wasn't getting me going the way it normally would. I was getting frustrated and pissed off about not getting off to my usual kind of porn when I started to think about the last two weeks. On a whim, I thought that maybe what I really wanted to watch was more of what I'd been doing over the last couple weeks, so I did a quick search for some guy on guy porn.

I found something that might work a bit better, it was of two younger guys sucking each other and taking turns dominating one another. As soon as I started watching the taller guy grab the smaller one's head and push him down to his knees, I got rock hard and started leaking precum in my underwear.

I pulled down my briefs and started rubbing myself in time to the top guy's thrusts into the bottom's mouth. The bottom was choking pretty hard on the big, thick dick going into his throat, and I started moaning along with them both. The guy on screen was getting close, and so was I. I started panting and jerking myself off really roughly, eager to cum when the top pulled out and started to cum over the cocksucker's face, I lost it and shot my load all over myself. I could feel the cum spurting through my cock and onto my chest and abs.

I was red-faced and breathing heavily, completely drained from such an intense orgasm. What was weird for me was that when I was watching the porn, I wasn't sure who I was fantasizing as, either as the guy taking control or as the one getting his face fucked by the other guy. I'd done a bit of both over the last couple weeks, so now that I was with Alex I should find out which part of that whole role I really did like, and I think that next time I see him that's what I should do.

I went to go have a quick shower and cleaned myself up after making such a thorough mess of myself, and then went to go make myself a late lunch. I knew that in a few hours Alex would be coming by to check in on me and bring me my stuff, so I started to plan what I would do when he got here.

Next: Chapter 13

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