The Last Out

By Hunter

Published on May 16, 2023


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome.

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Waking up in the morning, I didn't feel too different from how I felt the night before. I wasn't going to school today, but I was hungry so I went downstairs to have some breakfast with my dad before he went to work. I normally wouldn't have bothered, since he was probably watching the news or something stupid like that, and I was usually too busy showering and doing everything else I needed to do to get ready for school, so we didn't see each other too often before work and school. But today I felt like I just wanted to check in with him and see how he was doing and have him ask about me, just so I could have a little bit of normalcy in my life right now. When I got to the living room I saw dad was just having some peanut butter on toast for breakfast. That's nice and all, but I'm still growing I think, so I want a bit more than that, even if that's a pretty healthy part of a breakfast. I went to the kitchen and threw a couple pieces of bread into the toaster, and then went to pour some cereal for myself. Once everything was ready I went to go sit down with dad in the living room and see what happened.

Dad looked at me with concern all over his face. He knew by now that I hadn't been able to finish my day at school, and I'm sure that the school phoned him while I slept to explain exactly what was going on. I wasn't too sure what he'd do about it though, dad was always surprising and sometimes he overreacted to things. Sometimes he didn't react at all to things, it was too hard to tell with him.

"I heard from the school yesterday. They say you didn't go to gym class because you weren't feeling well, and that you weren't handling the news about Sean very well. Anything you want to tell me son? You know I'm always here for you."

There he goes, this time he's decided to try and be Superdad and try to fix the world for me. There's nothing he can do, and I am not ready to tell him what's really going on. I want to take all of that to my grave if I can get away with that.

"I'm just feeling stressed out dad, I didn't expect to go to school and find out Sean's dead, and we've been teammates forever. It's hard for me right now, and I'm just not feeling well. I'm sure it's nothing, but I don't want to make it worse by going in to school today."

"Okay. Go get some rest, I'm sure something can be arranged to have your homework brought to you, maybe Alex can do it or something."

That could be interesting. I was sort of curious to see what he'd say about last night, or if that was just something he wanted to do once and then never speak of again. I wasn't sure what I felt about it yet, but I didn't want to just have it be forgotten; he was my friend and I wanted to at least try and talk it out with him to see where we all stand and everything. I don't want things to be awkward between him and I, and of course that's exactly how it could be if I didn't get a chance to talk to him about the fact that we had sex in my house last night.

Our friendship has definitely changed, since I used to always just see him as this little brother kind of thing that hung out with me, even though we have almost nothing in common. I mean, he's smart and all, and he seems to like helping me figure out how to fix my shit about people when I don't get why people do the things they do, but there wasn't really much that drew me to him before other than the fact that he was willing to do that for me. Now there's this whole thing that we did last night and it's super complicated now, and I can't even ask him for advice because it's about him this time!

I finished eating my breakfast and changed back into the boxer shorts I wore to bed last night. I decided that if I was going to take a sick day from school, I should take advantage of it and sleep in for a few extra hours. Besides, I really did feel a bit sick, and if I went to bed then at least I wouldn't have to keep thinking about Sean and Alex and Annabelle and Parker and going back to school, and what will happen once I go back and everyone's had all this time to hear the gossip that absolutely has to be flying around the school by now. I threw myself under the covers and went back to sleep.

It was after school when I woke up again, and I was starving from missing lunch and not having as big a breakfast as I would have liked to have. I knew no one was home so I didn't bother changing into anything, I just walked back to the kitchen in my boxers and made myself some leftovers from last night. Today that meant some spaghetti because it's cheap and easy, and at least it'll be filling enough to keep me going until tonight's dinner, whatever that would end up being.

The doorbell rang, and I briefly considered going to get dressed before opening the door, but I figured that anyone stupid enough to bother me would simply have to deal with my state of near nudity. When I got to the door and opened it, I wasn't really surprised that it was Alex, or that he was having trouble keeping his balance while carrying both his and my school stuff for the day. I let Alex in and had him sit down in the living room again so that he could separate his stuff from mine and give me a chance to see what I'd missed.

"So, what's going on at school? Has everyone become convinced that I'm a fucking psychopath who killed Sean for no good reason yet, or do I still have a chance at being able to go to school without having to fear for my life every time I'm away from Barrett?"

Alex took a few seconds to think about what he was going to say, which couldn't be a good sign for me if he wasn't able to just tell me what was going on.

"Most people at the school are being told by Parker that you had to have done it, but because no one's actually got any proof, they're sort of just hearing it and not really doing anything about it. Parker's little group of morons are convinced you did it though, so they're going to make your life miserable for sure, and of course Annabelle has been screaming to everyone who'll notice her that she's going to make you pay for killing Sean. But beyond that people don't seem to take seriously the idea that you killed someone, that's not really something people even think you're capable of."

"Well, that's something" I replied. "At least most people are going to give me a chance to be normal and I won't have to get shipped out in witness protection or some damn thing like that. Did the teachers say much about the homework I've got?"

"Nothing too much, just a few handouts and readings. Same as there always is here, not that I have to tell you that." Alex giggled at that, like he'd said something really funny.

So far so good, he's still acting normal for him, and he's not getting clingy or anything. That must mean he's okay with what happened and we're not going to have to worry too much about making sure we don't get screwed up around each other, but I should probably make sure, just in case.

"Alex, about yesterday... What exactly happened last night? Why did you do that, or I guess why did we do that is the right question."

"I wanted to Devin. Don't you get it? I like you, I thought that if I showed you then you'd maybe feel the same way about me."

"You... you like me? Like, you like me and want to date or something? You know I can't do that. I haven't told anyone. I don't even believe it myself yet. Look, Alex. You're nice to me. I know that much. I can't do a boyfriend right now. Why can't you understand that and just let things be?"

Alex looked upset, but I've learned by now that he simply doesn't let things go until he gets whatever point he's trying to make get through to me, so I simply sat down and waited for him to say whatever he was going to say.

"You really don't get it do you? This isn't just some new thing for me to want you. You may have only just realized you're gay, but I didn't. I didn't just wake up yesterday and decide that I wanted to fuck you. If you hadn't been so busy over the last few years desperately trying to get a girl to like you when you don't even like girls yourself, you might have noticed me... You might have done what we did last night before now and made both our lives so much better. I've waited a long time, I can wait longer if you're not ready to be out, but I want you, and I think you want me too."

I was shocked. I had no idea that he had been feeling that way about me for this long, and I felt really bad that I had been secretly leading him on and hurting him by even talking to him about my love life. I wasn't sure what to say, but I think that talking at this point wouldn't have done any good. So I decided to act instead.

I walked over to Alex and kissed him hard on the lips. Alex gasped and I took the chance to slip my tongue into his mouth and explore how he felt and tasted inside his mouth. Just like last time, I grabbed Alex by the loops of his jeans and pulled them down. But instead of pushing him down to give me a blowjob, I pushed him back into my couch so he was sitting back in them, and this time I leaned down over him and slowly started to suck his dick.

Alex tasted different. Like me, he was circumsized, but he tasted really different from how Sean did. Alex was less salty tasting, but maybe that was just because he hadn't been sweating all day like Sean always did because of sports. I could feel him getting hard in my mouth, and I was right that he was not as big as I was. I pulled off of him for a second as my curiosity got the best of me.

"How big are you?" I asked, not really knowing if that's even something you're supposed to ask another guy when you're sucking him off.

"Ummm, about five and a half inches I guess, I don't really do the whole measuring thing." He blushed when he said that, so I guess he was embarrassed about not knowing or for being small, not too sure.

I shrugged and went back to sucking on his dick. I was running my tongue over the head of his cock when I heard him moan out my name. That was so hot, so I slid his cock as far down my throat as I could go. Thankfully, I had some experience thanks to Sean throat fucking me, so I could take all of Alex. Alex shuddered and his knees went weak. Then all I could do is swallow as he shot his load down my throat.

I got up to sit down next to him on the couch, not sure what to do or say, so I just blurted out the first thing I could think of.

"Does that tell you how I feel Alex?"

Next: Chapter 11

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