Last of the Red Hot Virgins

By Ronald Jr Fortaleza (Ronnie, Keith)

Published on May 13, 2003


Ladies and gentlemen, I have returned with the latest addition of the red hot virgins story. First, the rules. If you are underage, live where it is unlawful to read this type of story, or are just plain offended by the notion of two young women in love with each other, then please do us a favor and leave while you still can. Also, this will be a story where the two main characters will have sex with their mothers. Naturally, incest is morally, legally, and aesthetically wrong in the real world, so please do not, I mean, do not try any of the things you are about to read here at home. Any further questions, if not, then let's resume our story shall we?


by Keith

Ianne's grandparents were out of town for two weeks on vacation in Orlando, when she and her mother, Carley Anspaugh invited Seanne and her mother, Meredith, over to the house they were using while they were away. This they did, taking the Anspaughs up on their offer and by Friday afternoon after school, the Bowens were on their way over. They Anspaughs were waiting for them when they got there, as they unpacked their car and took their overnight bags into the rented house on 7170 Charing Cross Way in Las Carmenitas. As the Anspaughs helped the Bowens with their luggage, Seanne and Ianne looked to each other with a wicked gleam in their eyes. This would be the day for Seanne to try out that Gynerect erotic enhancement formula on her own person for herself as Ianne had asked her to.

With the bringing in of the overnight bags into the house, the women turned to the girls for a brief moment.

"Girls, we'd like to talk to each other privately for a little while so why don't you two go play outside in the back yard or go to one of the guestrooms while we talk to each other about things, okay?"

"Sure, Miss Anspaugh", said Seanne as she led Ianne out of here and down the hall into one of the rooms while their mothers talked to one another.

It took them not long for the women to warm up to each other as they conversed with one another about a variety of things, from their tribulations at their jobs to the latest goings on in and around town. The conversation finally arrived to the portion relating to their daughters, and boy did they have a lot to tell each other.

"Meredith, I seemed to have noticed a bulge in my daughter's panties for the last few weeks or so, isn't that odd?"

"Of course it is. Are you upset about it, Carley?"

"No, I mean, I'd be a little stunned, but I'm far from being totally upset about my daughter growing a penis from within her pants", responded Carley with leering little grin across her face.

The women reclined upon the couch as they looked into each other's eyes for a long moment, taking in each other's beauty and contemplating what to tell each other next. It finally dawned on Meredith to tell, or rather, confess her true feelings to her friend.

"Carley, I need to tell you something, but I'm terrified that you will not like what I have to say to you." There was a palpable nervouseness in her speech as she looked at Carley for a long moment in agonizing silence.

After a long moment, Meredith had to blurt out her confession.

"Carley, I'd like to have sex with your daughter, Ianne", Meredith flinched back on the couch away from Carley fearing what would follow after having confessed her desire for Ianne to her friend. Of course Carley was surprised, but surprisingly, it was not a surprise of terrible shock and horror, but a surprise of relief and anticipation as she drew a wider smile across her face.

"I have something to tell you, too, Meredith. I am sooo infatuated with your daughter Seanne that even I would love it very much if you would permit me to seduce her if it's all right with you."

For almost a nanosecond, they said not a word to each other until Carley drew out her hand and touched the top of Meredith's own hand drew it to her mouth. She kissed it gently and gentlewomanly like, much to Meredith's relief. She was not aware that they both wanted to seduce each other's daughters, much to their awe and startledment. After kissing Meredith hand, she took the fingers of her hand and, one by one, she deep throated and suck each finger of her friend's right hand erotically and sensually, as if she was a prostitute about to fellate a jane of hers, which was what would follow next.

"Why don't we eavesdrop in on our dauhgters, shall we?" Meredith suggested to Carley in which they did as they took off their shoes and tiptoed down the hall to one of the rooms just to see if they were in one of them.

Meanwhile, in one of the guest rooms, Seanne and Ianne were both stark naked save for the tatoos and body piercings they exhibited to each other.Both teenaged girls admired each other's bodies, taking turns caressing the soft skin that felt wonderful and sensual to them and each other. They smiled lovingly at each other as they began holding each other closely together in each other's arms, and began to kiss each other eagerly and passionately as if they were doing it again for the first time in their young lives, which they were. They moaned into each other's mouths as they kissed and kissed, embracing each other tightly, yet warmly and lovingly while standing up still stark naked for no one else but themselves to see. They stopped for a moment and looked deeply into each other's eyes, rubbing noses like Eskimos would do on a cold winter's day in the Arctic.

"Want me to try out that gel you put on yourself, my beloved?", Seanne asked Ianne anticipatingly.

With no further word said between them, Ianne took Seanne by the hand and laid her down on the big soft brass bed, spreading her legs so that she could have access to her lover girl's vagina.

Ianne lovingly and sensually applied the magical gel to her fingers and began spreading it all over Seanne's genitalia with Seanne looking on and down at her with a smile on her face. She reclined herself on the bed, resting her arms over her head, feeling the sexual energy that was about to be recharged once more.

Ooh Ianne, you do that so wonderfully. What's really gonna happen next?"

"Just you wait and see. Watch and you'll find out", Ianne said to her girlfriend with a wicked grin on her face as the last of the mystical gel was well lathered all over Seanne's personal area. With that done, all Ianne could do was sit back, kneeling on the bed, and see what would happen.

As if by magic once again, Seanne's clitoris extended itself into a fully functional 12.5" long penis! Her pubes swelled up turning red with flush as they became fully functional testicles capable of producing sperm filled semen! Seanne was amazed by what her girlfriend had done to her as she gasped excitedly at the sight she was seeing before her very eyes.

Oooh Ianne, it's's so.......exciting! I don't know what to say!"

"Then allow me to do the talking for you", said Ianne as she lowered her head to Seanne's crotch area and began sucking on Seanne's newly acquired magical member. Seanne could barely take it as she lay back on the bed and relished and luxuriated in her girlfriend's expert tongue. She felt the pleasure she wanted to rekindle with Ianne so bad for so long as she was about to explode in her lover's mouth intensely, but.........the fellation ceased! Seanne looked up at Ianne to see what was the matter, but couldn't say a word as she felt herself pulled up and off the bed, standing to face Ianne. They embraced each other closely and tightly,more than ever before and something even more magical was about to happen.

As they hugged each other tightly, their magical and mystical phalluses twisted and corkscrewed around each other like serpents doing the mating dance, intertwining into each other! They felt the explosions about to erupt from their members and lo and behold, they did!

Their penises erupted into a twin fountain of strawberry and mint flavored semen, as they gushed upward into the air and all over each another's bodies! They shivered and groaned as they held onto each other, feeling their magical semen gush all over their bodies. By the time the ejaculation ceased and desisted, they were covered in each other's love cream, amazed by what had transpired here this very late Friday afternoon. Their penises were still erect when their mothers came into the room unannounced, and feigning shock they pretended to confront their daughters.

"Why Ianne is that a penis I see standing erect from between your legs?", Carley asked of her daughter, much to her own amazement and her daughter's shock and horror.

"Look, Mom, Miss Anspaugh, we can explain......"

"You'll explain all right.....after you both each have sex with us this very minute and instant!"

Now Seanne and Ianne were shocked by what they were hearing their mothers tell them. Both were stunned silent as their mothers playfully crossed their arms upon each other's bosoms, awaiting an answer.

The silence was even more palpable as the girls stood before their clothed but barefoot mothers stark naked and coated with each other's semen as their penises stood fully erect and in full attention, staring at their mothers who were waiting to be seduced by them.

"Here's the deal. You two will either have sex with us....or be grounded.......".

"For a full year...." Carley finished Meredith's ultimatum as Seanne and Ianne shuddered and weakened in their knees. Tears were welling up in their eyes as they tried to explain what had happened between them, but before they could explain themselves to their mothers, they were silenced.

"Well, young ladies....are you going to live up to your responsibilities and make our deepest and darkest desires come true for all of us, or are you just gonna stand there all agape and slack jawed as we ground you two for the full year beginning within this minute? Which will it be?"

The silence continued for a long moment until finally...............

Seanne approached Carley while Ianne approached Meredith presenting their arms out to the women. Taking this as a yes, the women took them both by the hands and took them out to the living room for an illicit time was to be had by all this very night.

The curtains were closed and the windows were locked as the women dragged their daughters out into the front room. No one else would see them as their mothers dropped to their knees and began fellating them intensely and wildly! Their suction increased as the girls were about to ejaculate down their mothers' throats and that they did! Their magical semen gushed down the women's throats as they took in every last drop of their daughters' enchanted kum. They moaned and groaned as they felt the intensity of their orgasms as they collapsed to the floor nearly exhausted with their mothers looking down upon them.

Don't tell us you both are pooped out, because we've only just begun", Carley said to the girls as she and Meredith slowly and seductively took off their clothes to reveal their own naked bodies to their children, posing before them sexily and sluttily.

"You like what you see, young ladies?"

"Oh Mom, why you have such an amazing body with all your curves and supple love handles", was what Seanne said to her mother Meredith as she walked over to Ianne and knelt herself over her crotch. She impaled herself over her lover girl's penis, making sure it went into her own vagina as she sat astride her. Carley did the same thing as she seated herself astride Seanne, making sure that her daughter's girlfriend's magical penis was placed well inside her own vagina!

Carley was astride Seanne and Meredith was astride Ianne as both women and their daughters were completely nude and in the all together. They began to grind themselves deeply and over their daughters' enchanted members as they held each other by the hand. Meredith's left hand held Carley's right hand, clasping tightly and symbolically in a unionized styled hand shake. They looked into each other's eyes, finally living out their fantasies as they came true before their very eyes this very night. They copulated with their daughters, moaning and groaning, holding each other by her right and left hand. Seeing this, Seanne and Ianne held out each her own hand, with Ianne clasping her left hand into Seanne's right in a lovers' union as they both took off into the stratosphere, smiling at each other with their only their own personal separate thoughts to communicate to each other with.

Ianne thought to Seanne,"I can't believe this is happening. I'm fucking Seanne's mom while she's fucking my own. This is sooo great! And amazing, too."

Seanne thought to Ianne, "I can't even believe this is so fuckin' cool. I'm fucking Ianne's mom while she's fucking my own mom. This is so totally awesome........."

The girls moaned and sighed as their own mothers rode them like bucking broncos: Seanne's mother riding Ianne while Ianne's mother rode Seanne. They hummed and purred to each other erotically and sensually, smiling at each other as they let themselves go off deep into the cosmos. Their intercourse with their mothers was taking them higher and higher into the cosmos of their own subconsciousness. They arrived in their dreamland as if they were expected....and they were! The love session continued on into the night for the next two hours. After being atop them for a while, they switched to doggy style positions as they girls ground into each other's different mothers as the women mewed and moaned, taking in the sensation of animal mating at its purest, most primal form. Their inhibitions melted away as the girls fucked their mothers: Ianne taking Meredith from behind with Seanne taking Carley from behind as well. Their sweet joy was unequaled! Their ecstacy was well beyond match up as they continued their intercourse with their mothers!

Finally, they were in the yab yum positions when Seanne and Ianne could feel their orgasms beginning to enter the boiling point. A few more thrusts!

Any minute now........5.....4.....3.....2......1....EXPLOSION!!!!!

All four of them, mothers and daughters, climaxed into each other's arms, shivering and quaking violently, convulsing madly and even more violently as the girls shot their magical kum deeply inside their mothers! They all screamed loudly and triumphantly, having fulfilled their own forbidden fantasies with their daughters as they all fell to one side of each, still in each other's arms, weak and sweaty, but smiling relievedly as they hugged and kissed each other some more for a few more minutes.

After about half an hour, Meredith said to the girls, "You both are still on the hook, but.....maybe we can work something out, whaddya say over dinner, shall we?"

With that said, the four females went to the bathroom to shower each other off and clean, taking care to lather each other up with soap and shampoo before finally getting their clothes back on and going out to dinner.

McK's Burger Joint was bustling with activity and excitement as most of the kids from Las Carmenitas High were present. The menu had plenty to choose from. From corn dogs to specialty sandwiches, this joint had plenty to offer. Seanne, Ianne, and their mothers sat at a table facing each other as they ate and talked about the future of their secret little night together.

"Girls, we talked it over before this night and we've decided that you should each marry us when you have graduated from high school, does that sound fair?"

After a momentary silence, "We'll have to think about it," Seanne to both women as they were too exhausted to talk anymore.

"Well, you think long and hard about it and please do let us know what you have decided, because you both are still on the hook until we say differently," was what Carley had to say to both of them when Sandrine and Navine came up to them for a minute.

"Oh Ianne you dining with your mommy, how quiant," was what Sandrine had to say to Ianne, but not before Navine threw a few words of her own for the last laugh.

"That afternoon afterschool was wonderful. Let us know when you can spend some more time with us again and please bring Seanne and Cody with you. 'Til Monday, tah-tah."

The snobbiest girls in school trilled their fingers to Ianne before departing for their table, much to her shock and terror as she face her mother again who this time had an accusatorial stare in her eyes.

"So that's where you were that Wednesday afternoon, huh young lady. You see that's why you are in so much trouble with not only me, but with Meredith as well."

Ianne tried to explain to her mother what had happened, but Carley silenced her softly so as not to startle the other patrons.

After dinner, the four females drove to a secluded trysting place just outside of town for some more fun. Meredith and Carley each gave their own daughters exquisite blow jobs, before trading places to give each other's daughters a blow job to call her own.

The girls reveled and luxuriated some more in their mothers' own fellating skills. It was after midnight when they finally returned to Ianne's grandparents' place and went to bed......with each other!

By early Saturday morning, all four of them were at the breakfast table in full discussion about the previous night's events.

It was Meredith who made the ultimatum.

"From now on, each of you will have sex with us. Ianne will have sex with me, while Seanne will have sex with your mom, Ianne. Understood?"

For a moment, there was silence. Then..............

"Of course we'll have sex with you two, but will we still have to marry you two?"

"Yes" was what both women said to them as they each continued having breakfast.

And so it came to pass. Seanne and Ianne would each take turns screwing their mothers at their every wish and whim whenever they wanted it. The girls adjusted to this new relationship with their mothers, but eventually, Seanne would propose marriage herself to Ianne and Ianne would be allowed to see Jordanne Flynn one final time before being told to stay away from her now and forever more, but however,.......that is another story!


Please let me know what you think of this newest chapter. You know where to reach me. At i'll be looking forward to hearing from you then. keith over and out. bye for now

Next: Chapter 9

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