Last of the Red Hot Virgins

By Ronald Jr Fortaleza (Ronnie, Keith)

Published on Apr 13, 2003


Ladies and gentlemen, I have returned with the latest edition of the red hot vrgins story. Let's go over the rules, shall we? If you are under age, live where it is unlawful to read this kind of story, or are just plain offended by the notion of two young women in love with each other, please do us a favor and leave for your own sakes and good.

Also, I would like to stress a special red alert. There is going to be a sexual scene between a minor and an adult, and there may be some incest, as well, between mother and daughter. In the real world, such types of behavior are legally, morally,and aesthetically wrong. Therefore, it should never ever be condoned, espoused nor encouraged at all for your own sakes and good. Please do not try any of these things at home!!!! Any further questions? Good, then let's begin shall we?


by Keith

The following week at school had been both exhilirating and pensive. Ianne knew she would have to part from Andra, and that she would have to make amends with her former girlfriend, Seanne.

So at school, when the kids were at nutritional break, Andra took Ianne aside and told her truth.

"Ianne, I know you must hate me for this, but you have to let me go. If you love me this much, you'll do it."

Ianne was not surprised by what the new love of her life had said to her. She knew that Andra would be very upset with her or even worse, she looked Andra deep into her eyes mournfully and plaintively, and trying not to show it to her, she said these kind words.

"Andra, I understand what you mean,need, and want, but I want to tell is that you were the best lay I or any other girl could ever have. In fact, I may have gotten you pregnant,and if I did so to you, then let me apologize."

Andra came up with a bombshell of her own.

"Ianne, I am pregnant....with your baby...."

Now it was Ianne's turn to be shocked, appalled, and sorrowful.

"You are...I mean....really knocked up by me....a girl?"

"Of course", said Andra with a smile across her sweetly plump face,"but I haven't felt any morning sickness or any abnormalities. In fact, it feels kind funny and strange, but in warmly loving and positively good way."

Ianne was just about overjoyed to hear the news from the girl of her dreams, but Ianne was not prepared for another bombshell.

"I talked to your girlfriend, Seanne, and I persuaded her to reconcile with you. She felt deeply remorseful for having ever dumped you, and confessed to me that you were and still are the love of her life."

Ianne stood up straight and cleared her throat, adjusting her baggy t-shirt whe always wore with her cargo shorts and hikers.

"If you want me to get back together with Seanne, then please do me the final honor by allowing me to walk you home from school later on this afternoon."

After a brief silence, Andra gave her final reply, "of course, but will you let Seanne accompany us?"

"Of course, Andra?"

All was said and done as the bell for 3rd period rang out loudly for all of the students to hear. It was time to resume classes for the time being.

Later that day, when the lunch bell had sounded, Ianne strode out from the locker room after gym class to seek Seanne out. However, she was very hungry and had to sit down to eat, but just when she was halfway into her lunch, a familiar face graced her presence.

"Is this seat taken,Ianne?" It was Seanne, the pretty blonde girl who had come to Ianne to seek her forgiveness. Ianne relented and Seanne sat down across from her and they talked for most of the lunch period.

The bell for 5th period rung out even louder than normal, but not before Seanne said to Ianne the words she wanted to hear.

"Ianne, I am so sorry for ever dumping you. Will you please take me back?" Seanne's eyes were doleful and pleadingly to Ianne.

"Of course, I'll take you back, my love." They hugged each other tightly and quickly parted ways for their classes before the tardy bell had rung.

It was after school had let out for the day and Seanne and Ianne were walking Andra home. It did not take them much longer until they reached Andra's house that Annan, her mother, was waiting outside for them. Surprisingly, she did not even look angry or enraged. She just smiled warmly and tearfully thankful that she had allowed her to become independent, but there was still the matter of the pregnancy to be settled. As the girls reached the front porch, Annan had said to them, "Would you two please follow my daughter and me inside, I'd like to talk to you Ianne with your girlfriend present."

The girls followed Annan and Andra into the house.

Once inside, Annan confronted Ianne, but it turned out to be calmer than she usually had planned for a foolish would be suitor who had just gotten her daughter pregnant.

"Ianne, Andra told me everything. When she told the story of the magic penis, I felt I needed to see for my self what the fuss was about. Can I please it? Your magic penis?"

Ianne was shocked and aghast as was Seanne who was standing beside her on her right side. Not knowing what to say, she made the gesture to remove her cargo shorts,but Annan stopped her.

"It would be better if I discovered it for my self", she said as she knelt down on her knees and began to undo the young sandy blonde girl's cargo shorts. She never took her eyes off the young girl's crotch area as she quietly and innocently unbuttoned the button and pulled down the zipper to reveal the final barrier: Ianne's string bikini briefs....but with a huge bulge protruding upfront for all present to see. Seanne didn't know what to think, say, or do as she watched Mrs. Cranswell pull down the soft white cotton briefs with both hands on both of Ianne's hips. Down went the drawers, and a surprise was to be had by Annan and Seanne, who was stunned silent by what she saw before her eyes.

It was a healthy, 9" long penis with both pubes on either sides plump and swollen red. The phallus blocked the vaginal opening, but it took it not long for it to raise itself to become fully erect!

Annan was wide-eyed and open mouthed as she gasped gleefully, inhaling the fragrance and the moment.

"Oh why Ianne, you do have a magic penis! Is it real? Can I touch it?"

No sooner had Seanne began to say something that the older woman gently, yet gingerly placed a freshly washed left hand on Ianne's mystical member. Ianne could barely contain herself as she felt chills running down her spine, compelling her to shiver and breathe rapidly as Annan stroked and caressed the 9" long phallus for a long moment, alternating strokes with both left and right hands.

"Oh Ianne, it's so beautiful, so wonderful, I know not what to say", said Annan as she looked at Ianne from her knees.

"Oh my God"....was Seanne had to say as she resumed her stunned silence as she stared at Ianne, uncertain of what to think to say to her. Ianne helplessly looked to Seanne's way, and could barely manage a weak and meek little giggle, smiling nervously as Annan took her magical member into her right hand and looked straight at her. The older woman was looking at Ianne, looking into her very soul with a wide eyed sense of wonder. It was certainly an enchanted penis that would wear off any day now.

Ianne stared down at Annan and heard the words she never thought she hear a grown-up woman say to a young girl.

"Would you mind it very much if I put it into my mouth and taste it?"

Now Ianne was about to protest. She was scared at the situation she had gotten herself and Seanne into. She wanted to put her foot down, but not before Annan wrapped her luscious red lips around the head and let her tongue make all sorts of soft, sensual, moist and wet circles around the tip. Annan then placed both hands on the young girl's naked buttocks and then bobbed her head down on it like she was a little girl tasting a popsicle for the first time ever in her life. Ianne could only gasp at what was happening to her at this moment. She shivered constantly, motioning for Seanne to get behind her and hold her wobbly stature as she began to whisper into her ear.

"Just let yourself go, Ianne. Let it out, let it all out. That's it, you sly little fox, you."

Annan continued to fellate the young lady as Andra watched in awe that her own mother was about to have sex with her now ex-girlfriend. She bobbed her mid-length tressed head in and out on that enchanted shaft, slobbering her tongue all over her cock held tight in an impenetrable grip, humming erotically and hungrily as she continued to fellate Ianne with gusto. The head bobbing increased in tempo as Ianne quivered and shook, but Seanne was holding her steadily on her feet from behind as she tilted her head upward with eyes closed and her breathing becoming labored. Annan was massaging the young girl's naked buttocks with both hands as she increased the speed of her fellatio ever onward and forward to the point of no return. The woman moaned greedily as she tasted, licked, suckled and even nibbled on Ianne's enchanted cock. Ianne was nearing orgasm now.

"Oh God.....oh...oh...oh..oh.....ohhhhhh I'm gonna....gonna...", she gasped as she tried to resume her refrain,"I'm gonna, Oh God forgive me I'm gonna.....Oh...oh...oh.....ohhhhhhhh.....aaaahhhh...", she gasped some more, more intensely, then"I'm gonna..........oh God!....I'm gonna".

Ianne's mouth was widely agape as Seanne embraced her from behind, holding her closely to her own beating heart within her bosom. She took in the heat from her newly reconciled girlfriend as she sniffed and smelled her scent lovingly.

"You smell so sweet, Ianne. I love it when you're in absolute ecstacy, my young lady woman, I love it a lot," Seanne complimented Ianne as the littler one was nearing the peak of climax.She trembled and shook more violently, gasping opened mouthed with eyes still closed. The eruption into Annan's eager and appreciative mouth was almost here. Ianne clenched and gnashed her teeth, stifling a groan that melted into a growl. She shook even more violently as the point of no return drew near.


The sandy blonde lionette let out a loud,low blood-curdling growl that forced her to open her mouth that produced a steady moan as she ejaculated her magically grape flavored semen into Mrs. Cranswell's mouth and down her throat. Her lip lock was tighter than ever before, her eyes closed as she allowed torrents upon torrents of cascading grape flavored sperm gush and flood her mouth, even spilling out in streaks down onto the carpeted floor from her mouth. Annan was not about to let that tasty ejaculate go to waste as she bobbed up and down, trying to swallow every last drop of that enchanted seminal fluid that was nourishing and refreshing to those who swallowed it.

She moaned some more as she slid her head and lips back towards the head of that mystical willy, taking in every last drop of that love cream that so intruiged her, that so entranced her. She swirled her tongue all over the head of the penis, making sexy little suckling noises as she drew the last drop of Ianne's magical semen into her mouth and down her throat one final time with the tightest lip lock ever possible for a woman to do when she chanced upon performing fellatio on anyone that came her way, regardless of gender or sex.

After a moment to recover, Seanne whispered into Ianne's ear, "when were you planning on telling me about your newly sprouted dick, Ianne?"

Ianne caught her breath as she replied, "soon enough, Seanne,mmmmmm."

Annan was like a little girl licking her face and fingers, smacking her lips, as she savored that grape flaovred semen, all while looking up at Ianne to whom she seduced orally.

With one final lick of her fingers, Annan stopped for a moment, but her eyes were still on Ianne.

"Oh Ianne, you tasted so good and creamy, your magic weewee practically melted in my mouth, but on my hands as well. She presented the purple colored sperm that was left on her fingers. Andra, who had watched her mother fellate Ianne closely, walked over and practically......licked the remnants of that enchanted semen into her mouth.

"Mmmmm Ianne, I didn't know you tasted so sweet and creamy", Andra purred and cooed as Annan took her by the hands and drew her down onto the carpet. The older woman was looming over her, staring deeply into Ianne's soft brown eyes.

"Would you like to fuck me now, Ianne, with your girlfriend and my daughter watching us?" A sly wink had danced around her crown as Ianne allowed Mrs. Cranswell to spread her legs as she mounted her, taking all 9" into her own eager and awaiting vagina. With the grinding motion of her own buttocks and vulva in tow, Annan bucked deeply onto her paramour, allowing the 9'' of purely magical sexual tool to penetrate deeply into her twat, edging and inching closer and closer to her own womb.

"Ianne, I want to fuck you and want you to fuck me as well with your love rod, little missy", Annan growled as she bucked and ground sharply, sending Ianne into a state of ecstatic bliss. The young woman could feel Andra's mother's pubococcygeal muscles contract and squeeze her sex stick with enough tightness to send Ianne into a state of quiet enjoyment.

In fact, they did it every way there was as humanly possible: the sacred yab-yum position, the doggy-style stance on knees and hands.

"Come and mate with me, Ianne. I want to make babies with you just like you did to my darling daughter. I so want to have your child as well."

They continue to copulate until they both climaxed, but not as intensely as before when Annan fellated her. They held each other in each other's arms, embracing, cooing , purring, taking in each other's scent, nuzzling like wild beasts in heat.

An hour had passed until it was finally time for Seanne and Ianne to go home.

"It's getting late, my dear lionette. Our mothers'll be wondering where we were and why we were so late getting home from school today.

With that, the girls waved their farewells to the Cranswells as the newly reconciled couple headed for home.

Along the way, Seanne turned to face Ianne.

"Would you mind it terribly if I tried some of that magical shit you put on yourself that made you grow a dick?"

Ianne smiled lovingly and chuckled coyishly like a little girl.

"Sure, beautiful one, and when?"

"Me and my mom are coming over to your house for dinner this Friday night. Should we tell our mommies then and show them what this ooze can do?"

"Absolutely, Seanne", Ianne said as she laid a kiss upon her lovergirl's lips.

It was all settled and there would be more sexual hijinx to come


Please email if you have any gripes, complaints, scoldings, and/or compliments and suggestions on whether or not I should continue or just finish the story once and for all at

Keith over and out and bye for now.

Next: Chapter 7

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