Last of the Red Hot Virgins

By Ronald Jr Fortaleza (Ronnie, Keith)

Published on Jun 9, 2003



Ladies and gentlemen, I have returned with the final chapter of the red hot virgins story. Now the rules: if you are underage, live where it is unlawful to read this type of story, or are just plain offended by the notion of two young women in love with each other, please do us a favor and leave for your own sakes and good. Also, this is also a tale with some incest and is therefore 100% unadulterated fiction and should be treated as such. Please do not try any of the things you are about to read here at home! Any further questions? If not, then let's conclude this, shall we?


by Keith

Senior year at Las Carmenitas High went off without so much than a hitch. The graduating class was looking forward to commencement and the subsequent grad night dance that was to follow, but also, there was the matter of a certain nuptials that needed to be addressed. Most of the senior class heard the news and some were excited about the prospect of post graduation wedding between Seanne and Ianne, but the biggest surprise came as it was also made known that the girls would be marrying each of their own separate mothers,much to the surprise of most of everyone else, Cody and her parents, Walon and Connerre. Also, the news of that mysterious female sexual enhancement formula made the rounds around campus and the local burger joint that became the hangout on Friday nights. Could it be too good to be true? Only one way to find out for there were some issues that had to be settled first before wedding was to begin.

It was between Seanne and Ianne that they talked between each other about the future. This is what they said to each other.

"Ianne, are you nervous about marrying me and my mother after commencement?"

"Truthfully, yes, Seanne, I am nervous and anxious about it, but I'm feeling guilty about it, too."

"Why say that, my sexy little princess?"

"Well, it's just that.....I am almost marrying my own mother which you and I both know is a bit icky, to say the least."

"Ianne, my sexy little princess, you are not marrying your own mother. You are marrying my mother as well as me, and I am marrying you and your mother, out of love, neither for spite nor alterior intentions."

"I should know that, my sexy queen woman, it's just's that.......oh what's the use! We're doing something stupid and potentially dangerous and I'm afraid that you won't be there with me."

At that moment, Seanne took Ianne into her arms and hugged her fiancee tightly and even tighter than ever before, resolving never ever to let her go, regardless of how scary things would get.

"Ianne, let's not think about it now. Let's concentrate on graduating from school so that we can both take Andra to the grad night dance and when we get to that eventuality, we'll get there with me by your side, my lovely, whaddya say?"

Ianne looked up into her lover girl's soft brown eyes and stared deeply into them with an innocence that managed to melt Seanne's heart.

"All right then, Seanne, my sexy queen, we'll be together to the end." They embraced and kissed each other as passionately, becoming even more patient until their wedding day when they would belong to each other and their mothers.

Commencement was swifty approaching. The finals and proficiency tests were being taken even as we speak, but with only a few minor bumps along the way. For one, Cody Bryant, Ianne's friend almost got kicked out of school on account of being part of a cruel joke that Mickey Conners played on a certain Billy Barnes, the class nobody. However, Seanne, Ianne, and Sandrine managed to knock some sense back into her, making her promise to apologize to Billy for having been in on the prank and not doing anything about it to stop it.

Anyhow, Commencement Day had arrived in June and everyone was happy. Ianne would graduate with honors with her own little stole that signified her being on the Honor Role, along with Cody and Andra who was only too glad to be graduating with them. Later that night, both Seanne and Ianne were snappily dressed in the snappy best in black as they escorted Andra to the grad night dance that was held at the Empire Hancock hotel in downtown San Angeles. Out on the hoofing range with everyone else, Seanne and Ianne held each other in each other's arms whispering sweet expletives as they slow danced the set away.

"I love you, Davide Ianne D'Lynne Anspaugh."

"I love you too, Seanne Ianne Bowen."

The sandy and honey blonde haired women danced the night away, well on their way into their future together.

The Nuptials had finally arrived on a Friday afternoon in late June, a full week after graduation. Meredith and Carley were both in their separate dressing rooms at El Cabo Cayo resort near Playa Del Sol that was down the coast from Las Carmenitas. Each woman was readying herself with her customary white wedding dress all simple and inexpensive. They took turns ooing and aweing each other as they sized each other up.

"Carley, you look so beautiful in that simple white peasant styled wedding dress, my daughter and your mate to be will be so thrilled when we both walk down the aisle."

And Meredith was correct! Carley looked absolutely beautiful in that 60's styled throwback of an ankle high white peasant dress, while Meredith looked sexier in a micro mini white satin wedding slip with nothing else beneath it.

"I thought I give Ianne something to gaze at while we take our vows at the altar", said Meredith with a slight wickedness to her heart.

Meanwhile, out in the makeshift chapel that was really a convention banquet hall, Seanne and Ianne were busily greeting those who made the trip to Cabo Cayo to witness the wedding. The Cranswells, The Flynns, Sandrine, Navine, and even Cody and her mother, Connerre who managed to make it despite the man of their house's protests.

It especially took Ianne by surprise when she noticed Jordanne with a dark haired girl all dressed in black as she walked up to them.

"My Lao Pengyou, this is Lindsey Cunningham, the future quarterback for the coed team this fall."

Ianne and Lindsey shook hands as she was summoned back to the makeshift altar by the Justice of the Peace, who was anxious to get started.

When all the guests had arrived, they took their seats as the pianist played the matrimonial theme. At the altar, Sandrine and Navine served as Ianne's best women as the Justice of the Peace began the ceremony as Seanne and Ianne looked to each other holding each other's hands as the Justice of the Peace began the rite.

"We are gathered here for a triple treat this very Friday afternoon as Seanne Ianne Bowen has come to wed her sweetheart, Davide Ianne D'Lynne Anspaugh as of today. Will you two young ladies please repeat after me the vows you are both about to partake of this very afternoon?"

Seanne and Ianne held onto each other's hands as the Justice of the Peace performed the ceremony.

"Do you Seanne take Ianne as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for rich or poor, and in sickness and in health?"

"I do."

"And you Davide Ianne Anspaugh take Seanne as your lawfully wedded wife as well?"

"I do."

"Will you both please take the rings and put them on each of your separate fingers as I say the following."

Seanne and Ianne placed the rings on each other's fingers, saying to each other, "with these rings, we thee wed."

With that done, the Justice of the Peace pronounced them both wife and wife much to the standing ovations of their friends and their well wishers as they all loudly cheered their union together as a married couple, even as Seanne and Ianne kissed each other so passionately that they both nearly collapsed to the floor, when Sandrine, Navine and Cody had to help them both up and to keep them apart for the second part of the service.

The Justice of the Peace looked to the doors that marked entry and exit from the convention hall and said, "attendants, will you please allow the brides to enter?"

With that command, the attendants opened the doors and to the amazement of the entire invited graduated class's eyes stood Meredith and Carley each in their respective bridal wear. Ianne was amazed to see Meredith, her wife to be, was dressed all scantily while her own mother was dressed rather modestly. Both older women had garlands of flowers around their hair as they each held each other by the hand and merrily skipped down to the altar and took their places amongst their respective lady grooms.

Seanne held Carley's hands as they stared into each other's eyes while Ianne took Meredith by her hands and did the same.

The ritual was repeated and when the justice of the peace pronounced them women and wives, they kissed each other much to the already excited and aroused onlookers and invited guests present.

The applause was deafening as they all gathered around them both and saluted them, baring them up upon their collective shoulders as they bore them away down the outside hall of the resort at Playa Del Sol.

The reception would be the most memorable of all with everyone involved in which we will get to shortly, but first, a word from our announcer.

Ladies have you ever been bored by your love lives? Has that certain inner fire puttered out? And are you looking for something special to get that fire back inside you? Well, look no further because have we got a solution for you all.

This is Gynerect Female erotic sexual enhancement formula! It comes in gel, lotion, or cream form. All you have to do is apply some to your personal areas and watch the fireworks fly! Your libidos will be revived and reawakened! Developed by Dr. Amelia Janus, Gynerect gel is the right thing for you. Don't wait! Come get yourself some Gyenerect today!

The reception was about to begin and carry on through the night and into the following morning when all in attendance were about to have the time of their lives.

First off, the newlyweds were given the dance floor as they each slow danced to the rhythm of a hired jazz band and chamber orchestra. Everyone watched as the newlyweds danced with each other, with their hearts taken and their eyes all welling up with tears. Rhaine and Jordanne held each other in loving support as did Annan and Andra, each vowing to be wed when the time was right. Meanwhile, the Bryants slipped off down the hall and into a private room. Once inside, mother and daughter Bryant looked into each other's eyes as they were both about to embark upon a sexual adventure that they were never go back from.

"Coda, if I do this, you have to promise me that you will never ever tell anyone, not even your father about what transpired here this very evening, do you promise?"

"Yes Mother, I promise", said Cody as her mother, Connerre, kissed her on the lips fully before embarking upon that little exercise in forbidden pleasures.

Connerre knelt down before her daughter becoming eye level with her tight black jeans as she slowly unzipped them with Cody looking down on her as she did so. Cody could feel something fleshy, warm, and hard swell up between her legs as she saw her mother press her face and lips upon the fleshy and hard thing. Cody could also feel her mother's wet mouth and tongue glide up and down on that something as she tipped her head upwardly and backward. She closed her eyes and sighed as she was in the process of receiving the best head she had ever experienced and asked for ever in her young life!

They were so busy with their own pleasure that they failed to notice two others enter into that private room they were now occupying. The closing of the door shocked them bolt upright as the Bryants looked up to see two other girls staring at them, having caught them in a compromising position.

"Cody.....Mrs. Bryant........", one of the girls said in pleasant surprise as the other was agape and in shock.

"I didn't know your mom gave head. How long have you been holding out on us, Cody?"


"Oh for heaven's sake will you please pay them no heed and let me get back to sucking you off, my daughter dear?"

"Oh ...sorry about that Mother dear."

With that, the girls undid their pants and pulled out their own freshly erected penises in eager anticipation of being fellated by Mrs. Bryant. They approached them within breathing space when Connerre said to them, "I'll be with you two shortly, just let me finish blowing my daughter and I'll attend to you two shortly, eh?"

Meanwhile back in the reception hall, the party was really in full swing. The entertainment was about to begin...for real!

D'Lynne and Devone Goulbourne kicked off the proceedings with a cheer in celebration and in honor of the newlyweds who were seated just inches from them. Mother and daughter Goulbourne were dressed as cheerleaders in cheerleading outfits all woven out of wool, but the markings were of lavender colored venus mirrors intertwined together against purple and lilac colored uniforms.

"Give us an s!"


"Give us an E!"


"Give us an X!"


"What does that spell?!"


"Hip hip hurrah! Hip hip hurrah! Hip hip Hooray!!!!"

Both mother and daughter Goulbourne managed to flash their naked genitalia when they both flipped up their micro mini pleated skirts for all to see and get aroused by....with stunning results! The guests and honorees cheered as they left the stage allowing another mother/daughter couple to take over the floor. It was the Jacintos dressed as bellydancers as they danced stark naked, save for the gold jewelry they wore on their persons. they gyrated, swiveled their hips and bumped and ground themselves all about the empty dance floor in a sensually provocative manner as they concluded their set by reclining on their knees upon the floor once they kneeled before the eyes of the newlyweds. The cheers and applause were uproarious as the next set of mother and daughter exotic dancers were about to make their way out onto the dance floor! Felice and Faline Villaroya performed as flamenco dancers, flashing their breasts and genitalia to the newlyweds before departing to allow the O'Sullivans and O'Gallaghers to put on a Celtic styled Riverdance all resplendant in kilts as they performed a complicated dance move before finally udoing their wraparound kilts to exxpose their naked vaginas for everyone and the newlyweds to see. Finally, the finale of the evening's entertainment came as the other mother/daughter exotic dancing teams entered the reception hall, led by the Deerebournes all in their cowgirl get up with black leather chaps and black cowgirl hats followed by the Rossingtons as the Chippendale Bunnies- stark naked save for the high heels, bowties, white collars and cuffs and the rabbit hears atop their heads followed by the Colombis and Fujikawas who were dressed as geishas and Catholic schoolgirls, all stripping the night away as well as their costumes to reveal their stark naked bodies for all to see! It was the Fujikawas that wore the geisha kimonos and performed as kabuki strippers and the Colombis as the Catholic schoolgirls, lest you all be confused by all of this!

The Rossingtons, Jane and Julie in their naked Chippendale's Bunnies gear approached the newlyweds and proceeded to lapdance all over them much to their own delights! The Deerebournes were naked save for their chaps, boots and hats as they line danced all sexily and sluttily for all to get involved with. They smacked their bare bottoms much to the continued arousal of the invited senior class as they all got involved and disrobed while the Anspaughs and Bowens were being pleasured left and right by the Rossingtons and Fujikawas.


Ladies and gentlemen, I have made the emergency decision to conclude this on the next and final installment due to time constraints. I am sorry for this but it could not be avoided. Please forgive me as I promise to conclude this properly the next time around. any protests and concerns please email me at

sorry for the mess and foul up!

Next: Chapter 11

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