The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Feb 20, 2021


Happy reading!

The Feri war

Chapter 7

'Tell me again why we're walking instead of teleporting?' Connor asked. I've never heard someone complain as much as he does. It was utterly annoying.

We're trekking now but earlier, Nick teleported and left us behind a farmstead on the outskirts of Theran. We were on the way to Wren's grandmother. Wren and I were in the lead while Keene was in the rear.

'Nick can't teleport without knowing where we're...,' Keene replied but Wren interrupted him.

'He knows that already. He's just being a pain.'

Keene sniggered. I couldn't afford to laugh. I was too busy concentrating on my breathing; another side effect of the dark energy in me I've been told.

Half an hour later Connor spoke again. This time he sounded unsure of himself. 'Wait! I've been running this forest since forever but I don't recall this part.'

I wasn't paying attention to the scenery but sure enough, the woods did seem different now. The path was clearer than when we started. The rain clouds that were casting shadows above were gone and insects and birds that wasn't there before were chirping. And there were purple flowers everywhere on the path ahead.

'We're nearly there. And it seems grandma knows we're coming,' Wren said.

'How do you know that?' Connor asked.

'We wouldn't have found the path if she didn't want us to find it.'

We walked for another ten minutes before we found a ransacked wooden cabin.

'There it is,' Wren said excitedly.

The cabin in question looked abandoned. Mosses and ferns had taken over the rooftop. And the whole structure looks worst for wear.

As we draw near, we saw a woman sitting on the porch in an armchair stroking the head of a fat jet- black crow.

'You took your time getting here,' she said to Wren with a smile. Wren glanced at me as if to say I was the cause of our slow pace.

I rolled my eyes at him.

'Grandma,' he said before bending down to kiss and hug her. She laughed when my bondmate tightened the hug.

'You're crushing me, you big oaf.' She cackled. 'Now help me up. I want to see who you brought with you.'

I might say Wren's grandma didn't have the grandmother vibes about her. She was rather slender, and youthful-looking if you didn't account for the silver strands in her hair, you can easily mistake her for Amegra and Verna's older sister.

An arm around her shoulder, Wren turned to introduce us. She scanned the group before settling her eyes on me. 'You must be His Majesty King Riley. I've heard so much about you. Come here let me give you some loving,' she said opening her arms.

Connor sniggered when she said that. For an older woman, she had a tight grip herself. When she was done she held me at arm's length. 'I'm so proud you chose my grandson as your mate.'

Just then the black crow landed on my shoulder. Wait. I know that bird. 'Pitch?! Is that you.' He squawked. And grandma Celia laughed.

'Yes, it's him. He's been keeping me company,' she said tickling Pitch's underbelly with a finger.

'I thought the bird belonged to Amegra,' Wren said.

Grandma Celia turned to him. 'She's your mother. Has some respect larka.' Larka was the Targ word for little boy. Connor and I both laughed.

'Grandma.' Wren blushed. And we laughed at him some more.

'Oh and who might you be,' she said to Connor.

'Connor Graylard.'

Grandma Celia's eyes widened in surprise. 'You resemble her. Leila's son.'

'You know my mother?' Connor asked aghast.

'Of course I know her. Leila is a daughter of Mathyel.' She laughed.

'Mathyel?' Connor asked with a frown.

Grandma Celia ignored him.

She only stared at Keene when it was his turn. She frowned and the stare became a contest between the two.

Just when things were getting awkward she spoke. 'Well. Aren't, you going to come out and greet me you old coot.'

It didn't surprise me that she was addressing Devlin, not Keene. That woman knows practically anyone and everything it seemed.

Delvin ghosted out of Keene and became tangible in from of the woman. It startled Connor, who stared opened mouth. I guessed he didn't know Devlin shares Keene's body.

'Celia,' Devlin said flatly.

She huffed. 'Some things never change.' With that she turned her back to him and ushered everyone inside.

Why do I get the feeling these two shared a history?

The strangest feeling came over me as I enter the cabin. The whole place was dusty and deprived of everything it seems. There were no furniture nor any signs that it was a habitable space for that matter.

'Grandma. What is this?'

'Not what you expected huh. You'll understand once you go through that door over there,' she replied grinning.

We were all a little bit apprehensible. Well, except for Devlin. He wasn't phased as we followed the woman through the double door.

What lies beyond that door took all of us by surprise. Definitely not what we were expecting. We were looking at a compound of sorts which sprawled about three dozen steps below.

'Welcome to Mathyel,' grandma Celia said.

'I've visited you before grandma, but for the likes of me, I don't recall being in this place.'

She chuckled. 'Of course, you don't. We had to wipe your mind every time you leave.'

Wren looked appalled. 'What?! Why?'

'You were still under the influence of your father, larka. We couldn't afford to lead him here.' She looked at me next. 'You probably don't remember this place Your Majesty, but Amegra brought you here to us when you were born. We took care of you for five beautiful years before your father came to get you.'

I was shocked at the revelation. And I was so amazed by the half a dozen buildings clustering together of what I could best describe as an isolated monastery. Situated at the top of a rocky precipice over what... 400 or 600 metres high, I don't think we were in the forest outside of Theran anymore.

At the bottom of the stairs, we were met by a young woman. Well, I thought she was until she spoke. 'Mother Celia.'

The quality of her voice has a hint of masculinity to it but the manner she enunciates her words were more or less feminine.

It puzzled Wren and Connor too because now they were openly glaring at the woman from head to toe.

'Boys, Meet Maya. She will show you to your sleeping quarters while Devlin and I have a conversation. Meet you all for dinner this evening.'

As much as I was beginning to like the place, we didn't come here for a vacation. Before I could say anything the elf's voice was in my head.

"Celia knows why we're here, Rye. Preparations are already on the way. It's all a process and you need to be patient."

Keene and Devlin followed Celia and, the guys and I followed Maya.

We soon were crossing a paved courtyard with a fountain in the middle of it. 'Cool,' Connor exclaimed moving towards the structure. The fountain has a life-like the statue of a naked woman sitting on its knees bending forward slightly over the small pool of murky whitish water.

Wren reached out to touch the water when Maya grabbed his forearm. 'Don't do that.'

Wren frowned at her.

She didn't elaborate when she walked away. 'Come. Our quarters are right on the corner.'

'Our quarters? Are you saying you'll be sharing quarters with us?' Connor asked.

'I was tasked as your guide for the duration of your stay, of course, you'll be sharing my space.'

Wren and Connor shared a glance.

Our quarters happens to be a small cottage which sat on the edge of the cliff. It has no porch but a good size balcony overlooking the precipice. There was a kitchen, a living and two sleeping spaces forming one big room. Each sleeping space was separated by a partition from each other but with an archway from the other spaces.

Tired and a little light-headed from the effort of walking so much, I lied down on a sofa with my feet up.

'Are you ok, atsa?' Wren sat and pulled my feet in his lap. He removed my boots and began massaging them gently.

'I feel better now,' I said flashing him a smile despite the pain forming in my head.

Connor sat on another sofa and openly stared at Maya.

'Why don't I make some tea for everyone?' She murmured. She was a bit fidgety under Connor's scrutiny.

Maya. Forgive my bluntness but are you a boy or a girl?'

Wren's hands stilled and Connor curiously glanced at me before returning his gaze to Maya. I asked that because I knew he's been wondering about that since we met the young woman.

Frankly, I already know Maya was born a boy but somehow has gain girly attributes. Tags don't put any labels on sexual orientations, rather on sexual pursuits. Most if not all of them could be considered pansexual. The genitals of their partner is irrelevant when it comes to sex, love and relationships. However, Maya is a transgender and those are a rare occurrence in Targeten.

If I thought Maya would be offended she wasn't. Instead, she graced us with the most jovial of laughter.

'I think you already guessed what I am, Your Majesty. And yes before you ask I still have my boy parts.'

Wren laughed. Connor remained quiet, a first for him. I could only speculate what was on his mind.

Maya served us camomile tea. It helped to soothe my headache. It also made me sleepy. I took a nap. When I came to, someone was licking my naval. 'Wren!' I rasped. 'What're you doing?'

'What does it look like I'm doing?' He said with a wicked grin. His warm breath on my skin sent chills to my bones. I sniggered as he dropped kisses up my body. With tiny wet circles, he licked my neck and lower jaw, occasionally he used his teeth. Not biting but the feel of them was enough to warm me inside with excitement.

A gasp escaped me when he brushed his lips to mine. He didn't kiss me yet, only adjusted his body to cover mine. His closeness, his warmth and his touch was very sensuous. I shivered underneath him.

He pecked me on the lips then held his face inches from mine. Our eyes locked. I reached up and held his face between my palms. His smile switched on all the happy light bulbs in my head.

I love this man. I love him with all my heart.

As if he sensed my resolve, his mouth came down on mine. Heated, wet and smooth, I lost myself in the kiss.

We forgot to breath.

Trying not to dislodge Wren, I opened my legs to him. Gently he began thrusting. Since his arms were busy supporting his weight, he wasn't very successful in pining a bullseye. Although, every time his hot blunt spearhead poked me, I moaned with anticipation. At some point, he did hit the target. As he breached my opening, I emotionally opened myself to him. Showing him everything he was doing to me. I moaned, I cried, I sniggered, I begged, I whispered and I urged until he flooded my bowels and I glued us together.

Panting at first, then smiling, Wren's face was once again paired with mine. 'You have to wake up now babe. Come on. Wake up!'

'I'm already awake,' I protested.

'No, you're not. Open your eyes.' He sniggered. Then I froze when I heard Connor laughter in the background.

Did I just dream all of this? I thought as my eyes adjusted to the light.

'Yes, you did. In fact, you were projecting,' Wren said with raised eyebrows and a smile.

I jerked upright, nearly caught him in the jaw. 'What?! As in telepathically?'

'Yep. We saw and felt everything. Look, I'm still visibly shaken from the intense orgasm you put me through,' Connor said.

True enough, he had a wet spot on the front of his pants.

'It was weird, like an out of body experience,' Connor continued. 'It was like having someone tie you up, have their way with you while you're rendered helpless of what to come, you know.'

I hid my face in the crook of Wren's neck. This is so embarrassing.

Wren pulled me closer. 'You're still projecting, atsa.'

How do I switch it off then because I don't know how? I should have listened to Devlin and learn how to control my psionic powers instead of trying to ignore them. Shit! What if it doesn't stop. I will be a bigger freak now. One that people will see both inside and out. They'll hate me.

Wren, Connor and Maya heard all the crap that went through my head; embarrassing myself further.

'I'll go get Devlin,' Maya said as she rushed out of the room.

Connor came closer and knelt next to us. He placed a hand on my shoulder and rubbed it affectionately. 'You're panicking. It's a normal reaction and it happens to the best of us sometimes.'

'It's ok. I've got you, atsa.' Wren said. His calmness downed my angst a notch. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to appease my troubling mind.

Feeling vulnerable brought up a lot of pent up emotions about my predicament lately; like my insecurities with my fucked up powers. The recent battle at the beach also resurfaced. How I doubt my usefulness. Even the vision with the werewolf I've forgotten about played out in my head.

'Wow! I thought werewolves were thoughtless creatures,' Connor said in awe.

'That was no vision, Rye. It's a memory,' Wren said.

At that exact moment, Maya arrived with Devlin, Keene, Celia and another woman I didn't recognise.

Devlin took one look at the state I was in before barking orders.

'Maya, sand guard at the periphery of his majesty's psionic radius. Don't let anyone near it. Take Connor with you. Hurry.'

They hurriedly left without any objections.

If the elf was sending them on guard duty, it meant my situation wasn't an easy fix.

'It's dark energy, isn't it?' Wren asked Devlin.

The man kneeled next to me. 'Yes.' In a typically Devlin fashion, he neglected to elaborate. 'Rye, where's your medallion?' I pulled it out from my tunic to show him. 'Good.'

'Keene. Wren. Clear the floor, we need some space.'

A sudden pain thundered in my head. And within seconds, everyone was flat on the floor holding their heads. I've blasted them all down, with my mind!

One by one, they got to their feet. 'He's a powerful psionic. To think he isn't even using a quarter of his power,' Celia commented.

'Remember the breathing exercise I thought you. Slowly, inhale and exhale. Come one. Do it with me,' Devlin said while mimicking the movement of air going in and out of the lungs. 'Clear your mind while you're doing it. Think of something positive.'

"I can't focus," I projected.

'That's ok. Take it easy. Don't panic.'

Behind Devlin, I saw Celia instructing Wren and Keene where to put the sofa and the potted plants they've removed to make space per Devlin's instruction.

'Rye. Are you with me? Focus,' the elf said. I returned my gaze to him. 'Tell me about the werewolf vision you had on the beach yesterday.

I knew instantly what he was trying to do. He wanted me distracted by the story to calm me down.

The woman I didn't know cackled. 'He's no fool elf. I knew from the first time I held him in my arms that he was special,' she said.

From the moment she opened her mouth, she had my attention. Her voice was soothing and to my surprise vaguely familiar. I was intrigued to hear her story.


End of chapter 7

Next: Chapter 99: The Feri War 8

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