The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Mar 21, 2018


Happy Reading!

The Feri Light

Chapter 28

Kane's chamber was only three doors down and it was at least twice the size of Wren's. The design and collection of furniture were virtually the same, except Kane's trophy wall was much larger. Approaching the bed, Kane was Just as Kenzo described; arms spread eagle and his legs dangling over the side. He was awake and staring at the ceiling with vacant eyes. What Kenzo didn't tell us was that his father was in his birthday suit.

I moved closer, but Dale stopped me.

He seemed to know something and told me to get the boy out. Taking Kenzo's hand, I led him outside just as a servant came out of a room with an empty tray.

'Excuse me,' I said. 'What is your name?'

'Kala, Your Majesty.'

I was stunned that she knew who I was. 'Well, Kala, I need a little favor. Can you take Kenzo to Luda, please?'

She nodded and reached for Kenzo's hand. But the boy pulled back. 'No! I don't want to go!' He said with a brooding face.

Kala shrugged in dismay.

Kneeling in front of Kenzo, I looked him straight in the eyes. 'Kenzo. Listen to me, honey. Your dad is not feeling well. He can't look after you right now. Go with the lovely lady. She will take you to Luda, okay.'

'What is wrong with my daddy?'

'I don't know, but I'm going to find out. Now please go with the lady and I'll come and get you once your daddy is feeling better.'

After almost a minute he finally agreed.

'What's up with Kane?' I asked Dale once I got back.

'He has dragon breath,' in other words, Kane had been drinking, 'which isn't alarming until you add this.' He dangled a small leather pouch in front of my face. Opening it, he drew some tiny white beads. 'We call these dream berries. I don't know much about them save that people will kill for them on the streets. They give the user a high and as you can see the catatonic state is a sure thing too.'

I sighed. Like Wren, Kane was still grieving. I was feeling helpless, knowing there wasn't much I could do for them. Unlike the rest of his brothers, who can rely on their vast network of friends and loved ones to support them, Kane was alone. Of course, he has his mother, but she wasn't here, was she? And Kenzo helps in keeping his father grounded but otherwise he is way too young to understand. I didn't want to pity Kane because he doesn't like it when people do. Taking care of him at Haven taught me that much. He does need a friend though - and, if anything else, he needs compassion.

'What now?'

'I think we should get him into the bathtub...,' Dale started but he was interrupted by a mumbling sound coming from the bed.

We both turned to see Kane's eyes on us. His body hadn't moved an inch though. We moved closer to the bed.

'Say that again. We didn't hear you?' I said.

He spewed some gibberish that earned him a frown. To my surprise, Dale understood him. Back and forth, they communicated with me just staring at them in puzzlement. The good thing about the situation though, was that with every word, Kane sounded more coherent.

'You don't need to worry about me. I'm fine,' he slurred.

'You say that now, but you still have the poison berries in your system,' Dale said.

Kane rolled his eyes and brought his left hand to his face. Movement, was a good sign. 'I took only one. It was recommended by the healer.'

Huh! 'Why?'

'It neutralizes the warg venom long enough for me to heal, but the side effect is a bitch. Ouch!' He said holding his head. 'Since you guys are here help me up, please.'

Kane threw a leg out of the bed, but Dale tripped over it and his face hit Kane in the groin. I didn't know how he could be so clumsy when cats were the masters of balance. That was also when the unimaginable happened. As if it had its own built-in propulsion mechanism, Kane's cock jumped to attention in a blink of an eye.

Dale jumped off and took a defensive position as if to say it wasn't him.

I couldn't help but laugh. Dale joined in only when Kane chuckled.

'Sorry about that.'

'Another side effect?' I asked.

'That and more,' Kane admitted.

Right then, I remembered something Wren told me; Kane is not known for his promiscuity. It didn't mean he wasn't sexually active but I had to ask.

'When was the last time you had sex?'

Kane's face reddened. He sheepishly grinned while instinctively rubbed his hand over a long straight scar that runs from the inside of his left thigh to his penis. 'Oh my God! He has only one testicle,' I almost shouted out loud.

Dale who also noticed was vocal about it however. 'How did you get that scar?'

Again, Kane grinned. Despite, his obvious discomfort, he answered. 'It was me being stupid, that's what.'

Both Dale and I exchanged looks.

Kane noticed. He exhaled. 'Eric was always father's favorite. Father would take time from his busy schedule to watch him spar with his trainers. I got jealous of the time they spent together, so one day when the men were practicing swords I challenged one of the instructors in front of my father. The guy was offended since I boasted that I could best him with any weapon he chose. Amused, my father asked me to prove it. So, I took a sword and...' Kane shook his head as if replaying the painful memory in his head. 'It wasn't a fair fight. Beside I was distracted. I kept glancing at my father to make sure he was watching me. Meaning to teach me a lesson the guy slashed me in the groin. My father didn't get angry, he only laughed. However, he did force everyone present to keep this under wraps. It was humiliating because not only did I lose the fight but I lost part of my manhood in the process.'

'Wow!' Dale and I said in unison.

That explains a lot about Kane. He craved his father's attention so much that he was willing to go to such an extreme to get it. And as the matter of his manhood, I wouldn't be surprised if Kenzo's birth didn't have something to do with him proving to Elron that he was still a man. That was sad, very sad. And that proved to me that Elron was a real asshole. He didn't deserve the love of his sons.

Without thinking it through, I pulled Kane up and hugged him.

'What are you doing?' He said a moment later.


'Not you, him,' he said pointing to Dale with his eyes. Looking down, I saw Kane's hard cock in Dale's mouth. Okay, that was funny!

Noticing us staring at him, the little guy removed his mouth long enough to say, 'What? This is how I show affection.'

Kane and I both laughed.

'Unless you're planing to finish, I advise you to stop,' Kane told him.

As if he just gave him the green light, Dale eyebrows danced as he smiled around the fat cock.

Seth was a bad influence on Dale. The once timid guy I knew had been replaced by someone I no longer recognized. I just hope he doesn't turn into another Ferard, or as I preferred to call him; slut number one.

Just as well, I pulled Kane's face towards mine and I kissed him. In my opinion, the kiss was awkward without any real spark. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it, especially when he reciprocated.

Dale moaned loudly as he pushed the cock further down his throat. Kane broke the kiss and hissed in appreciation.

'Oh! I want some of that.' I told Dale, who grabbed my forearm and pulled me down next to him. Kane's cock popped out of his mouth and he thrust it my way. My tongue came out, I licked the glans a few times before sucking it in. Tag- teaming, I started bobbing on it at a moderate pace while Dale licked and nibbled on the shifter's scrotum and perineum. Kane hissed again, and his knees buckled a few times under the intense pleasure. After a minute or so, he couldn't take it anymore. He unceremoniously pulled back depriving use of our source of pleasure.

'Ahhh! You guys are going to be the death of me,' he said.

I wiped my month with the back of my hand.

Now what?

'Ok, if you both are hell bent on pleasing me then strip and climb on the bed.'

With excitement mirroring mine, Dale discarded his clothes and crawled onto the bed on his hands and knees before dropping his upper body on his elbows exposing his hole. Shaking my head with a chuckle, I followed him and took the same stance.

Kane took his time, but when he finally climbed on he immediately went for our butts. His hands went everywhere as if he wanted to feel every curve and cleft. 'Gorgeous, simply gorgeous,' he murmured before dropping kisses on our butt cheeks. Then he took his time giving us individual attention. He started with me first by surprising me with a slap on the butt cheek. The prickly heat coming from it was incredulously erotic. He did it a few more times until I realized he was doing it so he could see my ass jiggle. Straining his neck to see what was going on, Dale giggled. Kane ignored him. No. He wasn't ignoring Dale, he was just lost in his happy place. More pleasure came when he pulled my cheeks apart, exposing my naked hole. I felt the delightful strain he created down there. Next came his slimy wet tongue. Cold shivers, hit me in waves. I moaned. He did it again and again until my hole was covered in spit. Only then did he use his fingers. Flicking his fingertip rapidly over my hole brought another type of sensation. One that caused me to wiggle my ass for more pleasure. My ring muscles relaxed, which was his goal before the breach. Gently he prodded me. First with one finger, then two, three and four. So intense, I couldn't stop the sounds that escaped me. God! I was in bliss. After, the longest time he started using his tongue again. Each time he would drew his face away to admire his handiworks. It was official. Kane was an ass-man.

Releasing me from my torture, he turned to Dale. He gave him the same treatment and attention.

'I'm going to fuck you now,' he said to Dale some time later. He squatted above the little guy. Ever so gently, he watched his cock as it slid in the tiger's crevice. The little guy sighed with a satisfying grin. At a slow pace, Kane fucked him. Dale yelled for more and the big guy didn't disappoint. In no time he had Dale grunting like a pig. Looking up, I saw that Kane's eyes didn't stray from Dale's ass. A stupid smile covered half of his face. He noticed me watching and blushed when I chuckled.

Very soon, he pulled out and squatted over me. Taking his time, he pushed his cock in me. He moved. I could see now why Dale was so vocal. His blunt spear seemed to have locked in on my prostate. Man! The intensity of it caused me to quiver and dome my back until he finally pulled out.

After a short panting recess, with me and Dale giddily laughing, Kane got on his back. Dale was happy to jump in the saddle. Still not recuperated enough from my shaking limbs, Kane guided me up. He made me sit on his face. I giggled in delight as he fucked me with his tongue. I swore, I'd have to teach Wren this little trick.

Jumping up and down, Dale moved in for a kiss. It wasn't easy with the both of us rocking so much but we managed to lock lips and jerked our cocks at the same time. Very soon I was spraying cum everywhere. Dale followed shortly after. It took a while longer for Kane to reach climax. He didn't cum in Dale's ass. Rather he pulled out and ordered us into a peculiar position. Stacking us doggy-style onto each other. He lined our butts and in a one-for-you-one-for-him kind of thrusting, he fucked us until he sprayed onto our butts.

Exhausted, we rode the waves of euphoria in a panting mashup. I couldn't move, but I was able to say something which I considered important to Kane.

'Kenzo was genuinely worried about you. You should go look for him.'

He nodded.

Dale and I made it to Wren's chamber seconds before our significant others arrived. They did find out what we had done and with whom. Not surprising, they were both cool with it. By a few obvious signs I'd say, they had some fun of their own too.

For the next few hours, Dale, Seth and I spent time with our other friends in the Graylards' family room. We were just bidding our time as the brothers had been called before the Clan Alphas. Nobody seemed to know why. According to Connor they must be discussing the tournament that will determin the next Alpha King. The brothers talked about the event last night, but I was only half listening. The Alpha Tournament, as they called it, is where each potential candidate from the five clans battle each other in the arena in beast form. I dreaded the outcome of this tournament, but my friends didn't share my angst. They were too engrossed in entertaining themselves.

The most enjoyable moment was when Chase taught everyone how to play charades. Kenzo, Alessa and Lyra were the most excited and fought over being the one to give clues.

While everybody laughed, I noticed how cozy Rhett and Farren were. Rhett sat on Farren's lap, which is, in itself, a great accomplishment on the shifter's part. I smiled when the neornite inconspicuously nuzzled his lover's hair. I wondered if their glyphs had changed yet, if not they soon would. On the other side of the room, I watched the amiable conversation between Nickolas and Bron as they sipped on their drinks. It never ceased to amaze me how readily the Graylards had accepted a leopard into their midst. I remembered the Graylards family dinner that one time when Elron didn't look happy for the couple but didn't say anything. Gena, the twins' mother gave them her blessing.

'Are you alright?' Seth asked me. He was beside me on the long comfy couch along with Aiden.

'Yeah,' I absentmindedly said.

'You're a daydreamer too huh,' Aiden said.

That comment earned him a questioning look from me. Both he and Seth laughed.

'He should know,' Seth pointed his thumb at Aiden, 'his head is always in a book.'

Aiden blushed. 'I'm the record keeper in training.'

So, Aiden was a bookworm. For the likes of me, I wouldn't have pegged him as one. He was too jock-like to be a true nerd. Hell! I look more like a nerd than he does.

'How old are you?' I had to ask because now that I was openly staring at him, I could see some physical differences, okay, minor differences. He wasn't overly muscular like his brother who was as buff as Wren. But he was ripped. Perhaps it was his height. He was almost as tall as Nick, but with an elongated jawline and nose.

'I'm seventeen.'

'You're the same age as Chase,' I said. With his broad shoulders and overly muscular frame, Chase was a giant compare to Aiden. Still, I couldn't picture him hunching over a book in the library.

'What?' Aiden asked.

'The game is rigged. Dale is a cheater,' Connor shouted, drawing our attention. Thank God for the interruption.

The others laughed with Alessa the loudest.

'You're the cheater Connor. I saw you whispering the answer to Caleb in the last round,' Lyra said.

'I did not. Tell her I didn't,' Connor said to Chase and Caleb. Caleb's laughter only proved that Connor was lying.

Another round of laughter.

'Connor, you've always been a sore loser. Remember the time when you got angry because I won the race. You took a shortcut and still you got mad when you lost,' Aiden said.

'You shut up,' Connor heatedly said. His fake anger was just for show, seeing how he was trying very hard not to laugh.

Right then, the door opened and Baldrick entered. Silence fell across the room.

Everyone gathered around him, both a little impatient and intrigued.

'Is it time, father?' Connor asked.

Time for what?

'Escort his Majesty and his friends to the throne room. The ceremony is about to start.'

'Ceremony? What about the tournament?' Connor had the same questions as Seth and his brother, but he was the loudest.

'Go to throne room and find out,' his father said with a grin.

When Baldrick left we all basically stared at each other.

'What kind of answer was that?' Rhett asked.

'Good questions, but we won't get any answers here,' Lyra said heading for the door.

'Hey! Wait up!' Connor yelled after her.

Excited, we all followed them.

Arriving at the throne room, I was surprise to see a huge crowd had gathered. All heads turned to look at us as we entered through the side door. It was intimidating but I kept my eyes on Wren who stood with his brothers in front of their mothers, Uncles and some other people from the Graylard Clan. Aiden and Connor joined them while the gang and I stood before the crowd facing the dais. It irked me that Elron's exposed body was on display a few meters from us.

I tried to get Wren's attention, but he was busy chatting with Wain.

On the opposite side of the dais stood Niall and the other Clan Alphas. He looked so serious. I turned back and scanned the crowd for Xander, but he wasn't there. He probably stayed with the kids. It didn't surprise me. Niall was quite paranoid when it comes to the triplets. He wouldn't leave Belen without knowing they were in safe hands.

Suddenly, the room was carpeted in silence as an old white bearded man entered. Everyone's eyed him expectantly as he settled on the dais in front of an intricate crafted throne chair. He faced the Clan Alphas and bowed and repeated the action with Wren's family members. Apparently, he was in charge of the whole shebang because they all bowed back in reverence.

'I, the Chief Knowledge and Tradition Keeper of Wyrmer, will speak now,' he started. He took a pregnant pause to wait for any objection. When none came he continued. 'Yesterday, we lost a great leader. Many will agree with me in saying that Alpha King Elron had charisma, strength of character and above all power.' Many people nodded in agreement, including the Alphas. 'As a people we shared our grief and regret with his kin for his departed soul. My only wish for him now is that he finds happiness by The Great Feri's side.'

'May he find happiness by the Great Feri's side,' the crowd chanted as one, which startled me. It also puzzled me. Shifters were not really religious yet once in a while they dropped a prayer-like phrase in the name of this Great Feri.

'Today however, we will turn loss into gain. Today we choose a new leader.'

There was a stir in the crowd. It was expected as the old man practically implied that there would be no Alpha Tournament.

Patiently, the old man waited for the murmurs to die down.

'As it has been for our fathers and fore-fathers, We the wolf-shifters have been choosing our Alpha King through trials and brute strength. Bear in mind, the key element here is Strength. It is the utmost attribute we pride in a leader, thus underlying the motive behind The Alpha King Tournament. However, as you may have guessed, we will forego the Alpha King Tournament this time around.'

As if it was Wren's fault, everyone glared at him. My atsa had nerves of steel. Where I would have recoiled, he stared them all down. It was amazing how one by one they dropped their gazes.

Nick sniggered from beside me. 'Ease up mutt. You're scaring the shit out of everyone,' he said. Rhett and Seth joined in his amusement.

'My father told me this would happen,' Rhett said next to Nick. I honestly was more surprised that he had a father. Don't get me wrong, Rhett rarely shared anything about himself. The brothers may know him well but the rest of us not so much.

'What are you talking about?' Lyra asked him.

'Wren is the all-shifter and people are afraid of him. And as a member of the Graylard Clan, nothing could stop him from entering the tournament. That's why the other clans pulled out their candidacy.'

'So, Wren is the next Alpha King,' Nick said.

'I wouldn't be so sure of that because...' Rhett said, but he was interrupted by the old man who loudly cleared his throat.

'I wish to continue.' It was a simple request, which carried a lot of weight. Silence fell over the room once more. 'As you all know, the council of Alpha convened this morning, and unanimously every member acknowledged the all- shifter's power and influence.' He paused. He turned to Wren and nodded. If he was expected to bow back, Wren didn't.

The old man gazed upon the crowd again. 'The council also recognize that the Graylard Clan is now the most powerful, thus defeating the purpose of the tournament. With that said, I now invite Wren Graylard to take my place on the dais.'

An eerie silence prevailed at the shocking pronouncement. Well, it wasn't that chocking since the old man drove home the point how powerful Wren was.

'My fellow shifters, I'm the biggest idiot in Wyrmer because I declined the offer of becoming the next Alpha King.' I expected Wren to be more serious than that, but he got the expected result by defusing the tension that had been building up to this point. People laughed. A few even audibly sighed. 'I did so because our people don't need another tyrant. Whether you recognize it or not, and as great as my father was, he was a tyrant. He put all of us through hell just because he thought his way was best. Don't get me wrong, I loved my father. I'm sure everyone here did but Wyrmer doesn't need another Elron Graylard. She needs a kind and just ruler who will listen to his people. Someone who will guide us through the difficult times ahead. And the man for the job is my brother Wain Graylard.'

The whole room erupted with cheers. I couldn't believe it. Wren had won them over. Even Benson, Elron's right hand man, was applauding along with the other alphas.

Wain walked up to Wren and the latter hugged him. People applauded. Wren signaled to Kane who brought forth a golden chest plate. Together they removed Wain's tunic and fastened the golden piece of armor to his bare chest. Then Wain took his place on the throne.

The other brothers joined Wren and Kane. Together they went down on one knee and bowed to him. I was moved by the gesture. Not only did it show they accepted him as their king, but they were setting an example for the others.

The noised died down as the assembly kneeled. Even I followed.

'Please stand,' Wain said.

Wren and the others regained their place as Wain stood. 'I'm not as eloquent as my brother, I'm afraid, but I'll give it my best.'

Again, people laughed in amusement.

'You all know that we are on the brink of war. What most of you haven't realized yet is that the war has already begun. We, as a people, have never shied away from a confrontation and we won't now, either. So, we will join the war and teach a few people to respect us.' Oh my God! The brothers sure know how to please a crowd. I literally had to cover my ears with all the shouting. 'Before we can however, certain changes have to be made. So far, the different clans have been keeping the enemy at bay by themselves and help has been few and far between. Not anymore. We will organize a better task force to ensure the safety of everyone within our borders. That is why as the Alpha King, I will now make my first two nominations. To represent the Graylard Clan's interest on the council and to oversee the day to day running of the Clan, I nominate Baldrick Graylard as the new Graylard Clan Alpha.'

People cheered as Baldrick strode to Wain and knelt before crossing the floor to join the other Alphas.

'I also nominate Kane Graylard to the position of Warlord. As warlord, he will reunite our warriors into a more cohesive military force thus securing our safety and victory.'

'I didn't see that one coming,' Rhett said.

'Me neither,' Lyra said clutching her chest while her face was conflicted with emotion.

'Thank you for your support,' Wain said. 'I will invite the Alphas to stay in Theran a little longer because we have more important issues to discuss. For now, let's say our last farewell to our fallen king.'

Again, people applauded.

Long live Alpha King Wain!


End of chapter 28 and of Part 4

Of course, the story is not over yet. The next Part will be called "The Feri War".

Next: Chapter 92: The Feri War 1

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