The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Feb 18, 2018


Happy Reading!

The Feri Light

Chapter 27

Wren was still horny the next morning. In fact, he woke me up with a sensual blowjob. 'Good morning sleepyhead. Sorry I couldn't wait for you, I've started breakfast already,' he said when I opened my eyes.

I giggled. 'And what's on today's menu?' I played along.

'I don't know about you, but I'm having a little sausage and two tiny quail eggs.'

'Hey!' I protested. 'My thing is not that small.'

He laughed. With his face so close to my cock, it nearly poked him in the eye. 'You don't have to complain. I left you my big sausage.'

'Shut up!' I said pushing his face back.

His chuckles echoed throughout the spacious chamber. Still laughing he scaled up my body and rested his forehead against mine. Shaking his head gently, he rubbed our noses together. One noisy peck on the mouth and he stared into my eyes.

'I love you.'

'I love ME too,' I replied trying to keep a straight face.

Wren swiftly pulled back. 'Why, you little prick,' He tickled the laughter out of me. His hands went from my waist to my armpits, targeting my most sensitive areas. I wiggled underneath him trying to grab his hands. He easily overpowered me.

'Hahaha... stopppp! I need to pee. I need to pee.'

He grabbed hold of my arms and pushed them against the pillow next to my head. 'Say that again,' he said in a grave voice, but I could feel the pending amusement behind his straight face.

'I said, I love you too.'

He grinned triumphantly. 'That's more like it. Seriously, atsa, I love you so much.'

'I feel the same for you, Wren.'

He released his hold on my arms, only to take possession of my mouth. I moaned into the passionate kiss. As my excitement level spiked, I snaked my arms around his head pulling him closer, deeper.

CRACK! BOOM! Came a loud noise that startled me. I broke the kiss. 'What was th...?' Wren didn't look perturbed or even let me finish my sentence before he covered my lips with his once more. If he wasn't concerned then I shouldn't be either. His vibrant moans caused me to pull him in tighter. When he started rubbing his crouch against mine, I knew I was in for a ride. Somehow, without breaking our connection, he had lubed up, raised my legs to his hips and was gently pushing his way past my rings.

I trembled in bliss.

He moaned satisfyingly. Beneath him, I rocked back and forth with the force of his effort. With every thrust, his cock went in deeper and deeper until I could hear the sound of his flesh slapping against mine. Becoming too intense, I had to end the kiss. With labored gasps, I needed more fresh air. Wren kept his face in contact with mine as he forced oomphs and hisses out of me.

I heard more cracking and rumbling in the distance, but I was too far gone to even care where they were coming from.

Wren straightened. Hips still swaying, he threw my legs over his shoulders robbing me of the little control I had from his assault. He kept the same pace as he brought my left foot to his face. With his nose, he nudged the sole of my foot before sucking on the big toe.

I sank deeper into the mattress. With nothing to hold on to, I grabbed fists full of bed linen. 'Ahhh!' I was in heaven.

The air around us was getting thicker. My cock hardened and bounced up and down smacking loudly against my abs causing some contraction in my butt. Wren felt the difference and gritted his teeth. His pace intensified, becoming more demanding. With quicker jabs he soon brought us both to a blissful climax. Spent, he fell onto his elbows and we shared another kiss through a panting match.

My butt protested when he pulled out of me. Resting his sweaty face in the crook of my neck I rubbed his back while regulating my breathing.


A cold shiver washed over me. Wren chuckled.

'What the hell is that?'

'It's the first day of winter,' he said as if that would explain everything.


He laughed again.

'Quite laughing at me and tell me what's going on.'

Wren exhaled loudly. He slid off me and grabbed his tunic from the floor to wipe my cum off his abs and mine. Then he dragged me out of bed by the hand. He led me towards the double doors leading to a balcony.

We were both naked, so I felt the cold the instant I stepped outside. It wasn't the atmospheric cold one usually associated with winter, more like the chilling cold that comes with a strong wind.

'You've got goosebumps.' Wren disappeared inside and came out with a blanket. He positioned himself behind me and pulled it over us both. 'Comfy?'

'Yeah,' I replied.


Out here the noise really sounded like thunder. I looked up. To my surprise, there wasn't any lightning, not even a single cloud, rather the vast expanse of the blue sky and sun that was slowly rising over the hills.

'Wren. Does it seem like the wind is coming from every direction to you?'

'Never thought about it, though, you might be right.'

'How could that be?'

'Don't know, but it probably has something to do with Sandridon, the barrier. It might be the air is bouncing everywhere trying to find a way out.'

That is crazy! I thought. I scanned the landscape. Nothing had changed except for the plants. They had lost some of their shine, and they're doing their best to cling on to their precious leaves.

'When you guys said winter. I expected snow or something.'

Wren only grinned.

Wren led me back inside, where two servants hovered over a small table in the corner. My atsa had ordered us breakfast. The two women jumped when Wren spoke to them. Fidgeting like children, they impatiently waited to be dismissed. And when they were, they hurried out as if they'd been standing on a bed of hot coals.

Amused, I grinned.

We sat at the table. I claimed the fruit bowl while Wren piled steaks on his plate.

'Why aren't we having breakfast with the others?' I asked.

Wren shrugged. 'I want us to be alone today,' he said with a mouthful.

I paused and stared at him. Was I missing something? It was my turn to shrug. It must be part of his grieving process, I thought.

'Do you know what I'm craving for right now? Pancakes.' I said.

Wren smiled. 'I love the smell of pancakes. It kind of reminds me of our first morning together.'

I laughed remembering that fateful day. That morning I had breakfast with Charlie and Eric, Wren was still sleeping on my bed where he had crashed without my knowledge. When the adults left, I masturbated to some cheesy porn. Wren caught me in the act. To my surprised, instead of laughing or teasing me, he joined me. He sucked a cum load out of me. Embarrassed and scared shitless afterwards, I hid in the bathroom. With his gentle, kind and caring voice, he managed to talk me out. I found him irresistible, charismatic and funny. When I joined him in the den later, he was stuffing his face with pancakes, still in his underwear. I still have that image stuck in my head. It was simply delicious.

Wren laughed from across the table.

My eyes flew open. Shit! Did I just moan out loud?

'Yeah. Just like that. You couldn't keep your eyes off me.' He chuckled.

Blushing profusely, I threw a berry at him. 'Idiot!' To my surprise he caught it with his mouth. Reaching for my hands, he cleared his throat. He was about to say something, so I waited patiently.

'Did I tell you why I ended up in your room that night?'

I never thought about it after Eric's comment about the uncomfortable couch. I nodded no.

He shyly smiled. 'Well, I was lured there by your sweet mouthwatering scent.' He chuckled. I reciprocated with a chuckle of my own. 'Of course, I didn't know it was you at the time, but when I came into your room and discovered you were the source of the enticing aroma, I couldn't resist climbing into bed with you.'

I laughed. 'You do know people get arrested for that sort of thing, right?'

'Do they?'

'Yeah. It's called molesting,' I said laughing.

He laughed too. 'Not when I was following the scent of my future mate, it isn't.'

When we were done with breakfast, Wren and I climbed back into bed. Since there wasn't any television we alternated our time between chit-chatting and snoozing.

Around an hour past noon, I left a sleeping Wren for a trip to the restroom. When I came back someone was knocking at the door. Swiftly, I donned one of Wren's long tunics, which reached to my knees, and opened the door to a familiar face beaming at me.


I pulled him in and hugged him for the longest time. He did nothing but chuckle. Pushing him to arms' length, I took a good look at him. My adopted little brother wasn't so little anymore. He was taller than me when he left for Valpak, the Blacknell Clan hometown, and that hasn't changed except now he is more ripped and, judging by the pressure of his hold, stronger.

'Nice to see you too, Rye,' He said, all smiles. He resembled his father so much.

'When did you get here?'

I released him, closed the door and walked him to the breakfast table.

'I arrived this morning. I came with Uncle Warrick, who had come for the Clan meeting and funeral. He said I didn't have to come but I insisted because I felt that my dad needed me.' Charlie was his real father, but I knew he was referring to Eric.

Our conversation had wakened Wren, who joined us after covering his privates. I insisted. I just didn't want Chase to feel uncomfortable. Wren was also elated to see Chase.

Wren interrogated him about his training. I mostly asked about his well- being. It was good to know that he had lots of friends.

'Little bro, tell me. Are you getting enough?' I asked Chase. Evidently, he knew what I was talking about. Before Morak Tal, he was going through a dry spell. Ashamed with himself for lusting after the guys, he made me swear not to reveal his secret. Unbeknownst to him, the others already picked up on it. Because of the taboos that come with bedding a juvenile, they gave him a wide birth.

Chase went into a fit of laughter.

'What's so funny? Wren asked.

'Nothing,' I told him, to which Chase laughed even louder.

Wren didn't insist though. He just shrugged and went to the restroom.


'I'm satisfied', Chase replied. 'Being in the brood-pack helps. These guys are even hornier than me. You should see the orgies they throw every night. It's like an open buffet of cock and ass.'

Now it was my turn to laugh.

Chase continued by giving me details of what goes on in these orgies. He was so graphic that I couldn't control the boner underneath my tunic. Wren smelled the change in me when he came back. 'Whatever it is you guys are talking about is making you horny, atsa,' he said.

Chase laughed his ass off. It occurred to me that he might have picked up on that fact too. Now I was blushing.

Wren snickered in amusement.

'Remind me to give you a list of fun-loving shag games you can try with your brood-mates,' Wren said to Chase.

Chase chuckled louder when I nudged Wren in the ribs. 'There's no need. We've exhausted the whole Shag Kamasutra months ago,' my little brother said.

I had to explain "Kamasutra" to Wren. We had a good laugh until we felt a shadow a second before we heard a loud crashing noise coming from the balcony. Swiftly, Wren threw open the door. Chase was close behind. I didn't follow. A cold shiver crawled over my skin with the draft coming in. Wren and Chase started laughing once they got outside. I was curious, but I stayed put.

Minutes later they reentered with the intruders. 'Look what the wind dragged in,' Wren said to me. As he moved aside, I saw Seth standing there, in all his glory, with a disheveled Dale by his side.

Chase closed the door as I greeted them with hugs and kisses.

'What in the world were you guys thinking?' I said.

'It was Dale's idea,' Seth accusingly said, to which the little guy placed his hands on his hips and scowled.

'We wanted to see you guys, but the guards wouldn't let us in.'

Wren chuckled. 'You could have sent a whisper.'

'We tried and it wasn't working. They must have a spell in place or something,' Dale said.

'Why so much trouble to see us?' Wren asked.

'Wain told us you've locked yourselves in your chamber, and we thought of checking in on you to see if you're doing okay,' Seth replied.

Wren chuckled. 'As you can see, we're fine.'

Seth pinned Wren with a knowing stare that seemed to say; "Are you really?"

Growing up, Seth spent a lot of time with the Graylards, especially with Wain since they were the same age. As I understood it, Wren was the little brother who kept on pestering the two best friends.

Wren bashfully blushed. Seth grinned, having proven his point.

Paying no attention to the greeting embrace between Dale and Chase, I watched with interest as the older male followed Wren to the breakfast table. Wren poured himself some water while they exchanged a few words. Unfortunately, Wren and Seth were being too quiet for me to hear them. They seemed to agree on something because Wren nodded yes to something Seth said. When they returned to us, I pretended not to notice.

'Rye, I'm kidnapping your mate.' There was a finality to his tone that made me pause. Reading my body language, Seth was quick to add, 'I heard about his awesome power and I want to take him out for a test drive. You know, eagle shifter style.'

Wren sheepishly grinned.

'Eagle-bear, where're you going?' Dale said, as if he was a spoiled five- year-old princess.

"Eagle-bear!" Chase mouthed from behind him. Tight lips, I tried not to laugh.

'Come one, sugar-bean. The guys need some bonding time. Why don't you and Rye entertain yourselves while we're gone,' he said with a wink.

Dale gave out an exited yet candid squeal. I bet he thought he was being subtle.

However, I wasn't amused. Honestly, I know Seth and Dale were into this role-playing thing, but I was not Wren's woman. 'Excuse me. Do I get a say in this?' I asked.

'Nope. Like I said. This is a kidnapping. Wren undress. We leave now,' Seth bossily said.

Before I opened my mouth, Wren was in front of me. He took my hands and leaned his forehead to mine. He seemed to feel the rage building up inside of me. His touch, his closeness, his silence, calmed me down almost instantly.

'I won't be long. Promise.'

I nodded in agreement. He pecked me on the lips before giving me a smile.

Silently, I watched him go.

'Eagle-bear! Sugar-bean! You guys are fucked up in the head,' Chase teased.

'Hey!' Dale protested. 'These are our pet-names. It's super sexy.'

Chase laughed. 'Not from my standpoint.' Then he turned to me and said, 'I have to go. The dads must be waiting for me. I promised to spend the afternoon with them.'

'Okay,' I said kissing him on the cheek. 'I'll see you later. Oh! Don't forget, we have a lunch-date with Alessa tomorrow.'

'Yeah. I won't,' he said as he closed the door behind him.

'Wow! Chase is becoming such a cutie,' Dale said in the same annoying voice he'd used on Seth. I inwardly cringed.

'Seth is gone. You can drop the act now.' He giggled. 'By the way, I'm trying not to be judgmental, but the both of you worry me sometimes.'

'You have Caleb's scent on you,' Dale said. I didn't detect any contempt in his voice.

'Yeah. He's at Notwitt. By the way, is there a way for him to meet Eva?'

Dale chuckled. 'I see you're still bent on increasing the tiger population.'

We walked to the breakfast table. Dale and I barely had time to sit when the door burst open startling us both. 'Uncle Wren, Uncle Wren!' Yelled a frantic Kenzo. He bumped into Dale and the older male had to catch him before he hit the ground.

I knelt in front of the little guy. 'Uncle Wren is not here. What's wrong?'

He was breathing heavily like he just run a marathon. 'My dad. Something's wrong with my dad,' he said in a panicky voice, really fast.

I grabbed his hands and looked him in the eyes. I used a series of breathing exercises with him until I sensed the tensions leave his tiny body. 'Now, tell me what is wrong with your dad?'

'He is laying in his bed. He is looking at the ceiling. He is not moving. I talk to him, he does not talk back. I shake him, he does not move. I got scared. I came to get Uncle Wren.'

I glimpsed at Dale. He raised his eyebrows at me. If he was trying to tell me something, I wasn't getting it.

'Ok Kenzo. Uncle Dale and I will go see your dad. Will you show us the way to his chamber?'


End of chapter 27

Next: Chapter 91: The Feri Light 28

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