The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Feb 4, 2018


Happy Reading!

The Feri Light

Chapter 26

Caleb stood with me in front of the shallow pool at Notwitt. We were seeing off the three wolf-shifters who fought by Wren's side in the arena. I brought them with me because it would have taken them days to reach the nearest shallow pool. They had been away from home for a long time and they were excited to be reunited with their kin. Actually, they were pretty cool, especially Brodie. He was an easy guy to get along with. He's charismatic, funny and laid back. I certainly wished I had time to get to know him and the others more.

As they finally disappeared I turned to Caleb. 'Come. We need to get ready for the reception.'

It has been three hours since Wren and Kane left Koff. According to Devlin, dragons are fast flyers and if his predictions are correct, they'll reach Theran in, give or take, two more hours. I'll be there when they do arrive. I want to be there for the Graylard brothers in their time of need. They are my friends, what's more, my family. But first, I was feeling ravenous, so Caleb and I made a quick stop by the kitchen.

'Rye, you're home,' my sister shouted when I entered the kitchen. She was covered in flour and some sort of goo that looked like chocolate. She even had some in her hair. She hugged me and covered me with kisses. I couldn't help but snicker.

'Honey, honey, let's not overdo it,' Nickolas said restraining her. He was in the same mess, all covered in baking ingredients. I loved the fact he was with my sister, protecting her. Even more, that he was playing house with her. To me that shows he does have feeling for her.

Nick pecked me on the mouth. 'I heard what happened. The boys went down...' he paused when he saw my face. 'Are you feeling okay?'

'Yeah,' I said, but he pulled me in for a hug anyway.

I went through the whole process of hugging, kissing and greetings when Helen, Cole, Farren and Rhett joined us minutes later.

Helen sat us down while she and Alessa made coffee. Alessa also served us some of her delicious muffins. I swear, she was getting better with every attempt. I took a bite from one and moaned in appreciation. Alessa giggled and blushed.

'Tell us what happened?' Cole asked. Instantly, I shivered at the changing ambiance. I found that he wasn't the only curious one when I scanned all their faces. I didn't want to go through all of it again but, somehow, I found the courage. Caleb helped.

There were a lot of comments, but it was Alessa who surprised me with her upbeat attitude or perhaps it was her ignorance. 'Well at least it wasn't all for nothing. Wren got his powers back.' I knew she didn't mean to sound so insensitive, but she still has a lot to learn. Her innocence was clearly evident, and it made me laugh.

'Okay. It's getting late. You all need to get ready now,' Helen motherly said. 'We all need to be down there giving the Graylards our love and support.'

I couldn't agree more.

Two hours later, I was standing on the front stairs of Theran's palace with my friends, Eric, his brothers and their kin. We weren't alone. The whole of Theran was here as well. Men, women and children had gathered around the courtyard waiting solemnly for the arrival of their dead king. Elron was a cunning and manipulative man but he wasn't a terrible leader. He was loved by many.

Sensing the moment of weakness in me, Nicholas grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. As he was an empath, he knew what I was feeling. I was eternally grateful for that fact.

I turned to the side to see Bron. He was between Reed and River, holding their hands. Next to them I saw Charlie. He winked at me when he caught me staring. He was thinner than I remembered, and he had dark circles around his eyes. His constant visits to Pixan were wearing him down. He needed rest. I will have to insist on that when we get the chance to talk. For now, I winked back. Eric wasn't looking at me. He was busy talking to a big man who looked a lot like Elron. Earlier, Wain introduced us. His name was Baldrick, Elron's younger brother.

'In the sky, look!' A child suddenly shouted. I realized it was Kenzo when I saw him jumping up and down with enthusiasm, 'It's a dragon, grandma.'

'Shush,' Stalia, his grandmother, who was holding his hand, said. She was as stoic as ever. I couldn't see her face because, like all the women, she wore a veil. But she had a handkerchief in her free hand. She must have cried for the loss of her mate.

Everyone watched as Wren-dragon landed in the middle of the square. I noticed the frightened look on some faces, however, it was short lived when Kane leaped down from the dragon's back. All eyes were on him when he went around to catch his father as Wren transferred him into his arms. Then as swiftly, Wren reverted to his human form. Walking in front of Wren, Kane carried his father and placed him at the feet of his mates. Wailing like banshees, Elron's women shrieked, cried and touched their fallen mate. No one attempted to stop or console them.

Nick felt my concern and squeezed my hand. I glanced at Alessa as she started to cry. Nick let go of my hand to hold her close. At that moment I felt two arms snake around me, pulling me to a naked body. Wren! Without really looking at him, I melted in his arms.

'Are you okay, atsa,' he whispered in my ear.


'Did you know you scared the shit out of me back there? I thought I was going to lose you too.'

'Wren...' I started but I couldn't bring myself to tell him that I was fine. Honestly speaking, I didn't feel fine. I was tired and sore. The dark energy drained a lot out of me. It took a great effort on my part to teleport Caleb and the others to Notwitt and I still hadn't fully recovered. I just hoped it was a temporary thing.

Wren kissed the top of my head. 'I'm glad you're feeling better.'

I gazed up at him. I saw that he wore Kane's typical distant and yet emotionless expression. In fact, all the Graylard brothers had the same expression. They were being brave or was it just for the sake of their status.

Elron's corpse remained on the step as every member of his family knelt down and touched him, saying their goodbyes. It was heart wrenching just standing there and watching them mourn.

When they were all done, six warriors picked up his corpse and carried him to his chamber. There, his four mates washed and dressed him. When they were done, Elron was brought back out and placed at the bottom of the dais right in front of the throne he used to sit on.

I watched intently as three witches performed the spell that would preserve Elron's body. Someone told me he wouldn't be buried until another Alpha King was chosen. When the witches were done, Luda, the head servant who was also like a second mother to the boys, approached us. Meanwhile, the double doors to the throne room opened and a throng of people poured in. It was now time for Elron's subjects to pay their respects to their king. 'This is going to take a while. You boys should go freshen up and get something in your bellies,' Luda said. She teared up as she hugged the brothers in turn before rushing us out through a side door.

Nick and my other friends stayed behind. Not that they couldn't come, more like they were giving the brothers time to themselves. The Graylards weren't alone, though. Charlie, Lyra, Bron and I were keeping them company.

'We just lost our father and I know how you all must be feeling,' Eric said bringing us all to attention. He looked solemn but otherwise he sounded like himself, which kind of disconcerted me a bit. Where I come from people are very expressive in showing their grief. 'I know what happened is still fresh in your minds, especially for those who witnessed it firsthand, but we must remain firm for what is to come.'

'I can't leave him...' Kane protested but Eric put up a hand.

'You're exhausted brother, and you're in pain. I don't just mean emotional pain. I saw the way you winched when you carried father and just now when Luda hugged you.' Kane pulled a face. 'Please brother.' Wren placed a hand on Kane's shoulder. Kane closed his eyes and nodded. 'I urge you all to do as Luda said,' Eric continued, 'go to your chambers and freshen up. Charlie and I will be waiting for you with food on the terrace in father's private garden.'

After I hugged Wain, Reed and River, I waited for Wren who was talking to Kane. I hoped he was knocking some sense into that stubborn shifter. Eric was right. Kane was not well. He had warg venom coursing through his veins, slowing down the healing of the injuries he got from fighting in the arena. Even his strength wasn't at a hundred percent. Right now, he needed to recuperate.

Charlie broke away from Eric, who was talking to a servant, and strode over to me. I didn't see him until he touched my arm. I turned and pulled him into a hug after kissing him on the cheek.

'I heard what happened out there. Are you alright?' He asked. I nodded yes. 'I thought you should know I was worried about you. Although, I'm a bit disappointed you didn't come to me once you got your teleportation ability back.' I wondered who told him. Must have been Helen... or Cole. Charlie exhaled loudly. 'Rye, I know you're the all-powerful Feres but it doesn't mean you have to do everything by yourself. That's what I'm here for. I can't stop you from being who you are. Great Feri knows I tried to give you space to grow but promise me you'll come to me if you run 1into trouble again, okay.' I gave a meek yes in reply. He was right on so many levels.

I was about to ask him about Pixan when Eric called for him. Charlie kissed me on the forehead. 'There will be time for us to talk later. Now let's take care of our friends. They really need us.'

I watched as Charlie and Eric left the room. Charlie's word haunted me, especially the part about doing everything myself. It's probably too early but I promise to change.

'Rye,' I heard Wren's voice behind me. I turned to find him holding Kenzo in his arms. 'Hey little man, you remember Uncle Rye, don't you?'

Kenzo shyly nodded.

'Your dad and I need to clean up, so you'll stay with Uncle Rye while we do. Be a good boy now or Uncle Rye will be mad and switch off all the feri lights in the ceiling, okay.' Wren will be a good father one day. He was showing some promise, but he didn't have to make the child afraid of me.

Kenzo nodded again.

"Wren?" I whispered.

"I'm taking Kane to see the physician after we've cleaned up some. Knowing him he won't go if I don't insist."

I understandingly nodded and took Kenzo from him.

Wren kissed the boy on the cheek and me on the mouth. Then he and Kane disappeared from the room.

'Are you a witch?' Kenzo asked me out of the blue.

'No. I'm a Feres. You know what a Feres is?'

'Nuh-uh,' he said shaking his head sideways.

We went to his chamber to play with his toys. As best as I could I explained what I was and how I came to be friends with his dad and Uncles. I have to say, he wasn't as shy as he appeared to be. He was very knowledgeable for someone his age. He was also bright and curious. By the time Wren's whisper came, I had gained a lot of insight as to what transpires in the Graylards household.

'Come on Kenzo. We're meeting your daddy on the terrace. Do you know where your grandpa's private garden is?'

'I know the way. Follow me,' he said.

He led me through a series of grand corridors until we reach a small cozy living room. By the tapestries on the wall I could tell we were in Elron's private quarters. The place was so simple and down to earth that I had a hard time believing the man was anything but secretly humble.

'Come on. My daddy is outside.'

I followed the boy through a double door leading to a beautiful garden outside. Night had fallen so I saw only what the torch lights touched. 'My daddy is over there,' Kenzo yelled before taking off towards the bonfire at a corner. I heard Kane laugh before I saw him scoop the boy up and hug him tight. He really did have a heart. Despite what happened to his father, he was all smiles when he talked to his son.

Wren met me halfway there. He wrapped his arms around me before giving me a passionate kiss. Shit! I sprang a boner.

'Hey you guys. The food is getting cold. Save that for later,' Reed said. He was grinning at us.

Wren and I sat on a cushioned bench while Eric served us each a plate. Since there was no table I had to eat with my plate in my lap.

All the brothers were there with their significant others. Wren's Uncle was also there and next to him were two young men who didn't appear to be much younger than Wren.

Wain caught me staring, so he introduced us. The oldest one was called Aiden and his brother Connor. They were Baldrick's sons. They resembled the Graylard brothers, especially Reed and River. I bet their mothers were from the same clan.

The evening was full of banter and laughter. Far from what I expected in such a grievous time. Baldrick told us stories about what it was like growing up with Elron. I found that even back then Elron had a dominant persona and it didn't surprise me when his father chose him as his successor. Next the brothers also shared memories of their father, even Kane didn't hesitate to share. Snuggling against Wren, I listened and laughed along with everybody.

Around midnight, Baldrick left with his sons. Kane who was holding a sleeping Kenzo in his arms also made his excuses before leaving.

'Is he going to be okay?' I asked Wren when he was out of sight.

'You shouldn't be worried for Kane,' Wain answered instead, 'he's stronger than he looks.'

'Well, he surely is,' Eric replied getting to his feet. 'We should follow him in. Get some rest. We'll have our hands full tomorrow with the arrival of the other clans.'

Wren and I retired to his chamber after we said goodnight to the others.

We didn't talk much until we were under the covers.

'What happened in Koff when I left?' Wren asked.

Moving close to him, I placed my head on his shoulder. 'Devlin took charge. Uren's warriors surrendered. Devlin gave them a choice, to stay and help rebuilt Koff or leave. I don't know how many stayed or left, though.'

'What about the prisoners, Brodie and the others?'

'All of them had been set free. In fact, I brought your three friends with me to Notwitt. They've gone home now.'

Wren raked his fingertips across my arm in a caressing movement. I didn't realize how much I craved his touch. He pressed his lips to my hairline. His warm breath sent warm and funny shivers down my spine. He continued to caress me, knowing full well what he was doing to my body. Wicked man!

'What's going to happen to Koff now?'

'Keene and Devlin are going to stay at the citadel with the professor. Apparently, they have some sort of experiment that can't be moved. Goran and his people are moving back to their village. Oh! Speaking of village, did you know that the Citadel isn't actually in Koff?'

'How come?'

'Yeah. The village is about a mile away from Uren's Citadel, which is located at the entrance of the old mining tunnels. How crazy is that?'

Wren sniggered. 'Hey! I thought Goran wanted to destroy the citadel.'

'He did but Devlin persuaded him otherwise. Although, he wants nothing to do with the place, Devlin made him sign a parchment turning the place over to me.'

Wren jerked away from me. 'To you?'

'Yep. The Citadel is mine. Ned is also staying behind through the winter to deter any of Uren or Helledon's followers from returning.'

Wren nodded. 'What are you planning to do with it?'

'Don't really know, although, a school or an Academy of some sort kept popping in my head.'

Wren laughed.


'If we let you have your way, you'll turn Targeten into an alternate copy of the human realm.'

'Would that be so bad?'

Wren moved against me until he was spooning me. 'No, but I'm sure nobody here wants to be human.' Wrapping his arm around my waist, he pulled me closer to him. My butt fitted perfectly in his groin, although, it was far from comfortable. It so happened that his hard erection was pocking me in the rear. Horny bastard!

We lay like this for a minute before I said. 'Do you think it will be disrespectful if we have sex?'

'No. People die all the time, Rye. We can't put our lives on hold because they're gone. Life doesn't work that way. We mourn them, we remember them and then we move on.'

He kissed behind my ear before whispering, 'the lube is in the trunk.' He barely finished his sentence when the tin can fell on his head.

'Ouch!' He yelped as the feri lights that I used to teleport the lube returned to the ceiling. I sniggered.

I couldn't see him but only felt his moist cock between my butt cheeks. He pulled me to him like before and buried his face in the crook of my neck. Slowly he pushed his hard cock into my opening. I sighed in pleasure as my butt clamped down on him. Excited, I waited for him to start fucking me, but he didn't move an inch.


'Shh! Let me enjoy this.'

I had to laugh. 'Yeah, I would like to revel in the intense pleasure too but you're killing me here, babe.'

It was his turn to laugh. His hot breath on my skin brought another kind of pleasure that caused me to shiver. He began thrusting, slowly. I got the message. We were making love tonight.

Turning my face to him, Wren took possession of my mouth. His moist tongue pried my teeth apart and he went exploring inside. Another shiver coursed through me like a heat wave. He didn't release me, so I had to breathe throw my nose. I moaned. And he responded with moans of his own. His hand left my jaw to settle between my legs. Gently rubbed my pubes, he wrapped his strong fingers around my hard cock. He kept a tight grip on it while he continued his gentle assault on my butthole.

I loved every single second of it. After twenty minutes (well, I'm not sure that it lasted that long) I was about ready to climax.

Sensing the change in me, Wren helped me along by pumping my erection. I came in his hand while sighing loudly. Gently, he squeezed every drop out of me. Then he brought his hand to his mouth and lapped up my cum. Meanwhile, he was still thrusting in and out of me. It felt like he was prolonging his own pleasure, which I didn't mind one bit.

It took a few more minutes but he did climax and buried his seed deep inside of me. What he didn't do is to retract his still hard cock from my butt. I got the strange feeling he wasn't done yet.

'You want to fuck me again, don't you?'


'Okay but make it a quick one. We really need to sleep.'

Although he said that he would, the second time around, Wren fucked me even slower. We were in the same position, which I wouldn't have minded changing. Not that I was complaining. It felt amazing. I was glad when it was all over though. I was completely exhausted.


End of chapter 26

Next: Chapter 90: The Feri Light 27

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