The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Aug 2, 2017


Happy Reading!

The Feri Light

Hi guys.

Before you start with the chapter I would like to apologize for the delay. Let's just say I've been busy because I don't want to bore you with long excuses. What I'll do instead is sum up the story to get you situated so you won't have to re-read the whole thing all over again.


As you know Wren is a feri-child just like Nickolas, Rye's sister Alessa (Elle) and Wain's mate Lyra. We learn in the "The feres circle" that Wren's mother had his powers bound by a male witch called Dorek. The All-shifter power is a legacy of Wren's witch bloodline. Amegra (Wren's mother) feared that power would corrupt her son like it did every male predecessor in their bloodline. However, that seal (which is really a blood seal that can be removed only by the one who cast it) has to be broken in order for them to wake the feri from slumber.

And so Wren and Rye left Notwitt on a mission to unlock Wren's power. Accompanied by Caleb the ex-slave tiger shifter, Nash Keene the guide and Kane Graylard, Wren's estranged brother. They met in a tavern in Merk which nearly ended their little adventure because of Ferard, an acquaintance, who called out to Wren, by name, in the ruffian tavern.

The group travelled across The Sear (The witches' domain) to a little village called Lore. However, walking into Lore made them targets of the vampire horde which was feeding on the villagers. They sought sanctuary in an outpost. Commander Fiori, a female warlock, accommodated, fed and replenished their supplies and sent them on their merry way. Kane disappeared, to god knows where, and if Wren knew, he wasn't telling. Only fair since Rye wasn't telling Wren about his father's death curse...

Along the way they met a deer shifter couple who needed help. Rye healed the injured male, they shared a meal, and by morning the couple were gone. Waking up the gang was surprised. A band of slave hunters tried to capture them. They failed, but another group who'd been on their tail from the beginning, succeeded in overpowering them. So it was revealed that Nash Keene was in league with the second group. To make matters worse, Ferard was among them. Nonetheless, neither man revealed Rye's true identity to their captors.

They were led to Koff. The ex-mining witch village was run by a regent called Uren. While Wren, Caleb and even Ferard were led to a prison cell, Rye was taken to Professor Dorek's private infirmary. He had passed out from feri- light deprivation. When Rye woke-up he finally met Devlin, his designated mentor, who had been gracing his dreams during his journey.

The story has reached the moment of Rye's second episode of feri-light deprivation. This time Devlin had to bring Wren with him into his dream walking to calm down Rye.

So, that's it guys. Find out what happens next in chapter 18 below...

Chapter 18

Wren's low, warning growl brought me back to consciousness.

'Who the hell are you?' I heard him say. I realized that right after our glorious lovemaking, I had fallen asleep in his arms.

'Sorry to interrupt,' the intruder said.

I squinted to see who it was before I stretched out my arm which had gone numb.

Muscles tensed, Wren looked like he was ready to do some serious damage. I placed a hand on his forearm to stop him from doing something stupid.

'Relax atsa. That's Devlin.'

Devlin grinned. 'It's an honor to meet you, All-shifter,' he said, which surprised my mate.

'H-how do you know that?' Wren said.

'I possess the ability to detect other people's abilities,' Devlin matter-of- factly said.

That caused me to raise a brow in curiosity. Yes. Devlin did have a wide range of powers that exceeded the norm. So far I knew that he's a strong telepath, a dream-walker, a shape-shifter and now a human power detector. Wow! What else can he do?

'Why are you here?' I asked him.

'It's time for Wren to go back,' he replied.

'Go back,' I repeated with a look of confusion.

Devlin loudly sighed. 'Go back to the real world,' he said without breaking eye contact with me. 'And you, your Majesty, are really unconscious. You had a little episode that could have been a real problem. You were a beast in your delirious stupor. You trashed the professor's breakfast table and the worst was when you psychically called for your mate. Not only were you giving me a migraine but I was afraid Uren would hear you. So after the professor tranquilized you, I brought Wren here in dreamscape for this little reunion.'

I did all that? Wow. Okay. Wait! 'What's wrong with me this time?'

Devlin swallowed hard. I could tell he felt uncomfortable. 'Sorry about that. But first, put some clothes on, will you. It's really hard for me not to stare.'

Wren and I got dressed while Devlin pretended to stare at the horizon.

'Okay. We're dressed. What is wrong with me?'

'Nothing that can't be fixed,' he said.

'What kind of answer is that?' Wren asked.

Devlin barely glanced at him before answering. 'The lumium your friend smuggled into the infirmary gave you a temporary fix but it is already out of your system. Your body is craving more. That's why you are like this.'

'You were saying something about fixing it,' Wren interjected.

This time Devlin did look at him. He grinned. It looked creepy on his angelic face.

'Well, yes.'

"How?' I urgently said before stepping around Wren, to be right in Devlin's line of vision.

The creepy grin again. 'You gave me the idea, Rye.'


'No, actually it was your dad who spoke to me through you.'

'Ok, now you're not making any kind of sense,' Wren blurted.

Devlin sighted. 'You went to see your father before the quest, right?' I nodded, not seeing where this was leading. 'Do you remember what he told you?'

I paused to think about it for only a second. 'You mean the riddle thing about us Feri shining brighter through the core something, something.'

'Exactly! Your core is the answer. And once we correct it you'll feel better in no time.'

Now he had our full attention. Too bad Keene chose that exact moment to make an appearance. 'Guys, guess who we found ...'

He didn't have time to finish his sentence when Wren pounced on him. They rolled in the grass until Wren ended up on top.

'You are going to pay for betraying us you bastard,' Wren yelled and began to pummel the poor guy's face. Blood flew everywhere.

I tried to pull Wren off Keene but I wasn't strong enough. But where I failed, Devlin succeeded. He grabbed Wren at the nape and threw him three feet in the air.

Wren landed on all fours, in his beast form. He launched again, but this time Devlin conjured huge iron chains that sprang from the ground. They wrapped themselves around Wren's legs, neck and waist.

'Enough!' Devlin's shout reverberated throw the vast meadow.

Wren didn't stop struggling.

Devlin went to Keene and pulled him to his feet. The guy spat blood as he wiped his bleeding mouth and nose with the back of his hand. He angrily stared at Wren but he didn't make an attempt to retaliate.

'Why are you defending this scoundrel?' Wren yelled at Devlin. He was back in human form as the chains slid off him to the ground.

'I didn't betray you, asshole,' Keene yelled back. 'I did what I had to, to save your ass.'

'What's going on here?' I asked Devlin.

Wren sauntered towards Keene again but I stopped him with a palm to his chest. 'Enough.'

My bondmate obeyed.

'As you might have guessed Rye, Nash and I share more than a telepathic link,' Devlin began. 'It's a long story but let me try to explain it as briefly as I can.'

'Keene's and my story began with Helledon and his... son. He was born weak... the son not the father,' Devlin added as he heard my confusing thought. 'For a decade the keeper searched for a cure. At first, he chased the Faradays because he learned from his circle sister, Rosalia, that they were gifted with the best healing magic. He captured a few of them and when they failed to cure his son, he killed them in fits of rage. After the Faradays he met the professor. The knowledge of medicine he gained in the human realm helped, but Uren was still confined to his bed. Then shortly after that Helledon met a necromancer who gave him the brilliant idea of transferring Uren's life force into another being. I believe you met the necromancer.'

He didn't have to say his name because i know it was Xell he was referring to.

'I taught Helledon and the rest of your father's circle how to use their powers, like I have done to countless clusters of circles before them. So Helledon understood pretty well how my abilities work. Somehow, he got it into his head that my body would be the perfect vessel for his son. I was tricked into drinking a paralytic toxin which rendered me unconscious. When I came to, Xell had already begun with the transference ritual. At this point, there wasn't much I could do but to transfer my consciousness somewhere else. I transferred myself into the seven year old Nash.'

'I wasn't in the room but in the main infirmary just below. I was sick. I was dying,' Keene interjected.

'I transferred my consciousness into Nash,' Devlin continued. 'I cured his illness and became part of him.'

Wren gave me an incredulous look.

'I don't get it. How does this work?' Wren said pointing at both of them.

Keene grinned. 'For the most part I'm in control of my body and Dev is like my... What's the word you used the last time?' Keene turned to Devlin.

'Co-pilot,' Devlin replied.

'Yes. He's my co-pilot,' Keene repeated.

Devlin nodded. 'It's a beneficial symbiosis really. He gets his health restored and I can interact in the real world again. And besides, we can trade places when the need arises.'

'I don't get it,' Wren said with a confused look on his handsome face. He pointed a finger at Devlin then at Keene. 'If you're stuck in him why are you here and him there?'

Devlin chuckled breaking his serious demeanor. 'We can separate but it has a time limit. Somehow the separation can last even longer in dreamscape.' Devlin rumbled on more about his connection with Keene, although, neither Wren nor I was really interested to hear more.

'What do we do now?' Wren asked. His eyes never left Nash Keene for even a second.

'Now I get you back into your body.'

'What about me?'

'You, your Majesty, are still comatose...'

'You'll be up in no time,' Keene interjected. 'I stole the remaining feri light orbs you had in your travelling bag from the citadel vault.' The sigh of relief coming from Wren was a welcome sign. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug. He secured a lock of hair behind my left ear before dropping a kiss on my forehead. The words "I love you" were left unsaid but I knew he was thinking them. 'Dev, whatever you're planning has to happen soon because everyone is on their toes. Apparently, Uren has called for a celebration. It's some last minute bang before winter arrives.'

'Winter?' I frowned. I heard about the winter thing a while back. I didn't get what's so alarming about it. Besides, I didn't feel any change in the weather at all. I could be wrong but...

'When and where will the celebration be taking place?' Wren asked.

'In the arena during Halcyon day.'

'That's three days from now,' Devlin shrewdly said. 'That's perfect. We'll take back the citadel then.'

All three of us stared at him expectantly.

'And how I might ask are we doing that?' Wren sounded a bit skeptical.

'There's a lot to do. I know. I don't have time to explain it all this instant. But, All-shifter, I want you to rile up the prisoners when you get back. We're getting the lot of you out. Tell them to expect a fight.'

'That's it?' Wren grimaced.

'Yes. That's all you and they should know. We wouldn't want to jeopardize our chances in the event the guards get suspicious and start interrogating people.'

'I guess you have a point,' Wren sighed.

'Good. Now take my hand.'

Wren pecked me on the mouth before leaning his forehead against mine. 'I'll be seeing you. Take care of yourself and don't do anything too crazy, you hear.'

I nodded and smiled as he released me. He took a step back, placed his hand in Devlin's and they disappeared in thin air.

'You guys are really in love, aren't you?' Keene asked. I was surprised he was talking to me since he pretty much avoided me on the journey here.

'We are,' was all I could muster.

He grinned. 'It's your turn now. Take my hand.' I didn't hesitate as I took what was offered. 'Meet you on the other side.' And just like that darkness took over. A blinding feeling of falling down a dark hole overtook me before my eyes opened.

I was back in the professor's infirmary.

'I brought you clothes. Get changed and meet me outside.' Keene gave a short bow before leaving through the door.

I felt a little lightheaded as I followed Keene through the overwhelming crowd and imposing structure. We were at the ground level of the temple-like pyramid shaped citadel. Oddly enough the ground level was the market square, fully equipped with stalls, vendors and goods. The upper levels were more closed quarters with wrap around inside balcony-like pathways. I found it funny that there were no stairs. It was more like a wheelchair ramp.

One thing I appreciated was the ingenuity of the place, how oddly familiar it looked. Basically, it resembled an indoor bazaar. Also surprising was the fact Koff citadel was hallow inside. What was hard not to notice was the huge inhibitor crystal which was on a raised platform in the middle of the ground floor. Four armor clad guards flanked the edifice. I lowered my head as I passed one of the guards. Up there they had a perfect view of the whole place and I didn't want to raise suspicion with my awkward gait.

We were walking towards the main entrance but Keene surprised me when he veered to the left towards a descending ramp. I blended well in the crowd. The clothes Keene gave me really proved effective. No one gave me a second glance. We also had the guards fooled. One of them stopped us when we reached the bottom of the ramp into the underground level.

I couldn't help but notice how well lit the sublevel was.

I kept my expression neutral as Keene explained why we were down here. After a serious staring contest the guard let us pass. I learned one thing though. The underground level was restricted to civilians.

'So that's what you do here. You're a messenger,' I whispered to Keene when we were out of earshot.

'Yeah. Whispers don't work here so they communicate through messengers. My brother got me the gig. Makes it easier for me to roam about and spy on these assholes.'

'How come the guard didn't recognize you then?'

'I've been gone for thirteen years. Sure I look different but my face is familiar enough to know I'm from around here. I actually have fourteen brothers and eight sisters.'

'Wow!' What else could I say? 'Where're we going?'

'I'm taking you to meet a few people then you have a training session with Dev.' Curious, I wanted to know who I was meeting but Keene shushed me as a group of warriors walked past us.

'Is it my imagination or are there more guards here than above?'

We reached a fork in the underground tunnel and we turned right.

'The barracks are at the end of the left tunnel. We are heading towards the prison cells.'

Once again we were halted by a bunch of guards. Once Keene showed them our credentials we were allowed to pass. Soon we arrived at the rampart of an open cave chamber. We took the path carved along the wall. Below was something else entirely. Hundreds of people in tattered clothes and different stages of undress loitered behind iron bars. They were warming up in small bands around small lit fires. They were rambunctious, carefree and jovial in their interactions. If it wasn't for the iron fences and repulsive stench, I would have thought they were on a camping trip. Speaking of camping, there were makeshift tents made from rags and miscellaneous materials that gave the place the appearance of a slum. It was hard to believe such a place existed even underground.

'Stop dilly-dallying.' We trod through another tunnel but before we reached the end Keene pulled me to a stop. He pulled out a fist sized gray- looking stone. 'Here. You'll need this.'

I took the stone. 'What is it?'

'We call it a null stone. It has some interesting effects on wags. Wags are partially blind that's why they prefer gloomy places. This will mask your scent and distort their vision enough for us to get past them.'

What Keene failed to mention was that we were taking a short cut through the wag den. Imagine my fear when we actually stepped into the lion den. Well, wag den. They were mostly inactive. Lazily napping, chewing on bones and snarling at each other, these beasts were terrifying. It was so terrifying I gripped Keene's tunic as we strode through.

Finally we reached the end of the den unscathed and wedged ourselves in a tight fitting hole that opened into a small landing near an underwater stream. The stream was really a streamlet. It could easily be stepped over. It was also slow moving and the sounds of rushing water could barely be heard.

'Now what?' I asked in a panicky voice. We had reached a dead-end and it was pitch black, but for the florescent lichens covering the confined opening walls.

Without saying a word, Keene stepped over the water and pushed a well placed hidden lever in the wall. I heard a rumbling sound as a doorway appeared in the wall before us and light streamed through. I followed him out to the most breathtaking sight.


End of chapter 18

Next: Chapter 82: The Feri Light 19

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