The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Feb 12, 2017


Happy Reading!

The Feri Light

Chapter 17

"So, you're Devlin, huh."

Without realizing it, my body temperature rose to the boiling point. I was barely able to control it and I ended up trembling.

"You're angry with me," he said.

"Who else knew?" I cut in. Anger doesn't begin to describe what I was feeling. It was more like I'd been hurt and betrayed.

"I will answer your question, but first you need to calm down, please. There are guards outside the door and I don't want them barging in here.' I nodded. He continued. "Let me assure you, none of our traveling companions knew about me. If you remember, Kane was very suspicious of me from the very beginning."

Kane was, wasn't he? We chose to ignore him. I shook my head, focusing my thoughts on Keene, no Devlin or whoever he was.

"For the record, I don't give a rat's ass about the guards, nor you for that matter. You'll do well to remember," I warned.

Instantly, his expression went bleak. I couldn't tell if he was worried, sad or angry. It didn't really matter to me.

"Does the professor know about you?"

Talking about the professor, his silence and the fact that he kept looking back and forth between Devlin and me, I knew he figured something was up.

"The professor doesn't know anything. I prefer it stayed this way if you don't mind," he replied.

The situation was a drag. I needed to vent my frustration yet I didn't want to harm the professor. I needed to get out of there.

The object of my irritation grinned, which only aggravated me even more.

Glancing at the older gentleman, Keene said to him, 'Professor, could I borrow your assistant for a little bit?'

The professor glanced at me. It took him a second to reply. 'Sure, if it's okay with Rye.'

I didn't want to go anywhere with him. However, I didn't get the chance to say anything because suddenly, I was hit by a dizzy spell and what I could only described as the beginning of a headache. I lean forward in my seat and discreetly rubbed my temples hopping it will go away soon.

I really hoped Keene didn't notice. When I glanced across the table I saw him looking at the older gentleman. I sighted because they were having a conversation and if you asked me I had no idea what it was about.

Quietly, I sipped from my cup and tried to behave normally. I didn't feel any better. In fact, a burning sensation that began in my nose spread through my mouth, throat, lungs and head. It was like inhaling hot flames. It hurt. It was overpowering. Feeling faint, I tried grabbing the edge of the table, but I miscalculated and I fell to the floor.

I black out completely.

I had no idea for how long I was out, but when I woke up I was somewhere else. To be precise, I was in a meadow of bright purple flowers. The sky was devoid of clouds, even the sun seemed to have disappeared. Yet it was as clear as day.

'Where am I?'

I stood up and scanned the area. The meadow was larger than what I expected. Everywhere there were theses purple flowers it seems. There were no mount, no hill, no mountain, no forest and no body of water. I wasn't afraid of open spaces but if I stay here any longer I just might.

Then I heard something; quick footsteps like someone were running towards me. I turned to see. And I got the biggest surprise of my life. It was a miracle. Wren was sprinting towards at full speed. He was smiling.


I didn't hesitate as I rushed to meet him. As the distance between us dwindled, he halted and waited for me with open arms. I dove right in and he hugged me tight.

'Wren. Is it really you or am I dreaming?'

Wren kissed me atop my head. 'It's really me atsa.'

We stayed in each other's arms for a while longer. I didn't let go because I needed to assure myself that what I was experiencing was real. We did let go, though, only to be lost in each other's eyes. I loved Wren so much. And it was crazy seeing that my feelings were reciprocal.

'Where are we? A minute ago, I was snoozing while thinking about you and puff. I woke up in this weird landscape to see you standing there like an angel. How did you get us here?'

'I know as much as you do.'

A worried look crossed his handsome face. While keeping a tight hold of my left hand, he gazed at the sunless blue sky and at the horizon in every direction.

'That's just weird,' he stated. 'Who's responsible for this?'

All this time, I could keep my eyes off of him. I turned him around and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled him a little closer. 'I don't know where here is. I don't know why we're here either. But all I DO know is that I'm here with you, my atsa.'

Like thirsty men who had wondered the desert for days our lips collided and pleasure consumed us. With our hands we prod, feel and grab at each other just to be sure it wasn't an illusion.

When we broke the kiss, we quickly undressed each other. Soon, I was in the tall flowering grass on my back. Wren pushed my legs open, spat on his hard member and thrust it in me. I realized we were both been dying for this. He laid his chest on mine and we resumed our kiss. Our love making was done with a feverish haste and fervor. Every thrust brought back memories and rekindled our bond. I wrapped my limps around my lover. The sensation intensified. I loved this man and I wasn't letting him go.

Before long, I sensed my lover was close. I reached for my own cock so I could finish at the same time as him but he beat me to it. I arched my back as he fucked and jerked my cock at the same time. Seconds later, we both cummed; he deep inside me and I between our bodies.

Panting out of breath, Wren rolled over into the grassy flowers next to me. 'You're just as handsome as the day we met,' he said.

Our foreheads were touching and it was easier for him to reach for my lips again. The kiss added to the euphoric state I was in. I giggled giddily, 'Ditto.'

I was lost in Wren's honey brown eyes for what seemed like hours, days, and months even. Mm! I was so much in love with this man.

He nudged me. 'Are you okay, atsa?'

'What is it?'

I was met with a puzzled expression. 'Are you okay?'

'I'm fine. I just lost myself in the stars.'

Wren smiled. 'You're the most adorable person in my life.'

'I'm the only adorable person in your life, right?'

He gave a smug grin and raised an eyebrow. 'Well, there might be one or two more who are keeping my bed warm for when I get back...' he joked.

He took an elbow to the shoulder.

'Ouch! You're a mean lover,' he said chuckling.

'It isn't funny. I'm warning you. If you cheat on me, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. I'll chew your cock and balls off and spit them in your face.'

He laughed uncontrollably.

I turned and pressed my back against his chest. In this position I could feel his heart beats and his every breath. I could stay like this forever.

Wren placed his arm under my head while running his fingers along my belly and waist. The ticklish sensation was unbearably erotic. I uncontrollably moaned trying not to giggle.

'Stop,' I protested, 'that tickles.'

Instead of stopping, he licked and sucked my neck marking me as his. The sensation was overwhelming. Laughing so hard I tried to shrug away from him. He didn't let me. His arm snaked around my middle pulling me back to him. I chuckled feeling his wicked grin against my skin.

'You drive me crazy atsa,' he whispered in my ear before he erotically nibbled at it.

I shivered with excitement. I wasn't the only one aroused. Wren's cock was poking my tailbone. It only took me two seconds to decide to put it in me once again.

He hissed in pleasure as he slipped in. A barely audible cry escaped him as my ass swallowed him whole. I felt full and complete. Sighing, I took a moment to enjoy the feeling. It was a sensation that I didn't want to forget.

Wren tried to thrust but I stopped him. 'Let me savor the moment a little longer,' I told him.

'You're killing me here, babe,' he said through gritted teeth. He could barely contain himself. His arm grew tighter around me and his cock kept pulsing against my prostate.

When I was ready, he just knew. Despite his urge to fuck me fast and hard, Wren held back. He was adamant to make love to me. I just knew he was doing this for me, not to satiate his horniness.

I didn't resist in any way. I just melted in his embrace and enjoyed the ride. It was a ride that lasted longer than I expected. Towards the end, he covered my lips with his as he filled my bowel with his semen. His convulsions prompted me to release my own fireworks.


End of chapter 17

Next: Chapter 81: The Feri Light 18

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