The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Feb 26, 2016


Happy reading!

The Feri Light

Chapter 10

Wren locked his gaze on the huge warlock blocking his way. Both wanted to reach the other side but neither of them was ready to step aside and let the other through.

On the horizon, the sun was dying. And the cool evening breeze was lost on both men as they prolonged the staring contest. Slimy with dirt and perspiration, their breathing was short and ragged from exertion.

From a spectator's point of view, the warlock had the upper hand. He had the superior strength and he had the rowdy crowd of his fellow warlocks to fuel his desire to win.

'Your man will lose,' Commander Fiori gloated. She sat on the bench next to me on the balcony which overlooked the training arena.

'The game is not yet over,' I replied just as confident in my contender as she was in hers.

In front of the crowd, Caleb and Keene stood at Wren's back. They were more or less in the same condition as him. In this game, they were his teammates. It was a skirmishing game in which the three of them stood against the Commander's champions.

In theory, the game was simple enough. Each team has a flag at either end of the arena. The first team to grab the enemy flag wins. However, in application, it wasn't easily accomplished.

Suddenly, the warlocks on the Commander's team made their move. Like a bull in rage, the large one charged at Wren. I've never seen someone this big move so fast.

The crowd cheered, egging him on.

When I thought Wren would falter, he didn't. Instead, he adjusted his footing and with it his stance. It was a good decision on his part. Back at Notwitt, he trained with his brothers practically every day. And the stance he just took was part of an elaborate move he invented to use against an opponent who was much larger than him.

I was on the edge of my seat with excitement. I watched him step aside at the last minute. Efficiently, he grasped one of his opponent's forearms and twisted it a little. Then he delivered a quick jab behind the guy's left ear with his right elbow. The blow temporarily blinded the guy. The move allowed Wren time to twirl his opponent around. Using his momentum against him, he shoved him in the opposite direction. And with lightning speed he delivered a series of punches at the guy's pressure points on his neck, lower back and legs.

The warlock gave out a cry of pain, fell to his knees and then bit the dust.

Keene too managed to overpower his opponent, Caleb, however, was in a bit of a jam. As Keene's adversary fell, he dashed across the short distance and plucked out the enemy flag. Game over. We won. The trio celebrated with cries of victory as the warlocks brooded over their defeat.

I snickered.

'You see, Commander. I told you not to count your chickens before they hatch.'

'What's that about chicken?' She said trying to make sense of my words.

'I said I told you my team would win.' I've learned a long time ago that it was useless trying to explain human humor to Targs.

That night when I climbed into bed, I had every intention to sleep. We are leaving early tomorrow. So, I wanted to be well rested. I also didn't want to miss my appointment with Devlin.

Unfortunately, Wren had other plans.

Hugging me from behind, he nestled his face in the crook of my neck. He gave me an erotic tongue massage.

I felt a stir but I ignored the feeling altogether.

He was horny. I could tell by his touch, his arousing little grunts and his burning member poking me in the rear.

'Not now. I'm tired,' I muttered.

He nudged the back of my head with his face. 'Rye. I'm super horny. I won't be able to sleep if we don't do something.'

He moved his lips to my left ear. He licked. He wet it. He sucked and teased.

'Mmm... I'm not in the mood,' I protested.

He released me and huffed resignedly.

Unexpectedly, he grabbed my left hand and thrust it between his legs. He was rock hard. He was throbbing. He was burning hot. He was so excited that I could literally feel the intricate network of veins beneath the skin.

'What am I to do with this then?'

'I wish I could help you baby but I need to sleep. Call Caleb. I'm sure he would be glad to help you.'

He pondered for a moment.

'Are you absolutely sure about this?'

I could hear the relief as well as the strained excitement in his voice.

'Yes. Now let me sleep.'

I closed my eyes but I couldn't close my ears.

I heard his murmur and in less than a minute I heard a knock at the door.

'Come in,' Wren said.

'What's the emergency?' Caleb hastily asked. He was panting, almost out of breath.

Wren wrestled to get the blanket off of him.


I had my eyes closed and my back to them so I didn't see Caleb's expression when my mate pointed at his throbbing cock. He did gasp, though. The resonance of it spoke volumes.

'Don't just stand there. Get your clothes off and come and nurse it.'

With all the time spent with Wren, I know his dominant persona comes out stronger when he's in need.

Straight away, Caleb obeyed the alpha without question.

The bed shook as he climbed in. Placing himself between Wren's open legs he took him in his mouth. He teased, slurped and sucked Wren.

Wren moaned.


I pulled the blanket over my head hopping to drown out the noise. My eyes remained closed. The other senses however, didn't seem to be getting the message. They were very much aware of what was going on at the other side of the bed.

The lovers' rhythmic movements which rippled across the mattress were shaking me awake.

The scent of their arousal was teasing me. And Caleb's imploring little moans were begging me to take a peek.

I gave up forcing myself to ignore the side show. I knew that there would be no sleep for me until they were done. Against my will, I was grounded in the world of awareness.

In the meantime my mind was playing "fill in the blanks" since I still had my eyes closed. The bed creaked as Caleb straddled Wren in a squatting position. Anchored by his hands on either side of Wren shoulders he started impaling himself. To secure his buddy in place I imagined Wren had his hands around Caleb's neck. Wren wouldn't allow his partner to do all the work. Accordingly, I felt his counter moves as he met Caleb halfway.

The animalistic grunts of their tussle escalated.

As I listened to them, my heart attempted to break free of its cage. Moreover, several times I saw myself usurping Caleb's blissful position. I inaudibly moaned. I felt warm and excited. These were two sentiments that I was familiar with, although, they stirred up a stronger emotion; that of nostalgia. Although I had lain with Wren only yesterday, I missed him inside me. I missed his everything. At this moment I regretted saying no to his advance earlier.

I lost track of time and by the time I was able to exit my thoughts, the tiger was on all four and the wolf was thrusting passionately behind him.

At this point, they were generating a lot of heat. What's more their heavy breathing saturated and hung over the bed like an invisible mist. The pheromone level also spiked. It was driving them both crazy. Needless to say, I was gripped by it as well.

I resisted the urge to join them.

What seemed like hours on end Wren finally reached his climax. He lodged his cock deep in Caleb's bowel and spew.

'Did you come?' He asked Caleb with heavy breaths.

Caleb chuckled. 'A while before you did,' he said.

Wren climbed off the bed to get a drink. He brought a goblet for Caleb before climbing back in. He settled himself in the middle and waited out his euphoria.

'Are you ready for another round?' He asked Caleb.

Caleb chuckled again. 'Hell yes.'

I've waited for ages for them to finish so I could finally get some sleep and I wasn't about to wait some more. I had to say something.

I turned facing them. 'No. No more fucking in my bed. You kept me awake all this time and I'm not about to tolerate more interruption. If you want more, be somewhere else.'

Wren laughed but Caleb was solemn.

I gaped at my mate. 'I'm fucking serious.'

'Okay, okay,' Wren said still laughing, 'will do it on the floor.'

They got off and spread the extra blanket on the floor on the other side of the room close to the balcony. Laying down Wren pulled Caleb in his arms and they kissed. My heart was jealous but my mind dismissed the selfish thought.

I put out the dimly lit feri-lights above before dozing off at last.

I was in the same field as last time when Devlin appeared behind me without so much as a sound.

'Hello, Your Majesty.'

I basically jumped out of my pants with fright. 'Jesus Christ!' I yelled.

Devlin stoically stood there and impassively stared at me. Even more startling, I got to see my face devoid of emotion on him.

'Jeez. Give a guy some warning next time, will you.' I put my hand over my chest to feel my heart as it decelerated.

'Do you mind changing into someone else?' I added a moment later.


'You having my face is freaking me out.'

Worms crawled beneath his skin as he morphed into a young man about my age and height with dark sparkling eyes and hair. He wore a long tunic that covered his crotch area with belt and a pair of long leather pants underneath.

Impressive, I thought.

'Thank you,' he cockily said.

So conceited, I said under my breath. He heard me but he chose to ignore it. I was thinking he didn't react because I was right on the money.

'If you're quite finished we'll get started. We have much to do,' he said.

'The form you took. What can he do?'

'You don't recognize your own people.'

'How should I. I never met any feres except for my father and grandmother.'

He dismissed me with a flick of the hand. 'Never mind. I saw you successfully called a bird. Next time you should try it with a larger animal.'

I didn't know what to say so I said nothing.

'Today we'll be moving to something different. Feri light. You'll be learning how to see, to access and to manipulate it.'

'I'm confused...' I said with a frown before I was cut right off. Of course he already had seen through my puzzlement with his mind reading trick.

Show off.

'What is known to you as feri-light, your people rightfully named it lumium. The other Targs called it feri-light out of their own ignorance,' he said with an air of superiority. I will give anything to wipe the smug look off his face.

'Now listen well. Feri light is the sentient energy that encompasses the Targeten realm. It's its magic that allows all of us to access our powers. It's what's powering the shallow pools, your people's memorium, the imperceptible shield that's preventing the Northenders into our midst and most significantly Sandridon; the barrier between the realms. To date only two races are known to be able to profitably access it. These races are the Feri and the Elfin. To a certain extent the Northenders can too but they react to it differently that the rest of us.'

'Different how?'

'To put it in a language you'll understand, they're allergic to it. It's like poison to them.'

'But you said "to a certain extent". So what can they do with it exactly?'

'They can use their core to repel or banish it. That's why your people almost died out. Their powers were rendered useless on the Northenders.'

I was lost in a solemn thought for a moment. However, Devlin wouldn't allow me to wallow. 'As I mentioned earlier, feri light is found everywhere, but the greatest hotspots are where the feri centralized their activities.'


'Notwitt and Feri Court Island of course,' he said as if I should have known the answer right away.

He said something else but I didn't hear him. He's words finally kicked in. I couldn't shake away the cold gripping fear that suddenly washed over me.

If my people, the great Feri couldn't defeat the Northender while standing together what can I, a puny feres, do to defeat them?

Despair came knocking on my door. I embraced it.

I'm doing all this for nothing. I'm going to die and I'm blindly trying to lead everybody into this inane war with me.


End of chapter 10

Next: Chapter 74: The Feri Light 11

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