The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Dec 22, 2015


Happy reading!

The Feri Light

Chapter 5

Cloaked, Wren and I snuck out of the citadel like a couple of thieves. It was dark outside. If I had to guess, I'd say it was around eleven at night. I knew we were leaving early but I had no idea it would be this early.

I spotted Nick by the shallow pool as we stepped into the courtyard.

'You guys ready?' He asked. It was cold outside and he was not appropriately dressed. He kept rubbing and blowing into his hands while folding his shoulders trying to warm himself.

'I thought I told you not to come out here,' Wren said, a little annoyed. I nudged him.

Nick chuckled.

I didn't blame Wren because I knew he was over excited, but that was no reason to be rude to Nick.

'You guys are my best friends. I would not rest easy if I didn't see you off,' Nick said.

'Oh!' I kissed my best friend on the mouth and hugged him tightly.

'Thank you Nickolas.'

He hugged me back.

'Take care of my sister.'

'I will.'

He released me only to give Wren a slapping hug.

'Now you be careful, mutt. And take care of the little prince, you hear?'

Wren playfully shoved him off, 'Fuck you, witch boy,' he then glimpsed my way. 'But don't you worry. I'll take good care of our boy.'

Wren and I entered the shallow pool and we waved at Nick before we were teleported away.

'Where are we?' I asked Wren the moment my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit courtyard around us.

'Be quiet,' Wren said in a hushed voice, 'we mustn't be heard or seen.' Without another word he dragged me into the shadow of a tall building. He then peered into the night as if searching for something, or someone. 'Where the hell is he?' He mumbled.

'Who are we waiting for?'


I pouted. I did not understand why he could speak and I had to keep quiet.

As if on cue, a hooded figure stepped into the light. Whoever it was waved us to follow before disappearing in an alley.

Wren and I hurried to catch up with him. I found the whole affair frightening, yet mystifying.

I said "him" because one could never mistake the hooded guy's very masculine stride for a woman's. Of course, I could be mistaken. God knows, I have seen quite a number of women back in the human realm with male mannerisms. That reminded me. I never met any lesbians here in Targeten.

After a ten minute chase, the guy finally entered the front door of a boisterous tavern.

'We go in now,' Wren said to me, 'but first you need to know that this place is not the safest place to be. So, don't talk to anyone, don't stare for too long, just keep your head down and follow my lead, okay.'

I nodded and followed him in.

The tavern had a rather rustic appearance for an establishment found in an urban setting. Squared, stone beams supported the upper floor and the lanterns attached to them. The walls were completely bare, besides the lighting, most likely because the patrons stumble against the walls too often and would knock off anything on the walls. The floor seemed to be permanently coated with a layer of grime from the hundreds of dirty boots that had trumped through it for decades. The bartender, most likely the owner, stared at us as we navigated around the patrons to a table at the far end of the tavern where the hooded man just sat. I sat next to Wren facing the raucous crowd. The man we followed drew down his hood. I must say I never expected to find that Caleb, the tiger shifter we rescued from Captain Roman, was the man we came here to meet.

'Hey,' Wren said.

'Hey,' Caleb said back.

'Is everything in order?'

'Yeah. Do you want to...?'

'Not here. We'll discuss it later. Now let's order some drinks and wait for the others to show.'

Wren signaled a plumb, redhaired wench over. She took our orders and left without a second glance at Caleb or me.

Wren and Caleb were silent as we waited. Despite Wren's warning I could not help but to look around. I noticed that, like us, most of the patrons were trying to be discreet; conversing affably and drinking sensibly in small groups across the room. Well, except for a rowdy bunch of mean-looking guys horsing around at the large centre table. One bearded man in particular had his face buried between a wench's breasts while his companions raised their goblets and cheered. The wench was really enjoying the attention. I saw contempt on the faces of two of her peers as she laughed and clung to the bearded guy. The only guy at that table not participating in the fun was slouched against the wall to accommodate the thin messy haired man straddling him. They were heavily petting and kissing each other. It was a nasty affair.

I watched them for a few more minutes before the messy haired guy finally broke the vigorous kiss. As he twisted and grabbed the goblet of firebrew on the table behind him I got a good look of his face. I froze like a statue.

The wench was back with our orders. Wren said something to me but then frowned at me when I did not respond. His eyes followed mine and then he saw what I was seeing.

'Fucking hell!'

'What is it?' Caleb asked. He too followed our line of vision. 'Who's that? Do you guys know him?'

Wren dropped a few gold coins on the table and stood up. 'Let's get the hell out of here.'

'What's going on?' Caleb asked.

We pulled up our hoods and quickly headed towards the exit. As we were about to reach the door, the man we were trying to avoid called out Wren's name.

Wren paused for a fraction of a second, gritted his teeth in anger, and stepped out the door.

Walking out, we bumped into Kane and Keene.

'What's wrong?' Kane asked when he saw his brother's irritated grimace.

Wren did not reply. He talked to me instead. 'Rye we are in Merk. Use your feri-lights, teleport us to the burnt down cottage where we found Amegra.'

Without a word, I swiftly opened my bag and released the feri-lights I brought with me. Ten seconds later we were standing on the lawn outside the cottage on the outskirt of town.

'What happened in there? Who was that guy?' Caleb turned to me for answers.

'The man you heard calling out Wren's name knows us. He's called Ferard and he's a tattoo artist.'

'Ferard, son of Wicker?' Kane asked in surprise. 'Did he recognize Wren?'

'I just said he called out Wren's name,' I replied annoyed.

'Well, he's a blabbermouth, especially after a few drinks. He brought a scandal upon his house that nearly ruined his father's reputation five years ago,' Kane said.

'Let's just hope he doesn't open his big mouth this time around. The guys he was hanging with are trouble personified. They are bounty hunters and will also do anything for a price. I know that because I saw the boss guy on Roman's ship at the docks on more than one occasion in the past.'

'Shit!' Kane cussed. 'Let's me go back there and shut his fucking witch's mouth before he ruins it for us.'

I could see that Caleb was in agreement with him but Keene remained silent as we waited for Wren to say something.

'We do nothing,' Wren said after some time. 'Let's not deviate from our plan. Nash, how did it go with the horseman?'

'We have the horses. They're in the common stable back in the city.' Nash was Keene's first name. Apart from Wren just now, everyone addresses him as Keene.

'Good. Go fetch them. We're leaving tonight. And take Kane and Caleb with you'. I need to think about all of this. Of course, he did not say the last sentence out loud but I just knew he was thinking it.

No one argued with Wren. Not even Kane.

With the others gone, I approached Wren and wrapped myself around him from behind. He stood still taking long breaths.

'Ferard is your friend. He wouldn't do this to you, would he?'

Wren exhaled deeply. 'I honestly don't know. But what I do know is that Kane is right. His tongue does wag a bit too much when he's intoxicated.'

'What if you talk to him? Send him a whisper.'

'Not a bright idea. He's as high as a kite. Frankly, I'm probably be making a mountain out of a molehill, so don't you worry about him and them. We should be gone from here by tonight.'

Wren and I stayed connected for a while longer.

'What's the worst that could happen if he spills the beans?'

Wren sat down in the grass and pulled me down with him. I laid my head on his shoulder and caressed his side. The darkness of the night concealed us from prying eyes.

'Well. Ferard doesn't know anything about our mission. He knows we're up to something because of the tattoos he altered for us. Although, the real snag is that he knows us. He knows your identity.'

'Now I know why I hated the guy when I first met him,' I said.

'No. You hate him because he was hitting on me in front of you and you didn't like it,' Wren said chuckling.

'What!' I said sitting up. I could not see his expression clearly but I know he had that smug look when he knows something I do not. 'You knew about this?'

He laughed. 'Yeah. It was fun watching you playing nice.'

I mocked slap him. 'You evil man.'

He laughed louder. I laughed along with him.

By the time the others arrived, Wren's mood had improved.

Keene purchased only three horses, which I was glad because I did not know how to ride one. I rode with Wren as we galloped away into the night.

We rode five hours before Wren decided the horses needed some rest. We set up camp near a small stream. My atsa wanted us back on the trail by sunrise so in pairs we took turns to stand watch.

By dawn we were riding again. We were heading for a small village called Lore. According to Keene it will take us three days to reach it. Wren promised me we would taste a home cooked meal and rent a room for a night when we reach there. I was glad because I was aching for a real bath and a night of intimacy with my bondmate.

Across valleys, mountains and plains we rode. I marveled at the different scenes that unfolded before my eyes. I never saw much of nature while growing up. I've never been curious but occasionally I did sit with Charlie watching the discovery channel. I just wished I could have followed my uncle on his hikes and camping trips because I liked the new experience.

Two hours before dusk on the second day, we set up camp under the cover of the forest canopy. Wren went hunting for diner with his brother, Caleb fed the horses, and Keene prepared the fire pit.

Tired and a little sore, I helped Keene gather firewood.

Nash Keene was the silent type. We had been quietly gathering wood for half an hour and he surprised the hell out of me when I heard his grave voice. 'I think we should be heading back,' he said to me.

Arms full of twigs I watched him. Standing 5'11" he wasn't much taller than me, hell, he was not even as tall as the average Targ. He was muscular; a bit bulky but muscular nonetheless. His most interesting feature was the color of his hair. He was the first redheaded Targ I'd met so far.

I was following Keene back to the camp ground when a whisper brushed against my ear.


End of chapter 5

Next: Chapter 69: The Feri Light 6

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