The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Aug 20, 2015


Happy reading!

The Feri Light

Chapter 3

'Come again?'

The Alpha King straightened, and then sighed.

'What I'm about to tell you is meant for your ears only. I don't want any of my sons to know about it,' he paused for effect. I nodded yes, although I doubt if I could keep anything from Wren. But Graylard did not have to know that. 'Sometimes, I mean on rare occasions, I like spending time away from the burden of the crown. Usually I just go for a stroll in the city or enjoying a drink or two in the company of an acquaintance in the tavern.' In other words, he likes to slip out of the palace to meet with a few whores in the tavern. Typical Targ behavior but this is a bit extreme even for him. Leaving a harem to visit whores, that is unheard of.

'On this particular night, I was nursing a cup of firebrew at my usual place in the tavern when this woman waltzed up to my table and sat down without an invitation. I thought nothing of it for I was in disguise. She had nice curves and big curly blond hair so I didn't question her intentions.'

He shook his head in a defeated manner. I raised an eyebrow.

'"I know who you are King Elron," she told me. I was taken aback since I obviously never met the likes of her before. Not to forget the fact that I was in disguise. How could she have known my identity? I asked her that very question and she said that she was a mystic.'

Elron walked to the other side of his chair and perched himself on the armrest. He looked unsettled.

'I laughed of course but she was making goo-goo eyes at me like she was flirting. So I played along. I asked her a few more questions before she said that she had seen into my future. That was when she placed a white pebble in front of me.'

Understanding dawned on me. The woman was a mage. More specifically she was a Mystic, a member in the Order of the White Goddess. Amegra told me about her sect because in the past they had tried to recruit her. They revered the Moon Goddess; Mara. They claim to be her messengers. The people feared receiving a white pebble from them because they were known to be the bearers of bad news.

'As soon as I saw it I grabbed my blade but she dematerialized into a glow of sparkling blue lights.' Elron grabbed his blade because allegedly if you kill the mystic who delivered you your stone you'll be spared from whatever ill news they gave you.

He remained quiet until I spoke.

'I get the turmoil you must be going through but what's that got to do with me? Why are you telling me?'

He stood up and straightened his slick jacket. He then reached into his pocket and placed the white pebble on the desk in front of me.

'That bitch told me I was going to die. I just want to know if it was the truth. I had my witches look into this matter but to no avail. But then in a passing conversation with Kane he happened to mention you. He told me of your vision on the ship on the way to Feri Court and how it got triggered. So obviously, that makes you the only one I know with the power to tell me what I want to know.'

So he wanted me to invoke a vision using the white pebble. I stared at the stone for a while debating whether I should do this or not.

Elron was an insufferable egotistical maniac. Not to forget he was also a control freak. Everything in his surroundings revolved around him. He divided his sons like he did his court so he could better control them. And so they would confide in him instead of each other. He built a harem so that he will never lack affection. He disowned Eric when the latter ruined his well laid plan by falling in love with Charlie. Oh, I had heard of this story. Eric's mother was a far cousin of Benson Whitestone's bondmate. Elron struck a deal with the Whitestone Clan in which Eric would bond with Benson's daughter to ensure the Whitestone Clan's irrevocable devotion to the Graylard if ever the other Clans turn against Elron in his quest for more dominance.

'I understand your hesitation. But if not for me, do it for my sons.'

'What!' I said with a frown.

'This is a mad world we live in. And competition for the crown is fierce. Like my father before me, and his father before him, I must ensure that the Graylard legacy is passed down to a worthy son. I had to harden my sons for the reality of things. Nothing will ever be given to them on a silver platter if they are not willing to fight for it. Alas, it's proving to be an arduous task with you in the fold. Following you like lap dogs was not what I had in mind for them. Kane's devotion was giving me hope. Unfortunately, I'm losing him like the others. Now, even he wants to follow you to the end of the world. Just as well, he got the gist but he lacks the patience. I so wanted Eric to be the one, but then the Fates have a nasty way of meddling into my affairs.'

I stared at him, stunned by the revelation. He was a bigger idiot than I thought.

He sucked in a breath and winced when he saw the incredulous look on my face.

'Apologies, Your Majesty. This whole dying thing is getting to me. However, will you deny an old man his dying wish?'

I thought about it. He might be disrespectful and rude but I am not without a heart. Despite his insolence, he was still Wren's father.

'I'll do it.'

I reached for the white stone. The moment I touched it I was pulled into a vision. The vision was partly hazy but what I saw was undeniably clear. Elron lay on creamy sand with a tint of dark tendrils hovering above him. The haze prevented me from seeing beyond his corpse. But I figured out a few significant details, like it was day time. I heard what seemed like an agitated flock of ravens squawking above, a distressed crowd and the reverberating of a beast that sent chills down my spine. Suddenly a massive face came into view. With smoky breath, it took Elron into his mouth and I could only see his dangling feet from the dragon's mouth before I was jerked out of the vision.

Graylard was hunched over his chair, staring at me when I came out of the vision.

Sweat ran down my temples as I caught my breath.


'The mystic spoke the truth. I saw your corpse. Unfortunately, the vision was hazy and I couldn't tell where and when it will take place. For all I know it could be tomorrow or two years from now.' I proceeded to relate every single little detail of the vision to him.

'So it's true,' he said in disbelief. 'I'm really going to die.' He pulled his chair back and fell into it.

I felt uncomfortable sitting there watching his grief. I got up, placed the white pebble back on the desk and walked towards the door.

Despite telling myself not to say anything else, I spoke. 'My father was a clairvoyant. He would have told you the same thing I'm about to tell you. Don't go looking for trouble when there is none. The vision I just saw was not one set in stone, so don't you do anything that will set it in motion. Just do what you normally do and leave it alone.'

I doubt he will listen but he couldn't say I did not warn him.

The diner was really a banquet with complimentary meat dishes more than anything else.

I noticed the word "formal" has a different meaning than it does in the human realm when it comes to dining. Proper etiquette was lost on these people. Everyone served themselves to various portion of their favorites. They used forks and knives but they were not shy about using their hands as well. Talking with a mouth full was a big no-no but reaching for something on someone else's plate wasn't. God, these people were weird.

Throughout diner I kept glaring at Elron. His mask of deception was up for he kept smiling and chatting with Colette and Kane who were on either side of him.

Eric tried to engage me in conversation but he soon found out that I wasn't interested. Across the table I caught Wren occasionally glancing at me. His knitted brow told me he suspected something was off with me. To be fair, I wasn't aware there was anything wrong with me until I saw Wren's face. To thwart him, I avoided direct eye contact.

There was no desert but then where would we put it when everyone ate so much.

After diner we were served a light tea before everyone retreated into their chambers.

I talked with Eric and Charlie before they left. Wren decided to stay in Theran for the night. He was excited to show me his old room. Wain and Lyra thought it was a good idea because they stayed too.

'Well, the evening was a success. The women really behaved themselves tonight,' Wren said shrugging off his jacket. I followed him through the short narrow corridor leading to his room without a word.

As soon as we were inside he threw his jacket on a chair, turned facing me and walking backwards. 'What do you think of my humble abode?'

I gave a short laugh.

'It's... cozy,' I said looking around.

It really was. The sizable room had a four poster bed away from the tall window. A wooden chest was at the foot of the bed. A few more pieces of furniture, here and there. And the walls displayed portraits of him and his midnight colored wolf, except for the wall to the entrance. It held his trophies; decorative weapons and what looked like a warrior insignia.

'Is that all you have to say?' He looked disappointed.

'What is that?' I said pointing to the furry rug in front of his bed. It looked ugly and out of place. The change in subject will buy me some time to come up with a plausible answer to his suspicions. I really didn't want to lie to him, although, now wasn't the time for him to learn about his father's demise.

A smile cracked his face.

'That's old fudge, my cuddly bear,' he said.

'You mean, you killed it?'

'Yeah. I kind of had to. Killing him granted me the rite of passage to join the pack as a warrior.'

'That's barbaric,' I said appalled.

Wren wasn't offended. He waltzed up to me and took me in his arms. He kissed me on the forehead. 'I'm sorry if that offended you. It wasn't my intention. But by now you should know that I'm part wolf. It's in my nature to hunt things down.'

Feeling guilty, I looked down.

'Something else is bothering you,' he said lifting up my chin. 'Tell me what it is?'

I searched for his eyes. I saw my own anguish swirling in them. I can't lie to him. I will not. But I still felt it wasn't the right time to tell him.

'Something is indeed bothering me but I'm not ready to talk about it yet. I hope you understand.'

He looked at me for the longest of time. 'It's not me, is it?'

'No, no. It's nothing to do with you,' I quickly said.

He exhaled deeply and grinned. I laughed despite myself.

'That's good to know because I was beginning to worry a bit.'

Suddenly realizing that I was putting a damper on what should have been a wonderful evening, I pulled Wren in for a kiss. I used my tongue to pry his teeth apart before I coaxed his out. He took the bait. I sucked him with fervor and he responded.

'Wow. Do that again,' he said coming back for seconds.

We kissed until my mouth hurts.

'That's a turn of event. What brought this ...' I stopped him by gluing a finger to his lips.

'Shush. Now take off your clothes and get in the bed.'

Without hesitation, he stripped and climbed into the four poster bed. I climbed in after him fully clothes and straddled his waist. He grinned as I lowered my lips on his. His arms came around me but I pushed them off.

His furrowed his brow.

'Tonight you belong to me, and you will do what I tell you.'

I felt his breath deepen. Nervousness, excitement and arousal were written all over his face.

'Now be still and don't move a muscle,' I said.

I slipped out of bed and stripped, then grabbed a few items from the floor. I searched the room for lubricant but I didn't find any.

'Where's your lube babe?'

'Check in the trunk.'

I looked and found a glass bottle of some oily stuff inside. I took a whiff and it smelled vaguely like jasmine. That will do. I returned to Wren.

I straddled him once again. 'I need you to trust me, atsa.' He vigorously nodded yes. While I blindfolded him with the hanky, I sucked on his bottom lips. His hands moved and I had to push them off again.

'We have to do something about that,' I said reaching for the belt. I already thought about it but I was putting it on sooner than I expected to. Shifters hated to be tied down that's why I did it loosely. With his wrist restrained over his head I sat back satisfied with my work. Then I took my time, looked at my naked bondmate and smiled at him. I leaned towards his face. 'Good boy' I said, biting lightly into his ear.

'Stay there, lie quietly.' After a while of adoring his taunt lean muscular body, I lifted the bottle of fragrant oil and let some drip onto his chest. Wren winced at the sudden cold drops and squirmed deliciously. I began to massage my bondmate gently. I slid my hands along his chest all the way to his treasure trail, up on either side of his waists to his armpits. I repeated the actions a few more times before dropping kisses around his navel. His skin shook in little tremors beneath my lips. His rigid cock pressed against me. The faint scent of his arousal mingled with the jasmine fragrance sending a chain reaction through me. I wanted his cock in me.

I lubed his member and impaled myself on it. He winced and moaned. Taking my time, I rubbed my oily hands over his thighs and groin. I was at an awkward position but I did it all the same.

As I lowered down to rub his shoulders and neck, Wren thrust his hips. That earned him a firm spank on his right thigh. 'Did I say you could move?'

He chuckled loudly, earning himself two more spanks. I enjoyed seeing his twitching body and hearing his sighs, while he held tightly to the bedpost. I paused after the spanking, watching him writhe. Deep inside of me, his cock was pleading for some attention. Bending over, I kissed his chest, saying in a calming voice: 'you were brave. I will give you your reward.'

I sat up again and start bouncing up and down his prick. A guttural sound escaped him as I rocked his world.

Sweat trickled down my face and neck as I moaned in pleasure. I reached back and grabbed his nut sac. I squeezed it slightly causing him to jerk. Pushing him down, I showed him no mercy.

'Come for me babe,' I said in a hoarse voice. An animalistic rumble rose within his chest, throat and finally became vocal as he flooded my bowel with cum. That triggered my own orgasm and I came copiously on his tensed abdomen.

Panting, I bent down and gave him a passionate kiss. 'You want to taste me?'

He nodded yes. Scrapping my fingers across his belly, I brought my cum to his hungry mouth. He licked and sucked every last drop. Feeling exhausted, I lay on top of him.

I removed the blindfold to see his wide bliss filled eyes.

'I love you atsa,' he whispered with a silly grin.

'Ditto,' I whispered back.


End of chapter 3

Next: Chapter 67: The Feri Light 4

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