The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jun 29, 2015


Happy reading!

The Feri Light

Chapter 2

The feri-lights ascended to the ceiling as we materialized outside the Grand Hall of the Theran Palace.

Greetings to His Majesty King Riley and My Lady,' a modestly dressed female servant addressed Lyra and me as we approach the doors. She then turned to the Graylard brothers. Welcome home Your Highnesses. Your father will most certainly be delighted you are here.'

`Thank you Luda. Please lead the way,' Wain said with a smile and a gentle inclining of the head. Wren mimicked the gesture as well.

The woman flushed. And I knew why. In the shifter community you show acceptance and you treat someone your equal with a bow. So, there is no greater honor for a low standing person, let alone a servant, to receive a bow from a man of higher standing.

`This way, please,' Luda said leading us to Elron's private quarters.

It was an hour past twilight and the hallway was lit by torches.

As we neared the Alpha King's quarters we were met with a dozen wolf shifters in animal form. They padded towards us growling and baring their teeth. Their apparent hostility brought us to a halt.

Remain calm,' Wren said to me, and don't give them any reason to hurt you.'

I stiffened when the wolves wove between us sniffing as they went. One of them stared at me for too long. That angered Wren who gave a low warning growl. Even in human form he sounded so frightening. The wolf quickly cast his eyes down and backed away with his ears pulled back.

I giggled.

Wren glanced at me. `What?'

`I keep expecting them to frisk me. It would be funny if they tried doing it in their wolf form.'

Wren furrowed his bow. `Let them try and they'll regret they were even born.'

Lyra heard us and giggled in front of us.

Luda pushed opened the doors that led inside Elron's quarters. As soon as we set foot inside, a young boy, around three years old, charged towards us.

`He's here. Uncle Wren, Uncle Wrennn ...' he chanted and ran straight into Wren's arms. Laughing, Wren twirled him around. The boy laughed full heartedly. He was still grinning when my atsa paused to kiss his head.

`Hey. How is my favorite nephew today?' Wren asked.

The boy snickered. Uncle Wren, look. I lost a tooth,' he said pulling at his mouth. Dad said it fell out because I ate too many sweeties. But grandpa said it will grow back if I eat my veggies.'

We all laughed.

`Grandpa is right. You should listen to him.'

Wren turned the boy towards me. He had a cute dimpled smile. His hair was short and dark, so unlike the Graylard's chestnut brown. His eyes, a brilliant gold brown, shined with happiness. He inherited the Graylard charms no doubt.

Because of the hair and a few more insignificant attributes, the boy stood out from Elron and his brood, all but one. A tad darker, he resembled his father. I did not know Kane had a son.

`Who's he?' The little boy asked in the cutest voice.

`That's Rye, my bondmate. Say hi to him.'

`Hi,' he chirped.

Hi to you too,' I said. Is there a name that goes with this little toothless face?'

The boy snickered when I teased him.

`I'm not toothless. I'm Kenzo.'

`Kenzo. That's a pretty name. Do you like magic Kenzo?'


`Do you want me to show you a magic trick?'

`Yes,' He shyly replied.

Without taking my eyes off of him I brought down some feri-lights from the ceiling. They twirled around us like fireflies. The look on Kenzo's cute little face was priceless.

`You can move feri-light,' he said in awe.

Wren, Wain and Lyra grinned.

When I returned the feri-lights to their original place, Wren put Kenzo down.

`Go find grandpa and tell him we've arrived.'

The little boy scurried out of the room at top speed shouting for his grandpa as he went.

`Isn't he cute?' Lyra said.

Absolutely,' I replied, eyes still on the boy. You guys didn't tell me Kane had a son?'

`Up until a year ago, the boy lived in Holl with his mother. I have no idea why but Kane kept his existence from us,' Wren said.

Stalia, Kane's mother is to blame for that. I'm sure of it,' Wain said. He stood close by with Lyra hanging on his arm. She's always been suspicious of everyone here. I didn't actually hear her telling Kane, but they must have thought we would hurt the boy.'

`What about his mother?' Lyra asked.

Wain face grew somber. `A piece of advice: don't bring her up if Kane is around. He'll go mental. Shush, here he comes now.'

`I see that yet again I'm your topic of conversation, brother,' Kane said with a sneer.

`As always, he thinks the world revolves around him,' Wain said in a debonair tone of voice. Wain glanced at Wren and they exchanged a secret smile, possibly a whisper as well.

Kane caught the exchange. In a split second, his face contorted into a mask of anger before the sneer returned.

He bowed at me and Lyra before turning on his heel. `Come. Father is waiting for us in the lounge.'

The lounge was really a convivial living space. It looked exactly like a human living room, with lounge chairs, coffee table and a fireplace. Although they were dressed in formal attire, the Graylards looked at home in this room.

Wain and Lyra went in first, so they were blocking my view a bit. But as soon as they moved aside I saw Charlie and Eric standing by the window talking to a stunning, yet mature woman in an elegant evening gown.

Eric saw me and waved. Perplexed, I waved back. What are they doing here? I wanted to go to them but then the sight of Riven sitting in a lounge chair laughing with Reed and Bron pulled me to a stop.

`River,' I said with a hand over my mouth.

I rushed to him and hugged him.

`What the...? When ...? How did you..?' I did not seem to be able to form a coherent thought.

`Do those three more times and you'll beat Wren's record,' he joked.

You knew about this?' I asked Wren. Why didn't you tell me?'

`It's my fault,' River said. Bron squeezed his shoulder and River squeezed his hand to assure him he was fine. I was stunned. When did they become friends?


`I asked him not to. In fact, I asked all my brothers not to say anything because I wanted some time to myself before I could face everyone else.'

He did not need to explain himself further to me. He almost died. I understood what he was going through. I knew shifters were stronger than humans, but I just hoped that he had put the ordeal behind him.

I did not know what to say to River, so I hugged him some more.

There was a woman by his side who was staring at me with tears in her big green eyes.

`Rye, this lovely lady right here is Gena. She's our mom,' Reedley said proudly holding his mother's shoulders. Gena giggled and mock slapped Reed.

After wiping her teary eyes Gena spoke. `It's good to meet you, Your Majesty. My sons have been telling me wonderful things about you.'

Gena was exactly how I pictured my mom would be like. A bit on the curvy side, I could tell she had a hard time taming the big curly red hair on top of her head. And her modest clothes told me that she was beyond materialism and vanity. I would not be surprise if she pulls out a tin of cookies she baked this morning.

I smiled at her. `It's an honor to meet you Gena. This might sound strange but do you know how to bake by any chance?'

She blushed.

`Are you kidding? She bakes the most delicious cookies in Theran,' Wren said practically licking his fingers. We all laughed at his imitation of enjoying an invisible cookie.

Verna came to sit with us. She brought me something to drink because apparently dinner would not be until later. We made small talk before Eric called me to his side.

`Rye, I want you to meet Colette, my mother,' Eric said with an arm around his mother's waist. It was the same woman I saw him talking with when I arrived.

`Greetings, My Lady,' I said.

`The pleasure is all mine, Your Majesty,' she replied in English and with suavity. I was taken aback. She sounded like an aristocrat. And judging by her tone, mannerism and of course, the way she held herself, she probably was one. I did not know why but I had the feeling she had some sort of connection with the human realm. More particularly the Renaissance Era.

`Pardon me, but your English is so perfect,' I said to make light conversation. I had never met anyone in Targeten with an accent like hers. I wanted to know where she acquired it.

`Refined is the word you are looking for. And the answer is yes, if I may say so myself.'

What a load of bullshit!

I looked at my Uncles. Charlie pulled a tight-lip smile. Eric appeared unfazed.

More bullshit!

Although, I have heard people mentioning them, I had never met someone so conceited as her before.

Colette measured me with her eyes. She was practically looking down her nose at me.

I was poised to fight back but then I remembered she was Eric's mom. I will not embarrass him in front of all those people, more so because they were his family.

Quietly, I sipped my drink and put on my "ignoring-you-with-a-smile" face.

Sensing the tension, Charlie engaged Colette in a conversation. I pretended to listen. I smiled appropriately while I discreetly searched the room for Wren.

`Excuse me, gentlemen, Colette. May I borrow His Majesty for a short moment?' A familiar voice said from behind me.

Colette curtsied while Charlie and Eric inclined their heads.

I unintentionally sighed when the three of them wandered away leaving me alone with Elron.

Elron chuckled. `What I want to discuss with you is a private matter. Will you accompany me to my study?'

I said yes.

Inquisitively, I followed the Alpha King to the adjoining room.

His study was tight and narrow. On both sides there were high shelves with the most unusual contraptions along with parchments and books. At the far end, a large glass window that reached to the ceiling dominated the room. I barely saw a thing outside since it was quite dark but I imagined it was quite a view from up here.In front of the window was a large desk cluttered with opened parchments and books. There were also an empty mug, some writing materials and a large map of Wyrmer. Clearly he worked here a lot.

`Please take a seat,' he said pointing to the two arm chairs in front of his desk.

I eased onto a chair. I expected him to take his seat behind the desk. He did not. Instead he went to the window and gazed outside.

Hands behind his back, he exhaled deeply. I was not sure but I felt something was weighing on him.

I suppose you're wondering why I have called you in here.' I did not reply. It was so obvious that I was about to find out. He took another deep breath. Then he turned to face me. Surely you're wondering why Charlie and Eric are here.'

I met his eyes and I did not see any hint of malice. `I'm sorry Elron. Mind games were never my strong suit.'

He chuckled with his head thrown back. When he was calmed anew, he walked to his chair and put his arms around the back of it.

I find your ignorance intriguing,' he said still grinning. Seriously now, I will be frank with you and all I ask is your word that you will listen.'

`Fair enough,' I said playing with the medallion around my neck.

`Your Majesty, I've never been a big fan of yours. From the very beginning I thought you weak and too dependent. For a leader, your leadership qualities are questionable.'

Opening my mouth, I was about to voice my opinion when he cut me off with a hand gesture.

`My point is I find you have more flaws than attributes. And yet people flock around you like bees to honey. What's more, you have my sons eating out of your hands.'

He was about to say something else but he caught himself. He took some time to think before he continued. I replayed his words in my head. To say I was surprise by his harsh words would be an understatement. I thought about insulting him in return but I held my tongue because it would only show him how immature I was. So instead I decided to wait for the endgame.

He held my gaze. `Sorry, I lost my train of thought there for a moment. What I mean to say is I've been inflicted with a death curse. I only have thirty days to live.'

Confused, I gaped at him.


End of chapter 2

Next: Chapter 66: The Feri Light 3

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