The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jun 20, 2015


Happy reading!

The Feri Circle

Chapter 22

'Where were you last night? You missed all the fun.'

Nick eased onto a couch and perked up. His dad, Charlie and the others had left. Only the three of us remained. 'What did I miss?'

Wren recounted the salacious story of our latest sexual conquest. Humor with a tint of arousal gripped Nick's body as he intently listened. Once or twice I caught him repositioning his stiff member.

'Great feri! That was some night.'

We were laughing so loud that the book keeper had to silence us with an admonishing stare. It took us but a few minutes to regain our wits. By that time the eagle shifter librarian was already back at his station.

'What's up with you Nick? We've barely seen you in the past three days and when we do you're always so... distant,' Wren asked.

Nick grinned and scratched the back of his head, a clear sign of nervousness. 'I don't know what to tell you guys, although, you're right. I have been distant lately.'

Wren glanced at me and I shrugged.

Nickolas, Wren and I supposedly shared a three-way bond. I admitted, having been brought up in the human realm, I had a hard time believing in the concept of being romantically in love with two people at the same time. In my mind such relationships can never prosper. Somewhere along the line someone was bound to get hurt. Yet all three of us decided to give it a try. I had to say it had not been successful. Looking at Nick now, I suddenly realized he felt exactly the same way I did. His aloofness was his way to protect our friendship.

Regardless of his sentiment, I sensed that Nick still loved us as much as we loved him. But it was not enough for him. When I met him he had a breeder glyph. His mind was set into having a bond with a female who could bare him children. I had a feeling this had not changed.

'Tell us what's going on Nick?' I asked.

He scratched the underside of his wrist where his glyph was.

'I think I'm falling for someone else,' he said.

Wren smirked. 'It's Elle. She's getting to you, isn't she?'

'Yes,' he said with a bashfully grin. 'I can't help it but the girl is driving me nuts and it's your fault Rye.'

I laughed. 'How is it my fault?'

'When you told her those stories during your astral visit in her tower, you used my name. She was convinced that I'm her prince charming when I showed up to rescue her.'

Wren laughed.

'No need to tremble Nick. You have my blessing to date my sister.'

He face reddened with a timorous smile.

After a quick lunch, Seth's sister Gaia took Elle and Lyra down town. Since Helledon kept her locked up in her tower all her life, the girls wanted Elle to experience the joy of shopping. It was not just shopping they had planned, in fact, Gaia and Lyra made a list of everywhere they wanted to take my sister. They asked me to tag along and I refused. Do not get me wrong, I may be gay but I was never one to indulge in frivolous, girly activities.

While Wren spent all afternoon catching up with his aunt and Wain, I went to visit River. When I entered his room Seth's older sister Selena and Reed were giving him a sponge bath. Riven was still unconscious though. Reed was hopeful of his recovery.

I chatted with Reed and Bron for a while and I left with Selena when she was done.

Later, Seth took me on an aerial tour of Yull City. It was surprisingly larger than I expected. Like Theran and Belen, the city was host to a wide range of races. I even saw an Equinian couple. According to Seth, a delegation arrived shortly after the fealty ceremony back at Notwitt, to negotiate a trade treaty with his mother the queen. We also stopped at a food stand to get a snack. Skewered meat tasted delicious with a naked man standing next to you. Astonishingly, people did not scold when they saw Seth nude in public. As it was explained to me on more than one occasion, it was considered rude to stare openly at a naked person. Other than that, shifter communities have no inhibitions when it comes to these sorts of things.

'Finish up. It's getting late,' Seth told me. 'There's one more stop before we call it a day.'

Curious, I shoved the last of the food in my mouth. Seth laughed before morphing into his animal. A small boy cheered when we took to the sky. I waved at him and his mother before we disappeared above the trees.

Seth-eagle flew me over the harbor where a dozen caravels were docked. People continued to wave at us as we passed. After a full circle over the harbor, Seth banked right and followed the shoreline. I felt him slowing down when we reached a platform perched atop the topmost branches of a tall tree.

Someone was already there. A closer look I was elated to see Wren. Seth landed and I slipped down on the platform.

Wren held on to me as Seth-eagle flapped his large wings and took off in the same direction we had just come from.

'What are we doing here?' I asked Wren.

It was then that I saw a picnic basket and a blanket already spread out.

'I don't know much about it, but I believe they call it a date in the human realm.'

He completely floored me. 'A date!'

'Yes.' His arms snaked around my waist and he held me tightly to him. 'I'm only sorry it took me this long to come up with something romantic for us.'

I flushed. But then my smile grew wider. 'I don't need a date to tell me I'm in love with you Wren.'

He released me only long enough for him to guide my arms around his neck.

'Are you saying you don't deserve to be pampered once in a while? I can call Seth to take us back if you wish.'

'Don't you dare,' I said somewhat aghast.

He shook his head in amusement. He laughed full heartedly.

Sometimes I liked our banter. It added spice to our relationship; made it more interesting.

Wren kissed me. I kissed him back.

When we came up for air, he pulled me down on the blanket. He poured two glasses of something sweet that tasted like berries.

A small breeze brushed against my back and I shivered.

'Come here and I'll warm you up,' he said noticing my discomfort. I crawled to him and rested my back against his wide warm chest. We sipped our drinks in silence as we watched the setting sun on the horizon.

I've seen a lot of sunsets in my life but this was by far my favorite one. The vibrant streaks of color filled the canvas sky. The southing strokes of pink and orange that oddly resembled a ripe peach matched the emotions I was feeling inside. As the sun sunk in the peaceful golden ocean I exhaled loudly as Wren kissed my head.

'It's beautiful, isn't it?'

'Just as you are beautiful,' he whispered in my ear.

Suddenly, I couldn't contain myself. I twisted in his embrace. His lips found mine and another passionate battle commenced. I thrust my hand into his pants and stroked the length of him. He gasped in the kiss. I giggled.

With my hands still in his pants, he stood and tugged his tunic off. As soon he was free of it he helped me get my pants off. Then I opened my legs and he moved over me. Resting on his elbows, I wrapped my arms around him once again. We resumed the kiss. My hands roamed over his taut muscles as I explored his mouth. Wren ground his crotch against mine. My erection strained begging for attention.

I laughed giddily when our mouths parted. He stared down at me with his beautiful golden eyes.

'Is there anything you don't like about me?' I teased.

'Nothing that I can think of. I love everything about you,' he replied. 'Great Feri, atsa! I love your smile.' He pecked me on the mouth. 'I love the way you gaze at me when you think I'm not paying attention.' He pecked me again. This time I giggled. 'I love your sweet body rubbing against mine.' He did it again. I giggled louder. 'And I love you.'

'Oh shoot! Get inside me. I'm dying out here.'

He laughed as he kissed me once more before pulling out some lubricant from the basket he brought.

He was so impatient that he was smearing lube all over my leg. He laughed infectiously.

'Take your time, honey. We have all the time in the world.'

Despite the fits of laughter, he finally managed to latter his cock without incident. With great care he eased himself inside of me. I sighed and unclenched as he filled me to the brim.

He repositioned himself over me. He sucked at my neck. I bit his shoulder. I clawed his back. With small calculating thrusts, he made love to me. I felt so moved that I started moaning.

As the last sunray caught his eyes, I saw the raw passion of his love for me.

This man loved me. He really did love me. And I love him with all my heart.

Without warning I came. I arched my back as the bliss overtook me. My butthole constricted around his cock. A few more thrust from him and he exploded inside of me.

I watched him with a smile as he tensed up above me. He squeezed his eyes shut as a hiss escaped him. He held for a minute before he eventually came crushing down on me.

He was heavy but I did not complain. I loved his warmth and the closeness of our bodies.

'I love you too, Wren,' I whispered in his ear.


End of chapter 22 and of part 3

Next chapter will be the beginning of part 4 entitled "The Feri Light"

Next: Chapter 64: The Feri Light 1

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