The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Oct 16, 2014


Happy reading!

The Feri Circle

Chapter 11

'You boys should be getting ready. We're leaving for Pixan in an hour,' Amegra said as she entered the kitchen where Wren and I sat at the breakfast table. She kissed both of us on the forehead. Wren smiled at her. I was so proud of him. Earlier this morning he confronted Amegra and they made up. A lot of things were said and I also knew there were lots of angry, sad and happy tears involved. I was glad the animosity that kept them apart was gone, hopefully for good. Now Wren could be happy again.

'Don't worry. We'll be ready,' Wren said to his mom.

She chuckled. 'I've missed you calling me mom.' She placed her hands on Wren's shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze. My bond-mate beamed more profoundly.

Amegra was about to say something else when Riven burst into the kitchen, out of breath.

'River... What's up bro?' Wren said.

He exhaled deeply. 'Guys, you need to get to High Guard Camp now. There's something you need to see.'

Amegra, Wren and I exchanged confused looks. Speculations clouded my mind as I tried to make sense of what River said. I could have asked him, but then again not, because he vanished just as quickly as he came.

Wren dashed after him with Amegra and me at his heels. When we reached the shallow pool we saw Riven disappear.

'I saw Riven ghosting in and out of the citadel. What's the urgency?' Farren said, landing besides us. On his pretty face was an odd expression of confusion.

'Something is happening at Camp but we're not too sure what since River didn't stick around to explain,' Wren said.

'What are we waiting for? Let go,' I hastily said.

'Hold on tight boys,' Amegra said before enveloping us in blue lights. She teleported us right into the middle of the High Guard Camp.

The camp was bustling with activity. There was shouting, injured people and both guards and animals running around everywhere. For a minute I thought we were under attack but I saw no damaged structures or any sign of a struggle.

Commander Eston saw us and came running to meet us. 'Your Majesty,' he greeted me.

'What's going on Commander? Who are these people?' I asked.

'They are refugees, Your Majesty. They are from the Sear. They barely escaped with their lives from the darklings' attack on their villages.'

'I thought all villages were under the Council's protection?' Amegra said.

'The Council cannot care for tiny settlements. Without the wealth, to hire Guild warriors, like so many larger cities do, these peasants were left vulnerable,' the Commander said. I could sense the pity in his voice.

'Where are they keeping the injured?' Amegra asked.

Commander Eston blushed when his eyes fell on the beautiful woman with long lush dark curls. Yes, Wren's mom was a youthful, attractive woman even if she was twice Eston's age. 'The large dwelling by the bathhouse over there,' he said pointing the way.

Swiftly, Amegra dashed towards the infirmary. To my knowledge she wasn't a healer but she has many other talents. I was sure she would make herself useful.

'Has Charlie and Nico been alerted of the situation yet?' Wren asked Commander Eston.

'Yes. They are in the lodge,' the Commander said.

On my right I saw Nickolas helping a woman and her baby. Not far away a shifter, in wolf form, was breaking up a fight between two men squabbling over an old trunk. I saw a few more of my friends but they were all too busy to notice me.

Suddenly Wren went still. 'Rye, Wain just sent me a whisper. He's on his way over.' I haven't seen Wain since he was sent to investigate the nightwalker abductions in LaDem. I was dying to see him again.

In sparkling blue lights he appeared three feet from us. The five o'clock shadow on his handsome, rugged face made him look darker and much older. He rushed towards us and pulled us both into a hug. 'It's nice to see you guys.' he said. Wren patted him on the back before he released us.

'How did you manage to teleport here without a witch?' Wren curiously asked him.

'Oh!' Wain stepped aside to reveal a sexy girl with perky breasts in a tight fitting blouse and leather pants. She was a tiny version of Xena the warrior princess, minus the weapons. 'Guys I want you to meet Lyra Brownwood. Lyra, meet the High King Riley, my brother Wren and Farren the Neornite.'

Brownwood! Her father must be a shifter, how can she have a witch's power?

'A pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty,' she said with open arms offering a hug. Fair skinned, long red hair, blue eyes and a tiny nose, Lyra Brownwood was a cute little thing. In fact, the moment I set eyes on her I felt like I've just met the love of my life. I've never been attracted to girls before, I'm still not, but for her I'll forego my belief and nature. I hugged her longer than necessary. She wasn't as soft as I thought she would be. This girl has had combat training. She was radiating power too. Who was she? Why does she affect me so?

Wain grinned at me as I hugged Lyra. I thought I saw admiration in his gaze. He had fallen for the girl as well.

'Rhett,' Wren shouted causing me to let go of Lyra. He rushed past Wain and pulled the wreck of a man into an embrace. He then held him at arm's length. 'You look like shit. What's with the look my friend?' Rhett didn't answer. He just fell into Wren's arm again. I watched his solemn face and red, tired eyes just before he buried his head in Wren's neck and hair. What happened to him?

'What's going on?' Wain asked looking around. 'Who are all these people?'

'They are refugees from the Sear,' Wren explained. He answered a few more of Wain's questions before Eston interrupted them.

'Forgive me, Your Majesty, the others are waiting for you.'

'Lead the way.'

He bowed before we all followed him to the lodge.

Inside we found the others hunched over a large table with a huge map of Targeten on it. They all turned to greet me as Eston announced my arrival.

I saw Xander, Helen, Jan, Nicodemus and a tall, heavily built man with gray hair and, a goatee and mustache. He was introduced to me as Commander Stryker. I also met Terra, Charlie's sister and her mate Malik.

'What's the plan Charlie?' Wren asked the moment introductions were over.

We all moved back to the table.

'We were discussing the attacks. It looks like Helledon is targeting the villages and towns at the fringe of larger cities. We're not sure of his strategy here but Nico seemed to think he's scouring the countryside for food to feed his army before laying siege to the larger cities.'

'Siege! These are witches we're talking about. They can teleport,' Jan said.

'Not if they have their protective shield up, they can't,' Stryker said. 'Just as it keeps an enemy out it can trap everyone else in.'

Xander chuckled. 'Are witches dumb enough to think they could weather a siege?'

'I'm afraid they do. Some witches have grown far too attached to their worldly possessions. They certainly will not leave their properties willingly,' Stryker replied.

'What about the Council. Aren't they doing anything to help their people?' I asked.

'The Council members are all cowards,' Commander Stryker said with enough venom in his voice. Malik protested but Stryker ignored him. 'After receiving reports of the attacks, they called all the rangers to Pixan to defend their precious capital.'

'And the Warrior Guild?' Eric asked.

'They are fighting a losing battle. They are each doing their own thing. They lack coordination and strategy,' Nico said.

'How do we proceed from here? It looks to me like they'll need help,' Jan said.

'A siege can last a few months at the most, so they can wait. My concern is for the throng massing up outside. With no accommodation and food we'll soon have a crisis on our hands,' Charlie said.

'Don't forget, winter is at our doorstep. The little food we have won't last more than a week,' Helen added. 'We will all starve to death.'

'Rye, you're the High King. What do you think we should do?' Wain said catching me off guard.

I thought Charlie or Wren would come to my rescue, but they didn't. I swallowed dry spit as I tried to think of something. I really didn't know what to say so I said the first thing that came in my head.

'We should build our own city,' I blurted. Everyone blankly stared at me. 'Think about it. The camp was built for the army not civilians. We can't have them here. Frankly if the refugees are here it's because they've nowhere else to go. So let's find a suitable place nearby for a settlement, round up all the builders and carpenters and build ourselves a city.'

A pregnant minute passed.

Charlie laughed. 'You know, as crazy as this may sound, this plan might actually be the solution to our problem. I must admit your idea of building a city is a bit farfetched but so was building an army at short notice.' The others laughed. 'So what do you say guys. Do we have it in us to give our King his city?'

'What about food and other provisions?' Helen asked.

'We are in a forest, are we not? We'll send hunting parties into it. The Equinians are cultivators. They'll help us with staples until we can stand on our feet. Our shifter allies can donate things like blankets, utensils and clothes. Guys, come on. We can do this,' I pleaded.

'I'm all for it,' Nico was the second after Charlie to agree, which opened the door for the others. Soon everyone voted in favor of my plan.

'I think I know the perfect location for a functional settlement. It is a short distance from here next to a stream,' Commander Eston eagerly said. He pointed it out on the map. 'We could build a dam up here and...' After that I stopped listening. I got the ball rolling now it's up to them to make it happen.

'Char, if I'm no longer needed here, I'm going to the infirmary to help Linda.'

He beamed at me. 'Yes. Take someone with you though. We can't be too careful with all these strangers around.'

Without hesitation I nodded yes. I looked at Wren. He was having so much fun in the discussion I couldn't pull him away. So I took the only person that I knew would be bored here.

'Farren, come. We're going to the infirmary.' Just like I thought, he didn't protest. He silently followed me outside.

'A city. Really! Was that the best you could come up with, Your Majesty,' Farren said.

I turned to face him. 'Farren, I'm shocked. Is that sarcasm I'm hearing in your voice right now?'

'Ouch. That hurts,' he said with a grin. Farren and I never had any alone time before. Not when he was so aloof all the time.

'I'm sorry,' I told him when I didn't get the response I expected. 'I didn't mean what I said.'

He smiled for the first time since he'd been with us. 'That's okay. You're not the first to point that out actually.' I raised a brow. 'Really I'm not offended. To take offence would mean I had to be angry and anger is a waste of energy.'

I sniggered. 'You're weird. You know that right?'

'If you say so, Your Majesty.'

'Cut with the majesty crap, we're friends. Now come on. There are sick people that need our help.' I hooked my arm with his and we walked towards the infirmary. He chuckled as people stared at us as we passed by.

'I need some more water over here?' I shouted over my shoulder. Hunched over a bed in the Camp's infirmary, I couldn't tear my eyes from the young boy with the third degree burn.

He arrived with an injured arm this morning and I was the first person to check on him. The infirmary was overwhelmed with patients like him.

'I need some water for god sake!' I yelled.

Out of nowhere, a witch girl appeared in a shower of blue lights with a large bowl between her palms. 'Here you go, Your Majesty,' she said placing the bowl next to the boy on the bed.

I glanced in the boys face. Despite his brave face, he looked scared. And I could also tell that he was in a great amount of pain. 'What's your name, boy?'

'Vito,' he chimed.

'Well, Vito, I'm going to use some water to sooth your burns. So I want you to lie very still until I'm done, okay.'

He nodded and I assured him a smile. I moved some of the water from the bowl with my telekinesis. Just as it was about to reach my hands I lost control and it splashed all over Vito's legs and bed. I was getting klutzy.

'You're exhausted, Your Majesty. Allow me to go get another healer so that you can take a break,' the nurse said.

I opened my mouth to protest when a voice cut in. 'You should listen to her, Rye,' Linda said from behind her. 'You've been here nine hours straight. You'll wear yourself out if you continue like this.'

I glanced at her and nodded no. 'I'm all right. I can do this. There are many more people that need my help.'

'Stop being so stubborn and listen to reason, Rye.' Linda said with her hands on her hips. 'There are many healers here that could help the boy.'

I stared at her with a frown. Hair in disarray, clothes as dirty as a cafeteria's lunch lady, she had a very stubborn look on her face. She also appeared to be just as exhausted as me, so why wasn't she resting too.

'I took a nap three hours ago. I've rested enough. Now it's your turn.' Damn, I hate the Faraday's ability to read people's emotions. Nothing escaped them. I was about to decline the offer when she added, 'Do I have to go fetch your mate? Besides, what good do you think you can do for these people when you're occupying a bed next to them.'

I shrugged. The nurse smirked. 'I see your point. I guess I really do need a break. But Vito will be my last patient before I go, I promise.'

I healed Vito and then stayed by his side until he fell asleep. God, it took a lot to walk out of the infirmary without being able to help all these people. Then a realization brought me to a halt. I helped these people when I healed them but that was not enough. I could do better. Tomorrow I'm going to find my circle and stop this once and for all.


End of chapter 11

Next: Chapter 53: The Feri Circle 12

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