The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jul 6, 2014


Happy reading!

The Feri Circle

Chapter 9

`You finally found me, although, I didn't expect a search party.' Amma smirked. She watched Wren for the longest of time before shifting her eyes to the rest of us. I noticed Wren avoiding her gaze. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.

Everyone nervously stared at her. `We're not here for you Amma. We came for Amegra. Do you know her by any chance?'I said.

Amegra! That's a name I haven't heard for a long time,' she said sounding misleadingly surprise. Anyway, if finding her was your mission then you have been successful. I am Amegra.'

`Wait! You're Amegra!' An astonished Nick said. The others also stared at her in disbelief.

She nodded.

`If you were Amegra all along why didn't you say so the last time we met?' I asked.

`There were plenty of reasons, Riley. Save for the fact that Helledon has been chasing me for the last twenty years; you weren't ready to know about me. I couldn't risk this moment.'

`So you know why we're here then?' Nick asked.

`Of course I do. However the answers you're looking is not so simple. Besides we have more pressing issue to address before reunited Riley to his circle.'

I was going to asked what is `my circle' when River interrupted me.

`I don't mean to be rude but what is that nasty smell?'

As soon as he said that, all shifters distinctly sniffed the air. `Yeah what is that smell?' Bron repeated.

`That boys, is the smell of two dead wraiths,' Amegra said.

`Wraiths! I got to see this.' River walked to the front porch followed by me and the other. Wren didn't want to move but since I was holding his hand he really didn't have a choice.

The interior of the small cottage didn't look anything like the neatness of the exterior. There were broken furniture and ornaments all over the floor as if a brawl had taken place in the cramp living space. Amidst all the chaos lay the body of a little pale redhead girl with dry blood around her mouth. Next to her was another corps. Its skin was so light that I could see the networks of veins beneath the transparent sheet of skin. Human-like in feature, it also had sharp claws and pointy teeth like that of a vampire. There was another in the doorway leading towards the kitchen.

Ugly aren't they?' Amegra said scaring the hell out of me. I didn't see or heard her come in. They have been torturing and feeding off the poor girl and her mother long before I got here.'

Charlie told me about wraiths. They are rare and more deadly than any darklings we know. Apparently, the Northenders created them long before the vampires. They mostly invade homes by usurping a family member that had died.

Consuming morsel of their host's flesh to gain their appearances, they then move in with the family and feed off their souls until their victims withered and died. The guys exchanged a few exalting comments before Amegra cut in. `Alright boys, it's time to go.'

Without remonstration we piled up outside on the lawn waiting for Amegra who had remained behind for god knows what. While we waited Nick looked at Wren with a frown. `Are you okay mutt?'

`Yeah, I'm good,' Wren expressionlessly said.

`Are you really sure?'

Wren knew Nick could pick up on his concealed emotions so he straightened and forced a smile trying to appear normal. But Nick wasn't convinced.

Give it a rest Nick,' I told him. He'll talk about it when his ready.'

Just then Amegra walk out of the cottage. `Nick, be a darling will you and throw a fireball in the house.'

Nick broke off from the group and produced a fireball, he then threw it in through a window. Through the same window we saw the fire slowly burning a piece of furniture.

Amegra came to stand next to Nick. She raised her hand and the fire spread more rapidly than it should. In only five minutes all that was left of the cottage was the foundation and a pile of ash.

`Wow! How did she do that?' Reed said.

`I didn't even feel the heat,' Bron said right after.

`I'll explain it later but let's get out of here,' Amegra said. She snapped her fingers and I felt the pull of teleportation.

Much later, we were sitting in the lounge back in Notwitt. Helen served us a hot drink and freshly baked cookies before joining us.

The twins were talking about the wraiths and Amegra was telling them how she was tracking them for days up to the point that she finally met and killed them. Wren was quiet again. From a moment there I felt like we had another of Farren's brothers amongst us. Nick was also being annoying. He and Helen kept stealing glances towards Wren. I guessed he was really putting them on edge with his bottled up emotions.

So, Amegra,' I said ignoring Wren, Nick and his aunt. Do you know where the feri children of my generation are?'

Amegra laughed. I'm surprise My Lord Joen didn't teach you this. Each generation has five Feri and together they form a circle, the feri circle. So the feri children of your generation will be the individuals of your circle. Normally, you wouldn't have to do anything. When your powers started to manifest they triggered a chain reaction that is slowly awakening the others, although the process can take years.' Then she saw the disappointed look on my face. But if you're set on finding the others then we need to do something first.'

`What's that?'

`Well, currently I know of only one member of your circle. The others are still hidden because Helledon and I have not entered slumber yet.'

`Yeah, about that. You must be close to my father's age, why aren't you in slumber?'

Amegra smiled. `I suspected Helledon had something to do with that. Whatever he did also affected me, preventing me from joining the fallen members of my circle.'

`You said you know one member of Rye's circle. Who is that person?' Nick curiously asked.

`It is funny you asked that question Nick because I was talking about you. You are one of the Feri children Rye had been looking for.'

`What?' Shocked Nick looked at me, his aunt and finally Amegra.

`How do you know that it's him?' Helen asked.

`The Faraday witches are the only descendents of Hagen, the original empath. Unique to your bloodline, the empath gene is present and active in all his descendents. Hence the reason Helledon had been chasing you. He knew about your origins and he wants to get rid of all of you.'

With grief Helen covered her face with her hands leaving only her eyes out. `Nick, your sisters and you are the only descendents of Hagen left. That was thanks to your aunt and my sister Rosalia. She begged Lord Joen to save you when Helledon poisoned the people of your village against you. Lord Joen gifted the lot of you with his ability to cross realms.'

Nick took his aunt in his arms and the cried together. I wanted to join them but Wren needed me near.

`You said there's a way to find the other members of my cycle,' I said.

`Yes. We must undo whatever Helledon did. For that we must travel to Feri Court Island and performed an old ritual.'

`When do we leave?' I was a bit quick to ask.

Amegra looked at the Faradays. She mimicked their angst before turning to stare at Wren. Wren dropped his head. It was then that I recognized the shame and guilt on his face. What is he shameful and guilty off?

`Tomorrow will be fine.'

That night Nick didn't come to us again. He stayed consoling his aunt in her chamber. Jan and Linda were also with her. They felt Helen's despair way across Targeten and arrived to help but now they are grieving the lost of their family together.

I wanted to join them but for some reason I didn't. Instead, I stayed in bed next to Wren.

`Do you think Nick is going to be alright?' I asked Wren. His gazed was stuck to the feri-lights above. It was like he was lost in his own mind. Nevertheless he heard me and shrugged.

`I don't know,' he murmured.

Since he was on his back, I rolled and lay my chin on my arms across his chest. I looked up at his face and furrowed my brow. `Are you going to be okay?'

He shrugged again. What was that suppose to mean?

I rustled the bed as I rose to a sitting position and stared down at him. I huffed. `Atsa, I'm not a shrink, but I do know if we want to remain a couple we need to clear the matter of your mother especially now that she's here. Open up love. If you're angry let it show or else it will eat you alive.'

He closed his eyes and thinned his lips. `Wren, please. Tell me what's wrong.'

I watched his contorted face as he tried not to hear me. Suddenly flustered, I wanted to get away from him. I knew I should be more patient and calm but I couldn't help myself. I got to get out of there before I say or do something more damaging. I called for the feri-lights and prepared to be teleported out. I had enough of this. Before the feri-lights reached me, Wren grabbed my arms tightly.

`Please don't leave me.'

I stared at him mercilessly. I loved him but the elephant in the room was taking all the spaces. `Give me one good reason why I should stay?'

`I love you, Rye.'

`I love you too Wren but you're being impossible. And there's only so much I could take.'

`Alright, I'll speak but please don't leave me.' His glassy eyes pleaded with me.

My heart fell, although, I remained quiet and waited for him to begin. The feri- lights returned speedily to the ceiling.

He sat up and pulled me to him. He inhaled my scent and kissed my head. The reason I'm upset ... it's because...' He paused to gather his thoughts. My mother left me when I was ten. I don't know why but she left me. I knew she was gone but I felt nothing then. In Theran, everyone talked about her sudden departure and asked me countless questions which I found myself unable to answer, so I became hostile to everyone who dare mentioned her name in my presence.'

I wanted to ask why but I didn't. I decided to let him tell me.

`The trick was I didn't know what to tell them because I don't remember her. Strange I know but I couldn't recall a single memory of her. At first I was ashamed of myself but then with time I became angry at her. Jealous came next when I saw my brothers interact with their own mothers. That anger and jealousy turned to hate. I hated her for leaving me. I hated myself for not remembering her...'

Wow! `You really don't remember anything?'

No. I know only what others think and have to say about her.' He cupped my face in his hands and forced me to look at him. You see Rye, I feel guilty because I'm a bad son. I can't even remember my own mother.' He released me and bawled. I took him in my arms and lay his head on my shoulder.

I shushed him. That was all I could do. Why is it he doesn't know anything about Amegra? There must be a reasonable explanation. The best I could come up with was someone wiped his memories. It could be possible. After all, this is Targeten.

"Wren, you need to speak to her, you know that don't you? Open up to her as you did to me.'

He didn't reply.

`I know it's difficult but talk to her because you don't have much time.'

All of a sudden he stopped crying and untangled himself from me. `What do you mean?'

`You heard what Amegra said about performing the ritual on Feri Court Island. If we're successful she'll enter slumber like my dad. She'll be gone for real this time.'


End of chapter 9

Next: Chapter 51: The Feri Circle 10

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