The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jan 19, 2014


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The Feri Circle

Chapter 2

`What did you do?' Wren shouted. I heard him. I opened my mouth. I wanted to tell him that it wasn't me. But nothing came out. Baffled, I just stood there gaping at the golden swirling smoke. Like a hypnotic circle, it went round and round and round again. Then suddenly, my medallion started pulsing. Shortly after, a jet of fiery energy beamed out from the center of the twirling smoke and went straight for my chest. I stood there mesmerized as the medallion sucked it all up. It lasted thirty second before it just stopped. Then the golden smoke vanished, leaving nothing but a dark stain in the air in its place.

`What the hell was that?' Wren said. He was as stunned as I was.

I glanced down at the medallion where it rested against my chest. It was emitting a dim fiery glow. An irresistible impulse urged me to grab it. Big mistake. Instantly, I froze. Robbing me of my vision, a dark veil settled over my eyes. I started convulsing as if I was having a seizure just as a series of vivid images flooded my brain.

`Rye!' Wren rushed to my side, caught me before I hit the floor and cradled me against his chest.

Meanwhile, the medallion burned into my hand like a branding iron. I screamed my lungs out. What happened next was even more distressing. My eyes, I heard and felt them sizzling like frying eggs in their sockets. I felt pain, an agonizing pain. Writhing in Wren's arms, I screamed louder than before. I desperately wanted to claw them out.

`Rye! Rye! What's wrong atsa?' Wren yelled not knowing what to do. There was a certain desperation and urgency to his voice.

Abruptly, I gave out a throaty sound before I stopped moving altogether. I was completely paralyzed with my eyes wide open.

A horrifying fear washed through me. I wanted to get up. I wanted to shout. I wanted to cry. But I couldn't.

Wren tapped me on the cheeks trying to get me to respond, but nothing. Inside my mind I was in a state of panic.

I'm right here. Wren! Wren! I cried for him inside my head. But he didn't hear me.

I tried calming down so I could send him a whisper but I couldn't feel my lips.

Wren! Wren!

`He cannot hear you,' a calm steady voice said somewhere close by. I didn't react when a middle aged man came into view. He stood there, arms crossed in front of him and looking down at me. The feri-lights glowing above his head also allowed me to see his vacant green eyes and long jet black hair cascading over a coffee brown robe. Who is he? Where did he come from? I pondered. And why is it he can hear me and Wren can't?

I am Kan,' he said, and I was the first Keeper of Sandridon.' "Was" he said. Another wave of panic washed through me.

Did I just die?

He gave me a wan smile. Technically I can hear you because I'm in your head. And No, you are still very much alive. The reason you can't move is because you're in a trance,' he said nodding towards my limp body on the floor. A necessary evil if you want the transition to be successful, Riley Blacknell.'

Transition? Wait! How do you know my name?

He smiled again. I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable, considering the generally indifferent vibes he was giving off. I told you why already. I'm in your head. I have access to your memories.' Then he closed his eyes and nodded to himself. I felt a cool sensation inside my brain. Immediately I knew what he was doing and that scared me. I don't have many secrets but I hate the idea of someone rummaging without stinting inside my mind. Alas I could do nothing about it. He sighed as if he was annoyed. Let's me try to explain this using your own thoughts. In the event of the death of the Keeper of Sandridon, or in this case a Keeper relinquished his duties, the responsibilities and power returns to the current Feres King until such time a new keeper is appointed.'

Helledon is dead!

You are not a very good listener, are you?' He scowled. That was a typical human response,' he said that part more to himself than to me. `In any case if the traitor was dead he would be the one talking to you right now not me.'

Thundering feet, drew my attention to the developing scene around me. Nick rushed in followed by Bron. They joined Wren on the floor and earnestly yelling for an explanation from Wren. My atsa was in so much despair that he couldn't utter a single word. His tears were even dripping onto my face. Right then, a moment of realization hit me hard. He loves me! He did. I felt the strengths of that love and my heart skipped a beat. Inside my body, I was crying too but he couldn't see that. He really does love me, I thought.

Kan's eyes followed Nick as he rushed out of the room to return a minute later with Charlie, Eric and the others in tow.

I was so distraught that I was barely able to follow the conversations they seemed to be having. Towards the end I did catch something though. Charlie asked Nick if he could feel me. I guessed he meant my emotions since Nick was an empath.

`I can't get a good feel because something's blocking me out.'

`What are we going to do?' Wain's voice wavered.

Charlie glanced at Nick. Send a whisper to Linda and get her here right away.' And to Eric he said, See to Wren, will you. The others and I will move Rye to the bed.'

Eric pulled Wren to his feet and held him in a tight hug. All this time Wren never stopped sobbing like a desperate child.

They lifted me up and carried me to bed.

They don't think I'm dead, do they? I asked Kan.

`You still have a pulse. So they know you're alive.'

I suddenly felt helpless and irritated. What's going on? Why am I like this? I asked Kan.

The former Keeper moved to the foot of the bed and peered at me above Rhett's head. `I told you, you're in a trance. And what I didn't tell you is that you're receiving a power transfer from Helledon. My guess is that the bastard has finally found a way around the bond your father inflicted on him when he became my successor.'

You mean Helledon is no longer The Keeper of the Barrier between realms?

Kan shook his head in exasperation. `That's what I've been trying to tell you for the past thirty minutes.'

As Linda came in to examine me, Kan told me a little bit more about his life both before and after he became the first keeper of Sandridon. He knew I was scared and this was his way of calming me down. Regardless of his reasons though, his voice had a serene quality that really was enthralling. His stories were also interesting.

From what I gathered of his life, Kan was born to a witch family in a city called "Hering". He was a bit of a loner, but growing up with eight brothers, his life was a miserable one. They bullied him throughout his childhood until his sixteenth birthday when he chose to leave home and join the Mage caste. Amongst the Mages he found tranquility and peace that he always desired. For three decade he led a good life, praying, preaching and honoring Mara the Moon Goddess. But then one day he had an accident. He fell off a ladder while putting up decoration in one of the temples. The healers that examined him told him to pray for the Goddess' chariot because he wasn't going to last the night. He was barely breathing when my great, great grandfather Gaiel came to him and offered to save his life. Giving his consent Feres King Gaiel appointed Kan to the position of Keeper of Sandridon. According to him, he was the fifth Keeper to be appointed. For six hundred years he guarded the barrier until Helledon, took his life in a confrontation when the latter was attempting to smuggle a band of Northenders through Targeten.

The former keeper captivated my attention by telling me more stories about my ancestors. He also talked about the extinct shifter species... the bear, dragon and carrion. He also told me how the witches arrived in Targeten.

When the sun finally streamed through the bedroom window, Kan got up from the edge of my bed. This is it, Riley Blacknell. You've been under the trance for nine hours and the transfer is complete.' He said grimly. All the knowledge my predecessors and I possessed about Sandridon is now yours. Use it well. Use it wisely.'

It saddened me to watch as he faded into nothingness. Alas there was nothing I could do about it. And he knew it too.

As soon as Kan vanished, I felt a weight lifted of my body. I began to move and to feel again. I gave the chamber a once-over to find my family sprawling all over the place. Charlie was sat in an awkward position on the couch with Eric's head in his lap. Nick and Bron were side by side on another while the others were sleeping in a heap on the floor. Wren, well, he was on the bed with me sleeping face buried at the side of my rib cage.

Inhaling deeply, I reached out for my sleeping boyfriend. I splayed my fingers through his hair and scratched his head slightly. He stirred. He raised his head. And a broad grin appeared on his face when he saw me staring back.

`Hi,' I said with a coarse voice.

Hey, you're awake.' He crawled closer and gave me a peck on the mouth. I thought I'd lost you.' He laid his head on my chest. His hair tickled my chin.

`I know. I saw you crying.'

`You did?'

`Yeah, it's hard not to when you were drowning me.'

He lifted his head and stared at me with a frown and then he started laughing when the meaning of my words took hold. His laughter bounced off the walls of the chamber and stirred everyone else.

One by one they surrounded the bed. It was really funny watching the grin on their sleepy faces.

`How you're feeling?' Eric asked.

`Tired and sleepy,' I said.

`You ought to be. It had been a rough night for you and for the rest of us,' Linda said. I didn't see where she slept but it must have been close because she was standing close to my head on the left.

`It surely was.'

`Rye, I know everyone is wondering the same thing but what happened to you last night?' Charlie asked. I could hear the apprehension in his voice. Everyone stared at me expectantly as well. Curiosity etches on their morning faces.

`Helledon happened,' I blurted out.

`What did he do to you?' Nick edging closer as if to protect me.

`Technically he didn't do anything to me, well, at least not directly.'

`I don't get it,' Wren said with a frown. I touched the side of his face and grinned at him.

`He's no longer the Guardian of the barrier between realms. He found a way to get out of it. Now he's free.'

Charlie, Eric and Linda exchanged looks. I couldn't hear them but I knew they were communicating.

I still don't get it,' Wren said. If he managed to free himself, fine, but why should it affects you?'

`The power to become the Keeper of Sandridon is not a legacy; it's a gift. The Feri Kings are the only ones with the ability to bestow it on the designated. I don't know the exact circumstances but my father gifted Helledon with it in order to tie him to Targeten. Like a genie bound to its lamp, Helledon was bound to the medallion.'

`It is safe to say that this plan didn't work,' Wain mordantly said.

`Yes. Helledon managed to find a way to cheat the bond. I'm not sure but it has to do with all the powers he accrued for his services, especially when someone wanted to cross the barrier.'

That make sense,' Charlie said pensively. His mechanical brain was churning again. So he'd finally collected enough powers to break free from the bond. That means he is going to try to break the barrier to let in the Northenders again since he is no longer compelled to protect it.

`Rye, do you know how he was stopped the last time?'

`Kan. He was the keeper of that time. He confronted Helledon and was killed in the process. Kan's death alerted my father, who sprang into action to intercept him.'

`And now without the keeper we're lost,' Linda somberly said.

`Not necessarily true. The gift returned to me. So I have that power now.'

`Cool,' Wain and Rhett said in unison. Wren squeezed my hand. Anxiety clearly showed on his face.

`Well, with this new development we need to accelerate our plans. Helledon wouldn't relinquish such a powerful gift if he hasn't found a way to pull down the barrier. We have to double our effort in getting our army ready and the witches on board with us. Rye, Eric told me you haven't gone to see your father yet.'

I blushed sheepishly. I've been avoiding the memorium for weeks now. Not that I didn't want to meet my dad but I wasn't sure I was ready to hear what was coming. I've got the gut feeling I wasn't going to like it.

`See that you do, we need those names. We can't afford to allow Helledon to get his hands on them first.' Wren rubbed my arms gently. He wanted me to know that he has my back.

Once Charlie got the momentum he couldn't stop. `Linda, I need Jan to come with me to Pixan. She has a special skill that I want to exploit. The High Council of Mages is a pain. They are a bunch of stubborn idiots. They refused to believe that Rye is the real deal.'

`You need to speak to Nico Charlie. The real power in The Sear isn't the High Council but the Warrior Guild. Convince them and you'll have the witches on your side.'

`You're right. Why didn't I think of that? Let's go talk to him right now.'

Charlie grabbed Linda's arm, ready to be teleported to the High Guard Camp. `Uh, Rye, I'm really glad you're okay,' he added before they dematerialized in glows of sparkling blue lights.

`Alright you guys. Out, all of you! I'm sure you all have things to do. Besides, Rye need to rest.' Eric said.

They protested of course but Eric wasn't having it. Miserably, I watched as they all filled out of the chamber behind the older shifter. I also didn't want them to leave. But I was contented with the fact that Wren was staying. When the others were gone, Nick lingered a few seconds longer before he too turned to leave.

`Nick, can you hang out a bit longer. There's something I want to ask you.'

Wren pulled me in his lap and we watched Nick as he approached solemnly.

Ever since my capture Nick had been avoiding Wren and me for some reason and I wanted to know why.


End of chapter 2

Next: Chapter 44: The Feri Circle 3

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