The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Dec 31, 2013


Happy reading!

The Feres King

Chapter 25

`What are we going to do now?' Ned asked. He was concerned because I thought he knew that he wouldn't make it any further. Truly his face was pale and he was trying very hard not to tremble.

Amma was right. He really needed a healer's touch. I heard a stream nearby. Although, I really wanted to clean up, remove the filth all over my body, I didn't. Instead I called some feri-light to bring us home.

It took them less than a minute to appear around us and teleport us to Notwitt. I chose the citadel because I didn't know how the others would react to seeing Ned. He was still considered the enemy.

As we materialized by the shallow pool, however, Ned fainted and I had to drag him in – a painstaking task with a man of his built.

  • `What happened?' These were Ned's first words eleven hours later. It was dark outside and by then all my friends knew I'd come home.

As not to overwhelm him when he awoke, I didn't allow any body apart from Linda in the room with Ned. I didn't want to stress him much.

I looked up at Nick's mom and she pretended to be busy.

Bewildered, Ned's eyes followed her as she crossed the room to get something from her medicine bag.

`You passed out when we arrived. And you've been out for almost twelve hours. I tried everything to wake you without much success I might add. '

`Wow! How hard did I hit my head?'

`Your head injury is the least of your worries,' Linda said coming back.

I sat at the edge of the bed next to his chest. I reached for his hand and hold it for support.

`Rye here managed to cure your head with his water-healing trick before I arrived. However, you're still not out of the woods yet.' I was surprised at Linda's harsh tone. Was she angry?

`What's wrong with me? No. Don't tell me. I'm turning into a vampire! SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!' He muttered angrily. Tear rolled down the side of his eyes.

Apologetically, I squeezed his hand.

Calm down now,' Linda dryly said. It will do you no good by getting upset.'

`Is he really turning into a vampire, Linda?' I asked.

She didn't answer me straight away. Instead she folded her arms across her voluptuous chest, staring down at Ned. `I don't know whether I should let you suffer or take you out of your misery for trying to kill my son.'

She was referring to the time Ned and his brothers tried to kill Nick before I threw them off with my powers in Olsen Park back home in the human realm.

Linda!' I said firmly while Ned's face faded even more out of fear, Be nice to the guy. He's sick. I thought you doctors were supposed to be neutral.'

`I'm not human, Rye. But I still do have a heart.' She turned her back to us and pulled out a vile of green gooey liquid from her pocket.

`Drink this,' she said to Ned.

What is it?' He suspiciously asked. It's an elixir that will return your appetite. Your condition is due to the fact that you're lacking certain vitamins. Being exposed to vampire venom for this long has that effect on shifters.'

`So he's not turning into a vampire?'

`Only witches turn into vampires, Rye. He should have known that. Usually vampire venom is not fatal to shifters. One or two bites will cause them to shift between their biped and animal forms. But as I said earlier, prolonged exposure would result the state your friend is in right now, which can only lead to death if left untreated.'

Silently, I watched as Ned gulped down the potion with a grimace.

`This is what I get for being stupid. What was I thinking in agreeing to feed Xell's bitches? I bet he knew this would happen to me.' He scolded himself as Linda checked his vitals.

Ned was feeling a little chill, so I closed the bedroom window. As I returned by his side the door opened. In strolled my Uncle, his bond-mate and his bond-mate's younger brother.

`How is our patient doing?' Charlie asked. I wasn't surprise at his words because he was the one who recommended Linda to treat Ned. He said that he'll give the leopard shifter the best treatment for saving me.

`He's doing much better,' I replied.

With an arm around his lover's shoulder, Eric stood leaning against Charlie. He was smiling too. I guessed he too finds Ned's action to be heroic.

Wren too was calm. In fact he surprised me when he spoke to Ned directly.

`I should thank you for bringing Rye back to us.'

Ned nodded and said. `You should thank your mother too because she was the one who saved Rye from being captured for a second time.'

I winced because I didn't intend to tell Wren about his mom.

As I knew he would, Wren tensed up a little. He was completely taken aback by the news.

`Rye?' Charlie said.

Having no choice in the matter, I told them everything. How we managed to slip out of the castle, how Xell's guards found us in the forest, how Amma fought them off with her magic and how she whisked us to safety.

`Whoa! Are you sure you're talking about the same woman? The Amma I know didn't appear that strong,' Eric said impressed.

`I believe she is who she said she was.'

`I clearly heard her admitted it myself,' Ned added.

It must be true then,' Wren finally said. And then he completely changed the subject. What about Xell?'

`What about Xell?' I repeated.

`He didn't do anything to you, did he?'

I exchanged gazes with Ned. My Uncle noticed. The others did as well.

`No, he didn't.' I simply stated.

`I would say he wanted to but the Master would not allow it,' Ned said.

`What Master?' Eric asked with a frown.

`You remember the hooded-man I told you about from my visions. Well, he was there. He's the Master. Xell's master. And I saw his face this time.'

`This time?' Both my Uncle and Wren said in unison. Noticing the coincidence, and a bit boggled both men stared at each other.

`I didn't know the Master came into your cell, Rye?' Ned said amazed.

Ned didn't know about my vision search thingy. But this wasn't the time for explanation. So I just pretended it was one of my visions. Oh! He didn't know about those either. What the hell, I already said I have visions.

`I had a vision when I was in the cell. I caught a conversation between Xell and the Master. He was scolding Xell. Apparently he had given strict orders not to touch me and he nearly blew Xell's head right off.

`I wish I could have seen him more up close though.'

`Could you at least describe him to us?' Eric said.

Before I could answer Ned intervened. `He doesn't need to. You all know the Master.'

`What do you mean?' Charlie asked intrigued.

`He is Helledon; the keeper of the barrier between the realms.'

Ned and I watched in awe as every other person in the room stared at each other in an utterly, stunning surprise.

`What is it?' I asked.

Well, we should have seen this one coming,' Linda said for the first time since the others walked in. Feres knows we all suffer a great deal from his prejudice.'

`The keeper of Sandridon. How could we have missed that connection?' Charlie said hitting his forehead with an open palm.

Everything made sense. Now we know how the warg came to be in the human realm, and how Xell's and the others kept their powers there too,' Eric said. Then he looked at Charlie. We were all clueless, atsa. So stop beating yourself over it. At least now we know who we're dealing with.'

It doesn't make a difference Eric dear,' Linda said. This man is not your run in the mill sorcerer. He has powers that I'm afraid not even Rye could topple.'

Wren wrapped his arms around me protectively.

`What do we do now?' Eric said.

`At the moment, I say nothing. Our plan haven't change. We continue building Rye's army and in the process maybe find ways to negate the Keeper as well.' Charlie said.

`Easier said than done,' Linda sneered.

Much later, Linda chased all of us from Ned's room in saying that he needed to rest. She has grown very protective of him all of a sudden. I'll say; her earlier disdain of the guy dissipated after hearing Ned's heroic deed.

`Where are the others?' I asked Wren once we entered our room. I know I didn't want to be bothered much after my return but I would have like to be surrounded by the people I came to love so deeply.

`The twins had been summoned to Theran. I suspect father wants to squeeze as much information about us out of them. Don't worry though; cunningness is their middle name. They'll come up with something.

`Nick, Wain and Rhett on the other hand are at Camp. They're helping Nico with the men now that Xander went back to Belen to be close to Niall.

`What's wrong with Niall?' I asked starting to get my clothes off. It had been a long day and I was tired. Wren followed suit.

`There's nothing wrong with Niall. On the contrary he should be feeling ecstatic because his breeder just gave birth to his sons last night. That's why you don't see Seth and Dale. They are there too.'

I started giggling with excitement but then paused as a thought cross my mind.

`Sons; do you mean sons as in twins?' I asked astonished.

`No. Sons as in triplets,' Wren said.

`Triplets! Whoah! Lucky guy!'


Finally naked, Wren and I slid under the bed covers.

`I want a baby too,' I said out of the blue.

Wren chuckled. `Really!'

`Yeah. I've always wanted kids.'

My lover pulled me close to him and trapped me in his arms. `Me too. So you want babies huh! Well let see if I could make your wish come true.'

He tickled me and I laughed so hard.

`Enough, enough, you're going to make wet the bed.'

He stopped but we continued laughing. We spent the next minute staring in each others' eyes.

`Did I tell you how much I love you? I said.

`Did I tell you how much I missed you?'

Tucking some stubborn strands of hair behind his ear, I smiled. `I know. It's the tenth time you've told me since I got back.'

`Good because I don't think I could live without you in my life.'

`Me too, atsa.'

His lips crushed mine and we moaned in each other's mouths. Wren's hands were all over me. My skin trembled and my muscles relaxed under his magic touch. I broke the kiss and laid my forehead against his.

Wren grabbed my stiff cock, sending dozens mini-tsunamis pulsing through me.


`Want me to put it in my mouth?' He beguiled me.

`Yes, please,' I said right away.

Wren chuckled before lifting me up so that I would be straddling his chest. Raising his head he licked the tip of my cock. I shivered... and sniggered. I hanged on tightly to the headboard as a new sensation overtook me.

`You like that? You want more?'

`Yes, please,' I barely breathed out.

Wren grinned. This time he put the entire head in his mouth. I moaned... and shuddered. It felt so good. Next he swallowed the entire length of me. The good feeling intensified. He sucked, licked and savored me.

`Want to put it in my ass?' He uttered.

For a minute there I gazed at him bewildered by his proposal. Wren had bottomed before, I knew that. In fact, all sexually active Targs have at least tried it once if I were to believe Nick. However, in our lovemaking Wren had always taken the dominant role.

`Are you sure?'

`I wouldn't have asked then, would I?'

He had a point there. Without any more thoughts, I made my way down Wren's body, down to his crotch. I lift his legs up and dove in for a taste. He moaned. Grabbing a bunch of my hair, he held my face between his muscled ass cheeks. I pondered on the probability of him trapping me between his ass cheeks and squeeze my face till I pass out. I then sniggered at my own absurdity.

Getting serious, I worked my tongue through his crack like a madman. I was possessed. He too by the sounds he was making.

`I'm ready! Do it now!'

I straightened, pointed my cock towards his opening and pushed right past his tight rings. He instinctively wrapped his legs around my waist. Cock lodged all the way, I bent down and we shared another passionate kiss.

I giggled and started moving. With the slightly shorter dick, I was at a disadvantage. So I increased the pace of my thrusting. He groaned every time I hit his prostate. I lost track of time of how long we'd been at it.

A while later I reached the pick of a rapidly mounting orgasm. My breath became heavy and my thrust became irregular. Grabbing hold of my ass cheeks Wren guided me. He slammed me harder to him, thus drawing out the maximum pleasure for the both of us.

`I'm cuming...' I barely uttered as I coated his inside with my sperm.

Pushing me off of him, Wren quickly got to his knees and pointed his cock at my face. I watched him cringe as he jerked off hastily. And thirty second later he came all over my face. After squeezing the last drop, he started giggling. He dropped down heavily next to me and pulled me into a hugging kiss.

When we finally came out for air he said, `That was intense.'

Reaching for a towel from a nearby arm chair, I wiped the cum off my face.

`I don't know why we didn't do that sooner, you're a great topper.'

`Why thank you sir?' I teased. He tickled me and I howled.

Sometime later, exhausted, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Wake up sleepy heads,' Eric's voice drew me out of a deep sleep. We've got a lot to do today.'

He opened the curtains and let in the light. Wren hissed. `Aaarrrh! It's still early.'

`It's early for you maybe but not for the guests arriving here at any moment.'

It took some time but as what Eric said finally registered, I sat up so fast that I felt a bit tipsy afterwards.

`Guests! Who're coming?'

`Didn't I tell you?'

`Tell me what?'

`The Shifter kings are pledging fealty to you today. Since you were captured and couldn't be at the gathering like you promise, Charlie decided to call them here.'

`Couldn't we do it another day?' Wren grunted.

`It has to be today. Morak Tal will officially be over tonight and all the Clan kings will be returning to their homeland.'

Wren yawned and sat up next to me. He pecked me on the shoulder. `Morning atsa.'

I smiled and returned the greeting. `Thank you Eric, we'll be right out in a minute,' I said to which he smiled back and left the room.

Wren kissed me on the shoulder again. `Do you think we've got time for a quickie?'

I laughed and pushed him off. I wasn't in the mood. Despite that though, he and I took a twenty minute long stimulating bath together.

When we finally emerged from our room we met an absentminded Charlie in the hallway.

`Good, you're up,' he said when he saw us.

`A good morning to you too Char,' I said in a sniping voice.

`Very funny, Rye. You two, go get something to eat and meet me in the lounge in ten minutes.'

Wren sniggered but Charlie ignored him. Walking past us he went on his way.

`Can we drop by Ned's room first? I want to make sure he's okay.'

`Sure. I'll go pick up breakfast and we'll eat it there.' Wren pecked me on the lips and hurried away. I stood there watching his ass until he disappeared at a corner.

`Hey!' Ned said as I walked in his room. He was sitting in bed looking bored.

`How're you feeling?' I said and sat on the armchair nearby.

`Much better,' he replied. And he really looked much better too. His color had returned and he miraculously had gained a few pounds to his frame. Whatever Linda had been giving him seemed to be working. Speaking of the witch...

`Where's Linda?'

`She went to see her son. She said she'll be back in an hour or so.'

`How's she treating you?'

`No complains here, she's an excellent healer.'

`Good. So then, what are you going to do once you've healed?' Just because I brought him here, doesn't mean he'll want to stay. Besides, I didn't want him to think that he was a prisoner.

`You've all been so nice to me. If it's okay with you I would like to remain here and help you bring down that son of a bitch Xell.'

I chuckled because he sounded so determined.

`Of course you should.'

Then all of a sudden his face fell.

`What is it?'

`I just realized that I'm useless now. I'm a cambion and without my ability to shift, how useful do you think I'm going to be.'

I touched his arm. I wasn't an empath like Nick but I felt his pain.

`Cheer up. You'll do just fine. Did I tell you Charlie is a cambion too? You don't see him wallowing in regret do you?'

`I guess he's not,' he said quietly.

`You're damn right he's not. He no longer has his powers yet he is the strongest of us all. You just have to find whatever drives you and turn it into something positive.'

`I guess you're right.'

`Damn right he is,' Wren said entering the room carrying a platter. On it there were three mugs of something that smelt like coffee – I didn't even know they have coffee on this side – two plates of roasted meat and a bowl of fruit.

Breakfast anyone,' he said. He set the platter in front of Ned. The fruit is yours atsa. I know how you hate meat for breakfast.'

Ned chuckled.

He knew me so well. `Thanks, atsa.'

Wren took a mug of hot liquid and sat at the edge of Ned's bed.

`Why are you being so nice to me after what I did to you guys?' His eyes were a bit misty.

You my friend have a good heart,' Wren said. You brought my own heart back to me when I myself couldn't. And for that I will forever be in you debt. That in itself negated whatever wrong you did me in the past. Speaking of past, whatever is in the past stays in the past. Get it.'

`Thanks, the both of you,' Ned said shyly.

`You're welcome. Now eat before the steak gets cold.'

Ned laughed. It was catching because Wren and I joined in.

When Wren and I entered the lounge twenty minutes later, I was stunned by what I saw. It looked like the preparation for a big wedding. The floor was spotless, the windows were gleaming and fresh flowers were everywhere. And perhaps the most surprising were the two dozen men and women in uniforms running all over the place responding to Eric's and Charlie's commands.

`Who are these people?'

`The new staff,' Wren said smiling.

There you are? Where have you been?' Charlie asked. No. Don't tell me. Just stand there and we'll do the rest.'

In a hurry he walked away and called Eric while pointing my way. Then his eyes went straight to the parchment he was holding. I could see he wanted everything to be perfect.

`Why is Charlie acting like a maniac?'

`He wants to make a good impression on our guests. Our dispositions in terms of wealth and alliance are the two main elements in assuring they don't change their minds at the last minute.'

`It's all about politics, Rye,' Eric said once he reached us. I've forgotten how sensitive shifter ears were. He was way across the room when Wren started.

`I don't understand Targ's politic,' I said.

`It's quite easy really. The alpha dog allies itself to betas to assure his dominance over them. But when confronted with another alpha he would assess his opponent to determine whether the other is worth concurring or destroying.'

`I get your dog analogy but I still find it complicated.'

`Sure you do. Now, stand still while we dress you for the occasion,' he said clapping his hands.

Three women carrying bundles hurried to our side.

`Wren, go make yourself presentable, we're late as it is.'

Wren nodded and winked at me. `Be back in a jiffy.'

Under Eric's prying eyes, the women opened the bundles. One pulled out a slender sky-blue cloth with intricate embroidery and wrapped it around my waist. It covered my legs and feet like the bottom of a wedding gown. Another woman pulled out a pair of silver bracers and belt. The other removed my tunic and placed a huge pectoral jewelry resembles much like an ancient Egyptian neckpiece only the Pharaoh wears. It sat perfectly on my shoulders, upper chest and back. Also my medallion sat perfectly in the middle like it was made to accentuate it.

You look perfect,' Eric said when the women were done and left. All that is missing is this.'

He produced a plain, single ringed, silver crown about one inch in width and placed it on my head, around my forehead.

There...' Eric said. You look so much like your father in that outfit.'

Before I could say thank you, someone whistled from the side door. My face lit up when I saw who it was.

Bare-chested, with a shorter pectoral jewelry around his neck and in black leather pants with a sky-blue flap that match my skirt covering his groin, Nick looked stunningly handsome. And he wasn't alone. Following him in and also dressed in similar fashion were Wren, Wain, Rhett, River and Reed.

Hey guys,' I said once they stood in a semi circle around me. You all look handsome.'

`You should see yourself. If my brother isn't treating you right, you should look me up,' Reed teased and winked at me. Wren slapped him upside the head and everyone laughed in good fun.

`How are you really?' Nick asked a bit more seriously.

`A bit shaken but all right I guess.' I couldn't lie to Nick, because of his empath ability he would know if I did.

`That's only natural but you'll be yourself in no time.'

`About the thing, were you successful?'

`Yes,' was his answer, and I was happy to hear it.

`Okay guys get into positions,' Eric said. As my bond-mate, Wren stood by my side, Nick took the other side and the others on either side of them.

As the guys and I chattered away, Eric disappeared. He only surfaced ten minutes later with Charlie. They wore elaborate stylish blue robes over their tunic.

`Is everyone ready?' Charlie asked. There was a collective yes to which he nodded.

`Okay Rye, our guests are already in the throne room waiting. Eric and I will go in first and announce your grand entrance. When I give the signal, you will teleport yourself and the others on the dais in front of your throne.'

I nodded quietly. I was nervous. I prayed that I won't lose it like the last time I face those people.

Nodding back, Charlie and Eric walked out of the room. Wren held my hand and gave me a dashing smile.

`Everything will be all right. There's nothing to be afraid of.'

My only reply was `Sure'.

Becoming more agitated, I shook my sweaty hands a little. Wren leaned in and gave me a kiss on my cheek. That calmed me down just a tad.

<You'll do just fine, atsa> he whispered.

I didn't reply this time, just squeezed his hand more tightly.

Eric's voice brushed against my ears. The others must have heard it too because they poised themselves ready to be teleported.

I glanced at Wren and he nodded. Knowing that he had my back reassured me that everything will be all right.

Closing my eyes I called for the feri-lights above. Afterwards when I reopened them I was standing in the brightly lit hall in front of a large crowd.

Jump starting, my heart began to race. Instinctively I grabbed the medallion. A warm fuzzy feeling replaced my fears. It was as if all the troubles of this world were unexpectedly lifted. I liked that feeling.

Wren squeezed my hand he was holding. That drew me back to reality. And the first thing I noticed was the assembly. For a room full of people, I realized they were awfully quiet... too quiet to say the least. I wondered what they were waiting for.

<Rye, say something> Wren whispered.

Was I still in the haze? I guessed so because it was then I realized that everybody except for my friends were on their right knees before us.

`Please do get up,' I said without a trace of nervousness in my voice. Once again I touched the medallion and wished I knew all its secrets.

When they were all on their feet again, they stared at me expectedly.

I recognized the Alpha shifter king in the front row along with the other Alphas. He smiled and nodded at me when he noticed me staring. I nodded back and shifted my gaze. Lining the sides of the hall I saw warriors standing at attention with spears in hand. Even with their bluish colored uniform, it took me a while to realize they were mine. That was partly because of Commander Nico. He stood further at the back, next to the huge double door in similar uniform. He smiled at me and I returned in kind. Then my eyes darted to and fro at the assembly between him and the Alphas. Their dazzling smiles and bright eyes were eating me alive. Now I knew how the celebrities back home felt every time they step into the spotlight. It was exhilarating... and scary.

<They're all shifters> Wren started, he must have noticed me watching them,

I spotted Charlie and Eric next to the dais. I smiled at them. Eric smiled and Charlie nodded. As if that was the answer I was looking for, I let go of Wren's hand and took a few step forward.

All eyes followed my movement. My new found confident radiated from my every pores.

Greetings to you all,' I said. It is an honor for me to welcome you to my home. To the Alpha Kings, the last time we met was a bit overwhelming for all of us. But I do hope today's event will alleviate your doubts and fears.'

`Before we start the ceremony I will like you to meet some old acquaintances of mine. Our meeting was by chance but their friendship is something I cherish. So your Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Lord Raddi and Lady Maia.'

All attention was suddenly drawn to the door where a dozen Equinians entered in their merged forms. The group was led by the Lady Maia and Lord Raddi.

I watched the bewildered faces around as the sea of Shifters parted to let my honored guests through. Wren's father's face was priceless. Like the other Alphas, he gaped at the Equinians.

Frankly, inviting the Equinians was a last minute thing. After the talk with Eric this morning about Shifter politics I concurred we will have to show the Alphas how influential I was. I was so excited when Lord Raddi and the others agree to break seclusion for me when Nick returned from Mirk-Knoll.

`Lady Maia, Lord Raddi welcome to my home,' I got down from the dais to greet them.

`It's an honor to be welcome in your hall Riley,' Maia said. She addressing me by my first name showed everyone around that we were really old acquaintances.

We exchanged a few more words before Lady Maia and her kin took a place next to the Shifter Alphas in the front row.

Climbing back on the dais I saw Chase waved at a young Equinian. A closer look at the particular centaur; I saw that it was Ravi. He has grown up some. He looked like a real man. I glimpsed at Chase and smiled.

The excited murmurs in the crowd were hilarious. Many if not all wolf shifters present have seen an Equinian for centuries.

I signaled Charlie to begin the ceremony and he made his way towards the dais. Halfway there he paused and looked towards the door.

<What is it Char?>

he whispered back.

<Who are they?> Apart for the Neornites, who neglected to respond to my invitation I could think of no one.

<Leopard shifters, Your Highness> he replied. <And they aren't alone.>

`What is it, Rye?' Wren asked me.

I told him who was at the door and he smiled. `Let them in.'

Without announcement this time, the small party of Leopard shifters entered. Followed closely behind the Neornite King Warren and his brothers strolled in as well.

Once again the crowd parted and the unexpected guests made their way forward.

When they reached the dais, they bowed and the Alpha Leopard spoke. `It's an honor to be in the presence of his Highness.'

`The honor is mine Sir. Welcome to my home.'

`Thank you my Lord. I also would like to thanks my Lord for saving my people from the vampire attack in Dowerr only recently.'

`Your presence here today is thanks enough for me Your Lordship.'

He bowed and he and his people make way for the Neornites. I noticed the disgust looks the Wolf shifters had on their faces. They really didn't like the Leopards. Too bad for them because they were my guests like the rest of them.

Greetings Your Highness,' King Warren said with a bow. Like I promise, I am here and ready to pledge my allegiance to you My King.'

`You are most welcome Your Highness. For a minute there I thought you weren't going to make it.'

`The fault is entirely mine Your Highness. Seclusion is a hard thing to break without the approval of my council.'

`I am please at your decision,' I replied back.

`Before we start, can I return something that belong to His Highness,' King Warren said signaling to one of his brothers. It was Farren who climbed the dais to meet me. I was bewildered, but not at his action but at what he had between his palms.

He was carrying my father's orb!

... End of chapter 25

Next: Chapter 41: The Feres King 26

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