The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Sep 7, 2012


For all those who emailed me, I thank you for your support and encouragement. Happy reading!

The Last Feres

Chapter 4

An irritating barking outside woke me up from my sleep. It took me a while to notice that it was dark outside and even longer to be aware that I was in my room.

By then, I'd been in and out of consciousness several times during that evening. Through it all, Wren had been with me. I remembered feeling his warm body pressing against mine and I didn't forget the fact that he carried me to bed in his arms after my seizure. Absentmindedly, I reached for him but I met air instead.

He wasn't in bed. Where the hell is he? Good God, do I miss him already? He may be in the bathroom, or in the kitchen, I know how he likes to snack, I resolved. He'll be back soon.

Trying to get back to sleep, a draft coming through the open window brought chills to my bones. I pulled the cover tightly around my neck. No use. It was too cold and that damn dog outside wouldn't stop yapping.

Wren! I wanted Wren.

Exasperatingly, I slid to the edge of the bed and stood up. Pain. My head hurt. It annoyed me because I rarely get sick, headaches included. I wanted it to go away. Plus my mouth also tasted and felt like sandpaper... weird feeling. Unhurriedly, I dragged myself downstairs. On the way down I dropped by the bathroom for some painkillers.

Finally in the kitchen I poured myself a glass of milk and gulped down the liquid in one go. I drank two more cups before I realized the weird taste in my mouth wasn't going away anytime soon.

I was about to go back upstairs when I saw the kitchen door leading to the backyard partly open. It's highly unlikely Charlie forgot to lock it. So I went to investigate.

With the headache and all I didn't switch on the lights and also because the pregnant moon outside was bright enough for me to see everything clearly. I pushed open the door a little and poked my head outside. A cold breeze washed over my face and nearly stopped me from venturing further.

Just as I figured, outside was almost as bright as day-time. All lights were off except for the street lamps half a mile away. The back yard was serene just like a romantic scene from a romance novel.

Well almost.

A few meters from the kitchen door was the source of the yapping that woke me up. A cute puppy, about a few months old, was happily jumping up and down, and running circle around an older dog, which was sitting still gazing at the moon above.

The puppy, I recognized as being Alex's. Jopsy was his name. Alex's father brought Jopsy home from the animal shelter he works at as a vet several weeks ago. I remembered Alex said he hated that thing. But I thought him cute.

The older dog on the other hand was not cute at all. He was dark as night and I couldn't quite make out his breed. Nonetheless he was a huge dog. He was too big to be a German shepherd and too lean and muscular to be a St Bernard. I watched them for a while and found it cute to see Jopsy trying to coerce the larger, serious looking dog to play with him.

Then all hell broke loose. Jopsy (not having the attention he wanted) bit the bigger dog's tail. Big mistake. The huge dog sprang on all four and snarled at him. It was awful. Jopsy, tail between his legs, made a mad dash towards a small openning in the bush fence into his own backyard. Although, I felt pity for Jopsy I was glad the other dog stopped his yammering.

When I thought it was over the huge dog did something perplexing. He raised himself on his hind legs and morph into... a man. A naked, long haired man that looks a lot like...WREN.

I didn't realize I said his name out loud until he sharply looked my way. More shocked than afraid I followed him with my eyes as he drew near. He didn't say a word when he finally stopped a few inches from me.

Like a deer caught in head light I stared at him. I couldn't read his expression for he didn't display any. Even then I wasn't scared. Besides he didn't look threatening in any way.

`Rye. Say something.'

Still I continued to stare.

Rye..' He tried to touch me but I withdrew my arm. Rye. Say something godammit!'

`You just ...'


`You're a ...'

`... werewolf. No.'

`What are you then?'

He tried to touch me again but I shrugged back this time. He was hurt when I did that. Finally an expression I understand.

`Come. Let's get you inside before you catch a cold.' Me catching a cold, he was the one buck naked outside in the cold night air.

He brushed past me and urged me to follow him into the den. Hesitantly, I closed the door and followed.

In the den, I sat as far away from Wren as possible. We remained quiet for some time. When it became clear that he was waiting for me to say something first I started with a question.

`You said you're not a werewolf. What are you then?'

Naked on the couch I gazed at his soft member nestling against his delicious pubs. I couldn't help myself, I guessed. He put his hands together and rubbed then vigorously. I guessed he was as nervous as I was.

`I'm a shifter, a wolf shifter to be precise.'

`In other words a werewolf,' I ventured.

NO!' He said a bit too loud before catching himself and continued in a softer voice. Please, don't call me a werewolf, Rye. I hate that.'

`What's the difference? A shifter and a werewolf is the same in my book.'

`Werewolves are beasts that look like a hairy man only with bearlike head and bearlike claws for hands. And they rarely morph. Shifters on the other hand are different. Gentler and can completely transfigured into the animal they portray.'

`What else?'

`Werewolves are made while shifters are born. And we don't fight for the same cause.'

`And What cause is that?'

He hesitated for a minute.

`We protect while they destroy. They're pure evil incarnate.' Like he was a saint.

I heard what he said and I believed him. His broken voice and his not-so-calm stance convinced me.

`Are you still mad at me that I didn't tell you before?' He asked.

I thought about it and I already knew the answer even before I walked in the room.

No.' Then I remembered the weird conversation with his brother this morning. Is Eric a were... I mean shifter too?'


`Did he and Charlie ask you to protect me?'


`From what?' I was curious.

I can't tell you.' When he saw the look on my face he added. It's not my place to tell you. It's Charlie's.'

`But why?'

`Rye, I can't.' He said miserably.

`Can I ask you something else?'

`Rye, please, I can't tell you anymore than I already did. I'm already in trouble as it is.' I never saw him so scared. Who would have thought? He was far from the Wren I met this morning.

`But he was my Wren.' I mumbled to myself.



Right there and then I made a decision. I know Wren. I've seen his soul. He was sincere and he answered my questions with the truth. Perhaps what he said or more like didn't say were meant to wait. I had enough surprises as it is for one day, although somebody, somebody will be answering my question soon, very soon.

Swallowing the last uneasiness I had, I walked right to him and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips. That surprised him. I then pushed him on the couch and nestled my head on his bare chest. He responded by locking his arms around me.

Charlie, I though, you have a lot of explaining to do. But not before I'm through with you.

When I woke up next, I was again alone on the couch. I could hear talking on the patio outside and figured Charlie and Eric were up. My body was a bit stiff but my headache was gone.

As I walked outside towards the men I was surprise Wren wasn't with them. Charlie said good morning behind the paper. I pulled up a chair and grabbed the coffee pot.

`How you're feeling this morning Rye?' Eric asked before he sipped some coffee.

I ignored him, poured a mug and nursed it quietly. Charlie folded the paper then and looked intently at me.

`Is something wrong?' Yeah. Something is wrong. But my mouth was sealed. I didn't answer.

The men exchanged looks. I didn't care.

`Where's Wren?' Why should I care? Again, I said nothing.

`Rye, is there something you're not tell me?' Charlie said. I could sense his frustration. Once again I pretended I didn't hear anything.

He was about to blow a casket when Mr. Parish, Alex's father, walked in the small iron gate in the fence that separated the two backyards. On a leash trailing behind him was Wren the wolf.

`Sorry to bother you Char. Is this handsome fellow yours by any chance?'

Again my Uncle and his friend exchange looks.

I'm afraid his mine sir,' Eric stood and shook Mr. Parish's right hand and snatched the leash with the other. I'm Eric Char's friend. Where on Earth did you find him? I was worried when he didn't come home last night.'

Mr. Parish chuckled when he saw Eric squatted in front of Wren, gaving him a half hug.

`Not too far I'm afraid. He was just on my doorstep keeping Jopsy company. He's a magnificent specimen that one and very well trained by the way. You did a marvelous job with him.'

I almost sniggered then.

`Well, must be on my way. Have a busy schedule to keep. Char, Eric, Rye, Chester bye boy,' he said before turning on his heel and sauntered back into his yard. Everyone stayed quiet until we heard his engine roared to life.

`Rye, meet Chester. Chester meet Rye,' Eric said.

That was it. The boiling point.

`Oh, cut the crap. Stand up Wren and go put some clothes on.' I yelled... slammed the mug down... stood up abruptly... walked in the house, leaving both men with their mouths hanging.

When I reached the bedroom Wren was right behind me in human form and in the buff as usual.

`Not now Wren. I need to get ready for work.' I closed the door in his face. I was too mad to deal with anything right now.

Alone I leaned against the door and stared at nothing in particular. I can't believe what I just did. Charlie must be going crazy by now. What do I care? He brought this on himself.

I took my time getting ready. And when I was satisfied with my looks I grabbed my backpack and car keys on the dresser and opened the door.

I was surprise to see Wren in wolf form this time still waiting for me outside my bedroom door. Despite getting him in trouble he was still loyal to me. How noble of him. I couldn't be mad at him.

`Come on boy. We're going to work.' He barked and wagged his tail. I laughed.

Downstairs Charlie and Eric were arguing. When they saw me they stopped and watched as I opened the door and stepped outside with Wren in tow.

In the car Wren rode shotgun and did what most dog would do; stuck his head out and smiled in the wind.

After a while he got tired and sat properly.

Sorry about earlier Wren,' I addressed the wolf. I wasn't angry at you or anything. I just needed some time to myself.'

He barked once telling me he understood. I understood him. I was starting to like the Wren-wolf more that the man-Wren. I grinned.

`Good morning boss,' I said to Mr. Garth as I entered the bookstore.

`You're late.'

`I know boss but I couldn't leave my dog alone in the house. He's new to the place and I fear he may feel the need to escape.'

Dog, what dog?' Right then Wren brushed up against him. That startled Mr. Garth. Oh! That dog. You know the rules Riley. No pets allowed. It says so on the front door.'

`Mr. Garth please. Just this once. I swear tomorrow I won't bring him.' Trying to sweeten the bossman Wren licked Mr. Garth hand. The boss' face became softer and smiled for the first time in years.

`Well, he can stay. He's a handsome fellow. I like him. But he has to be out of sight you hear.'

'Yes sir.'

With Mr. Garth gone I instructed Wren to stay behind the counter while I work. Without a bark he did as I say.

`Hey Sally,' I said when I saw her coming from the stockroom with a box heavy of books.

`I'm not talking to you.'

`Sorry.' Shit! I totally forgot that I blew her off yesterday. What could I say to her? I can't tell her the truth, she won't believe me.

`Sal come on. I said I'm sorry what more can I say.'

She reached the counter and dropped the box at Wren's front legs making him jumped back, alarmed.

Not noticing Wren Sally turned to me and said: `My name is Sally not Sal and definitely not lee and I'm still angry with you thank you very much.' She turned her back to me and stepped on Wren leg this time.

Wren growled. Sally saw Wren. And Sally screamed.

`What the hell is that? Cerberus? The dog from Hell?' She said with a horror stricken face.

`Sally meet Bob. Bob meet Sally,' I raised wren's paw so Sally could shake.

Sally stepped back and raised her hands in a girlish kind of way. `Uh-uh! I'm not touching that thing.'

Wren growled again and I shook him a little to stop him. `Behave.'

All day long Sally stayed as far from the counter as possible and I asked Wren to do the same; that is to stay away from Sally.

Once Sally started talking to me again I asked if she'd seen Alex and why he wasn't at work.

`How the hell should I know? If he doesn't show up soon I'll ask Garth for his wages. I've been busting my ass since the day before yesterday doing his goddamned job.'

I shouldn't have asked. Sally was still mad. Not just at me but at Alex too apparently.

During lunch break I took Wren for a walk in the park. That was where I met Ruth, my stalker. Wren must have noticed her tailing us for he kept growling throughout the short awkward exchange I had with her. Unlike with Sally I didn't stop Wren from doing so. For now he was my Ruth-repellent.

Back at work, my boss asked me to move my car. The delivery men had just arrived with a load of new books and they can't get access to the ramp since my car was blocking the way to the back alley. It was hard work unloading boxes after boxes and stacking them in the stockroom. But at the end it was worth it. Mr. Garth released us early for our effort.

Sally didn't catch a ride with me today. She told me she already called her boyfriend and that he was coming to pick her up at the corner in five.

Wren-wolf and I walked the fifty meters to where I'd parked the car further up the alley in silence. I was exhausted and Wren too by the looks of him.

Just before we reached the car however, a thin ugly doglike creature dropped down from the wall above us. Wren immediately got in front of me, snarled, and bared his canines at the intruder.


That's it for this chapter guys. Sorry, no sex in this one maybe in the next. Who knows? ;)


Next: Chapter 5

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