The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Oct 21, 2013


Happy reading!

The Feres King

Chapter 23

My chest hurt as I tried to breath. The nauseating odor of stale urine and damp hay beneath me wasn't helping either. Painfully, I dragged myself to lean against the cold stone wall of the dungeon cell I was in.

Light came from a single high opening to my left. Once or twice I contemplated crawling through it to escape, but I doubt my head would fit through it. True I could have used my powers to widen the girth but then again I was so drained that I could barely lift an arm.

Wren! My thoughts turned to him, to his words before the rescue mission; "... this is madness. Have you thought about the danger you're putting yourself into? ..."

Call it intuition, but his guts told him something was wrong. Man, I should have listened to him. I was too damned overconfident to listen. It was too late now, of course. I'd already been captured.

I was frustrated with myself. But it was short lived because I didn't even have the strengths to be angry. Nevertheless I had to find a way out of here.

Closing my eyes, I channeled my vision like Grandma Moira showed me. For a minute there I thought it would work but that ability was down too. I found this out fifteen minutes later after trying for the sixth time. My heart was racing a hundred miles per hour while my brain churned to find a solution to my dilemma. If I was to survive this place, I needed an energy boost. By the feel of it, there weren't any feri-lights anywhere near this place. Well not so true. I did have one feri-light left. I was keeping it for a more pressing situation, although, I might as well use it now because should they search me again I would lose it for sure this time.

Unsteadily I reached into my pants and pulled out the glowing orb. Closing my eyes, I squeezed it hard. The energy rippled through me. It wasn't much but it was enough to fuel a search-vision.

I pictured the cell I was in. An image began to form. It worked, I thought. Let's try something else. Where am I?

My vision switched to an aerial viewpoint: I saw a lone black crow circling over a castle. The castle was old and tattered but very much alive for I saw many fires in and on the grounds. It looked like Xell has a small army camping outside. I looked further. For miles and miles all around the imposing structure, I saw an endless forest. My heart sank. Between the army and the unknown terrain, I doubt I could make it far if I got a chance to escape.

There must be another way. Shallow pools! I remembered something Reed said back in Theran. All major places have them, so there must be one somewhere around.

My vision switched again. Starting from the cell, it guided me through the various room of the castle. Finally after a minute or two searching, I found the pool. However, I doubt it could get me anywhere because it had been drained and piled up with huge boulders. I sighed. I might as well give up. There was no getting out of this place.

I was about to return to my body when I heard loud voices coming from behind a huge wooden door beyond the jammed pool. Curious of what might be in store for me. I let my vision guide me. My mind's eye was inside within seconds.

Sitting on a white marble throne was a hooded man gazing at another man on his knees before him. I recognized the kneeling man to be Xell. I zoomed in closer.

`Well Necromancer, you ruined my perfectly laid plan with your thirst for blood. What have you got to say for yourself this time?' the hooded man asked. He was surely angry for his silvery eyes glowed underneath the shadow of the hood.

I am sorry, My Lord,' Xell said with a wavered voice. I thought I could ...'

You thought you could do what, kill the Feres,' the hooded man yelled. I needed him alive you idiot.'

Xell cringed.

`He is the vital key to my plans. As the only wielder of the medallion, he alone has the ability to lift the curse that had been inflicted on me.'

Xell started to grovel once again. And very soon he added, `He is still alive, My Lord.'

I know that. I can sense him, thus the reason you are still standing, Necromancer,' the hooded man replied more calmly now, that and the fact that I still have control over Sandridon.'

The hooded man got up and drew his hood. His bold head glisten in the sunlight that streamed through the windows. He was tall and dark. His silvery eyes... Oh my God! I'd seen this guy before. Yes, in my vision that one time. My father referred to him as his brother. He was the one that betrayed Joen to the enemy, the one that got punished for his treachery.

A cold chill engulfed me.

Up until then, I had never given a thought about my uncle. I knew he was supposedly bad, but there was nothing before that would suggest he was responsible for the attacks all over Targeten.

`If I may, My Lord, why is he so important to your plans?' Xell said getting to his feet.

Idiot! I'm surrounded by idiots,' my Uncle said more to himself than anyone. Then he turned to Xell and said, If you were listening carefully you would know that I need him to release me from the servitude bond. For this to happen I needed him to be trusting and compliant first. That was the whole point in sending your daughter to Theran. It was going well before you blew it.'

`Why not take the medallion yourself, My Lord? He is well within your grasp.'

`I can't, can I.'

`What do you mean, My Lord?'

My Uncle huffed. `I can't get near him because as long as that medallion hangs around his neck I am subject to his will.'

`I'll get it for you myself if you wish it.'

My Uncle laughed.

`If it was that easy the medallion would have been in my hands by now. No, that piece of relic is doused with ancient Feri magic. The wearer has to give it up willingly or else it will lose it power.'

Xell went pensive for a while. `Do you really need it? I mean, your plan has been working perfectly without it so far. '

My Uncle laughed again. `I suppose not but if you're suggesting we kill the Feres, I'm not giving you that pleasure, at least not just yet. There is one more reason I need that medallion.

`There has always been five Feri alive at a time. This time is no different. The other four are in sleeper mode. Whether my nephew knows that or not, I can't run the risk of him waking the others. But he is learning fast, and very soon he would surely realize the true potential of the medallion.'

`So, we take the medallion and kill him,' Xell said with anticipation.

`You're right, necromancer. You're not so dumb after all. If I can't have the medallion at least I'll know no one can use it against me. Besides, for centuries I had been collecting powers to add to my own. I have more than enough to severe the bond myself. It would be agonizing but it is not impossible.'

At that moment, I froze. They're going to kill me!

I lost control of the vision and all of a sudden I found my consciousness back into my body again. Now more than ever I needed to get out of there.

A clanging noise interrupted my busy thoughts. Someone entered the cell carrying a bowl in one hand and a piece of bread in another.

`Food and drink for His Highness,' the person said.

As he lowered himself close to me, I got a good look at his face. I had yet another surprise on that day.

Before me squatted Ned, the leopard shifter that had been part of my torment back home in the human realm.

He thrust the bowled in my direction but I refused to take it.

`You need to eat if you want your strength back. For what they have in store for you, you won't last long without sustenance,' he said.

I was temporarily confused by the tone of his voice. It was too composed, and if I wasn't mistaken I could detect a trace of sympathy in it. Was he for real?

When I didn't response, he placed the food and drink beside me. Then he edged closer and drew some cloth from his pocket. He soaked it a little and then used it to wipe my face and neck clean.

I was completely mystified.

Okay. What the hell is going on?

What's going on?' I finally said as he began to dab at my bruised chest. You were never than friendly before.'

He chuckled. Not what I expected. And what exactly was I expecting anyway?

I should be angry with you and your wolf boyfriend for killing Ted ...' His asshole of a brother deserved it for being a crazy psycho. ...but I'd never recognized how good a manipulator he was until he was gone. It took me a while to realize that he was the brains behind our misdeeds.'

`It doesn't erase what you did though,' I said bitterly.

His face fell. `Yes, you are right. I was always the pompous fool with the fragile ego. I never once realized that before I was locked up.' Not the way I saw it but then again he was sort of apologizing.

`Why are you really here? I doubt Xell's wants to see to my wellbeing. And by the way how did you manage to break out of prison?' From what I know, first degree murder carries a life sentence.

`Can't you sense it? I'm a cambion now. I've lost my shifting ability. Helledon took it in a bargain for my safe return on this side. Now I'm an outcast. I can't go home. You should know the leopard community despises abominations like me.'

`So you decided to join Xell again then.'

`There wasn't much of a choice really. He found me three weeks ago and offered me employment.'

`As what? His slave.'

`It looks like it doesn't it. But I'm useless now so I cannot complain. I have a roof over my head and food in my belly. That's more I could have hoped for.'

He looked really resigned. Now that I was paying attention to details, he did seem meek and insecure. He also got bags under his eyes, bones showing through his skin and he was as dirty as a swamp rat. He wasn't happy here. I could tell.

That gave me an idea.

`Will you help me escape this place? In return you could come with me to Notwitt.'

He stopped what he was doing and gazed at me. His facial expression changed to surprise, confusion, enlightenment and back to resignation all fewer than thirty seconds. I guessed he thought I was taunting him.

You're joking with me, right...,' when he saw the look on my face he literally stopped and thought about the possibilities of my offer. Look, I don't know how genuine you are about me going with you but even if I agree, there is no guarantee we would succeed.'

That was a good start. He wasn't exactly against the whole escaping idea. I just need to convince him that he would be doing the right thing.

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it shortly after when Ned said, `You don't need to convince me of anything. I've decided to help you long before I came here.'

`But you just said...' Forget it.

`I wasn't sure you'll want to talk to me after what I've put you and your friends through. Do you forgive me?'

I smiled. `Since you asked so kindly, yes, I accept you apology.'

`Okay then, we'll leave at noon. Everyone is keen on taking naps around this time, including Xell. And the vampires won't leave the safety of their cave to come out in daylight.'

`Thank you,' I said.

He smiled. He got a beautiful smile.

Now hang tight. I'll be back in an hour after my chores and checking to make sure our path is clear before we go.'

I nodded quietly, thinking of how often bad guys turn good in real life.


End of chapter 23

Next: Chapter 39: The Feres King 24

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