The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Aug 20, 2013


Happy reading!

The Feres King

Chapter 21

Later that afternoon, Nick, Wren and I were back in Theran. Lounging in the sofa in our chamber, Nick was telling us about his warlock training. I honestly wanted to be part of the conversation; unfortunately, I had my head filled with thoughts of my father.

The man clearly had a plan. First he told me he couldn't tell me more than I could handle because the future is always susceptible to change. Only later would I find out that he had already decided on the course of action I should take. No. There was more to it than that. I strongly believed that perhaps he couldn't tell me then because he didn't want to alter the right course for me. Argh! I was so confused, and, I was also giving myself a headache.

`Are you feeling well?' Nick asked me. He must have sensed my sudden emotional change.

I'm okay,' I started, but then thought otherwise. No, I'm not feeling okay.'

Moving as one, both guys rushed to my side.

`Is there anything we can do?' Wren asked. Both their faces showed concerned, and I loved them for it. But no, they could do nothing to help me. Not right now, at least.

`Thanks you guys. I just need some time to sort out my thoughts that's all. Would it be okay with you guys if I go somewhere to be by myself for a while?'

They both exchanged looks. `Where would you go?' Wren asked.

`Back to the Citadel. It's quieter and I would be able to think more clearly.'

They both said okay. Summoning some feri-lights, their somber faces were the only thing I saw before I dematerialized out of there.

Finally alone, I didn't feel any different. Thoughts of my father persisted. I couldn't stay like this, though. I never was one to wallow in abstraction. I needed some answers. I needed to speak to my father. Maybe Grandma Moira could help me find his orb.

Greetings my grandson,' my grandmother said once I had activated her memoria. Back so soon?'

`Sorry to disturb you, Grandma, but I need your help in pointing out my father's memoria.'

She smiled. Closing the distance between us, she wrapped her arms around me. I barely felt a thing but the gesture did me a lot of good.

`I am sorry, Riley, but your father's memoria never made it here. Now that I think of it, maybe he did not want you to meet with him just yet.'

I suddenly grew sad. My dad didn't want to talk to me.

Reading my thoughts, Grandma said softly, `Never think that honey. Your father loves you with all his heart. I saw it in his eyes when he brought you in this very chamber to introduce us. I even felt his pride when he talked about you.'

I smiled. `Does he really love me?'

`Yes he does. Now wipe your tears and we will talk some more.' I chuckled as I wiped away my tears.

The Feri Queen Moira sat on the stone bench waiting for me to join her. She stared at me as I moved and sat beside her.

`Your father is not here but that does not mean I cannot help. Now tell me what is bothering you.'

I told her everything that had happened since we met the last time. She listened quietly, never once did she ask for clarification. When it was finally over she raised her brows and sighted.

`That was some tale. I concurred with your father though. You are on the right track,' she said smiling at me again. I laughed, partly influenced by the cheerfulness in her tone.

`So, the Neornites finally showed up. Your father never told me they had helped him to free the Equinians.'

`You know of them, Grandma?'

`Yes. The Neornites and the Equinians, for that matter, are ancient races native to Targeten as well. Unlike the Targs, whose core we altered to fit in this new environment, their evolution had a pure of origin. They went into seclusion when the Northenders arrived. Once in a while, one or two would emerge but otherwise stay hidden. Some of them had been to the human realm and they know firsthand what the Northenders were capable of. I did not blame them when they went into hiding though; they were the smart ones.'

`Are there any more like them?'

`Yes. There is the Nereii; you would know them as the mermen. In spite of their adventurous nature they are shy creatures. They live somewhere around the Korres Isles. Then there is the Serangi, half men half serpent. They are the natural enemy of the Equinians. They are vicious creatures. They sided with the Northenders during the War. Your father killed one when he was eight years old. Could you imagine?'

`Oh!' My mood darkened again. Although I was grateful towards my grandmother, my father should have been the one telling me all of this. Would I ever see him again?

`Riley, I know you badly want to see and talk to your father. I would too if I were in your shoes but understand that the man is doing what he thinks is right for you. True, I do not agree with him in this regard, but try to understand him. He loves you and in his own way he is trying to help.'

`I know grandma but ...' I missed him. The last part I kept to myself, although she already caught that.

I miss him too honey,' she said solemnly. She wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Again I felt nothing. And then she went all wacko on me. Oh hell! Maybe we could try something.'

`Try what, Grandma?'

`Find your father's orb of course.'

I genuinely smile. `Can you do that?'

`No. But you can?'


`Remember when I told you about your gift?' She told me my visions were more than simple visions. She told me I was omniscient.


`You are omniscient Riley. Remember that. Your great grandfather twice removed had that very gift. He could see the past through a medium like you did with the picture frame when you found Suzan and when you touched that werewolf. But you do not need anything for finding things in the present.'

I was excited.

`Now close your eye and picture your father's orb,' she said.

I did what she asked.

`Now, let it all go. Let your mind guide you.' I wasn't sure about this one.

`Do not think. It will only hinder you. Phase out the background. Let yourself go.'

It took me a while but I managed it. Before I could asked what now my mind was flooded with images. It was hard to focus on one in particular because they were shifting rapidly.

`Relax. Let yourself be led.'

Slowly an image came into focus.

`Hang on to it. Let it guide you to your father's orb.'

The still image began to come to life. Like watching a film in 3-D, I was shown an aerial view of Theran. I saw tiny people in the square below. The festivity was well underway. I thought of Wren and Nick. The image shifted and zoomed in right through the palace's wall.

I saw them. I smirked. They were sexing; typical Targ's behavior. Nick was on all four near the sofa with Wren thrusting like a mad beast behind him. They looked hot. I wished I was there.

It was fun watching the men I loved playing nice. My heart sank. How could I romantically be in love with two persons at the same time? One way or another I would have to choose between them. It would break my heart but it must be done before this situation got out of hand. I sighed and mentally shivered. I dreaded that day.

Nick lowered his upper body giving Wren more access of his rear. He groaned in pleasure as Wren pounded his ass more fervently...'

`Focus on the task at hand, honey. You can join your sweethearts later,' Grandma Moira said with a giggle.

Zooming out, I refocus on the orb. An image of a high forested plateau appeared. Amongst the sparse vegetation, I saw a city of sorts, but it was hazy. I try to zoom in but there was a veil preventing me from going forward. I tried again and again but I couldn't get through.

`It is no use honey. Come back. I know this place. It is the Neornites home base. It is protected by a shielding spell just like the Equinian village you stumbled across.'

Despite the fact I didn't see my father's memoria, I wasn't disappointed. I knew at least where it was. The Neornites were friends of Feri, so he was safe.

Without warning, the medallion around my neck started humming. The images shifted again. Soon an image came into focus. It was a lonely village by a creek. The inhabitants were getting ready for the night. Zooming in I saw two leopard cubs mock-fighting in the grass behind a lodge. They looked cute.

`It's a leopard shifter village. Do you know where it is, Grandma?'

Zoom out and let's find out.' I did what she said. Hmmm, if I am not mistaken it is called Dowerr. I barely recognize it because it has expended tremendously.'

I was about to call it quits when Grandma Moira stopped me. `Wait! What is that? At the edge of the forest on the eastern side of the village.' I zoomed in there.

A dark mist was hugging the trees. Vampires, hundreds of them were impatiently waiting. Waiting for what?

Twilight. They are most formidable during twilight. It's sad, isn't it,' my grandma said. I wish I could help them.'

She couldn't but I can. The army wasn't ready, but my friends and I could handle this.

`Interesting ... seeing Targeten through your eyes I mean. I don't get to see much in this place,' she said looking around the gloomy memorium.

I knew she missed her freedom. I would too if I had been stuck in a crystal ball for an eternity.

`Riley child, stop fretting. Do not worry about me, I will be fine and you will meet your father soon enough. I am certain of it. Well, you best be on your way if you really want to save those poor villagers. And Riley, you don't have to choose. We are not human. You can really keep the both of them.'

I watched her returned to her orb with a grin. Could I really?

Moments later I was in the war room gazing at the 3-D map on the long table. I had located the village but was shocked to find that there were no feri-lights hovering there. That would complicate things a bit. `No matter, I'll bring my own.' I thought.

Closing my eyes, I ordered the feri-lights closest to my friends to bring them to me. Shortly after, one by one they began to appear.

Nick and Wren were first. They came by my side looking worried.

`What is it, Rye?' Wren asked.

`The others are coming. Let's wait for them and then I'll explain.'

Soon enough Seth and Dale appeared, and then came Wain and Rhett, Reed and River, and Xander.

`What the hell just happened? Why am I here?' perplexed as the rest of them, Seth asked.

They all looked at me expectantly.

`Sorry to have spoiled your evening gentlemen but I need your help. We are going into battle.'


End of chapter 21

Next: Chapter 37: The Feres King 22

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