The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jul 1, 2013


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The Feres King

Chapter 17

Oh my God! Could it be true?

I wanted to go after Wren but I didn't know where he went. Even if I could follow him, he was too fast for me, I would surely get lost in this unfamiliar place.

`Go after him. Make sure he's alright,' I told Wain-wolf. He barked once and darted after his brother.

I grabbed the towel Wren dropped and put it around my waist because I've been naked all this time. Dale, Seth and the twins left the room. I figured they wanted to give us some space.

I sat on the sofa. My eyes fixated the young woman.

Eric came to sit by my side. He grabbed hold of my hand for support. Charlie stood staring at the darkness outside.

`If what you say is true, why were you following Rye?' Eric asked.

`Start talking,' I told her.

`My Lady was curious when I told her Wren was bonded. So she asked me to find out who he was bonded to. It was hard to tell because ...'

`Wait a minute. You're confusing me here. Start from the beginning. Why would she send a spy after Wren? And why not come to find him herself?'

Eric nodded in agreement.

`Well, after Graylard threw her out, my Lady mourned for her child, despite what he did to her while she was visiting her sister here in Theran. She tried to see him on numerous occasions and she succeeded only once. Unluckily, Graylard found out and told her that if she comes close to his son again he'll have her head. My Lady was petrified yet she couldn't bare the thought of not seeing her son. She sent her familiars every now and then so she could have a glimpse at him. She had done so for nineteen years. But three months ago Wren disappeared and she went frantic.

`She searched for him everywhere and still couldn't find him. In the end she became ill with sadness, because she thought him dead. That's where I come in. My family had been serving hers for years. She set us free but my sister and I couldn't leave her in the condition she was in. Since she is too weak to send her familiars, I volunteered to find him myself.'

`By chance you found him in Belen.'

`Yes. I found him and saw he was bonded. I followed you because you seemed to be the one he was in love with but I was puzzled because you didn't have a glyph. My Lady wanted to know why. That's when you disappeared again. Then we heard that you were in Notwitt so I waited here in Theran for you. I knew you'll come here sooner or later.'

Wow! What can I say? Wow!

`Eric,' Charlie said.

`She's telling the truth. Her pulse is stable and she's breathing right. What do you think Char? If she's lying she's very good at it. Does her story sounds too good to be true to you?'

It does seem that way, although part of it checked out. Wren disappearance she was referring to the first time must have been the time he crossed the barrier into the human realm with you.' My uncle turned to face her. We'll let you go. But on one condition; you stop pursuing Rye.'

`And tell Lady Amm that she hasn't been the only one suffering from the separation. Wren will be the one to decide what to do once we told him her version of the story.'

Dana nodded. `Thank you. She will love that.'


She wiped a tear and closed her eyes. Then she disappeared into a glow of blue sparkling lights just like Nick had done many times before. That reminded me, `Why didn't she use her teleport herself out when I caught her?'

`Fear. It's difficult for some witches to concentrate when they're afraid.'


Then I looked at Eric. `What's the deal really? I mean Wain warned me that Wren was a little sensitive on the subject.'

`Wren blamed himself for his mother's departure. He thought he'd done something wrong and that she didn't want him anymore. Growing up without her had been a torment for him; especially since he had to watch his brothers being spoiled by theirs. Sure, my mother and Wain's loved him and treated him like their own but it wasn't the same. He wanted his own mother. And now that I think of it I blame father for Wren's state of mind.'

`This was the way he tried to alienate Wren from the rest of you. Get him jealous so he would always turn to him. He is a clever man your father, if I may say so myself.'

`The old divide and conquer trick,' I said.

`Exactly,' Charlie said.

I felt really bad for Wren. I wanted to hold him. I wanted to tell him I love him and that I would never leave him.

I waited but no answer came.

Hours later Wain entered the chamber. It was close to dawn and the neighboring perched birds were getting excited.


`I followed him all over Theran but I lost his scent by the vanishing pool three hours ago.'

If he went through the vanishing pool then I might have an idea where he might be.

`That's okay Wain. I know how hard you tried.'

I stood up and called for the feri-lights above.

`Where're you going?'

`I think I might have an idea where he is.'

`Want me to come with?'

`No. Get some sleep. I don't want you to miss the celebration later.'

He said yes but he didn't go to his chamber. He crashed on my bed as naked as he was. I smiled.

`Sleep well.'

`Sure,' he replied.

I materialized in the courtyard back in Notwitt. Immediately I started for the overhang. There I found him sitting on the ledge hugging his legs at the knee with his head buried in them.

Gently I edged closer and sat by his side without a word. The cold slab I sat on sent chills to my bones. I wonder how Wren wasn't feeling it, being that he was naked.

`You know you gave us quite a scare,' I said.

He looked at me. His eyes were angry red and although he stopped, he had been crying.

I pulled him into my arms. He didn't resist. I played with his hair and told him what Dana told us. He didn't reply nor did he react in any way. He just held me tight and kept his eyes on the horizon where the sun was coming out of hiding.

After an hour he started talking. He told me about his childhood, and what it was like growing up with his family. Eric was right. He did feel somewhat responsible for his mother leaving. Indeed he was jealous of his brothers but he was angrier at himself more than anything. He told me about Eric's mother, how he treated him. Meanwhile I just listen.

`You know I love you right?' I said to him.

He nodded.

`You are part of my life, my family. With me you'll never feel lonely or abandoned again.'

`You really mean that?'

`Of course, I've already planned our lives together.' He gave a short laugh.

`And what that might be?'

`We will settle down somewhere quiet. Have children, lots of them. We will watch them grow until we get old and believe me when I tell you we will never be apart.'

`I like that plan.'

`Sure you do.'

When we got back in Theran, we met with Charlie and Eric in their chamber after we had freshened up. They were having breakfast with two unexpected guests.

`Rye, come meet my brother Warrick. The young man by his side is son Mani,' Charlie said.

As customary in Wyrmer, we shared hugs.

`I am honored to finally meet you your Highness. I like your speech last night. I found it intriguing, inspiring. And it was about time someone put Benson in his place.'

`Thank you, I guess.'

`Warrick was telling us about his father,' Eric interrupted. Understandable, he and Charlie would want to know about him. They haven't seen them in more than eighteen years.

Yes,' Warrick said. Sorry Char but father died six years ago. He did of sadness and regret, more so because he was responsible for mother's death. She died a year before. Your loss was driving her crazy for years and she couldn't take it in the end. I will spare you the detail but she took her own life.'

Charlie eyes filled with tears. Also tearing up Eric grabbed hold of him. Wren held me too.

`I'm sorry Char,' Warrick said touching his brothers hand.

`I'm going to be fine brother,' he said meekly.

Meanwhile, Chase entered with a radiant smile. I could see it in his stride that something happened to him last night. Did he get laid?

Everyone looked up at him. When he saw his dad's face he quickly became concerned.

`What's wrong dad?'

Dad?' Warrick said in awe. The word dad' was said in English but it meaning was widely understood in Targeten.

`Char, that's your son?' Charlie didn't answer but Warrick got up and hugged a confused Chase.

`Chase, this man is your uncle Warrick. He was just telling us what happened to your grandparents,' Eric said.

I told him what happened and he instantly was by his dad side. He kissed him on the head. `I'm sorry dad.'

`I'm going to be okay son.'

Chase was then introduced to his cousin and his uncle told us more about Charlie sister Terra who got married three years ago to an influential Warlock in the Witches' capital Pixan. He told us about being his clan's alpha and how he met his son's mother Lea.

Despite the initial bad news, Charlie laughed when he heard about his old friends and family. In the end when Warrick left he was his old self again.

Chase and his cousin had really bonded as well. They had been having their own private conversation for as long as we had. And when it was time for Mani to leave he didn't want to go.

`Dad, can I go with them?' Chase asked.

Charlie smiled. `Ask your uncle. If he says yes then you could go with them.'

Of course Warrick said yes. If he didn't he would have both Mani and Chase to fend off.

Shortly after breakfast, Wren and I decided to take a nap. We've been up all night and we were tired. We wouldn't be missed because Charlie and Eric were going back to Notwitt. Apparently they were meeting up with some others. Something to do with the task I gave them.

In our chamber I was surprise to see Wain still in our bed. And he wasn't alone.

`Morning Wain, Rhett.'

Wren was quiet.

`Hey guys,' they said in unison.

`Got enough space in there, we need some shut eye,' I didn't want to evict them nor did I want to sleep on the sofa.

`Sure, there's plenty of space.'

Stripping down, we climbed in. Wren went in first facing me.

`You're alright bro?'

`Yeah!' Wren answered but as soon as he laid his head down he was out for the count. I took longer to fall asleep especially because Wain and Rhett were constantly rustling their side of the bed with their love play.

Since I was facing them I couldn't stop myself from peeking.

Wain climbed on top of Rhett and kept on necking him. Rhett smiled in complete bliss. He wrapped his legs around Wain to prolong the feeling. Necking became a game of heavy petting and making out. I was aroused but a little effort on my part I was able to tame the desire.

Rhett moaned a bit too loud. Wain shushed him. `Quietly, we don't want to wake them.'

His friend held back a giggle.

`Fuck me,' Rhett pleaded.

`We don't have lubrication,' Wain murmured.

`Don't worry, I lubed up before I came.'

Wain smirked. `You've been anticipated this all night haven't you?'

`Stop talking and fuck me already.'

With his weight supported by Rhett's body, Wain reached down for his cock and shoved it in his friend's chute. Rhett hissed. Wain made love to his friend's chin and neck. Meanwhile his lover relaxed and became receptive.

`Are you ready for me big boy?' Wain whispered.

Rhett bobbed is head. Wain thrust forward. He was rewarded with a moan. He did that three more times before really going to town on that ass. Rhett pulled his head back. Eyes closed, he held fast to his lover and bathed in the ocean of bliss. The smelled of their love making filled my nostril and still I resisted the urge to join them.

Grunting like a stag in rut, Wain thrust harder and harder until he became tense and ended up breeding his friend's ass. Exhausted his chest crushed his friend underneath him.

`That was awesome. Did you come?'

`Yeah.' Rhett whispered back.

I rested my head on Wren's arm content.

What a good way to fall asleep?


End of chapter 17

Next: Chapter 33: The Feres King 18

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