The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jun 30, 2013


Happy reading!

The Feres King

Chapter 16

`How are you feeling?' Wren asked me the moment we materialized next to the vanishing pool. We were still in Theran. No matter how much I wanted to go back to Notwitt I didn't want to ruin Morak Tal for my friends who were looking forward for the festivities.

`I'm good. Thanks for asking.'

`What happened back there?' Seth asked.

`This is no place for this discussion. Let's find somewhere private,' Charlie said looking around. There were sentries around the perimeter and they could clearly see us, although, none of them approached us.

`The king already has a chamber prepared for the Feres,' Rhett said. Everyone looked at him. Frankly, I didn't know I included him when I teleported everyone out.

`Take us there?' Eric said.

`I must get back to my duties. The twins will take you. They know where it is.'

`Nonsense, you're coming with us. Can he come with us Char?' Wain said.

Charlie gazed at Rhett, I'm not sure he trusted the guy. Rhett on the other hand looked like he wanted to stay with us. Judging by the way he was clinging to Wain.

`Rye brought you with us, which means he considered you a friend. So you can come with us.'

`How do you know?' Wren asked.

`Kane was close to us too, you don't see him here, do you?'

Charlie had a point. I did include all my friends in my vanishing act.

`Okay let's go then,' Eric said.

The nine of us, guided by Rhett made our way to the eastern side of the palace. Along the way Reed and River gave us a guided tour. I would have listen to them more if I wasn't still a little bit upset by what happened earlier.

When we were finally there, Wren sat me on a sofa and everyone sat down along waiting for me to begin.

I didn't know where to start. I didn't want to talk about it either.

`How did you do that? Change your voice I mean,' Dale asked. Of everyone in our little group Dale was the quiet one. If he was asking questions then I am not getting any peace until I satisfied everyone.

`I don't really know but I couldn't stop myself. Although, I think it was the medallion. It vibrated against my chest when I realized I was being set up.'

Wren chuckled. Everyone stared at him, including me.

Guys don't look at me like that,' he said, Rye you used "the voice" with Nick and me once, remember. It was the first time we met Nick and, he and I were arguing and you scared the hell out of us. You didn't have the medallion then so it can't be it.'

`You were about to fight. I remember,' then my expression changed; it was a sad day for me. I just lost someone I loved.

`What drew "the voice" out?' Charlie asked. I looked at him astonishingly. Was he psychoanalyzing me?

`It was the day Suzan was found dead in her house. I was frustrated, hurt, angry and sad.'

`That's it then. You were running high on emotions. You were scared, frustrated and angry back there. I felt it in your voice. The medallion must have enhanced these emotions.'

That was a possibility. But I really think it had something to do with my dad. How else would I explain some of the thing I said and the uncontrollable feeling to set things right, alas I can't prove that theory.

`Rye you said set up. What made you say that?' River asked. Well, I guessed it was River but I not too sure. The twins really were identical, at least in a visible sense.

`When Benson started I notice some sort of exchanged between him and your father. After when your father grinned, I knew that he knew what was coming.'

I'm not surprise,' River replied. Our father had always been a shrewd. He always got something up his sleeves. I don't know if you brothers have noticed because Reed and I sure have.'

`Notice what?' Wain asked with a puzzled expression.

`Since you and Wren went away he'd been trying to separate Reed and me. It seemed subtle at first but then he started pitching us against each other on everything from training sessions to punishments...'

...and mealtime,' Reed finished for him. We believed it wasn't just us. We overheard a conversation he had with Kane and realized he'd been doing it for years and to all of us.'

You're right,' Eric said after sometime. Why didn't realize that before? When we were growing up Kane and I were inseparable. But everything changed when father named me heir. I always believed it was Kane's mother behind all of this but then she was always kind to me. But my mother never liked her. Now that I think of it, she always told me to stay away from Lidia and Kane after she had been with father.'

`If he tried something like that with Wren and me, I didn't notice,' Wain said.

`True. Save for the fact that your mothers are twins and Wren's mother left shortly after his birth,' Eric said.

I saw Wren recoiled. I forgot that his mother was a touchy subject to him.

`It's good you guys are finally uncovering the schemes of your father but what's that got to do with Rye and whatever happened back there?' Seth said.

Everything,' Charlie answered. He wants Rye.'

`Why?' I had to ask.

`Power; what else is there. Graylard didn't become High King because of blood rights. He had to have been molded into one. My great grandfather was High King too remember that's why he was against us being bonded,' Charlie said looking at Eric.

Eric and Charlie exchanged a few words in private before Seth asked the hard question, "How did you know what to say?"

I told them about my grandmother and what she told me. And what she thinks I should do.

Your grandmother is a wise woman,' Eric said. You should heed her words.'

`Char, Benson had a point back there. I mean, my people are really suffering. And I'm ashamed to say I've not been doing anything in my power to help them.'

Wren edged closer to me as if he sensed how vulnerable I was feeling.

`Rye you said it yourself, you are new at this and these things take time, unless you have something in mind?'

Everyone picked their ears. They were curious. Yeah, I've got something in mind.

`I need an army.'

`What?' Wren said.

`I need an army,' I repeated. I was a history major back home in the human realm and I know how important it is to have allies. And one thing I've learnt is that I've got to be a leader of men first before enlisting allies. Otherwise the army wouldn't be mine per se.

`I want to create my own army as a way to show everybody that I mean business. I don't just want Wolf Shifters I want the whole goddamn collection of races Targeten have to offer. That way, not only would we be invincible but gain the populace's trust as well.'

Wow! Big dreams,' Wren said grinning. Char can it be done?'

Everyone was exited. I can see it in their eyes.

Charlie's mechanical brain started churning. He rubbed his chin and finally after ten minutes he smiled.

Rye you are brilliant! If we play our card well it could be done.' Then he got really excited. We could recruit warriors all over Wyrmer and the Sear. With the enlistment of shifters, mergers and warlocks we would need a training ground. Nico, Nico could help train them, he had experience in adapting warlocks strategies to shifters...'

Like the others I laughed.

That's the spirit Char. And one more thing,' I told him. You'll be the one in charge of my army. Although, how much could be done in two days because I kind of need my army now.'

`Can I get some of my kin to join? We're pretty good on aerial attacks,' Seth said.

`Of course,' I said.

Charlie went to the other room to better plan the logistics of my new army, all but Wren and Dale stayed behind. The others couldn't resist being part of something big therefore they followed Charlie.

As we watched the last one go, I felt a draft. It was strange because the balcony door wasn't open.

`Did you feel that?'

`Feel what?' Dale asked.

I failed to answer because Wren was teasing me with his hand.

`So what do we do now?' One look at him I knew he got sex on the brain.

`All this talk of army has gotten me all horny. I need to be sated.'

`Oh! Is that so,' Wren said pushing me down on the sofa, necking me.

`Yeah. My mouth watered thinking about seeing thousands of naked men in lines with their hard dicks greeting me as I inspect them all at length.'

Dale giggled. I did too.

`A big ass sausage fest huh! My dick isn't enough for you?' Wren bantered.

`That little thing, I would die of boredom just sucking on it.'

`Why you little ...' He started tickling me and I laughed so hard that I almost pee in my pants.

`Help me out here Dale. Let's get this guy naked and then he'll find out how little we are.'

Dale and I both giggled. I like he was being included in our little play. I hope Seth wouldn't mind, I know how close he and Dale has been since the orgy.

As the night rolled in I sat on Wren's cock and rode him hard. Dale was naked too and Wren was sucking his cock. Wren eyes were closed and I could tell he was enjoying himself. My little blood friend looked at me and smiled. I haven't spent a lot of time with him lately and I felt bad. `Kiss me,' I told him.

He bent down and planted a light kiss on my lips. That's it! Nu-huh, that wouldn't do. I grabbed his head and I French-kissed him. He sucked my tongues and I shivered in ecstasy. Dale shivered too.

`Dale, get behind him,' Wren said. I slowed down waiting for him to get in. It felt odd and if I've never done it before I would say I wouldn't be able to take both of them. Fortunately Dale was on the small size and he entered with ease.

The two fucked me long and lovingly. I felt elated. And to my surprise I came without touching myself. Wren shortly after bred my ass while Dale pulled out and come all over my butt cheeks.

Wren got up after a time and I saw him stretched his arms. He winced. Was he still in pain?

`Are you all right?'

`Yeah. I'm good. I need a bath.' he said dismissing what I said.

`Go ahead. I'll join you in a minute.'

`I'll help you,' Dale said grabbing his clothes and went after Wren. I smiled seeing their asses wobbled as they went.

There was a towel on the bed on the far end of the room; I used it to wipe Dale jism off my butt.

As soon I dropped the towel though, I felt the draft again.

`I know you're there, so you night as well show yourself,' I said. Call me crazy but I know when I was being watched.

There was no answer.

`Come on, show yourself.'

Still nothing. If whoever it was don't want to reveal themselves, then I was going to do it for them.

I put my hand out and with my telekinetic power; I locked both doors and sealed the only window of the room.

`You might as well do as I instructed because you're not going anywhere.'

Splaying the fingers of both hands I sent all fourteen feri-lights from the ceiling everywhere. And like stray tennis balls in a china shop, they bounced off the walls and broke some china. It was quite a noisy affair.

`OW! OW! OW!' A feminine voice cried. Instantly I saw where she was; near the balcony door. I sent all the feri-lights in her direction. They stopped inches away from where I believed her invisible body was.

`Rye, Rye, what's going on in there? Open the goddamn door now,' I heard Wren banging on the door. I unlocked it and he stride in soaking wet with a towel around his waist. Dale and the others weren't far behind.

They noticed the mess first, then the feri-lights. They stared at me confused.

`What is it Rye?'

`Hey boys! I think we've got ourselves a spy.'

`A spy, where?' Seth said.

I hit the invisible woman with a feri-light and she cried out. `This spy.'

`Show yourself, you've been discovered spy,' Charlie said.

`That's what I told her but she isn't listening.'

`Okay then. Go ahead and kill her Rye.'

I drew half of the balls back and sent them full force forward.

The crystal pendant came off and a girl stood leaning against the wall. `Please don't kill me!'

Quickly I sent the ball back to the ceiling and yanked the pendant from her grasp.

`It's you again!' I exclaimed once I was able to see her more clearly.

`You know her?' Wain asked.

Yeah, we've met. Char remember I told you about that girl I met in the dungeon back in Belen before the vision.' He nodded. That's her.'

`Wain, shift,' Charlie ordered.

Immediately a big fury gray wolf crawled closer to the girl growling.

`Tell us who you are or I'll let him rip you apart right now,' Charlie said.

`Dana, my name is Dana,' she said with a scared face.

`Well Dana, what I want to know is who sent you to spy on us,' Wren asked angrily.

`I'm sorry but can't tell you.'

Wain-wolf growled, baring teeth. She eyed him.

Again, who sent you?' Wren said. If you don't tell me then we'll hand you over to the dungeon master. I think the prisoners there will love to have some fun with a cute girl like you.'

`Okay, okay. No more threats. I'll tell you.'

`Okay then, who sent you?'

`Your mother.'

My what?' Wren voiced wavered, shocked like the rest of us. Say that again.'

`Your mother, Lady Amm sent me.'

Wren stared at her, then at me and at her again. Could it be?

Confusion etched on Wren's face. Suddenly my bond-mate shift into his beast form. And all I saw next was a dark blur rushing through the door.



End of chapter 16

Next: Chapter 32: The Feres King 17

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