The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Sep 4, 2012


Sorry for the delay guys, was on vacation on an island somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

For those who emailed me, I thank you for your support and encouragement. Happy reading!

The Last Feres

Chapter 3

As soon as I heard Charlie's truck pull out of the driveway my cock was out and I was ready for some porn. Part of my morning ritual is to jerk off in bed before I got up but since I couldn't do it with Wren there I supposed I would do it here.

Browsing through my private video collection, I chose a scene where a buff dude pulverized a twink hole to kingdom come. It was one of my favourite. It started with the twink sucking the big man, lubricating the cock with spit, getting it ready for his ass. The twink was cute and the bigger dude not so cute, however, it wasn't his face I was interested in rather his cock. The cock in question was a monster. What it lacks in girth it made up in lengths; a good nine to ten inches I would say.

As the big guy mounted the twink doggy-style I began stroking my own dick. It took me a while to match their rhythm but once I got it I was in heaven. They changed positions two times before they end up with the twink on top ridding the monster. Faster and faster he rode and so did I; jerking off. After a couple of minutes I had to slow down because I sensed that I was close. It took another minute before the big guy announced that he was cumming. The little dude pulled the cock out and started lapping at it.

`Here it comes... argh!' The big guy spewed his juice all over the little dude's face and I a few second later on my chest and abs.

`Bravo. Bravo,' someone cheered from behind me. I quickly struck the keyboard and the screen went blank. In the process I nearly toppled over and crushed my face on the desk. With an unsteady hand, I grabbed my T-shirt to hide my spent penis but Wren reached me in time to stop me.

`Here, let me do that,' he said.

Turning three shades of red, I looked up dazed as Wren threw my T?shirt on the floor and wheeled the desk-chair around. Then he knelt down between my legs and smiled evilly. Before I had a chance to protest or even recover from the shock and embarrassment, he leaned in and licked cum off my chest, then my abs. I sat there transfixed as he licked the trail of cum down to my crotch. Ashamed, I shiver in pleasure. Without realizing it I let out a soft moan to which he chuckled with relish. Realizing what I have done, I tried to push him away but there was no moving him. That guy was rock solid. What's more he had my cock in his mouth.

`I'm hungry. You think you got more to give?' he asked a second later. I didn't answer because I really didn't have to. My cock already did it for me. It instantly grew stiffed in Wren's mouth.

Traitor, I though.

Without flinching, I watched as Wren sucked my cock to my amazement. He took his time measuring every inch of my five-er with his tongue. He licked, savored and sucked another juice out of me within minutes.

`Thanks for breakfast. Now what's for lunch?'

Seeing that I was finally free, I pushed and wheeled the chair away from him then fumbled to get my boxers on. At a loss for words, I rushed out of the study, heading straight for my room. Wren followed me and was in before I had any chance of closing the door.

`Hey there,' he said placing a heavy hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it away and took a step back. I was scared, confused, and in shocked.

Wren closed the gap between us. Trapped between him and the dresser, I had nowhere to go. Suddenly, feeling weak in the knees, tears welled in my eyes and my lips began to quiver. Wren grabbed my shoulders once more to steady me when he thought I might fall.

Look, don't cry,' he said. I didn't mean to scare you? I shouldn't have done what I did but I couldn't stop myself.'

I whimpered and he hugged me, held me close to his bare strapping chest, and I let him.

We stayed like this for sometimes. Once I stopped crying, Wren urged me into the bathroom and told me to freshen up. He then left me by myself.

Everybody have their own way of deal with their problems, mine was simply accept what is. So, by the time I walked out of the bathroom I was nearly my old self again. I donned in my casual clothes and followed the sounds of Wren laughter coming from the den.

I found him on the couch watching TV while shoving his face with pancakes as if he hadn't eaten for days. Leaning against the door frame, I gave him the once-over. I find myself in awe of his taut, lean frame as he sat there wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. I tried to tear my gaze from the pale outline of his gorgeously rippled torso, but it was no use, and his devilishly handsome feature shifted into a knowing grin as he caught me staring.

`Like what you see?' He drawled.

`Yes,' I said boldly.

`Huh. Look who decided to come out of his shell.'

I blushed and he laughed at my expense.

`Have anymore to give?' He nodded at my crotch. I laughed ? well, more like giggled. God, I'm such a girl.


He huffed. `Too bad, I could use some more vitamins.' We both laughed.

I climbed on the couch next to him and drew my feet under me.

`Can I ask you something?'

`Yeah, shoot.'

`Are you gay?' He tore his gazed from the TV and looked directly at me. At first I thought he was playing dumb but then his bewildering expression told me that he perhaps was confused about his own sexuality.

`You do know what gay means right?' I joked.

He grinned. `If you're asking if I'm happy, the answer would be yes I am, although, if you're referring to my sexuality, I can't say whether I'm gay or not.'


`Where I come from there's no concept of the word "gay" or "straight" to describe sexuality like you do here. Our labels on sexuality are exclusively base on lifestyle choices rather than sexual behaviors.'

What a genius ideal to avoid the heat, I though.

I just sat there and looked intently at Wren for a while. He bared no family resemblance to his brother at all, well, except for the hairdo. One thing was certain though; they share the same bad sense of humor.

`You have a strange way with words. You know that, don't you?'

`You're catching on fast. I like that.'

I chuckled.

For the rest of the morning Wren was glued to the TV. For a while, I sat with him and tried to engage him into a conversation or two but after a time we ended up watching `Scrubs' and laughing our ass off.

Around six o'clock in the evening, I came downstairs wearing a pair of contrast cuff jeans and a white T?shirt with hem stripe, ready to go party with Sally. By then Charlie and Eric had been back for hours.

I entered the kitchen where they were and announced my departure.

`Rye, you didn't tell me you were going out?'

`Sorry Char. It was a last minute thing,' I lied.

I hate to bail on Charlie especially now that we had guests but I was nearly eighteen, I needed to be out having fun.

`Okay but would you mind taking Wren with you. The guy needs a break. He'd been glued to the TV like a moth to a flame.' We all laughed because it was so true. When I checked the den earlier the guy was still in his boxers skimming through channels trying to watch everything at once. It was so funny, as if they did not own a television set where he was from.

Speaking of the devil, just then Wren strolled in.

Rye, can I get some more of these,' he said raising the empty bowl of popcorn in my face. But then when he saw Charlie and his brother he bellowed, Hey, when did you guys get back?'

`Hours ago,' replied his brother.

`Huh, Strange, I never heard you came in.'

`Of course you didn't. We could hear the TV from a mile down the road,' Charlie joked.

Was I really that out of it?'

`Yep,' the three of us said in unison.

Eric approached his brother and yanked the empty bowl from his grasp and placed it on the counter then veered him in my direction.

Did I mention that both the brothers had long, dark, hefty manes that hung around their perfectly sculptured faces? I found them somewhat sexy, especially Wren's, which bared a striking resemblance to Steven Strait's hairdo in 10, 0000 BC.

`Go get some clothes on buddy. Riley is taking you out.'

While Wren was upstairs getting ready I waited in the living room. I sent a text to Sally telling her that I would be late. She texted asking how late and that she was already there with the guys. I wrote about half an hour to which she replied to hurry for she was dying for some real conversation. We exchange a few more lines before she asked me to get my ass over there. I laughed and put the phone in my jean pocket.

Bored, I listen as Wren thundered to the bedroom after his shower. And that's when I notice a strange looking box on the coffee table. I'd ransacked the entire house for a photo of my mom last year (to which I found none) and never came across that box before. I figured that it must have been Eric who brought it in the house.

The box in question was old but in perfect condition. It can easily pass for a jewelry box but rather a large one. It was the sort of thing found in an antic store or something. On it was an engraving in a strange written language I've never came across. Curious, I leaned in to have a closer look. Since there were no locks I figured I would be able to open it. I reached out for it and the moment my hand made contact I went still and fog-like images started flowing through my head.

Overwhelmed by the intensity of the flashes of images, I started shacking as if I was having a seizure. Seconds later the flashes stopped and everything went dark. The next thing I knew I was floating in the air surrounded by loud voices.


That's it for chapter three guys. Learn more about Rye and Wren in the next chapter. Too bad Alex won't be back until chapter 5, I think.


Next: Chapter 4

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