The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on May 1, 2013


Happy reading! The Feres King Chapter 13

Since the vision, I couldn't shake the anticipating feeling I had to finding what lies beyond the sealed chamber. All morning, the echo of my father's voice mentioning it, and day-dreaming all sorts of tale about what lies within had taken my entire morning and by now it was becoming a thing.

You look distracted.' Wren asked me. What's on your mind?'

He was laying besides me on the Roman-like recliner banqueting couch under the veranda in the cool shades. Not far from us, Eric sat on a cushioned bench watching an exhausted Chase panting and dusting off after he'd been tackled down by Wain for the seven times.

Chase stood facing Wain under the blazing afternoon heat ready for another round of dueling match. They were in a sandy courtyard which was actually built within the fortress walls. It wasn't big; I would say its size was a third of an Olympic tennis court. All around it was the inward wrapped around veranda we were in which made the place looked like a luxurious private arena.

`Again!' Charlie yelled.

Ever since Chase went through the change Charlie had been adamant in training him day and night. His father wanted him to be able to defend himself when the time comes. Who could blame him?

Chase wiped his brows and took his place before the more experience fighter once again. Wain grinned maliciously.

`You have to watch his feet boy. Don't let yourself get distracted by his hands.'

Chase nodded after glancing at his father.

`Rye you're ignoring me,' Wren complained.

I guessed I kind of was. Absently I fiddled with the medallion.

I met Wren's gaze. He pinned me down with a worrying stare. I inwardly smiled.

`Nothing ... like you said, I am feeling a bit out of it.'

`Tell me what's wrong.'

`It's the chamber. I can't help but feel like I should be there trying to figure it out, you know.'

No I don't know,' he said with a hint of a smile, but you're right to feel that way. Even I am curious to know what's inside.'

`Exactly! What do you think is in there?'

He snorted. And then gave me a broadening smile.

`I'm not answering that. Already your mind is half-in and half-out of an engrossing state thinking about it and I'm not adding to your stress level. Now let watch the duel like we promised Chase. And maybe, maybe afterwards later we'll go checking it out.'

Yey! I wanted to shout.

`I love you Wren.'

He pecked me on the mouth. `I love you too.'

My eyes went back to the fighters just in time to see Chase deliver a powerful kick at Wain's back leg. The older and more experience fighter went down with a thud on his ass.

I cheered. We all cheered. Ever so proud of his son, Eric rushed to the arena and hugged Chase after his first victory.

Wren laughed. `Finally! The boy showed you your place in this world. I might say you look good on your ass bro!' He shouted.

`Fuck you dickward. I can take you anytime,' Wain shouted back more frustrated with himself than anyone else.

Ignoring the banter between the brothers, Charlie moved closer to his son.

`Your moves were sloppy but at least you listened to me for a change,' he proudly said.

The exchanges between Wren and his brother and even with Charlie, his bond- mate and son took longer to come to an end. I was running low on patience. I just wanted to get out of there and find that goddamn chamber. Well, I could leave right now but then again not because Wren held my hand so firmly in place as if he could tell what was going on inside my head.


I was relieved when the family of three moved out of the arena and started for the bathhouse.

Wren,' I urged. The fight is over. Can we go now?'

He sighed but didn't comment. He pulled me up and we headed towards the kitchen, which provided the shorts distance to the main hallway.

As we stepped into the kitchen, we unintentionally walked in on Seth and Dale. They were in a very compromise position. Half naked, Seth was sitting on a bench with Dale, back to him, bouncing up and down on his lap. They weren't noisy but every time he'll be pulled down by Seth Dale would give out a short grunt.

They didn't see us at first because we were somewhat quiet when we entered. I felt a little bit nervous all of a sudden. I didn't know why because god only knows, they've seen every nook and cranny of my person in the orgy last night.

It's logical really, I said to myself afterwards. I was raised in the human realm after all. Any indecent sexual stuff, done publicly, was considered taboo there.

Hey!' Seth said when he saw us. Did you guys come to watch or to join in?'

Only a Targ would ask such a question. He was grinning when he said it, so was Dale. Their attitude gave a sense of normalcy that made me want to cringe. And by the looks of them, they were expecting the latter. Unfortunately for them it was not going to happen, at least not today.

`Sorry guys but there somewhere we have to be.' I said.

Seeing their long faces Wren added. `We'll take you on that offer another time maybe.'

They both genuinely smiled. `Excellent! I'm looking forward to it.' Seth said.

`Me too,' Dale chipped in.

We all had a good laugh. They picked up where they left off. Wren and I left them to it.

`Okay, we need dynamites to bring down that thing,' Wren commented to me later when we were standing in front of the block entrance. We've tried everything possible to find a way in that we had ran out of options.

`Dynamite! Do you guy have those here?' I asked interested.

He laughed. `There are no dynamites in Targeten; I was referring to a movie I watched on the other side.'

The human realm was the other side. I caught the drift in a conversation or two since I've been here. Here! In Targeten!

Suddenly I felt like I was hit with something. Actually it wasn't a thing more like a feeling. It was hard to explain. The only think I could think of to compare it with was a fuzzy feeling around me and this magnetic pull of wanting to be somewhere else. Right about now, images of my home, friends and favorite places flashes through my brain. It was overpowering and intense.


All the time I've spent on this side, I never once thought of home; home where Alex was, home where I got to see Sally and her mock angers, home where I would spend a whole evening lounging in front of the TV for hours and hours, home where I belonged.

I cried.

Wren move closer. I turned away facing the wall. I didn't want him to see me like this. He touched my shoulder and I shrugged away pressing myself to the wall wanting to fade away. I wanted to go home.

Don't cry atsa.' Wren kissed me on the nape. You're feeling homesick that's all. It will go away soon.'

Not soon enough, I though between sobs. Wren crushed me against the wall with a tight hug. He wasn't giving up, neither was the feeling I was bathing in. I flattened my chest to the wall. I could feel the medallion lodged between my sternum and the hard coarse surface.

Wren held me as I wept. Uncontrollably. In the background I heard him shushing to calm me down as a mother would do with her baby.

I don't know how long we've been standing there in that position but I knew it wasn't me calming down that made me jumped away from the barrier.

It so happened that the medallion was emitting a strange vibration. I was so hard and consistent that I had to get it off because of the heat that came with the vibration.

I wiped my tears and stared at the medallion on the floor. I dropped it when I felt the heat.

`What is it?'

The medallion ...,' whiff, whiff, it's heating up.'

Wren reached for it and before he could grab it the medallion was darted out of reach towards the wall.

We both watched in amazement as blue sparks, in every direction, jutted out from the medallion and hastily crept on the wall like vines made of lightning. Exponentially, the vines thicken and spread and covered the whole surface. After that it hardened like diamonds. When I thought it was over wasn't so. The hard surfaces cracked and came down like a shattered mirror. Where once the wall stood now was a transparent blue screen rippling like an energy shield.

Incredible!' Wren exclaimed. What now?'

I moved closer the energy shield. I touched it and my fingers sifted right through. Incredible was the right word.

I stretched my leg forward slowly towards shield.

`Rye don't ...' But he was too late. I'd already gone through.

`Rye, look at me, Rye ...,' Wren shouted after me. He was worried, even more scared because I could hear it in his voice. Just to show him I was all right, I turned to look at him.

`I'm okay Wren. Nothing happened. Come right in. We'll go together.'

He exhaled noisily. Then he walked towards the shield. What happened next was a scene from a heart thumping movie. Energy from the shield became electrically charged and sent him crashing back first to the opposite wall.


I rushed out, through the energy barrier and came squatting next to him.

I was groaning.

`Wren, are you okay? Are you hurt?'

He sat up and shook his head. `Argh! Hold on a sec.'

He looked comical as he felt himself, checking to make sure that every part of him had remained intact.

It wasn't funny but I laughed nonetheless.

You're laughing!' he said in jest. I almost die and you're finding it funny. Unbelievable.'

I laughed even more. From the moment he sat up I knew he was going to be fine.

I pulled him to his feet and we both take a look at the entrance to the secret chamber.

I don't understand,' I said after a while. I got through okay, why didn't you?'

`I think whoever built that thing made sure that only a feres could cross this threshold.'

`What made you say that?'

`You went through just fine and me ... not so much. Argh, I could still feel the sparks in my veins.'

I giggled.

`Oh! Not to forget the fact that we are in Notwitt, the home of the feri kings.'

Wren was right. This chamber was meant for feri alone.

I wanted to go in again. When I saw the look on Wren's face I knew I would have to wait for another day.

Despite his bravado, Wren was in pain. His face was stoic but his eyes told me everything. I have to get him back.

`Well. Aren't you going to see what's inside?' He said.

`Hmmm, it can wait. Right now let's go back.'

I half carried him to our room. Of course, he refused my help at first but then relent when he finally knew that he was fighting a losing battle.

The shock Wren received didn't do much damaged. After I healed him with the same trick I used on Chase, I watched him fell asleep and continued to watch him until I dose of too.

Hours later when I woke up, I checked on Wren to see if he was okay. When I saw that he was breathing normally I step outside for some fresh air.

On the way there, I was tempted to head for the secret chamber. I decided against it because I don't want to burden Wren further when he finds out.

The courtyard was serene. I stood by the door for a while just basking in the setting sun. I could spend the whole day right there.

A while later I strolled towards the overhang. I wanted a better view of one of nature's spectacle.

Just as I was passing by the shallow pool something caught my attention. The water began to bubble up like it was boiling. And in a flash of light two young men appeared standing on the water as if it was frozen ice. But it really wasn't. I know it wasn't.

What a neat trick! How are they doing it?

I stared at the two strangers. They were both identical even down to their clothing. A closer look their faces became familiar.

Eric! They looked just like Eric.

Seeing me they smiled and then came my way.

`Hello there,' one of them said. He may look more like Eric but his voice sounded like Wren's. Immediately, I knew who they were.

`You must be Reed and River. Wren's twin brothers,' I said.

They both mimicked each other's surprise stares before finally laughed. Then the one who spoke before replied. `It's Reedley actually. My brother name is Riven.'

`Oh! My mistake. I ... I didn't know. Your brother only referred to you both as Reed and River,' I stuttered blushing.

They laughed again. That's okay. We're used to it.' The other one said. And who might you be?'

`Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Riley. Rye for short.'

They gave off a collective sigh. They glimpsed each other once and turned to me. And with a sense of déjà-vu, they went down on their right knees and held a fist to their chests.

`Your highness, forgive our imprudence,' one of them said.

I didn't understand. Then – king thingy – I was the supposedly Feres King and now I knew that everywhere I would go people would be addressing me as such.

`Please do get up. I am Wren's friend and I expect you to be the same.'

They rose quietly and stared. It was making me uncomfortable.

`You know Wren?' They both said in unison. I couldn't help but laugh a little. It was strange that Wren hasn't told them he would be here. More so Seth was down there yesterday. Meaning their father doesn't know either.

`Yes. He's here. In fact, Eric and Wain are also here. But surely you must have known Eric would be here.'

`Forgive us your highness, but for some strange reason everyone is keeping us in the dark about a lot of things.'

`I have nothing to forgive you for. I'm pretty sure they'll be all glad you came.'

Instantly I sent a single whisper to everyone in the fortress.

As I guided the brothers to the lounge their eyes never strayed far from me. I took it in stride. I went through so many emotions today to really care.

`Reed, River, you're here,' Eric said upon entering the lounge. He opened his arms and hugged them both brothers at the same time. They hugged back.

`Great Feri! Let me take a look at you. Look how you've grown?'

Eric words and reaction raised a lot of questions in my mind. The most intriguing ones were if he haven't seen the twins for so long how come when he crossed the barrier to the human realm Wren was with him? Shouldn't Wren be like oblivious like the twins?

I'll have to ask Wren that later.

Charlie entered then. The greeting and hugging began all over again.

`Why are you boys here?' Eric asked a bit too blunt. I guessed his curiosity got the better of him.

The one who I assumed was Reed answered. `Well, the news of the arrival of the Feres King has been spreading like wild fire throughout Wyrmer. After a slip by one of the palace servants, everyone now knows that he's coming for Morak Tal. So as a precaution for the feres King's safety father thought it would be best if he were to arrive early before the festivities begin tomorrow.'

`I may not like him much but you father is a wise man,' Charlie respectably said.

`So went is he expecting us to be there?'

`Right now if possible, although tonight would be best.'

Charlie and Eric took the twins to the war-room, which I didn't know we have, to further discuss the details of security in the duration of Morak Tal. I would go with them but I get bored listen to stuff like that.

`Where are they?'

Both Wain said rushing in the lounge.

I giggled at the expressions on his face. He was like a big kid searching for his presents on Christmas day.

`They're in the war-room with Charlie and Eric to talk about Morak Tal.'

Wain turned on his heel and retraced his steps. No doubt he was going to the war- room.

Wren came in next. He was still a bit shaky. I told him where his brothers were but unlike Wain he came to sit by my side on the couch. His face was pale and he was looking sick.

I raise my brows at him. `You should be resting?'

`Yeah, I want to see my brothers but there is time for it later because right now I crave something else,' he said edging closer. Hum! He wants to play. What they say is true; sex does affect someone choices.

`What do you have in mind?'

`I want to taste you, swallow your essences like we used to do in the other realm.'

I missed it too. I missed the closeness. I missed the urgency. And I certainly missed the enslavement the act entails.

Wren pulled out my cock and stared at it. `I've miss you little guy.'

I giggled knowing very well what he meant.

The warmth of his mouth engulfed my cock-head. He savored it for a while before taking it out and licked it. `Taste good.'

I loved the narration. It made it more exciting.

`What does it taste like?'

`It tastes like sweet peach; my favorite fruit.'

He licked it a few more time before he started sucking it. I threw my head back and relished the moment.

He teased me by creating suction at the tip. I shuddered and groaned in pleasure. At one point I pushed him off because I was getting too sensitive.

He giggled.

`You big tease.'

He flashed me a smile, then went down on me again. This time he swallowed the entire length of me. I felt his nose in my pubs and I wriggled as wave of "cuddle hormone" washed over me.

Aaarh! I was in bliss.

Moving back, he fucked his mouth on my hard cock until I came in his mouth. He swallowed every drop before he finally let my dick slipped past his lips. Then he climbed up for a passionate kiss.

`You taste wonderful.'

My essence was exactly what he needed. He gained some color and had stopped shivering. I held him close.

`Have I told you how much I love you atsa?'

`No,' I teased. He tickled me and I giggled out of control.

He laughed too.

`I love you too Wren.'

We remained in each other's arms for at least a good ten minutes before I broke the silence.

`Wren, can I ask you a question?'

He snorted. `You just did.'

I pinched him. He hissed. He didn't stop snorting though.

`Be serious.'

`Okay, okay. I'm serious now. Ask away.' I couldn't see his face but I knew he was still laughing. I ignored it.

`Why were the twins so surprise to hear you were here?'

`It's because I never told them where I was going when I left. I had a fall out with my father before I sought out Eric. Only Wain knew where I was. He wanted to follow me of course but father sent him on an errand he couldn't get out of.'

`The argument with your dad, what was it about?'

`He's a stubborn old man who thinks the only way is his way. So I left.' He dogged my question but I was determined to find out the reason later.

`Wouldn't he be mad to find that his sons disobeyed him? I mean you and Wain are here with us, with Eric.'

`He probably would but I could give a damn about what he'll say or do for that matter.' There was a sense of finality to his words that stopped me from venturing any further.

I thought about his dad. The guy got issues.

I wonder what he thinks of me. ...

End of part 13

Next: Chapter 29: The Feres King 14

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