The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Feb 3, 2013


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The Feres King Chapter 10

Wain led us in to a windowless room that largely resembled a cave. Dimly torch lit, I noticed that it had been stripped of furniture.

Charlie and Eric hovered over a bed of fur on the floor.

I knew Chase was there, I could hear his labored breath. Though, I couldn't see him entirely because the men were blocking my view.

Moving closer, I took a peak over their shoulders. Upon having a better sight of Chase my heart skipped a beat. Pale, sweaty, his unclothed body was trembling with fever. With his eyes closed, his head kept turning from one side to the other as if he was fighting off a nightmare.

It broke my heart seeing him like this.

`What can I do to help?' I asked my uncle and his partner.

`There's nothing any of us can do, save that we talk to him or pray.' Eric solemnly said and sounded defeated. I respected his opinion but he wasn't helping. There's always a solution, we just hadn't found it yet.

I shoved Charlie out of the way and knelt next to Chase's right shoulder. With an unsteady hand I touched his forehead. He was burning.

`We have to bring down his fever?'

`I try that already and it didn't work,' Eric said.

Yeah well, you haven't tried it my way.' I looked over my shoulder at Wren. Bring me some water quickly.'

Wren disappeared through the door. I'd brought down Charlie's fever once and I bet I could do the same here. While we wait for Wren I saw Charlie lifted Eric on his feet and into his arms. The guy was a mess. I never knew he love Chase this much, considering it was his mate's son, not biologically his.

When Wren returned I instantly called for the water from the bowl he held between his palms. Like a snake it coiled around my hands. Sparking it with energy, I held it over Chase's forehead. I felt it wasn't enough, so while I kept my left hand over his head I waved my right hand over the rest of his body. Within minutes he stopped shivering.

`It's working,' Eric said dropping down next to Chase once more.

I worked on him for another fifteen minutes. When I was sure that the fever was gone, I returned the water to the bowl. What was left of it that is.

Exhausted, I watched Eric felt his son's forehead. He smiled. That how I knew I'd done it.

Bending over, I kissed Chases forehead. I felt weaker than I was before but I managed to get up.

Charlie hugged me. `Thank you for saving my son.'

`I couldn't let my brother die, now could I?'

He chuckled. He patted me on the back before joined his mate next to his son. Wren and Wain came up to me and they both hugged me at the same time; Wren from the front and Wain from the back.

`You're amazing. Have I ever told you that?' Wren said.

`No, I don't recall.'

`Well, hear it now. You're amazing atsa!'

All three of us laughed in good spirit.

`Is he going to be okay now?' I asked Charlie.

`It helps now that the fever is gone but he isn't out of the wood just yet,' he replied.

I creased my forehead. `What do you mean?'

`The fever was because of his body changing, but his mind has to accept the change and the wolf.'

I stared at the still Chase. I'm confident he'll get out of it. I know he will. He wants it so bad.

`Come. Let's get you something to drink,' Wren said.

The three of us left Chase in the care of the adults.

`We should celebrate,' Wain said once we were outside in the courtyard. I wanted some fresh air that's why we went there after our drinks.

`What's the occasion,' Wren asked. I moved to the edged and stared at the city below.

`Riley's return of course,' he said.

I didn't feel like celebrating and I told him so.

`When you hear what I have in mind you would.'

Both his brother and I looked at him expectedly. And the look on his face told me that he was thinking of something sexual.

Wren laughed. I didn't.

`You want to have a threesome with me and your brother,' I said with raised eyebrows.

`A threesome would be nice but I was thinking on the line of an orgy.'

`Apart from us, who do you have in mind?' Wren said.

I slapped him. `You're in favor of this?'

`Well yeah. Aren't you?'

I thought about it. Since I saw Wain and Seth going at it this morning the thought of sex did crossed my mind, although, I didn't expect to be partaking in an orgy. Beside Wren and I had some unfinished business to talk about concerning his promiscuity. But then again, I was horny. Huh! Why not?

`Rye, come on ... say yes.' Wain said.

`Okay. But who will be there?'

Wain cheered like a kid and I laughed despite myself.

When he calmed down he said. `I was thinking of Seth and Dale. We could get Nick if we could get word to him.'

Nick! I loved the sound of that. I want to see him so bad.

`That's a wonderful idea. Go ahead and make the arrangements while I talk with your brother here.'

Wren and I watched him bounced towards the fortress.

I turned back to watching the city again. It was beautiful especially now in the sunset.

Wren approached me from behind. When he was close he gave me a half hug and followed my line of vision.

`What's troubling you Rye?' He said.

I knew he was curious but I didn't know where to start. So, I deliberately try to stall the inevitable.

`What city is this?' I asked.

He looked at me and frowned. He knew what I was doing. He played along nonetheless.

`That's Theran, the Capital of Wyrmer.'

`It's beautiful,' I whispered.

`I should know. That's my home. The rest of my family is down there right now. I wonder what they're up to.'

I observed him closely. He looked much better than he was when I found him this morning. The contour of his face was perfect; his narrow pointy nose was perfect, his high cheek bone was perfect, his squared rugged jaw line was also perfect. And his eyes ... I knew it was light brown but right now in the sunset they were golden brown like florescent copper.

He looked at me then. My breath caught in my throat.

`You're beautiful.' I said.

He smiled. `I know.' That was the cocky Wren I fell in love with back home in the human world.

I smiled. Then my face went serious.

`Wren, you remember the morning before the vampire attack in Belen. I was purposely avoiding you.'

`I remembered.'

`Do you want to know why?'

`Yes, naturally, but I figured you'll tell me sooner or later.'

We went quiet for a while. Then I said. `I caught you sexing with a bimbo in the bathhouse that morning. I was angry more so because you yourself told me that when bond-mates have sex with other people they either seek permission or present during the act itself.' I neglected to add that I was utterly jealous as well.

`I'm sorry. I hurt you, didn't I?'

`Yes you did, except, I don't entirely blame you because we never got to discuss boundaries.'

`Are you saying that you want our relationship to be monogamous?'

He wasn't mad. Though, I did sense a hint of disappointment in his tone. No. I just ...,' my voice wavered. What do I really mean? I just want us to be honest with each other. I know you Targs are highly sexual beings but I'm only just getting use to that nature. But when you and I make love I want it to mean something. Not another notch in each other's bedpost.'

God! That came out wrong.

`So basically what you're saying is that I should stopped whoring around and be more committed.'

`No!' God. How do I explain this?

Wren lifted my chin up with his fingers. He locked gaze with me. He grinned. `I know perfectly what you're getting at Riley. I forgot how new you are to this realm. How different our values and perceptions must be to you. I don't know whether you'll get use to it in time but I know you're asking me to meet you half way. I love you atsa. I'll do anything for you.

`I'm not going to lie to you though. It's going to be hard for me not to revert to my old ways. I love sex as any other Targ. How do you want to do this? What rules do you have in mind?'

`I only have one simple rule. We both had to agree before inviting people into our bed.

Wren laughed. `Fair enough. What else, atsa?'

`That's it for now.'

`What about the orgy?'

`We get sexual with them because they're our friends but the same rules apply.' Wren took me in his arms and kissed me. It was fiery, fervent and addictive. I barely could let him go.

Everything was prepared for the orgy. Well, at least that what Wain said. Charlie and Eric were spending the night with Chase. So they wouldn't be interrupting us. Dale was excited about the idea, Seth too.

Wain didn't tell me anything about Nick but I was kind of hoping he would turn up. To make sure I'd sent him a whisperer myself. He didn't reply though.

When Wren and I walked into the lounge, the room I found Wain and Seth banging in this morning, the others had already arrived. Apparently they all found the same white robe their closets as well. It was also apparent by their wet hairs that they bathed before coming here.

My atsa and I sat on one of the backless couches set around the fireplace which was in the middle of the room.

Seth served a round of drinks to which I declined because it smelled like firebrew. Wren sniggered when I did.

For my sake they made small talks. They knew I was nervous. Possibly Wren told them.

After a time Wain broke the ice by planting a sloppy kiss on Seth. Seth retaliated. The rest of us sniggered. And very soon the kiss became heavy and I felt movement downstairs.

All this while, Wren's hands were massaging my thigh. It left a burning sensation wherever he touched.

Boldly, Dale made his move. He let his robe slid to the floor and walked seductively naked towards the couple making out opposite us. He knelt down in front of them. With quick hands he untied both their robes and exposed their hard-ons.

Without delay, he put Wain's cock into his mouth and savored the taste. Wain broke the kiss then and both he and Seth watched Dale with interest.

`That it boy, suck his cock good,' Seth said.

Wren grinned. I could tell he wanted in on the action because he was practically drooling. His eyes were transfixed on Dale's ass. I'm surprised he didn't have a wencher glyph before we met.

Speaking of glyphs, Wain was a chipper, Seth a breeder and Dale a wencher. An interested mix.

Suddenly, Wren became fidgety. Once or twice he reached for his cock only to withdraw when he taught I might not approve. I inwardly grin. However, as much I wanted to torment him, I didn't have the heart.

So, I pulled his face to mine, planted a hefty kiss on his lips. Breaking the kiss we locked forehead, looked each other in the eyes and smiled.

`Go ahead atsa. You have my permission,' I whispered.

His smile was as wide as a clown face grin. I chuckled and released him. I watched him discard his robe and walked right up to Dale, who by now was sucking Seth. Wren knelt behind Dale and fondled his cute little butt cheeks. The little slut lifted his ass slightly. He was clearly enjoying the treatment. As I watched, Wain winked at me and sniggered. I returned the smile. I knew he wanted me to join but I wasn't ready yet.

Dale released Seth cock and took Wain's again. Feeling the loss Seth pulled Wren mouth onto his. I watched as my atsa suck the slightly older guy with gusto. Seth was clearly enjoying that. He pulled his head back and sighed.

By then, my own cock needed attention too. I was repositioning myself on the couch when I saw some sparkling blue lights in the corner of my eyes. I knew exactly what it was.

I jumped to my feet and launched myself at Nick's reforming body. He caught me and laughed jovially.

`You're here!' Tears clouded my eyes. His embraced tighten.

I raised my head and we shared a passionate kiss. God! I love this guy. I couldn't begin to comprehend why that was so. Could it mean I was in love with him too? I shuddered at the thought.

I missed you Rye,' Nick said. When I heard you were back I was so happy for you.'

`Why didn't you come to me then?'

He grabbed my hands and he walked me back to the couch. Sitting down he glanced at the group, who waved at him. He waved back. Then he faced me. `I was in the middle of a training session. I was scared to ask my dad for permission. The guy is nuts. He had me training from dawn till dusk every day since I got back to Belen. Even now I had to sneak out to get here.'

`Then you're not staying overnight?'

He shook his head. `Sorry, but no. I have to get back before they notice I'm gone.'

If Nick has to be out of here soon then there was no time to waste. He giggled as I tugged at his tunic. I kissed him some more and he helped me get the rest of his clothes off. I went down on him. I dropped kisses on the way down to his crotch. I noticed the training had paid off some. His biceps had gain volumes. His chest was more voluptuous and his abs was more ripped than before.

I liked it.

I took his down-curved cock in my hand. How I've missed that heavy bastard. I tongued it. Mouth-watering! I sucked on it.

Nick grabbed a bunch of my hair and hissed.

I glanced over to the others. Dale was straddling Wain on the couch and the latter was sucking his cock. The same was doing with Seth and Wren. Surprisingly, Seth was good at sucking cock.

Concentration on Nick, I played with his balls. I couldn't get enough of him. Soon he became too sensitive. I pulled off him and stood. After discarding my robe, I mounted him. He grabbed my waist and I the sides of his head. We kissed again. As passionately as before.

`I'm going to ride you now,' I said. He nodded.

He spat in his hand and lubricated his nine-er. Slowly I sat down on it after that. I winced. My ass was tight and was clearly refusing to corporate. But I wasn't hearing it. I pushed down while relaxing my sphincter muscle. The cock slid right in to the hilt. I writhed in pain and pleasure.

I waited a second or two before really going to town on that thing. Shit! That felt so good.

Closing my eyes, I humped Nick with vigor. I've never been so possessed in my life.

After a time, I began to hear myself moaning and breathing hard. Nick's grunts and hisses joined my chorus. Wonderful music we were making.

I opened my eyes. And I froze.

The others weren't on the other side of the fireplace anymore. They were all standing around the couch Nick and I were on, stroking their blood filled cocks while watching us. They were all with a stupid grin on their faces.


Ashamed, I hid my face.

They laughed. I was utterly embarrassed.

Wren climbed on the couch behind me. He leaned on my back and placed his mouth to my ear.

`Don't stop atsa. You're so beautiful.'

`Can we join you guys,' Wain said.

I looked at Nick and he nodded. Since I've ruined it for everybody I said yes. Wren spat on his cock and raised Nick ass a little. He pushed right inside our friend. Nick hissed beneath me.

`Ready big boy,' Wren said.

`Go ahead.'

Wren fucked Nick and Nick thrust upwards. His cock was happy to be moving inside me once again.

Wain brought his cock to my lips and I accepted it. While I suck it Seth went behind Wren and pushed his dick inside of him. Wren yelped and bit my shoulder. Feeling left out, Dale squeezed in next to Wain who half-hugged him. Nick opened his mouth and took Dale's straight fiver in his mouth.

Now we were all connected. And our little group became a choir.

We stayed into this position until I felt like coming.

`Who will have the honor of being blessed,' Seth said.

`Me. I want to be blessed.' Dale all but yelled.

They laughed. I didn't because I didn't know what they meant.

They all stepped away. Nick tapped my waist telling me to do the same.

Nick stood up and brought me with him. Dale fell on his knees and we all circled around him. I finally understood what it was all about.

Furiously, everyone beat their meats.

`Shit! Here it comes,' Wain yelled. He blasted five thick ropes of come at Dale face. Nick followed, and then me, Wren and lastly Seth who shot the monster load.

Dale came too. By the end of it, he was grinning like a drunken fool, while looking up at us with his big blue eyes and come drenched smiley face.

Woo!' Seth shouted. That was awesome you guys.'

Seth and Wain high-fived each other. I didn't know they did that here too. Dale went to freshen up and came back with hot towels. Seth served another round of firebrew.

Nickolas dragged Wren and me into a corner.

`Has to be going you guy. I had a wonderful time. Rye, it was fun seeing you up and running again.' He kissed me.

`I love you Nick,' I said.

`I know hon.'

`Wren, are you good now guy?'

`Better now that he's back,' he replied. I pretended I didn't hear them.

Good.' Nick leaned in and crushed his lips with Wren's. I love you too guy.'

`I know. We love you too. Safe trip back.'


He looked at me smiled before dematerialized in sparks of blue lights.

`I missed him already,' I said leaning my head on Wren's shoulder. He pulled me close.

`Me too.'

`Hey! Who's up for another round?' Wain yelled.

Wren and I turned towards the others and grinned. All of their hands were up agreeing with Wain.

`Shall we?' Wren asked.

I shrugged. `Why not.'


End of chapter 10

Next: Chapter 26: The Feres King 11

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